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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Elian: Addie has her good moments. Like when we convinced her to pull that prank on the Apollo cabin with us.

Adrien: And when we got her to drink some of Dakota's Kool-aid!

Elian: Oh yeah! That was so hilarious when-

Addison: *flushes and pulls digital mute sign over Elian's mouth as he continues talking* No need to go into detail. Heh...
Jason: *Smiles* I'm glad you got me out of there Helena, I really appreciate it.

Sebastian: *He cups her hands in his shadows coming off of his skin and going into the rose* If we mix our powers up the colors should come out like the first time.....now that I think about it although we put some of ours powers into it cosmetically, this rose probably has some intense abilities.

Valencia: yeah see the new katana on your hip that's the source of your new powers, your old powers are still separate but if you use them in conjunction with your new ones they'll be that much stronger. Also I know this is supposed to vary, but you may hear a name in your head that's the name of your sword. It'll change and become stronger when you say it's awakening phrase and name almost like a command.

Ichiro: *pops up beside Addie and looks at Anthony* At least she's not obsessing over other guys girlfriends.
Violet: So what ARE my new powers, then?

Jarpy: Hey guys wanna see how Zeus looks with no hair

[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Kat: you vagina tease! You can't tell part of the story and not finish it.

Addison: Nope. *shakes head* I still have yet to find Dakota and kill him for that.

[QUOTE="Silent Justice]Violet: So what ARE my new powers, then?
Jarpy: Hey guys wanna see how Zeus looks with no hair


Valencia: Well I discovered mine while training, *Draws her katana* but so far they seem to coincide with our demigod powers, like mine generates and weaponizes darknes, but that's only one move. The trick I used to get us off the ship and on top of this building is another skill called flashstep, we can also use some sort of spells called kido. But as for your new powers you'll have to discover those for yourself. Fighting usually helps. Wanna try it? *Holds up her sword.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Jason: *Smiles* I'm glad you got me out of there Helena, I really appreciate it.

Helena: well... You're welcome. I guess? *makes a face, mutters* gaaaah curse my inability to interact with the living
Addison: Lucky, did you seriously use one of your own story character's quotes.

Lucky: Maybe...

Lucky: You can't deny that Preston is awesome Addie. If you were in the same story as him, and Prestal weren't meant to be, you'd so be dating.

Just learned about Iris' twin sister Arke, woah...
Bishop: Soul… i also wanna add another character… *looks cheekily at Kai* but i really like all my characters.

Max: Im pretty sure you'd be thanked for removing Kit from existence.

Bishop: …No. Anyways… You ok Soul?

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