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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (Camp IC)

Ember Moreau

Mood:Relieved/Angry|Location:Infirmary|With:@Nico,@Kingly,Angel Evans and a whole bunch of others.

"Eli. Thanks to a child of Hecate, you were patched up. She did a really great job, but we need to get you out of here." She whispered to her brother, moving him away from the child of Aphrodite. "Listen pal. Charm speaking on MY little brother doesn't work. Wanna know why? I'll shove this bident up your ass, and call on my homeland to bring hell fire. Don't fucking touch him." She growled, looking over to Alex, one of her best friends. She adored him, his personality and how he looked. He was a beautiful specimen of man, and she loved looking at him. Ember blushed thinking about him, and when she heard him shout from the doorway that he was leaving, she looked back down to the young Hades child cradled in her arms. "Eli, do you want to go back to our cabin?"
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Ilabelle Amora Darren

Location: outside of the infirmary | With: Alexander @Kingly

Ilabelle furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Eli one last time before following Alex. "Why are we leaving? Did they piss you off? They must be pretty damn annoying to piss you off, you're usually quite calm." Ilabelle grinned and matched Alex's pace. She really liked Alex, but that won't stop her from poking fun at him. "Is Alex a little stormy today? Awww poor Alex." Ilabelle giggled. She looked around and spotted one of her shoes, which she picked up and threw at the nearest camper.

Despite her lighthearted mood, she still was nervous. After all, she had just seen Elijah near death. "Alex? What happened to Eli? Is he going to be okay?" She asked, looking up at her much taller friend. She hoped he would be okay. And if he wasn't, Ilabelle would run right back into the infirmary and keep him alive for as long as she could.
Rais Nyman

Concerned|Location:Ares Cabin|With:@Elision of Ecritures (outfit)

"I'm glad he's okay. That's one of my buddy's little brothers. It's a fucking shame that the kid was left alone, he didn't have a chance." He sighed,heaving his great sword onto his left shoulder. He nodded, but with the blonde boy's next comment, he grinned. "Thanks Arlo! I'm seventeen now! And buddy, you don't need to get me a present." With his other hand, he patted the boy on the back, and went back into the Ares cabin to change.

After Rais spent a few more minutes with the siblings that actually liked him, he took himself and his treasure back to his bed, where he sat, admiring his presents. Each present was a different expertise with a different person, and Rais knew he would cherish them equally. But for now, he placed the items gingerly in the trunk he kept neatly under his bed, and tucked in his sheets. Today was the day that he would finally talk to his father. Rais wanted to ask Ares why he left him, why he stayed around for so long and then just vanished. Rais had been praying for Ares to visit him for months, but the only answer he got was a magic bruise that appeared on his right bicep. "Thanks dad" He would grumble before gong to sleep at night. Sometimes, Ares would pick on him through his dreams, but they slowly dissipated into normal dreams, such as dreams about really attractive men in speedos.

Rais, who was now cleanly shaven, showered and clothed in only the finest of clothes; a red fitted shirt, a pair of black Nike soccer shorts, a pair of red converse, and a necklace with only one charm on it. One half of a sphere. Where the other half went, he didn't know, but he still wore it. He flipped on a pair of shades before saying goodbye to his cabin, and saying hello to the sudden sunshine that poured into the camp where he had lived more two years now. It felt like home, and he couldn't think of any better place to spend his day, except he though of the armoury. A grin crept across his face, and he ran as fast as he could to the group of kids carrying swords. Maybe he could help defense at the borders!

(I'll post for Viella when it gets closer to the campfire!)

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Alexandria Moore

Location: Transit to Oracle of Delphi | With: Vincent Jeon | Mentions:

continued to search the dark room. Reaching into her bag she pulled out her want and with a soft chant and a light appeared at the end of the wand that was opposite from which her hand gripped firmly. Now able to see, she followed vincent up the stairs. Each, slow step sent shivers down her back as she could feel the room get colder and colder.
'Man... Why did the one girl who could withhold Delphi have to die so soon?' Still using her wand as a torch eerie pictures hung along the walls telling out the tale of Delphi and how Hades cursed her. Almost feeling a bit of sorrow for the poor girl.

All feelings set aside, Vincent would eventually reach the attic and despite having much more unique and magically powerful items locked away of campers who was K.I.A. looking around she was once again in awe. However, her curiosity would prove to have been a bad thing when she found an amulet of a Daughter of Hecate that had been killed before even reaching the camp boundaries for the first time. A tear streamed down her cheek as she picked up the amulet and stared at it quietly. That day; That mission; It was so easy and was repetitively drilled into her head... The first person she ever attempted to save and a step-sister... And yet if she hadn't hesitated that minotaur wouldn't have broken every bone in her body. By the time the ambrosia had gotten in her system she was already gone lifeless in Alex's arms...

Shaking her head a bit she looked up at Alex,
"Find anything yet?"
Arlo Blumenthal ~ Location: Outside the Infirmary ~ Mood: Flushed and Poignant ~ With: Himself

Arlo nodded at Rais as he left. Of course, Arlo was a small and slender young man who wasn't very physically impressive because it just didn't flow very much into his style of fighting. He was stationary and small, and he was ok with that. But compared to Rais, Arlo was an ant. He honestly felt no different speaking to Rais on a physical level than he did as a child speaking to an adult. It was just a strange situation, because while talking to Rais he felt even more awkward. Rais was basically the opposite of everything Arlo was, confident, brotherly, a leader and a person who looked like a real warrior. He glowed with confidence, while Arlo was still Arlo, soft spoken, passionate yet very shy and reserved so much that he didn't make an impression. His chocolate brown eyes lingered, a strange sense about them as Arlo continued to walk. All cabins had some strong or dominant eye color, but Hypnos chikdren didnt have one really. The quality of each color was the dominant trait, a soothing blue, a calming green or domestic brown. Ares children always had something strong about their eyes, something inherently aggressive or wild. He noted Rais' comment about how he didn't have to bring him a present....though, he didn't know how he felt about that. He looked over to the camp border, knowing that there were entire cabins of much more trained and capable warrior to go in his place, he decided to go back to his cabin, looking at a small garden of poppies which grew outside the cabin.

Later on Arlo walked outside, pocketing the present he made and then deciding to check out the front lines of the camp now that he had more free time. He place a hand on the golf n bangle adorning his wrist, walking up to the border to join everyone else.
Clarissa Greene

Mood: Frustrated | Location: Outside the Big House | With: Rei @9forgotten, Vincent @Excelsis and Alexandria @Runakei

Clarissa looked up as Rei barged past her, her emotions and mystery even to herself. She knew the from around camp but had only spoken to her in passing. Though the harsh greeting invoked a malicious retaliation.

Watch it? Oh my mistake for not diverting my full attention to those unable to avoid a motionless person, my sincerest apologies" She said sweetly, leaving it to up to the girl to detect the aparent sarcasm. She was immediately flooded with guilt, though her words had been already been said. She shrugged off the emotion, determined to maul over it later. "And no I'm not going in, I was just hoping to find out what's going on." Clarissa continued, remembering her words to Jasmine.

Before anything more could be said between the two girls, two more campers appeared, one of which paused to invite them inside. Finding her immediate surroundings rather hostile she decided it was up to her, as a dutiful daughter of Apollo, to remedy the situation. "
That was uncalled for... And you're right there's not much to discover out here." She spoke, rising to her feet and following the two campers inside, low key hoping Rei would follow.

She immediately shivered at the dark interior of the house, feeling not only a lack of power as she became disconnected from the sun but also a familiar fear of the darkness itself. Holding her palm out flat a miniature sun floated up wards, void of heat, though bright enough to illuminate her immediate surroundings. Noting the light disappearing up the stairs ahead of her she moved quickly trying her best not to startle the two campers as she made her way throught the lost relics which littered the house.
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Derrick Emerson

Mood: Murderous| Location: Training Grounds, running to the infirmary | With: Who cares, where the fuck is my brother

While en route to the training grounds the sound of clashing swords rung in Derricks ears. Quite a familiar and dear sound for him. Both of his swords were resting at his side as he made his way to the grounds. It wasn't until he first stepped on the grounds when he heard the horn blow.

His heart sank. Elijah was on guard duty.

With this he bolted for the camp border. His eyes glowing green with hell fire and rage. He then saw everyone running towards the infirmary and he thought as if his whole life was slipping away right then and there. His legs could not carry him at the speed he wished they could even though he was running faster than he ever had before.

Finally making it to the door of the infirmary he slammed through the door to be greeted by multiple faces. But the only one he could focus on was his baby brothers. He was hurt. His brother was hurt and he hadn't been there to protect him. He swore that he would always protect him and he failed. He felt nauseous from the guilt.

He rushed to Elijah's side pushing through anyone possibly in his way. "
Brother." He said, with a rough voice clearly riddled with worry and pain as he clasped his brothers face and put his forehead to his. His eyes still glowing with hell fire, he could kill anything at this very instant he was so enraged. "What happened? Who did this? " He spoke looking intensely into his brothers eyes, every word was like a knife, cold and sharp. He was going after who ever or what ever had done this.

An immense amount of guilt rushed through his body. His brother was hurt and his sister and best friend were there before he even got there. Perhaps they were closer in range to him than he was but it wasn't right. He should of been there first. The guilt made his throat burn. "
I'm so sorry."
Ai Ferri

Mood:Caniving/Protective Location:Infirmary With: @Nico @Kingly @Starchan

When Alex spat at Ai in an attempt to berate him a smug smile just crept itself onto his face. "Aha! So you acknowledge that I am in fact pretty? I'm not just pretty though,anytime you feel you want to fight you know where I live" He chuckled antagonizing as the boy with seaweed up his ass exited the cabin. Then Ai turned his attention on Ember a scowl on his face. "Eli is my best friend. If I want to touch him,I will touch him and you nor anyone else can tell me otherwise." Ai looked Ember up and down this time smiling cruelly. "I dare you to touch me,try it and I'll make sure seaweed for brains will never love. EVER." He annunciated each letter poking her in the chest. "Eli,I'll be back when the undesirables have vacated okay? I love you" he said cheerfully as he walked gracefully out of the cabin.

Ai squinted his eyes trying his best to protect them from the sun. As he walked along the camp borders making sure everything was in order. Then he spotted him very cute,clad in red and totally gay. "Rais" he purred as his imagination ran wild with the things he'd do to him. It was clear to Ai that Rais was still very much in the closet which is why he never actively pursued him,he didn't wanna blow the poor kids cover but that never stopped him from flirting. Ai strode over to the armory were Rais and a bunch of other kid's were gathered around a bunch of weapons. "Rais!" He called out as he walked closer to the handsome young boy. "Today's your birthday isn't it?" He questioned placing a hand on Rais' arm in a flirtatious manner.
Derek Newman | Mood: Annoyed | Location: Infirmary | With: Pretty much everyone, but with only his sister on his side @Nico

Derek couldn't believe that all of this was happening and he seemed to be the only one taking any heat...especially from Serena. But he had to thank his dad for his sisters and brothers. At least someone was on his side.

Serena smirked, standing on the other side of her ailing brother, glad her siblings were there with them. "Eli, I'm so glad you're okay. You should...why didn't you call for anyone. If you had died...I don't wanna lose anyone else."

Chiron had listened to all of this bickering from across the hall and grew tired of it all. Sitting in his wheelchair, the centaur rolled himself in. "I am disappointed that one attack can tear you all apart. Stand aside, children." he wheeled himself up to Elijah's bed and began his work, feeling the boy's forehead first, and speaking out to everyone. "If you all cannot stand together as a family, I must ask you all to leave. Derek, you must control yourself. I certainly expected better of you." his hand trailed over Eli's wounds.

Derek seethed. "Yes, sir."
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Elijah Emerson

Mood: Overwhelmed/Scared | With: Lots of People | Location: Infirmary

Elijah felt the prickles of anxiety and started to get unnerved, his instinct to flee was pushing at him. He shook his head when Ember asked him if he wanted to go back to the cabin. That didn't seem like a bad idea though, especially with his cousin interrogating him. He turned to Derek and frowned "I wanted to stop them before they could take the fleece, I thought I could do it. You should have seen how something just swallowed up Peleus, no one other than a god could do that." he looked to the side. "I didn't see the other Empusai and I thought there was only one." he coughed.

His eyes widened when he saw his brother push his way in and could see the anger radiating from him. His hand went up to touch Derrick's cheek and looked into his burning eyes "Nyx is rising, Empusai stole the fleece and nearly killed me." he knew his brother felt guilt. "I'm okay though, Alex did some magical stuff and healed me." he tried his best to calm his angered brother. He heard Ai's voice and looked over to acknowledge him and gave him a small smile in understanding. "Derrick, can we take a walk? I'm getting nervous in here." he said trying to keep his voice steady.
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Mood: Bored/Mild|Location: Attic/Outside|With: Clarissa
@Allcure Vincent @Excelsis Alexandria @Runakei /No one really|

The blonde only rolled her eyes as the other girl sassed back sarcastically.
"Oh good, I'm so glad you understand your mistake." she answered, the sarcasm bluntly there. Rei only shrugged slightly to the girls next remark, remembering her name now as a guy and girl walked up. Eyeing them for a moment, Rei just stood there, not very keen on going back inside the house. And to see the Oracle? Wasn't it a camper was bleeding his guts out and not some thing that told them prophecies? She shrugged and turned to follow the other three inside after the'd already disappeared.

Trailing up the stairs, she glanced around, her light blue eyes pricing through the dark.
"Well isn't this just wonderfully inviting." she muttered. As Clarissa created some light for them to see, Rei turned her head away, blinking a couple times as it hit her face. As her eyes adjusted, she looked around, feeling a cross between very grossed out and rather interested. She rarely came up here and while it was pretty much as she remembered, it was still a bit creepy.

After a few long minutes, it finally clicked to the teen why there were up in the creepy attic. Frowning slightly, her hand automatically reached to her throat where a lightning bolt shaped necklace lay. Rubbing it lightly, she stuck close to the small group while keeping a fair distance between her and them. It wasn't like they were friends and that made her feel slightly awkward.

While Rei was wandering the attic with the three others, Tav left after seeing the Hades boy was alright. Good timing too seeing things were starting to get a bit heated in there and he wanted no part of that. Existing, he made his way back towards his cabin, not really in a rush to get back to work now. The camp was a buzz of activity, the news having spread like wildfire. He wondered where Rei had gone briefly but decided to find her later during the campfire, for now he'd return to working on this miniature robot. Near done, it'd soon be able to help him out with simple tasks like getting him tools or holding things when he didn't have enough hands.
With: A few Hermes children | Location: Sneaking into the Camp | Mentions: @Kingly Alex

Constance slide past the border patrol as quietly as she had done while sneaking out. "Oh I can't wait to play with the new Call of Duty on my new XBOX." A random Hermes kid said as he skipped past Constance. Usually she'd go out of camp with the more experienced thieves, but they were being watched too careful by the camp leaders. Constance rolled her eyes at his obnoxious loudness he was going to get them caught. He kept breaking every branch in sight it made her question if he was a Hermes kid. Feed up Constance grabbed the kid's arm and pulled him up to her face. "Don't be so loud or you're going to get us caught. If you get us caught I'm going throw you in the middle of the lake." Constance grabbed the bag of goodies from the kid's hand and swung it over her back. "We are selling these or trading it for something better. We don't keep the things we stole, we'll get caught sooner." Constance walked back towards the Hermes cabin. As she entered the cabin grounds she felt the mood had changed drastically since she left.

Constance entered the Hermes cabin and walked over to her friend. Sarah sat in front of a five computer screens playing three different games and watching two separate gambling sites. "Sarah, what exactly has happened since I left?" Constance said as she placed the bag of electronics on the table. Sarah didn't bother to take on eye off the screen to respond to Constance. "The Golden Fleece has been stolen and some Hades kid was stabbed." Constance took a step back trying to gather her thoughts. "Which Hades child?" Constance didn't care for them much but her friend Alex was best friends with one and was probably upset. "Eli or something like that." Sarah skillful handed Constance an envelope of cash as she continued playing her video games. "Who cares it's just a Big Three's kid. Did you buy chocolate, that stuff sells like gold." Constance rolled her eyes at Sarah's lack of empathy but accepted her payment. "I stole more chocolate and candy than these kids will know what to do with." Constance began to walk out of the cabin but quickly turned around and looked at Sarah. "I'm a Big Three's kid. We hate our parents more than you lower Gods children do. However, a hurt kid is still a hurt kid no matter their parent you should show empathy." With that she turned and left to find Alex.

Alexander James Fuller

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_miqboapd7s1r4dnhyo1_500.gif.b332ac3613cd9bde91a2e44509c2f196.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_miqboapd7s1r4dnhyo1_500.gif.b332ac3613cd9bde91a2e44509c2f196.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Outside infirmary -> Thalia's pine | With: @Quiet Is Violent | Mentions: @Clementine @Nico

Alex glanced down to his side at Ilabelle, his stern face loosening up just at the presence of the girl. He couldn't help but let out a small breath of laughter, shaking his head as she threw her shoe and tried to tease him. He flicked the side of her head with a smirk on his face "Damn right they pissed me off, and you're next on the list." He joked. Though in truth, he could never stay mad at the little girl, even when her hysterical shoe throwing went from other campers to him.

Alex spun the trident in his hand as it returned back to it's vacant form. He then put the trident necklace around his neck, feeling some more of his calm returning to him. Sure Alex was pissed at the cluster-fuck that just happened in the Infirmary, as well as the Aphrodite child who managed to get on every single nerve in Alex's body. But it didn't help that the trident in it's weaponized form only increased Alex's rage and aggression.

Alex blinked as Ilabelle spoke, hearing the nervousness in her very voice. He knew the girl, and he knew no matter how she may appear to others she was caring down to the bone.He cocked his head at her. Even though the situation was a serious one, it was still the perfect opportunity for him to tease her back. The edges of his lips curved into a smile as he reached out two knuckles to pinch Ilabelle's cheeks like an annoying grandma.
"Aww, aren't you such a sweet wittle girl." He said in a tone as if he was admiring a cute little dog or a newborn. Though he managed to serious up a little bit through his laughter, shifting his gaze back to the sky ahead of him as he put both arms behind his head while they walked. "Eli will be alright, the kid is strong willed just like his brother. As for the rest of the camp?" Alex shook his head before letting his eyes drop back to Ilabelle. He never held anything back from her just because she was younger. She was a demi-god just as anyone else, and she packed just as much of a punch as most. "The camp may be in deep trouble Ila. Worse then what we've seen in a while." He said, all humor drained from his tone with this sentence.

He then returned with a smile
"But hey, they got us to save the day right?" he joked, trying to lighten up the mood. Alex wasn't too big a fan for troubled moments. He then rubbed his hands together as they neared Thalia's pine. "I want to check it out myself, maybe there might be an Empusai I can stick for Derrick and Eli. Plus I'm not going to leave those Aphrodukies to defend the borders alone. Chances are their complimenting each others eyebrows in their hand mirrors right now." He scoffed, his hated for the goddesses children burning even stronger. One day she was going to punish him for speaking so recklessly. but until that day, Alex didn't care.

He stopped at Thalia's pine, nodding his head over to the follow Ilabelle.
"You staying or going? I could use a partner in crime... Or in this case justice for this. But I'm sure Eli won't mind a little more company." He said as he ripped his necklace from his neck again, bringing back out the trident in case some monsters wanted to act foolish. Alone or with help he was still going to do whatever. He was sure whatever had attacked was gone now, but it never helped to be too sure. Besides, it wasn't like he had anything better to do.



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Arlo Blumenthal ~ Location: Camp Borders ~ Mood: Wistful and Determined ~ With: Alex J. Fuller

@Kingly , Rais Deyman (Possibly), Ilabelle Darren @Quiet Is Violent (Possibly)

Arlo made his own trek up the hill, pocketing what he had recently made and looking over the hill to once again find the signature camp Pine Tree barren and without the Golden Fleece to give the border extra 'umph' as one would put it in its defense against the many monsters which often wanted to attack Demi-Gods at any turn. Without the Fleece Arlo felt a sense of nudity, unpreparedness and simple fear. Though, he hoped it didn't show as he made his way with Alex and others (again possibly) such as Ilabelle. He would have to remember to find Rais soon after this, as it was fairly important. He gave a small wave to the larger camper, nodding in Alex's direction as he took off his golden bangle. "If you don't mind, I'd like to help out in the effort here, as it seems we're a bit compromised, and we could use the extra manpower if any monsters take the opportunity they've been afforded."

As Arlo took his bangle off, it formed none other than his personally named weapon Lucinda. It was uncommon outside of the Ares' common to see a camper name their weapon if such a weapon hadn't already been named before, but for Arlo he felt a deep connection with all things he owned, and an even deeper love for all living things. Lucinda appeared in the design as it had many times before, a sleek and iron staff with a celestial bronze handle and end piece, while the head, being a simple hammer but with a spiked face on one end and a large spike jutting out of the other end. Even the weapon Arlo had was taller than himself, standing a couple inches above his head it looked a little disproportional, but Arlo didn't seem fazed. He was there just like the other campers, because he knew the general opinion about Cabin's who weren't violent or inherently 'practical', how no one from the Cabin's like Aphrodite and Hypnos were to be taken seriously. "I assure you, despite my appearance, I'm quite combat ready!"

Ilabelle Amora Darren

Location : Outside infirmary -> Thalia's Pine l With : Alex


Ilabelle giggled, wincing slightly at the flick but it didn't really hurt. She rubbed her temple, smiling brightly. "Aww, no! I don't wanna make little Alex angry." Ilabelle laughed. His answer to her question both comforted her and terrified her. She fidgeted with her hands, looking at her feet. She didn't reply when he pinched her cheek or teased her.

"Is there a war coming?" She asked quietly, a serious air coming over her. The daughter of Lachesis looked at her friend with a determined expression. She would defend the camp until the end, and that was a fact. A fact that no amount of bloodshed would change. This is her home, and she would and will kill to protect it.

Alex's attempts to lighten the mood were not lost on her, however, and his jokes did cheer her up. Her bright smile returned and she ran a hand through her long red hair.
"Betcha I can kill more." She jokes, knowing that Alex was much more skilled at fighting. Ilabelle unhooks the whip from her belt, running hand down the smooth celestial bronze and smiling. "Of course I'm staying! You think I'd let my friend go into battle without me? You crazy?"


Derrick Emerson

Mood: Relieved/Angry/Guilty | Location: Infirmary to the Dock | With: Half the camp- Elijah @Nico

Derrick couldn't help but smile at his brothers tenacity. "Nothing going to keep you down, is it?" He said slightly ruffling his younger brothers hair and helping him to his feet. "Of course, let's get going." He made sure he was alright to walk, he knew his brother though, he wouldn't do anything if he wasn't ready. He was tough, even tougher than him sometimes. He loved this kid so much, he'd die for him and so much more. The thought of him being hurt terrified him, he tried not to think about it and just focus on the fact that he was okay. But now they had a big problem on there hands. He would have to protect his brother now more than he ever had needed to before.

They walked out of the infirmary and started towards the river, they always went there to talk or just get away and spend time together. There was one problem though, the fleece was gone. Soon the wall keeping the monsters from entering the camp would be down and with his brother in this condition he wasn't taking any chances. Derrick whistled and waited for a bit and soon Phantom came bounding up to the brothers. "Stay close, follow us." He spoke to his giant of a wolf reaching up to touch his head.

They started getting closer to the river and Derrick spoke up. His guilt began to set back in. "Eli, I'm so sorry that I let this happen... I should of been there or at least sooner. I failed you, and I never will again." He said with pain and shame in his voice. He was going to make Nyx pay, he didn't know how but he knew he was going to do what ever it would take to make sure his brother and the rest of the camp was safe again.
Erik Andrews

Location: Beach | Mood: Content/Curious | Tags: Mentions @Kingly @Clementine

Lifting his head from its hunched position, Erik winced slightly at the sharp pain he felt, but otherwise ignored it as he cracked his neck. Sighing at the sudden relief he felt, he went straight back to his former position, hunched over and fiddling with his camera. He'd woken up early with a bad feeling about the day and knew he needed to get away. So before his younger half-siblings had woken the nineteen-year-old son of Poseidon slipped out of his cabin after grabbing his precious camera and headed straight for the place he felt the most relaxed. The beach.

Having foregone shoes, Erik sighed as he felt the familiar sensation of sand sliding between his toes while lifting the device and snapping a quick shot of the ocean before turning and taking another shot of as much of the camp as he could see. Frowning suddenly as he lowered the camera, he quickly pressed a button and began to flick through his recent pictures, searching for the one he just took of camp.

"What the heck...?" he mumbled to himself as he looked at the faces of many camp members. His brow furrowed as he tried to see if there was an event planned for today. Having come up with nothing, the brown-haired male started up the beach, planning on trying to find either his siblings or someone else he knew so he could find out what was going on.
Ember Moreau

Mood:Fuck you|Location: Outside by the lake|With: Nobody now

Ember smirked at the child of Aphrodite, knowing that he couldn't do anything to hurt her. They probably would end up friends, once he got it through his airy head that she was worried about her little brother.Once Derrick came into the room, Ember felt bad. She didn't tell her older brother about Eli when she should of, so when he walked in, she let Elijah go, slightly waving as she walked past. She wasn't needed here, she knew that it was her fault this happened. And her brothers didn't even want to spend time with her. She knew of the bond between them, but since childhood, felt like she was the odd man out. Her limbs felt heavy as she ran further away from the infirmary, all the way to where the lake was. Alex had to be here somewhere.

Rais Nyman

Mood: Friendly/flirty|Location: Outside Armoury|With: @Angel Evans

Rais felt a warm hand on his arm, knowing who it belonged to instantly. Ai, child of Aphrodite, the BIGGEST flirt ever. He probably though he was being sneaky with it, but Rais knew where he lay on the spectrum. Flamboyantly gay, where he lay; Clearly in the closet. It was a year ago that Ai started, back when Rais first started acknowledging that he was different. He'd enjoyed their first meeting, and has since been expecting Ai to visit him. "Hey, yeah. It's my birthday today. Getting pretty old, right?" He joked, baring his pearly whites at the other male. "So, Is Eli okay? I saw his brother run in there. Did you help him?" Rais said, questionably flirting with Ai.
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Arlo Blumenthal ~ Location: Camp Borders ~ Mood: Pensive & Pessimistic ~ With: Others ~ Mentions: Rais Nyman

Arlo stood on the hill, looking over an actually quite peaceful scene. While the Fleece was gone there would still be a buffering period, where monsters would only begin to smell them, and start their trek up the hill, gathering in number and then launching large scale attacks on the camp to begin a massive assault. That was when the real battle would begin, but for now, some time had passed, and some more was left to spare as Arlo turned his Lucerne Hammer into its golden bangle form once again, wrapping it around his wrist as he hummed softly. He then looked down to see the lump formed from the present he had pocketed, the one he made for Rais for his birthday.

It was a Diasy chain made of poppies, holding it up he smiled, realizing how small and fragile it was. t certainly wouldn't be a good present, and it didn't have any use either. Supposedly it was a great gift to give someone so they could avoid having nightmares while wearing it. During sleep, they would fall blissfully and worry free into the vast expanse of bliss that was there, somewhere in their minds. That was how the story went anyway....most Hypnos children didn't know if it really worked, because they never had Nightmares. He still didn't know if it was a good gift to give to him, considering how Ares' kids weren't fond of Daisy Chains as he recalled.

Rais was already 'Mr. Perfect', a tree in physical stature, a loving and caring fraternal figure to all of his siblings and always smiling. He was intelligent, a little rude, fun....everything about Rais Nyman was like the sun; blinding yet enjoyable. But even beyond all these fanciful qualities of a class clown, a best friend and a brother....Arlo sensed something was off. Dreams were like personifications of pure emotion and how someone felt deep down, so Arlo was no stranger to dealing with raw emotion....and when he saw Rais smile, there was something off. There was just a twinge within the expression, something which screamed that he had rough nights to deal with, something that said he had bad nightmares, and the kind not about the monsters you could kill, but the monsters inside yourself.

Rais, to Arlo at least, was still perfect, in every way. He sat down on the hill, watching the sky in the distance. He could tell that there was something about Rais which was different too, something in his smile with guys than it was with girls. He could tell too....from the twinge of raw emotion, that there was more to Rais than met the eye. He wondered how many people knew he was a Homosexual, not many of course, but this was not because he kept it a locked away secret. Just so few people ever asked and mad
the assumption, and he never could find the right opportunity to bring up his Sexuality which would be appropriate, so he just kept it private. Just like all his other feelings....and he wondered if he could ever find the 'appropriate moment' to express those either.


Dianne Percival

Location: Thalia's Pine / Mentions: Illabelle Darren @Quiet Is Violent , Alexander Fuller @Kingly , Arlo @Elision of Ecritures (I think)

Dianne watched from the back of the infirmary as the demigods came and went, seeing what all the fuss was about. Her thumb was still fractured but should heal in time and luckily, it wasn’t her writing hand. The child of Apollo treating her was complaining about the amount of Hephaestus kids coming in with all kinds of injuries. But really, she was more interested in watching what people are going to do about the Golden Fleece issue. Apparently a few demigods were planning to see the Oracle, which she would’ve tagged along with if it weren’t for ‘Doctor’s orders’.

The fuss died down and the demigods left Elijah to heal. Quiet settled on the infirmary while Dianne found herself getting more and more bored. She had a sip of water, took her satchel and left when the child of Apollo turned his back. She wanted to see if anything was threatening the camp at its borders. She climbed up to Thalia’s pine and was greeted with a few familiar faces.

“Hello, anything coming to attack the camp?” She asked them, peering past the tree at the land beyond.




MENTIONS : @Runakei @Allcure @9forgotten

The attic was... well, whatever Vincent was expecting, this wasn't it. Or maybe he was expecting something more of a shrine befitting the Oracle, but instead he found... well from the looks of it he found clutter and miscellaneous stuff, from what he can make out from the light that Alexandria's wand emitted. "Clutter" may be a blunt way to put it, though - they were, after all, items that belonged to demigods who were killed in action.

Vincent felt a shiver on his spine, but not because of the slight coldness of the place - he is immune to cold temperatures, of course - but because the items around him were from dead demigods. He inspected the items - damaged and sometimes a little crusty with blood - and he was reminded of how dangerous being a demigod was. Even if he was a child of such a minor god as Boreas, he was still a demigod. That thought made him instinctively clutch the locket around his neck.

If he wasn't for those god-forsaken harpies, and if it wasn't for him being a demigod, his mother would still be alive.

Or maybe it was a warning signal that the bright light approaching them was something he would dislike. If he remembered correctly, one of the two girls he kind of invited was a Daughter of Apollo, and they can make those little sun things. And sun meant heat, maybe heat that he can't tolerate. How annoying.


Or maybe not. The moment Clarissa entered with her ball of bright sunlight, the room temperature hasn't changed. Vincent breathed a sigh of relief, as dealing with a sun's heat in a cramped place like this was the last thing he wanted to do.

" I haven't found anything yet. " he answers Alexandria after a small delay.

Vincent stood up, and looked around - they were four in the attic, and none of them could activate whatever mechanism is needed to talk to the Oracle. Was it really this hard when you're the one who wants to talk, and not the other way around? Or maybe the Oracle was just testing them? Vincent's questions pile up as each minute passes, and in times like this, he really wishes that a Child of Athena was here. At least they could have some inkling of what's happening and what they should do... then again, with the leadership trait of the last aspect he thought of, maybe a Child of Zeus was good, too.

" Any of you know how Chiron talks to the Oracle? " he throws out in the air, hoping someone might have the answers.


Or at least clarify why a sudden clanging can be heard from an unknown source in the attic.

Mood:Sympathetic |Location: Outside infirmary -> Thalia's Pine|With: @Kingly @Quiet Is Violent

Constance quickly moved through the camp attempting to avoid all camp leaders. Although she had a few that looked in the other direction when it came to her...Constance never had the right word for it. The Hermes kids proudly called it thievery, however she had to be more delicate about the matter. Being the child of Zeus it was looked down upon to steal, but for Constance it wasn't stealing it was smuggling. A perfect word to describe her trade. She was a smuggler of goods. Constance started smuggling when she first came to the camp. She had befriended Sarah who taught her how to get in and out of the camp without ever getting noticed. Constance already had a talent for stealing. Eventually they became the camps go to people when they needed something. Constance the smuggler and Sarah the trader. She traded everything you could imagine trading cards, candy, video games, jewelry, and much more. If Constance can smuggle it in, Sarah would either sell it or trade it. Once some weird Ares kid requested a Komodo Dragon to be smuggled into camp. It was horrible, but she did it.

Constance saw Alex with two other people. She knew everyone in the camp, it was kinda her thing. The short guy was Arlo, mainly short because she was two inches taller than him. Then there was Ilabelle a young demigod who had potential, from what she had seen in training. Constance walked towards Alex, he seemed to be in a happy mood. Although when he wasn't laughing there was a hint of sadness. "Apparently the whole camp falls apart when I'm not around." Constance smiled at her friend. "I was sorry to hear about Eli. Please tell Derrick some of us Zeus children are here for support, even if he hates us. I can't speak on behalf of my brother Derek though." Constance shook her head at the thought of her brother. His arrogance sometimes drove her crazy.

Alexander James Fuller

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_miqboapd7s1r4dnhyo1_500.gif.d280538e500a3e1a534e1e7bd436f32f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122515" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_miqboapd7s1r4dnhyo1_500.gif.d280538e500a3e1a534e1e7bd436f32f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Thalia's pine | Mentions: @Starchan @Clementine @Nico | With: @Quiet Is Violent @Garnet @Clairvoyant @Elision of Ecritures

Alex smirked as Ilabelle decided to stay, things were always a little more fun with her around. He took extra note to be on his guard though. Not only for him but her as well. He would be enraged to find even a scratch on his little friend was dealt, because she had decided to tag along with him.

Alex took a step closer to the tree, the essence still peaceful yet strong around it. But you could feel that something was missing without even knowing that the fleece was gone. He reached a hand out to the bark of the tree and stopped, turning around to the approaching voice. He studied the boy with a raised brow. He had no doubt seen his face around the camp, yet he couldn't quite match it with a name. Nonetheless, he smiled warmly to the boy shrugging his shoulders.
"Any help is good help.. I'm sure you and that hammer could do a fair amount of damage... I'm Alex by the way." He said his eyes locked on the hammer, a slight bit of awe in his sea-green eyes, though his expression remained the same. Alex wasn't one on size, hell he didn't doubt that he could get his ass beaten side ways by a 4'2 midget with a stick if he knew what he was doing.

Alex leaned an arm on Ilabelle's shoulder as he looked out over the horizon, his trident in his opposite hand, the tips resting in the dirt. He sighed blinking once before his green eyes scanned everything before him. Once he was done, he moved his arm from Ila's shoulder taking note of the new voice though still not turning his head.

"Not yet, but soon this whole camp is going to turn into an all you can eat Demi-god buffet, on Nyx." He spoke in response to Dianne his eyes still gazing out over the horizon before him. Though there was humor in his tone, his face remained serious. "Soon the monsters will catch on to our scent and begin lining up on our borders." He paused for a moment before finally removing his eyes and turning back to the people behind him.

"Now I don't know about you guys, but I smell delicious. So you better be ready for a fight." He said with a slight smirk, raising his trident slightly up in support of his statement. Though it would be some time before a steady wave of monsters would start coming, it didn't change the fact that it was coming. There was a smile on Alexander's face, trying to keep that fearless expression so the people around him wouldn't feel a lick of fear. Though deep inside in his heart he felt some fear, or maybe it was doubt. The amount of demi-gods in this camp would give off such a massive scent. It would be like putting a steak in a Pit-bulls mouth and expecting it not to tear it to bits. He mentally shook his head, he had to be up for the task. It wasn't just him that was going to be defending the camp, he had to realize that. Just like there would be waves of monsters, there would be waves of pissed of demi-gods to fight them back too. And Alex would sure as hell be one of them.

Just then Constance came in, instantly bringing a smile to the face of Alex as he spotted his awkward yet confident friend. The daughter of Zeus himself, he could already feel the slightly cocky air that she brought, and he liked it.
"Maybe you should stick around more." He said in response to her, giving her a playful poke with the tip of his trident. He nodded at her sympathy for Eli, even though Derrick may hate her and any of her other siblings guts. At least she had this much respect for another camper, foe or not. "He get's it. Though I think we are going to have bigger problems then camp rivalries soon." He said pointing the back point of his trident to the tree, lacking of the fleece. He was sure she had already heard, though Alex needed to see it in person himself to believe it.

His mind couldn't help but shift to Ember, this could be his last couple of hours alive and he still didn't have the balls to tell her how he felt. He kept denying what he felt, he kept telling himself they were just close friends, that he was a flirt and a heart-breaker and wasn't for taking anything serious. But he knew deep in his soul what he wanted. He wanted to at least kick it one more time with the beautiful fiery girl. Move the long locks of her brown hair out of her deep blue eyes, and plant a kiss on her lips. He had to shake his whole body out of his thoughts though. Here he was preparing to defend himself from becoming a monster kebab and he was day dreaming about a romance? He had to throw up mentally for how soft he was getting, though she always managed to bring that side of him out.

Alex turned back around to the horizon taking a deep breath in, he hoped Eli and Derrick were good. Because if there was one other person he wanted fighting by his side as well, it was his best friend Derrick. Since the quest they had only grown closer and closer by day. And if there was anyone to really rival him in combat it was Derrick. He still had a fresh bruise on his rib from training with him a couple of days ago. Though Derrick or not,

Alex was determined to defend his home.



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Kaden had left the infirmary a while ago. He had ony stayed to see if the buy would be okay. After finding out he would, Kaden left to patrol the camp perimeter, keeping his distance from the Aphrodite kids. The demigod would rather keep watch alone so no one would get in his way if things got ugly. Apparently those monsters that had stolen the fleece had left already, but in the would of a demigod one could never be too careful.

After doing a full sweep of the camp, he eventually spotted some campers at thThalia's pine tree. He saw Alexander with a few others who's name he couldn't remember. The reason why Kaden remembered the son of Poseidon's name was because he was kaden's only friend. He gave the boy a wave before going around the camp to make another perimeter sweep. His blade ready to be drawn if needed.
Constance Maria Grace

Location: Outside infirmary -> Thalia's Pine|With: @Kingly @Quiet Is Violent

Constance smiled at her friend moving his trident out of the way. She always questioned why Poseidon's kids liked tridents so much. I mean yes it was a symbol of their father but it was to darn bulky. Constance approached her sister's tree. Seeing the fleece missing made it all more real. The camp felt more venerable, she felt more venerable. Which was one thing Constance hated most. They needed to find that fleece immediately or they were going to be attacked at any moment. "We need to step up our border patrols." She said to no one in particular. This camp isn't going to fall not while Constance was around, not while any of them had breathe in their bodies.

Constance was about to say something to Alex when she noticed his thoughts were elsewhere. He was looking off in the distance to the infirmary. At first she assumed it was because he was worried for Derrick but then she remembered whose Eli's sister. Constance smiled like stated earlier she knew everyone in the camp and everything. You learn people's secrets when you smuggle them in things. She knows Dionysus has a soft spot for cappuccino flavored Godiva chocolate and a certain magazine that involved lots of women. It was how she got out of trouble a lot of the time. "You know we could die at any moment. Perhaps you should run to Ember and confess your deepest secrets. Like the fact that you like her...sorry horrible wording love her." Constance whispered quiet enough only he could hear her. "And don't act surprised that I know. You get a look." Constance scrunched up her nose politely mocking him. She knew it was a subject he was sensitive about. Mainly because he believed no one noticed it, maybe Derrick.

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