Camp Half-Blood (Signups, OOC, and Character Sheets)


The Alpha and The Omega

Created by Autumn, Highly Unorthodox, and AllHailDago

Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, a state of the art training facility for demigods young and old!

Camp Half-Blood is a haven for demigods who wish to train and be safe from looming monsters. Every and any demigod (Greek, of course) is welcome here, as we are all on eachother's side.

This camp is located deep in a forest, far from nosey mortals who enjoy snooping around. However, for those mortals who have found it, the facade is called "Delphi's Strawberry Services" because the camp has basically miles of strawberries surrounding it and the name is also reference to the Oracle of Delphi.



To whom it may concern,

If you are reading this, I am truly and genuinely sorry. It means that you have found out that you are a demigod, spawn of gods and goddesses, or a "half-blood" as many people call it.

I'd like to tell you things will get better on from here on out, but that would just be a lie. The truth is that you still got a lot of dangerous work ahead of you, kid. Train hard, watch your back learn to cooperate with your cabin mates because they are now your family. Your life now depends upon it.

Monsters are everywhere, the gods are watching and come of them won't be on your side...

Sincerely, Mr. Masin (Camp Director)


"Families are a mess, immortal families are eternally messy. Sometimes the best thing we can do is to remind each other that we're related, for better or for worse... and try to keep the killing to a minimum." ~ Hermes, god of transitions and boundaries.


Cabin One; Zeus

Zeus' cabin looks like a white marble box, with white heavy columns in the front. This cabin is the biggest and bulkiest of all the cabins. It has polished bronze doors that shimmer like a hologram, and have lightning bolts streaked down them. The dome-shaped ceiling is decorated with moving mosaics of a cloudy sky and thunder bolts. It also thunders all the time. There is no furniture in there at all. The cabin has alcoves with golden eagle statues. There is one big intimidating statue of Zeus in the middle.

Cabin Two; Hera

Is formal-looking building, graceful with slim columns garlanded with pomegranates and flowers. It is done in a similar way to her husband, Zeus' cabin. The inside looks like a temple with a large statue of Hera in the center. There is no furniture inside due to no one will ever stay in that cabin and is honorary (Hera is the goddess of marriage and "doesn't run around having affairs with mortals. That is her husband's job.").

Cabin Three; Poseidon

Cabin Poseidon is a long, low building with windows facing the ocean, and looking like it's made of rough sea stone, with pieces of coral at the end of the cabin and a seashell and a trident over the door.

Cabin Four; Demeter

Covered in flowers and tomato plants grow on the walls and doorway. It has wild flowers and roses growing on a porch. It has a real grass roof. Its color is a kind of a light brown.

Cabin Five; Ares

Badly painted red exterior and has a large boar's head over the door with barbed wire on the roof. There is said to be small land mines around the small yard of the cabin and you can constantly witness brawls and shattered windows as well as very loud music.

Cabin Six; Athena

A gray building with plain white curtains and a design of an owl over the door. Most of the space inside is devoted to maps, desks and various projects, with all the bunks shoved together against one wall, "as if sleep was not important".

Cabin Seven; Apollo

At first glance, it looks like an ordinary cabin. However, when it's hit by sunlight, it looks like it's made of solid gold. The children of Apollo possess the abilities to heal people by singing a song to their father in Ancient Greek and curse others to only speak in rhyming couplets for days or weeks. The members of this cabin are expert archers, skilled in physical contests, excel in the arts and music, are natural healers, possess photosynthesis, and possess precognition.

Cabin Eight; Artemis

Artemis' cabin glows silver at night and is decorated with paintings and carvings of wild animals. Since she swore to remain a virgin, Artemis has no children. Hunters stay in her cabin. Hunters are women who have sworn to remain virgins as well and worship Artemis. They are stronger, faster, and more accurate than a normal camper. They have silver bows and hunting knives as weapons and can speak to animals. They are immortal and can't die from natural causes. If they fall in love, however, they lose their immortality.

Cabin Nine; Hephaestus

This cabin is made of brick and looks like a small factory. The children of Hephaestus are expert builders and mechanics. They can sense machines or metal and can identify machinery type and use by touch. They possess technokinesis and can sense traps in the ground. Some of his children are gifted with pyrokinesis, but it is very rare. They can also sense faults in metal ores.

Cabin Ten; Aphrodite

Her cabin has a painted roof, pillars, a blue and white checkerboard deck with steps, and a grey wall. Her children have control over clothes, makeup, and jewelry. They have amokinesis and the ability to change their physical form. They possess charm-speak and can speak fluent French. They also have high social abilities and awareness.

Cabin Eleven; Hermes

This cabin is packed with unclaimed campers along with Hermes' children. It is old and worn and it always filled to the brim. His children are highly skilled at theft and trickery. They are also highly athletic and persuasive. They can pick locks with their minds. Hermes' children can sense physical traps, they are good at alchemy and potion making, and are good with money.

Cabin Twelve; Dionysus

The roof and walls of this cabin are lined with grape vines. His children can manipulate and manifest plant life with their minds. They are also capable of manipulating states of mind and inducing madness.

Cabin Thirteen; Hades

Is a windowless cabin made of solid obsidian, with heavy columns and torches that burn green like Greek fire twenty-four hours a day and has a skull over the door.

Cabin Fourteen; Iris

The children of Iris stay here, the cabin glitters and sparkles and shimmers with rainbows.

Cabin Fifteen; Hypnos

An old-fashioned prairie house. It has mud thatched walls and rush roof, with red poppies over the door entrance. Inside: soft violin music plays, warm beds with soft feather pillows, and a branch from a poplar tree dipped in water from the River Lethe (the symbol of Hypnos).

Cabin Sixteen; Nemesis

The children of Nemesis stay here. All we know about the cabin is that there is a broken wheel above the door that resembles a Pac-Man.

Cabin Seventeen; Nike

The children of Nike stay here and it looks like a simple white temple with a large statue of Nike in her chariot out in the front.

Cabin Eighteen; Hebe

A simple stone building surrounded by numerous statues of Hebe. The interior has numerous beds and couches along the border of the room and a beautiful fountain in the middle of the cabin.

Cabin Nineteen; Tyche

This cabin looks like a mini Vegas casino.

Cabin Twenty; Hecate

Resembles a normal building but is built from blocks of stone with magic inscriptions written on them. If the blocks are dropped, they could explode or turn anyone within half a mile radius into trees.

Cabin Twenty One; Hestia

This cabin is made of brick and on the inside there lies a large fireplace in the middle. This cabin is very homely and roomy.

Locations at Camp

The Big House; A large sky-blue house which serves as the main administrative building at Camp Half-Blood. There are four floors, including the main part which has the kitchen, office, meeting room of counselors and living room, the floor with some spare bedrooms, the basement and then the attic where the oracle normally is found.

Volleyball Court: A giant court where campers play volleyball.

Arts & Crafts Center: A small building for campers to make crafts in.

Lake: A rather large lake, surrounded by dense woodland.

The Amphitheater: An open air venue used for entertainment and performances.

Climbing Wall: A place for campers to train at climbing. They must climb quickly or it will clash with the other wall, causing lava to pour from the top and boulders to fall down on the climber.

Dining Pavilion: An area where everyone at camp eats their meals. The pavilion is framed in Greek columns on a hill that overlooks the sea. There are no walls or roof that cover the mess hall. Torches blaze from the columns and a central fire burning inside a bronze brazier the size of a bathtub. Each table has a white cloth with purple trim.

Arena: This is a place where you can find everything you need to train with. Weapons are also stored here.

Armory: Kids come here to pick out weapons or make weapons. This is also a place to store weapons.

The Stables: Come here and ride whatever type of creature you own or just bond. It is encouraged you clean a little each time you enter.

Firework Beach: A beach, clearly.

Strawberry Fields: A field of strawberries. Very nice. Nymphs normally play around here.



Name: (First and last)


Date of Birth:


Mortal Parent: (Human parent)

Immortal Parent:

Skill: (Does your character have any interesting skills or even powers?)



Appearance: (Description and image; anime or normal photo is fine)



Weapon of Choice: (Imagine is encouraged.)

Other: (Anything you want people to know about your character?)




Age: (From ancient times or new?)






Other: (Anything important you want to mention about your pet?)


1. Site rules come into account.

2. You cannot kill a monster without the consent of the rp'er, however monsters can't live long. If you die? Don't stop rp'ing! Come back here and make a new character. Post all the information and wait to be accepted. I encourage some of you to make some monsters up. It would make this thread funner.

3. No killing comrades and family within camp or even outside unless you do it out of self defense.

4. Prophecies will be introduced later on in the rp, and if you have any clever ideas, personal message me or post it here.

5. No OP (over powered) characters, please. Don't make them boring, but do make them have a few weaknesses. If you are having an OP character, you can message me and ask about it and I will run over a few things with you. You would have to create some good weaknesses to compensate for all the power, of course.

6. Please don't stop the rp. If you are a person that won't reply every time your on, please don't bother. Some people like to keep threads going and I intend to do so with this thread.

7. Lastly, HAVE FUN and if you read this, put "Ichor will run like a river" in italics at the bottom of your claim (let's just call it that). If you do not do so, I will assume you didn't read the rules and I will NOT accept you.


I'll be posting my character(s) soon.


Name: Harli Heart

Age: 19

Date of Birth:October 31, 1993

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: Joan Heart

Immortal Parent: Dionysus

Skill: Harli can make the toughest person go insane by just a look in their eyes.

Personality: Harli is a distant type of person. She dont like people much and she stays away from large groups. She can be violent and she is very short-tempered.

History: Harli grew up with a whore mother. She would leave at night and not come back until morning. Harli stayed on her own for most of her life. She stayed at her mothers house because even if her mother is a whore she loved her and wanted to make sure her mother was okay at all times.

Cabin: Dionysus

Weaknesses: If there is glass infront of the eyes of the one she wants to attack she cant. She dont know why. She also is not very athletic.

Weapon of Choice: Her 'power' and she carrys around a scythe. Its not large it is as tall as her.


Other: Dont look her in the eyes.


Name: Drake Draven

Age: 19

Date of Birth: December 1, 1993

Gender: Male

Mortal Parent: Lacy Draven

Immortal Parent: Apollo

Skill: Much like his father he has an ability to heal, start a pelage, and wash darkness over people.

Personality: Drake is a light hearted kinda person. He can be a cocky a-hole but he is nice. He usually works alone and don't talk to many people. Usually people don't like talking to him. Most of them are afraid that if they anger him he with start a small pelage.

History: Lacy was a perfect mother to Drake. She treated him like a mother is suppose to treat a son. He is not spoiled. He is far from it. He was taught right. He grew up and graduated high school. It didn't help him though. He felt like he needed to learn a lot more.

Cabin: Apollo

Weakness: He becomes cocky easily. It gets him into bad situations. He is physically and mentally strong but that is not all that good. He is not as fast as other people.

Weapon of choice: A simple sword that is laced with a sickness.


Other: N/A

Name: Jacob Bowie

Age: 18

Date of Birth: April 21, 1994

Gender: Male

Mortal Parent: Meredith Bowie

Immortal Parent: Hermes

Skill: Jacob is extremely fast, capable of running at two times of the speed of sound. He also has supernatural fluidity, and can cook something alive by superheating the air around it using speed.

Personality: Bright, confident, happy, sometimes cold and harsh

History: Jacob was born into a regular family, nice mom, good house, and a nice stepdad. However Jacob didn't know his REAL dad was the god Hermes. He was bullied at school because he lacked any power(speech, attacking), but somehow he managed to put the harassers flat on their ass in an instant. Nobody, not even him, knew why. Eventually he honed his powers of speed and used it to his advantage. Jacob took a class on Greek mythology, and realized that it wasn't a myth. Hermes was the fast being in the universe, and the books said that demigods can be born from a god/goddess and a mortal. He guessed that he was a son of Hermes. Eventually, he somehow ended up in Camp Half-Blood, and has been training there for two years.


Cabin: Hermes

Weaknesses: Sometimes arrogant, sometimes overconfident, lacks strength/power

Weapon of Choice: A spinning chain made of pure energy, speed energy, that can send even the heaviest things away if focused enough. It has an iron handle in the middle, but tentacles of energy pulse out of each side.

Other: Ichor will run like a river
(( Sorry I'll forget if I Don't put it at the top )) Ichor will Run like a river

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Name: Serenity Williams

Nickname: Serena

Age: 16

Date of Birth: November 16th, 1997

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: Isabella Williams

Godly Parent: Posideon

Cabin: Cabin 3, Posideon

Weakness: Serena's Main weakness is Over using her power's. It causes her to become incrediably weak. Sometimes she could pass out as a result.Another Weakness she possess is the fact that she get's really nervous, that results in her to make bad choices.

Weapon of choice: A Bronz Sword, Easily latched to pants. Black Handle with A Giant COP Carved into it. ( Child of Posideon )

Skill: Serena is Quick and Agile, which make's her an Pretty good Sword Fighter. She has One known power, The Ability to bcontrol Water.

Personality: Serena is the type of person who is a natural leader, but remain's quiet in the corner becuase she has learned it doesn't draw as much of the attention to herself.

History: Serena was raised with her mother. Isabella had worked day and night to put up for her. She was mainly home alone every night as her mom took on a third job to keep food on the table. Serena lived in a crazy town. But she grew up okay, being kicked out of many school's for accidents.



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Name: Jade Walker

Age: 18

Date of Birth: March 15, 1994

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: John Walker

Immortal Parent: Athena

Skill: Jade can make anyone she touches or sees into a coward, scared of her, she has two times the strength of a regular human, and she has a fighting spirit, meaning she doesn't back down or she isn't scared of anyone. And it seems like she was born with Martial Arts and MMA fighting abilities.

Personality: Jade, despite her appearance, is very Courageous and Brave. She'll always protect her friends, even if it means "Detention", Scolding, or even Death. Jade's a little stubborn, as well, making her one of the Rebellious ones.

History: When Jade was a kid, she accidentally caught her whole house on fire, causing her "Mother" to die, and Father to cry. Jade felt extremely bad, she was at least 8, and she didn't know what to do. After that she became paranoid and scared, so, for 6 years, she has been that way. Until she was being bullied and couldn't defend herself. Her powers then expressed themselves and she became brave and courageous, allowing her to defeat the bullies.

Later she came to the half-Blood Camp with one of her Protectors, that always watched over her; Her dog Charlie, whom became a Heavenly Cerberus.


Cabin: Athena

Weaknesses: Fire, you'll know why in the Bio, and Mud, she's two times easier to slide and fall in mud than anyone else and she doesn't really know why.

Weapon of Choice:

Other: Don't look at her and don't touch her ;) (Ichor will run like a river)
Name: Rowen Moore

Age: 17

Date of Birth: October 30th

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: A rich banker named from San Fransisco

Immortal Parent: Hestia

Skill: She can control fire. But she has trouble controlling it sometime.

Personality: Shes a very sweet person and a wonderful friend but get on her bad side and shes a terrible enemy

History: She has always been a bit of an introvert. Bad things happened when she got angry so she would just sit in her library (that her father bought her) and read. She's also a HUGE nerd! She met her best friend Toby in 1st grade by talking to him about pokemon, before she started homeschooling.



She very rarely wears anything uncomfortable. She's a very t-shirt and jeans kind of girl. She's got bright red hair and piercing green eyes. and some freckles. she about 6'8" and rather slim but shes definitely got a bit of an hourglass to her. She has a beautiful smile. and an orangey glow about her.

Cabin: 21, Hestia

Weaknesses: She cant swim. and is afraid of large bodies of water. and is afraid of being left alone. she has one best friend and she loves him dearly. She also suffers from an Anxiety Disorder so she has anxiety attacks when to nervous or anxious.

Weapon of Choice: Mostly her fire powers. But when pressed she has been known to be pretty good with a Bow and Arrow.

Other: Her best friend is Toby.

Name: Toby McKann

Age: 17

Date of Birth: July 28th

Gender: Male

Mortal Parent: A business woman from San Fransisco

Immortal Parent: Hephaestus

Skill: Hes amazingly creative. and this helps creating battle plans and armor and things like that. And lots of little birthday presents for Rowen.

Personality:Hes very Sweet and caring. and very VERY protective of Rowen so dont hurt her or he will hurt you.

History: Toby's mother never really had time for him. So he spent alot of time with Rowen at her house. Rowens father became like a father to him.



Toby has Sandy blonde hair. and Rusty brown eyes. hes rather gawky and thin but he is toned underneath all of his nerdy t shirts and sweaters. Hes got a cute crooked smile and loves to laugh so he has little laugh lines around his mouth.

Cabin: 9, Hephaestus.

Weaknesses: He has a fear of heights. Like really bad.

Weapon of Choice: He creates little gadgets for himself. But hes rather good with a Spear and also with swords.

Other: He is Rowens best friend.

Name: Charles "Char"

Species: Rat


Age: 2

Skill:he usually goes out and find interesting little things from Toby and Rowen.

Other: He is originally Toby's Rat but he has kind of become and joint pet after spending so much time with Rowen as well. He loves them both.

Ichor will run like a river
Accepted, Naga. Do remember to read all the rules. This go for everyone who will join below this post. Read. The. Rules.

Accepted. Danichu! Thank you for reading the rules. <3

Accepted, Greyson Ross. Read the rules, please as well.

Accepted, Nikki Rodgers THANK YOU FOR READING THE RULES. <3
Alright I'm sorry. I read the rules, but I didn't see that stupid thing your supposed to put at the bottom.
Name: Andromeda "Andi" Theodora

Age: 16

Date of Birth: February 8th, 1997

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: Gregory Theodora

Immortal Parent: Demeter

Skill: Andi has the ability to control plant life. She's also an excellent cook and light on her feet.

Personality: Andi is friendly, bright, and is often smiling. She is very self-sufficient and can be rather stubborn at times. Andi hates having to ask for help from anyone, but loves to give help to those who ask. She can be a bit eccentric and hyperactive at times. Most people find her to be interesting and charming. Andi doesn't care too much about what people think of her, though she loves making friends. She loves to spend almost all of her time outdoors and has always had a bit of a green thumb. Andi is very opinionated and often argues with people when they disagree with her. She isn't really one to take the lead in situations, but she will definitely tell you what she thinks you should do. Andi, though she loves to make friends, doesn't let people get to know her very well. She prefers to listen to others talk rather than speak herself. She is the type of person to have few close friends. Andi can be oversensitive sometimes and will get very frustrated and angry if her intelligence insulted.

History: Andi grew up with her father, Greg, who never married another woman after Andi's mother. Andi, when she was younger, liked to assume it was because he loved her mother and they'd eventually end up together. Andi liked to imagine her mother showing up one day from whatever corner of the world she had been hidden in. She imagined they'd look alike and Andi could finally have a normal family. Eventually, Andi realized her father just wasn't interested in having a serious relationship; it had nothing to do with her mother. Andi grew up in a small town near New York City, getting into more trouble than most kids managed to around there. Greg threw himself into his work at the architecture firm, leaving his daughter to learn to take care of herself. Andi never really minded, preferring to be left to herself. She always felt different, even when she was with her closest friends. Years later, she would find out about her real mother and made it to Camp Half-Blood without any serious injuries.



Andi is petite, standing at 5'4" and weighing about 110 pounds. Her cheeks are spotted with freckles from her years spent outside. Her eyes are a blueish-green.

Cabin: Demeter

Weaknesses: Andi has a fear of fire. Physically, she isn't very strong, either, which makes her a bit less effective when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. Andi can also get overwhelmed in arguments and shut down.

Weapon of Choice: Though she utilizes a sword for most battles, her prized weapon is a dagger with a hilt decorated with flora. The blade of the dagger is also etched with vines.

Other: Ichor will run like a river.

Name: Leander Grey

Age: 17

Date of Birth: March 18th, 1996

Gender: Male

Mortal Parent: Leah Grey

Immortal Parent: Apollo

Skill: Leander is a skilled archer, a natural healer, and a musician.

Personality: Leander is laid back and never seems to be bothered by anything. He just goes along with the flow, which can be infuriating to some people. Leander loves to make jokes and see people laugh. He tends to get into a lot of trouble, but it's all "innocent fun", as he tells it. Leander tends to find himself in a leadership position due to his ability to compromise and keep a level head. He rarely gets worked up and is usually the one calming people down. He sometimes has issues taking things seriously and makes jokes at improper times. He doesn't know how to deal with tense situations, so he often tries to lighten the mood, but just makes it worse. Leander tends to enjoy being at the center of things. He is great at winning people over. He is over-confident in his abilities sometimes which gets him into a lot of trouble and causes some people to dislike him.

History: Leander grew up in Georgia with his mother and step-father. Leander knew from a young age that his father had left before he was even born. He loved his step-father, though. They were a rather happy and normal family. His mother was a waitress and his step-father was a mechanic. They weren't well-off, but they managed. Leander grew up with two half-siblings and the three of them were always causing trouble. Leander's step-father thought it was all good fun, but his mother always chastised him and told him he needed to grow up and act more mature. Leander never really took school seriously. His teachers had to fight him to get him to do anything. Leander fit in quite well there and wasn't too keen to leave when he found out about Camp Half-Blood. His mother convinced him to go, telling him it'd be safer if he learned to protect himself from the monsters out there. Not much changed when he went to the camp: he was still the goofy, laid-back kid he had always been. He and Andi got to be good friends. He tended to infuriate her, though.



Leander is 6'3" and is rather muscular from working summer jobs in their farm town.

Cabin: Apollo

Weaknesses: Leander overestimates his abilities sometimes and doesn't always think things through before he acts. He's also not extremely intelligent.

Weapon of Choice: A bow that seems to glow with sunlight.

Name: Nium Xente

Age: 17

Date of Birth: July 12th

Gender: Male

Mortal Parent: Kate Xente

Immortal Parent: Hypnos

Skill: If he touches your face or head he is able to make you live in either your dreams or your nightmares. He makes those that fight him rather sluggish and tired when they cross blades with his. Inanimate objects that are unwielded seem slowed down within six inches of him.

Personality: He is lax and ignores most of his duties as he sees them as unimportant and ridiculous. He would rather read under a tree or take a nap on the lake then do most other things. Although he does find regular tasks fun if not asked to do them for work. Better yet, those who have truly learned his personality know that if you tell him not to do something he will probably do it out of defiance.

History: He found out he was different at a relatively young age when he tried sneaking a cookie when his mother wasn't looking and knocked the cookie jar off the counter. It didn't fall and smash, getting him in trouble as he expected. But instead it fell slowly to the ground and landed with a light thump. His mother knew exactly what he was and who his father was but couldn't bring herself to give up her child to the Camp. But when a monster, a hellhound no less, attacked him when he believed he was petting a puppy she quickly changed her mind. She headed straight away to the camp and only reached it due to a satyr that was coming to find him anyway. She reached the borders of the camp and hugged him goodbye, he didn't understand completely and she just told him it was summer camp, which he really wanted to go to anyways. So he went and found himself getting claimed by Hypnos almost immediately. He has now since grown up in Camp Half-Blood for the past 11 years with only partial visits to his mother. He has gone off on quests but only because he was told he could not. He also has denied going on two quests because he felt like it would be too much work.

He has a scar straight through his left eye though.

Cabin: the Hypnos Cabin

Weaknesses: He has a both a defiant streak which is easy to manipulate if you know him, and he is rather lazy. He has a scar through his left eye that impedes his vision pretty seriously and he has restless leg syndrome even during battles. He also wears glasses due to this and when they are knocked off he has difficulty fighting as his right eye has become partially reliant on them as well as his left.

Weapon of Choice:

Other: He has an affinity for anything covered in gravy and for red headed girls.

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