Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans


Avid Musician
Hi! Welcome to CHB:RotT, Please copy the following Character Skeleton. Do note that this is only OC's and canon characters can only be mentioned. They will not actually appear.

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New to Camp?:

Godly Parent:

Personality: Can be bulleted.


Powers: Please only have three powers or less. Make sure it is nothing over-powered.


Image: May be realistic, anime, drawing, or thorough description.
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Name:kikya Orgami


New to Camp?: No

Godly Parent: Aphrodite

Bio/History: Born to a single father he grew up getting what he needed not what he wanted. He has always been different which made him an outcast despite being friendly. When he was 12 he discovered he was a demi god after his mother was killed by a minatar. He has been at the camp ever since.

Powers: Charm speak, Amikinesis, and muscle memory.

Amikinesis when paired with charm speak gives him an extreme headache when its used so he can't use it for very long. Two hours max.

Other: He is homosexual. He is a master at long ranged weapons.

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Name: Isara Yistar

Age: 16 almost 17

New to Camp?: Yes

Godly Parent: Hecate

Personality: Isara is calm, she doesn't let things disturb her concentration and routine. She isn't good at adjusting to new environments, but she tries to make things work out. Isara likes to do what she wants, when she wants and is always ready to join up and bend the rules a little. She does feel insignificant compared to her siblings. Circe, Lou Ellen and Alabaster Torrington are all a hundred times stronger than she could ever be. She tries to hide it but she knows she is quite weak compared to the rest of her family. She has minimal magical capabilities, her necromancy is sub-par to her siblings and she has no precognitive abilities. However she makes up for it in her physical strength and mist control.

Bio/History: Living with her archaeologist father in the middle east. Isara had learned a lot about Egyptian, Roman and Greek history. She leaned to be a apothecary and then decided to dabble in the dark arts. To her surprise it actually worked. She continued her dark arts until she couldn't hide it from her father. She was then told her mother's secret and sent to Camp.

Powers: Necromancy (contact and raising of the dead and mild healing nothing major), Mist control, telekinesis

Other: She likes to make poisons and adds small amounts to her food to become immune. Also her choice weapons are daggers of varying size like her mother.



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Name: Dante

Age: 19

New to Camp: No

Godly Parent: Hephaestus

Bio/History: Dante grew up with his mother, being very close. When he was about 14, he accidentally caught on fire and his mother tried to put out the flames not knowing that she would catch on fire, resulting in her death. Dante ran as far away from his apartment as he could. He lived on the streets for a three years. Until he wandered upon the camp where he was welcomed and told everything about the Greek gods and goddesses.

Powers: Can manipulate earth and metal with his mind so he can make machines easily and weapons easily. He can also produce fire and control fire.

Other: Has a bad tendency to smoke. In his free time he makes weapons that he uses in battle.

Image: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.91b33d9fae8ce16824ffd904620fa8d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.91b33d9fae8ce16824ffd904620fa8d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Azrael Helsmitt

Age: 19

New to Camp: No

Godly Parent: Hades

Bio/History: Azrael had a peculiar childhood. He grew up in a little town in the middle of nowhere. No one really knows where it is, but where're getting besides the point. Azrael grew up surrounded by the dead, it is they who serve him and takes care of him. His father, Hades, also visits him from time to time. When he was of age of 12, he left this little town, which was built entirely for him, and went to Camp Half Blood, where he would learn to harness his powers and find his destiny.

Powers: He can wield the black flames of Erebus. It looks similar to a fire, of course it is black, but instead of giving off light, it actually makes a place darker and instead of emitting warmth, it is cold as cold can be. It is so cold that it scorches your flesh off your body. He cam also summon the dead, but only the dead from that town, which has a population of 30, and he can also shadow travel. He also wields a scythe, Harbinger. It appears to be a normal walking stick at first, but he can make the blade of the weapon, made from Stygian Iron, appear at will.

Other: When he turned 16, Hades gave him his own Hellhound, which he foolishly named Mr. Kerfaffle (stupid isn't it?).


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All are accepted :) @kira blackthorn you are accepted, but I request more details on the body adapts to environment ability. To everyone, remember that having your powers makes you powerful, but use of them drains you of your energy. Plus, some of them come with downsides like the shadow walking. Potential downside is body aches or headaches. Mist control can wear the mind. Instantaneous creation of things like fire or earth also drains energy. Just keep it all in mind.
Wait, regarding the gills, how long would it be able to make him breathe underwater? Because if its like Percy that he can breathe underwater for as long as he likes, then your character may be overpowered.
I would say no to the gills, that is NOT a power that a child of Aphrodite has.

Name: Noah Somnui

Age: 16

New to Camp: No

Godly Parent: Hypnos

Bio/History: Noah was always a tired child. Taking frequent naps whenever he could and seemed tired all the time. He had vivid dreams and enjoyed sleeping. One night however he dreamed and connected to a saytr in Camp Half-Blood. His mother had tried her best to keep Noah from the Greek world. However, after much convincing, Noah's mother reluctantly let him go to Camp Half-Blood.


  • When tired, impatient
  • Avoids fighting
  • Tries to get out of things
  • Intuitive

Powers: Noah can project his mind while he is asleep into the minds of other sleeping demigods. Noah can also cause people to feel sleepy and induce nightmares/dreams within them.

Other: Can fall asleep anywhere at anytime. Prefers to get at least 12 hours of sleep.

Image: Noah is a wiry person with pale skin as he spends most of his time indoors sleeping. His hair is in a perpetual state of messiness. Noah is often seen in pajamas, or wrinkled clothes in which he accidentally slept in them. Bags develop under his eyes after being awake for more than ten hours.
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Name: Jason Michaels


New to Camp?:Not even there yet

Godly Parent: Poseidon

Bio/History: Jason's life has been filled with Greek mythology, combat training and love. (Heh weren't expecting that last part were ya?) Hos more was an oceanographer earning enough money to afford a large penthouse in Manhattan and a good education for Jason. Jason learned much from his mother since she did all she could to provide for him often feeling guilty when as he became older she left more and more often to go out in the field for her studies. One thing she was sure to teach him was to fight. Jason is learned with a spear, sword, bow, and shield as the Spartans were, his mother wanted to teach him their combat skills since they were the best in Greece. Many year of a peaceful lifestyle undetected by monsters came crashing down around them one evening as Jason's mother Adriana Michaels was returning from a trip. Jason had been at home playing video games when they struck, three harpies crashed through the window and attacked. It took Jason about ten minutes to deal with them but not before sustaining dangerous wounds. When his mother arrived she found him unconscious in a pool of blood, a death grip on a greek Kopis from her collection, and a gash on his chest. She took him to the hospital where he's been recuperating for the last month and upon his recent release she has sent him of to camp. He doesn't know where he's going or what to expect, but with no knowledge of his powers or heritage he hopes to just survive.

Powers: Hydrokinetic (dominant), can communicate with equines and animals of the like, and most importantly he can breathe underwater. (Unsure if I have to list his ability to communicate with animals and breathe underwater, that seems like basic Poseidon kid stuff to me)

Other: Though Jason is honestly a nice guy he does have some serious trust issues and after the trauma of being blindsided by beasties he doesn't want much to do with anyone or anything at all .

Image: View attachment 82738 His face.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.377dd3708a56fedbad3d937d20a637ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32192" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.377dd3708a56fedbad3d937d20a637ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> His preferred outfit.

Lemme know of any changes necessary



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Felix Enders



New to Camp?:


Godly Parent:



Felix had many bad experiences. He's almost been kidnapped, killed, etc, and still somehow remains sane. He's never really noted his intelligence before, but recently noticed it when he was attacked and flipped an attacker when he never even knew how to do that. He ran away, and eventually found camp half-blood. He just got there recently, and has not made any friends. He probably never will.


(That moment when your demigod shouldn't really have any powers, and if they should, you don't know what they are.)


  • A bit of a loner (Not by choice)

  • Kind

  • Rarely takes risks

  • Overthinks things at times

  • Intelligent


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Niwa.jpg.6deaed13b4c4285f802a5d93523fbdee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Niwa.jpg.6deaed13b4c4285f802a5d93523fbdee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Niwa Samson



New to Camp?:


Godly Parent:



Niwa was born to Hades and a Japanese woman, named Hikari. Zeus found out about the child's birth and was furious because Hades broke the oath. He sent monsters to kill the newborn child and his mother. Hikari tried to protect Niwa as much as she could but the monsters killed her and were about to kill Niwa when Hades appeared. He destroyed the monsters and took Niwa to the Underworld, where him and Persephone raised him from infancy. He never knew his real mother, he grew up thinking Persephone was his real mother. When he turned 12 he was sent to camp where he trains and interacts with others, but he spends most of his time in the Underworld, he finds it more home then the camp where he gets outcasted.


He has the ability to speak to, raise and control the dead. He can control the shadows and manipulate earth. Basic Hades children powers.


-More or less lives in the Underworld, comes to camp when he feels like it

-Has a relationship with Thanatos

-Voice Actor: Luci Christian (Honey-Senpai, Alois Trancy)



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Name: Cade Oceania

Age: 16

New to Camp?: Yes

Godly Parent: Keto

Personality: Very environment friendly. He likes water and many animals but when it comes to humans he is a bit sheepish. He doesn't speak much to them but is willing to cooperate and be nice to them. Although he likes animals he doesn't mind eating them as he can have a voracious apetite for meats,sea foods and other things.

Bio/History: His father runs a very large aquarium and zoo so he never really made much friends with others as he always coerced with the animals at the aquarium. One day he fell back into a tank and discovered his identity. He is a son of Keto, the goddess of sea creatures. As he sank into the aquarium he went into a drastic change turning into a crustacean like creature. He grew massive, gain the exoskeleton armor and 4 huge claws. His father terrified by the change realized that it has come to pass and send Cade to Camp Half-Blood so he can learn to control his new found powers.

Powers: Cade is still learning how to turn into his monster form but can also communicate with sea animals.

Image: Cade is a rather fair built guy as all the time working at the huge aquariums and zoo helps keep him in shape. He is tanned from working in the sun and has black hair. He likes wearing tank tops and board shorts as he likes being in water. When he turns into a monster he looks like a cross between a giant shrimp and a crab. He grows to the size of being 5 ft tall,6 ft wide and nearly 9 ft long. The monster has 4 pincers that have enough power to cut and punch through steel. On land its rather clumsy and heavy but in water it is like a battleship.
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I would've done that...

But y'know.

There's very few demigods of the big three.

Plus, you have Percy at that table... Right?

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