Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Accepted of course. But I'm gonna wait until I get everybody settled down. I'm also waiting for Kai.
Name: John Doe

Age: 18

New to Camp?: Yes

Godly Parent: Notus, God of the South Wind

Personality: -Very Loyal

-Prefers to be quiet although will communicate when he needs to.

-Kind and heart-warming.

-Very mature and respectful.

-Likes being around people

-And is very gentle.

Bio/History: John woke up in a barn at a very western town quite some time ago as a young teen and saw a man asking him who he was. John said that he didnt know and the man started to call him "John Doe" since no one knew his name. He grew up with the nice family who took him in and he was treated very well. But of course he had to work on the farm! When he grew up becoming a very well taught teen, he decided to go on an adventure to see where the wind would take him. He packed nothing but very little money and was on his way. He traveled together until he came to a small town full of blacksmiths. He was walking through the town and he saw a beautiful sword that he immediately yearned for. He asked the creator how much it was but John didnt have enough money. He gave the man all of his money but the man said it wasn't enough so he made a deal with John. Work for the sword. John accepted and became an apprentice blacksmith. For two years he worked there and finally got enough money for the sword. He paid the blacksmith and thanked him for the sword. John started to train himself with his sword and powers that he soon discovered on accident, becoming adept in it very quickly. His powers showed when he saw a harpy that attacked him. He didn't know what to do but when it came towards him, he put his hands to the harpy and a very strong gust of wind blew it away. He continued traveling until he reached a forest with a camp in the middle, where his journey starts.

Powers: Aerokinesis- control over wind and air including the temperature. He is also able to run very fast, easily faster than cars.

Other: He carries around a sword for fighting. He prefers using heated winds.

Name: Cara Selton

Age: 11

New to Camp?: Yes

Godly Parent: Hermes

Personality: Cara is extremely outgoing and extroverted, often talking too much. She also almost always never takes anything seriously, joking around even in the direst of circumstances. Very creative and comes up with crazy ideas all the time. She also can't sit still and has a mild case of ADHD.

Bio/History: Cara grew up with her mother, stepfather and step brother in New York City, unaware of her demigod ancestry and not knowing anything about Camp Half Blood. She lived a mostly ordinary life, doing whatever mortals usually do. She never encountered any monsters in the entirety of her life, which was quite strange for a demigod even though her scent was lessened as she didn't know about being a demigod. It was when she was 11 that she discovered her heritage as a demigod, when her mother told her about Hermes and who her real father was, and she was sent to camp.


- Can pick any ordinary mechanical locks.

- Has faster reflexes than most mortals as Hermes is the God of dexterity.

- Has an in built sense of direction and can never get lost.


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Tercesasti said:
Name: John Doe
Age: 18

New to Camp?: Yes

Godly Parent: Notus, God of the South Wind

Personality: -Very Loyal

-Prefers to be quiet although will communicate when he needs to.

-Kind and heart-warming.

-Very mature and respectful.

-Likes being around people

-And is very gentle.

Bio/History: John woke up in a barn at a very western town quite some time ago as a young teen and saw a man asking him who he was. John said that he didnt know and the man started to call him "John Doe" since no one knew his name. He grew up with the nice family who took him in and he was treated very well. But of course he had to work on the farm! When he grew up becoming a very well taught teen, he decided to go on an adventure to see where the wind would take him. He packed nothing but very little money and was on his way. He traveled together until he came to a small town full of blacksmiths. He was walking through the town and he saw a beautiful sword that he immediately yearned for. He asked the creator how much it was but John didnt have enough money. He gave the man all of his money but the man said it wasn't enough so he made a deal with John. Work for the sword. John accepted and became an apprentice blacksmith. For two years he worked there and finally got enough money for the sword. He paid the blacksmith and thanked him for the sword. John started to train himself with his sword and powers that he soon discovered on accident, becoming adept in it very quickly. His powers showed when he saw a harpy that attacked him. He didn't know what to do but when it came towards him, he put his hands to the harpy and a very strong gust of wind blew it away. He continued traveling until he reached a forest with a camp in the middle, where his journey starts.

Powers: Aerokinesis- control over wind and air including the temperature. He is also able to run very fast, easily faster than cars.

Other: He carries around a sword for fighting. He prefers using heated winds.

Name: Ethan Daniels

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown since he's a kid.





Personality: Ethan is a very shy and sweet boy. He's always trying to keep people smiling and keeping their spirits lifted despite the situation they face. He is very pure despite being traded to be a mercenary. His biological father is, Isaac, who had trained and adopted all the other orphaned kids. Ethan doesn't made having so many siblings who arent blood related and loves when they are all together.

Powers: Umbrakinesis -- he can shadow travel and make portals out of shadows at will. However he doesn't have much control over it yet and tends to shadow travel to the wrong place or when he is in trouble or tired.

Night Empowerment -- he gets stronger and is more energetic during the night. It makes him faster and his eyes light up even more then usual. He can use the night to make himself stronger and faster so that he is able to fight better.

Starburst -- this is his own ability which allows him to create beautiful and bright fireworks out of shadows and little orbs of light that he can make. They are used like flares in case he is in trouble.

Weaknesses: he is normally very tired during the day and can't control his shadow travelling skills that well.

Godly parent: Nyx

Other: his rank is Theta, he also loves fireworks and skateboarding.


Weapon of choice: The daggers.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/drow-daggers.jpg.7af4d2eb39aadf650b5a93298e81cee1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/drow-daggers.jpg.7af4d2eb39aadf650b5a93298e81cee1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Accepted. I'd enjoy it if you could get another first name though so I can keep track a tad easier but it's not required.

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