Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Name: Damian Borrows

Age: 19

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Ares and Shyanne Borrows

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? 7 years


History: He was Anthony's cousin and found Anthony at camp. The two are like brothers and have known each other since they were five. When Damian found out Anthony was a demigod he went out and brought Anthony to camp. The two stayed together until Camp Jupiter's greek incident two years ago. He is now part of Camp Jupiter only.

Personality: Being a son of Ares he loves fighting and is a arrogant ass. He is easy to anger and can fight for hours.

Power (Can have up to two): Divine rage: causes him to be faster stronger and well just frankly mad.

Ares Aura: He can cause his fury and hated to leech into others bringing them to his side. This is great for unifying groups.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): Club and shield

Other: Bathed in the river Styx

Name: Alex Newmann

Age: 18

New to Camp?: No, has been there for 3 years.

Godly Parent: Poseidon.

Personality: Alex is like the sea. He can be calm, or he can be a complete bastard. He's usually seen alone because he doesn't like a lot of people. Although, he can make friends. If someone was nice to him, he would certainly be a loyal friend. He's probably one of the most quiet people you'll ever meet. Well, usually.

Bio/history: Alex was born in the suburbs of California to a poor mother. He would sometimes steal and sell to get money. Then his step-father came in the picture and completely jacked everything up. He was an obstinate pig-headed jerk who only cares about money. Alex then ran away. He was chased by monsters along the way, but he managed to escape. He then finally found camp half-blood.

Powers: He has hydrokinesis, which allows him to control water, and cryokinesis, where he can create ice.

Other: His blade.



I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Name: Natalia (Lia) Wilson

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual.

New to Camp?: Kinda, sorta.

Appearance (No Anime):




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/upload_2015-1-3_16-54-30.png.8ce610624a77b99e6cae60ee68d82c98.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38458" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/upload_2015-1-3_16-54-30.png.8ce610624a77b99e6cae60ee68d82c98.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Personality: She is quiet, emotionless, studious, and sarcastic. She can always come up with a witty remark to anyone. She may seem slightly distant and anti-social, how despite her seemingly unfriendly attitude, Lia does indeed care greatly about the people she is attached to. She enjoys reading in solitude, and many people think she's insensitive when in reality she is just very blunt and serious. When she gets embarrassed or shy, she tends to try to hide the fact that she doesn't know how to deal with such a thing.

Powers: She can freeze/immobilize a person in time, meaning she can hold them in a small bubble of stopped/slowed time. She can accelerate/decelerate the flow of time whether it be a few seconds or hours. She is resistant to the affects of time but only for a short period of time depending on who she's facing, if she was facing Kronos, she would probably be able to resist it for a bit before faltering and then eventually losing control.

Weaknesses: As stated above, she can only resist time against her for a certain period of time. Also slowing or stopping time is quite draining for her and weakens her since she can't move for a little bit afterwards. Her eyes also are kind of a countdown before she loses control. Once it hits 12, she will pass out if she hasn't rested.

Godly Parent: Chronus

Other: Has a time staff that turns into a pocket watch like this.




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[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Name: Natalia (Lia) Wilson
Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual.

New to Camp?: Kinda, sorta.

Appearance (No Anime):



Personality: She is quiet, emotionless, studious, and sarcastic. She can always come up with a witty remark to anyone. She may seem slightly distant and anti-social, how despite her seemingly unfriendly attitude, Lia does indeed care greatly about the people she is attached to. She enjoys reading in solitude, and many people think she's insensitive when in reality she is just very blunt and serious. When she gets embarrassed or shy, she tends to try to hide the fact that she doesn't know how to deal with such a thing.

Powers: She can freeze/immobilize a person in time, meaning she can hold them in a small bubble of stopped/slowed time. She can accelerate/decelerate the flow of time whether it be a few seconds or hours. She is resistant to the affects of time but only for a short period of time depending on who she's facing, if she was facing Kronos, she would probably be able to resist it for a bit before faltering and then eventually losing control.

Weaknesses: As stated above, she can only resist time against her for a certain period of time. Also slowing or stopping time is quite draining for her and weakens her since she can't move for a little bit afterwards. Her eyes also are kind of a countdown before she loses control. Once it hits 12, she will pass out if she hasn't rested.

Godly Parent: Chronus

Other: Has a time staff that turns into a pocket watch like this.



[QUOTE="Dolphan of Lyfe]Name: Alex Newmann
Age: 18

New to Camp?: No, has been there for 3 years.

Godly Parent: Poseidon.

Personality: Alex is like the sea. He can be calm, or he can be a complete bastard. He's usually seen alone because he doesn't like a lot of people. Although, he can make friends. If someone was nice to him, he would certainly be a loyal friend. He's probably one of the most quiet people you'll ever meet. Well, usually.

Bio/history: Alex was born in the suburbs of California to a poor mother. He would sometimes steal and sell to get money. Then his step-father came in the picture and completely jacked everything up. He was an obstinate pig-headed jerk who only cares about money. Alex then ran away. He was chased by monsters along the way, but he managed to escape. He then finally found camp half-blood.

Powers: He has hydrokinesis, which allows him to control water, and cryokinesis, where he can create ice.

Other: His blade.



I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

Both approved.
Name: Kathryn Morgan

Age: 18

New to Camp?: Yeah baby~!

Godly Parent: Hypnos

Bio/History: Kat is a party girl, she stays up all night throwing parties or attending parties. People often mistake her for a daughter of Dionysus before seeing the similarities between her and Hypnos. She loves throwing raves because they are the best kind of parties to her. She came from a pretty quiet family so she stands out quite a bit and doesn't mind it. She loves attention and flirting. Because she is bisexual she flirts with guys and girls she finds attractive.


Hypnokinesis --- she has power to control and manipulate dreams and sleep. She can put people to sleep or make them wake up depending on what she thinks.

Shapeshifting --- she can take the form of any animal and turn into any human she has seen before, she is good at remembering faces.

Other: she wears shades and glow stick necklaces. She uses celestial bronze throwing knives.




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Name: Antonius Michaels


New to Camp?: This one at least

Godly Parent:Neptune

Personality: He is quite similar to Jason the only difference is that he has a bit more controls of himself

Bio/History: Born a few seconds after Jason he was Identified as a roman by his father and immediately sent to Camp Jupiter were he was raised. He learned many things but always felt somewhatutcasted due to The Romans general dislike of his father, aside from that he was phenomenal being a better warrior and legionnaire than many he gained some repute on his last quest but seemed changed by the experience. His friends noted he seemed far away seven in sparring, though he still whooped them he just didn't seem the same. Even as he was nominated for the position of preator he didn't seem to enjoy the moment as much as he would of. This was all due to the fact that he had a brother and had learned of him from a witch he fought he wanted to discard it as a treacherous lie but the truth in it rang through. One night he packed his things and left determined to find Jason. All he left was a hastily written note explaining it all.

Powers: Hydrokinesis and Geokinesis "They don't call me earth shaker for nothing...well mostly my dad but I've earned the title too."

Other: he is an excellent swimmer and can fly through the water even in full armor<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.b46af0a780798d63a00dcf1675207fd8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39567" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.b46af0a780798d63a00dcf1675207fd8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Image: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.09b54254e3284b8ded70c3c44839b664.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39568" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.09b54254e3284b8ded70c3c44839b664.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(Like Jason he's kinda ripped :P )



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Name: Erik Gardner

Age: 17

New to Camp?: Nope, been going here for a few years.

Godly Parent: Bia (Gody persona of Force and Energy... So you don’t have to Google.)


· Erik tends to act smooth and calm

· He tends to be care free

· He tends to space out when important things

· Likes to bet things on luck.

Bio/History: Erik was raised with full knowledge of his powers just like his friend Max. His father told him about his abilities, and then told him about his. His father was a son of Tyche (Goddess of Luck), and Lucky Erik (Lol) was born with rather high Luck. He immediately made friends with other demigods (Max, Jason, and Allie… we’ll get to her later.) and went on adventures… without Jason, because his mother didn’t want Jason to know. Although… there last adventure went wrong. Erik and Allie were waiting for Max at the campsite they were staying at, before being attacked by Cyclopes. Erik was badly wounded and Allie was rescued by a small group of Artemis’s Hunters. Max finally arrived to find Allie missing and Erik unconscious. Max managed to get Erik to a hospital before heading back home, to tell both of their parents about the incident.

Erik arrived back home a few weeks later to find that Jason had moved and Max had gone on a trip around the world. He stayed with his dad for a little while before he left for the Camp, where he ran into Max again. They managed to retain their friendship after a few months.

Weapons: Celestial Bronze Playing Cards (Cards are stronger depending on how high the number on the card is. 2 is the weakest, Ace is the strongest… He does happen to have a few random cards ranging from Tarot Cards to Cards Against Humanity Cards)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images-3.jpeg.3317819b2397916ed818c18ac3620d7a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39599" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images-3.jpeg.3317819b2397916ed818c18ac3620d7a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Energy Charge: Due to Erik’s mother’s powers over energy, Erik can increase the amount of energy in anything he touches (You know… minus people) to the point where he can cause the object to explode.

Enhanced Luck: Due to his father’s godly parent, Erik was born with more luck then a normal person. This luck, however, only seems to help him in battle.

Other: He is blind in his right eye, due to the cyclops attack. Also he’s left-handed


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/anime-guy--large-msg-123774394089.jpg.69158a4d56007d70f95f7bce55f0b75a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39600" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/anime-guy--large-msg-123774394089.jpg.69158a4d56007d70f95f7bce55f0b75a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Eye Color)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Fire_eye_by_yvaine2010.jpg.2be3ba87eba6bb39786cdf83cb0fef28.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39602" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Fire_eye_by_yvaine2010.jpg.2be3ba87eba6bb39786cdf83cb0fef28.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira!!!!!!! HE'S ALIVE IN THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!)




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Name: Holly Malat

Age: 17

New to Camp?: yep

Godly Parent: Hephaestus

Personality: she is shy. Really shy. She tends to hide away from other people. She is kind though. She will give her life to save another's.

Bio/History: she has hated hurting people for her whole life. But sometimes she can't help herself. She doesn't have complete control over her powers. At the age of sixteen, she killed her family. She burned her whole town down, actually. She ran away after that. She lived homeless for a while. She then stumbled into the camp (this is where I'll be starting in the rp).

Powers: on her left hand, she has a mark. She is able to shoot incredibly large amounts of flame that is intensely hot. Like a little less hot then the sun. Also, she's fire resistant.

Other: her left hand has this mark:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.d6f9cbef4d7b745ffc249760b8a7c3ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39609" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.d6f9cbef4d7b745ffc249760b8a7c3ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Name: Jonathan Nicovich

Age: 17

New to Camp?: yes

Godly Parent: hephaestus

Personality: Can be bulleted.

Bio/History: He was born in northern California with a Russian dad and Japanese mother. They wanted his name to show a bit of both cultures and raised him to be a great kid but didn't like his ADHD. He made his was to camp Jupiter and ran into Leo Valdez while there. The two spent a lot of time together and Hayato learned quite a bit from him. He also learned how not to wire a LED screen but that was a entirely different story.

Powers: Machine Aptitude Enhanced Forging



"yeah I'm small scrawny and I've got white hair. I swear to god the next bully that calls me Elsa is gonna get a few wrenches to the face."

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Name:Johnathan "John" Koike


New to Camp?:Second year! (after a few too many close calls.)

Godly Parent:Apollo


  • Strategic when it comes to important situations
  • Loud and a little hyper sometimes when enjoying his music.

Bio/History:John lived the normal life in New York. That was, until he saw a random stranger on the street magically grow horns. This scared the young John beyond belief to the point where he thought he was loosing his own mind. Then, he continued to experience these odd coincidences on a more regular basis. Finally after telling his mother she told him about his greek origins. John then left him with the guidance his mother had given him. She had given him very vague directions to camp, but thankfully he managed to get to camp in one piece. After his horrible first year of camp (mostly learning how to use his two daggers, sometimes accidentally sending his friends to the infirmary.) He's finally prepared for his second year.

Powers: Aim of Apollo: John has amazing aim, able to hit very small objects with ease. There's only one catch, it takes him a moment to aim, which in some cases could lead to him being caught.

Biokinesis: John is able to heal others by reciting part of a song. This draws energy from him, so it can't be used too often.

Other:James is a excellent at singing and can be heard singing every now and then.

Image:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images.jpg.4cb053eb683c74eed83a33006e840b73.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39878" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images.jpg.4cb053eb683c74eed83a33006e840b73.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon:John carries a large bow that's around his own size. This bow is half of the golden and darkened along the other half. His arrows have a distinctive red slash across the center of each arrow to show that they're his. His bow is capable of splitting off into the form of two daggers. One with a golden color (much like the upper half of his bow) and one a darker version (like the lower half). He can even combine the two daggers to create a dual sided blade (although he'll mainly keep his weapon in the bow form since he isn't too well trained with the other forms of his weapon unless he has to get up close and personal.)



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Name: Elian Carmichael Evatt

Age: 18

New to Camp?: No

Godly Parent: Hormes

Personality: Elian is constantly acting on whim and impulse, and it's not always a good thing. He's a master at getting himself into trouble, and get himself out of it just as fast with his quick thinking on his feet. He can get a bit violent at times, but typically is able to keep himself in check.

It's not that Elian's bad at making friends, he's just not all that into "getting to know people"


Bio/History: Elian lost his father at 16 when he got into a fight with a thug outside the drugstore when the guy started messing with a girl, and Eli didn't like it. The two scrapped for a while, (the girl tried to help get the man off of Elian, but was knocked conscious by a strong hit to the temple) and then the thug pulled out a gun, aiming it directly at Elian's head. Eli's dad heard the ruckus, and ran outside. He saw the man pull the trigger, and shoved his son roughly to the side, getting shot directly in his chest.

The cops had just arrived and shot the other man when he was caught off guard. Elian would not leave his father's body as he slowly died, and the girl, who called herself Addison, stayed with him, making no movements or signs of moving him away from his father. It was only when the paramedics arrived, and forcefully pried Elian from his father, that he actually let go, and even that did not go soothly, because when they touched Elian something changed in them. The only thing he said when they touched him was "Why don't you go stand in front of a car?" And one of the paramedics actually did so, while the others watched in shock and fear.

The police quickly pulled out the weapons, and began to advance on Elian, but Addison dropped some type of metal ball, and a thick fog that smelled like Cupcakes filled the scene, and the two made their escape. Addie brought Eli to CHB where he became the first demigod kid of Hormes, and Addison's new best friend.


  • Can influence a person by persuasion to make them do something impulsive and sometimes dangerous
  • He can sense and read the thoughts of others when it involves impulse or possible reckless behaviour.
  • He can heighten a person's emotions of anger, eagerness, impulse, and wanting to do something.

Other: He is very susceptible to mental attacks, because he is constantly acting on impulse.

Addison and Elian have been close friends since they met. She keeps him calm, and he helps her learn how to live.


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Holo said:
Accepted but please fix the god's name.
It's not Hermes, it's Hormes the God or Spirit of impulse or effort (to do a thing), eagerness, setting onself in motion, and starting an action
Holo said:
From what culture because I can't find anything on him.
It's either Horme or Hormes

Name: Opal Elisabetta Idlewing

Age: 17

New to Camp?: Yes

Godly Parent: Arke (Iris' twin sister and messenger for the Titans)

Personality: Opal is a bit detached from reality, and always has a glassy eyed look on her face. People say that looking in a person's eyes is like looking into their soul, but for Opal if you look into her opal eyes she can partially into your soul. Opal hates making eye contact with people, but is actually quite talkative, but in way that most people don't, or choose not to understand her. She also has a habit of speaking to people through telepathy in stead of out loud. She has a bright and colorful personality, but where's dark clothing. She's a natural blonde, but dyed her hair blue and pink for unknown reasons.

Bio/History: Opal's first signs that she was abnormal was when she was born and dropped at her father's house. The first thing that caught his attention was her kaleidoscope coloured eyes. When he looked into them there was a strange sensation of a tugging at his soul, and little Opal's eyes seemed to brighten as she learned things about her father that he would have never told her himself. Inspired by his daughter's entrancing eyes is what gave Opal's father the idea for her name. As she grew up Opal's father began to notice that his daughter never looked anyone in the eye, and if she was made to, it was only for a split second. He also thought that he was hearing a voice like Opal's speaking to him at random times.

Arke contacted Opal's father one night, and sent him a message about what his daughter was and the directions on how to get her to Camp Half Blood after she accidentally blasted a man with a light shield, because she thought he was trying to attack her.

Powers: Please only have three powers or less. Make sure it is nothing over-powered.

  • Opal is a messenger, but instead of through rainbows, it's through thoughts (If she converses for too long or too many times at one time she gets a bad migraine that sometimes compromises her other abilities)
  • If a person looks directly into her eyes, instantly she begins to know things about them
  • Can bend light to make weapons and shields, but they can only be made in the sun, and drain her energy at times (seeing as her mother was the faded rainbow of the twins)

Other: Children of Iris make Opal uncomfortable, and she tends to avoid them


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Name: Mckenzie (Kenzie) Dawson

Age: 17

New to Camp?: Meh, I went before, then headed off to find better to with my time.

Godly Parent: Tyche

Personality: Mckenzie is a very large flirt, but can be serious at times. She usually choses however to avoid relationships since her last one ended terrible. She prefers to be alone surprisingly but does okay with crowds since she knows how to play them. She knows how to wow the crowd and please them with her magic tricks as the mortals call them, but really it's just her using her luck to help her. She is rather calm in bad looking situations since she always has a plan, and a back up plan in case things go bad with the original place.

Bio/History: McKenzie lives with her older brother most of the time since her father was taken away due to a drug problem and drinking problem and was seen unfit to take care of them, she was lucky her older brother was legal to be her guardian until she grew older. Her older brother started to notice how lucky she was when she started winning many games that they played together and wondered why that was but didn't bother asking. McKenzie found out about her powers around the age of 14, when she first met her boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now since he is dead, Andrew Kipply. They managed to get to camp together, and trained there until they were 16, when they went on a mission... however, the mission didn't go as planned and the other members were killed. She never returned to camp herself, because she was ashamed and upset for what had happened and that she didn't prevent it.

Powers: Please only have three powers or less. Make sure it is nothing over-powered.

Luck Manipulation -- She can control the probability of any type of event, though mainly the auspicious ones, though whether or not it is lucky depends entirely on the perspective in which one views said event or happening from), gambling, slipping out of slippery situations, card games, any thing to do with luck really.

Sight of the Gamble -- She can see all the possible outcomes of any situation, whether it be a gamble, battle or even nearing dangers, in order to react with the best tactic and reach the best conclusion. She can figure out any chance of success, and even if the odds are overwhelming, She is still able to perceive and understand any cause and effect relation regarding the situation.

Fall from Grace -- She can cause someone to hallucinate about their impending doom and bad luck, distracting them momentarily from the task at hand. This allows her to attack or flee freely. The intensity of the hallucination can be augmented, but drains more energy.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/upload_2015-1-19_21-41-34.png.a1a037acc8d0de59b1d7d06acffa7d20.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40110" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/upload_2015-1-19_21-41-34.png.a1a037acc8d0de59b1d7d06acffa7d20.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Her lucky dice)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/upload_2015-1-19_21-43-47.png.f016ed9fee72618f8b65571c3aec638a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40111" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/upload_2015-1-19_21-43-47.png.f016ed9fee72618f8b65571c3aec638a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Her weapons)

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(She wears this when she isn't using her weapons)

Image: May be realistic, anime, drawing, or thorough description.

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