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Fandom Camp Half Blood


Shake hands with one person everyday
"Welcome Demigods to Camp Half Blood! It may not look like much, but that's because we had nasty attack recently. I apologize for the hastiness, but we need to get you inside the big house before something else attacks. Come on! Oh, and by the way, I'm Krissy, daughter of Persephone.

"Here at the camp we separate you by your Godly parent. You all look well over 13 so it'll happen soon. Come on! Hurry, don't touch the satyr, it's real."
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she was walking in camp thinking what to do next. she wanted to get out of this camp she felt like it was disturbing and she was always dark when she was around the other campers. the oher campers thought she was wired ever since she set foot into the camp.
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Krissy was piling up logs that were to be use for rebuilding the Dionysus Cabin. The campers were rebuilding alphabetically. They had already built the cabins for minor and major gods and goddesses from A-D. Success was only 22 letters to cover, that was about.. well it was a lot of gods and goddesses. As she worked, Krissy noticed a girl sitting by herself. She put down her log and went to the girl. "Hey" she said. "What's up?"

nothing I was just enjoying the sun she lies. she hated this place but had felt safe here for quite some time.
Krissy nods. "Well, we could use another hand. If.. if you want to help" she smiled at the girl.

OK I can help she smiles and walks over to the logs. she is amazed that this girl would ask something of her other campers would just shy away and leave her to her thoughts.
Krissy smiled and went back to the log pile as well. "I'm Krissy, what's your name?" she asked the girl. The girl seemed pretty happy that Krissy had asked her to do something.

my name is fraya and I am a daghter of hades. my dad dosn't push me off like most of his children I've scene him allot. so what do you want me to do krissy
Krissy smiled. A daughter of Hades, how intriguing. "I need you to help me lift these logs and stack them on top of each other." She lifted one herself and put it on top of the cabin base. "The work will go much faster with another person helping. Thanks" Krissy said.

she started to lift the logs. this was easy she said to herself. her dad would expecte more out of her if he was here. and then said would you like krissy if I go get something for us to eat after lifting several logs.
Adrian walked along the path to the construction sight, dancing slightly to the music playing in his earbuds. Before he walked past, he noticed two girls lifting and stacking logs. He pulled out his earbuds and picked up one of the logs, asking: "Need any help?"
Krissy turned to Adrian and smiled "Sure, you can help. We're always looking for helping hands"

she didn't like many others but kept on helping with the logs she hoped this guy wouldn't aske her questions.
"Nice to meet you Fraya. I'm Adrian, son of Aphrodite" he replied, pulling a small splinter out of his finger.
"Sweet. That would be pretty cool, to be the son of a powerful god. Power trumps looks, in my opinion."

she was geting to like this boy. maybe she would even gain his friend ship. she places the next log on top of the others and says to both dose anyone want some thing to drink it's hot
"That sounds... refreshing" Adrian replied, wiping a bit of sweat off his brow. "Lets go."

she walked along side Adrian. but not too close for she still thought he would call her names. and went into her cabin and came out with two water bottles that were full and gave one to Adrian and opened one herself.
Adrian thanked her and took the water bottle, drinking most of it before pouring the remaining drops onto his head. "Thanks."

your are welcome. I was wondering would you call me names if I were to tell you my dad sees me quite often more than most kids see thier godly parents.
"Not at all. Being a jerk isn't exactly the norm from me. Not the most attractive trait, as you know."
Krissy listened to the two talk. She walked over "I'm glad you two are getting along well." she smiled kindly

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