Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Ryan: Who's the ferocious blonde?

Cupid: That quiet one there that seems to be hating on all of us...or at least me. So, one for icy blonde, and two for the blonde that starts with the letter V. No Max I'm just Cupid...Cupid blonde. Any other suggestions?

Ace: Would ya just shut up already?

Cupid: Eh no it's not my shut up kind of day. You know what I mean? NEXT!

Ace: Dear everyone in the rp who is still awake, feel free to go to sleep and join us in this dream world.

Cupid: Yeah help me decide! *turns away from OOC camera* What do you think Violin and Icy? Who likes getting shot between the both of you?

Ryan: Violin?

Cupid: Viol...Viola? My bad ha! Viola!
Max: Cupid… One of these days you're gonna get stuffed into a barrel and get thrown into a meat grinder… Specifically this barrel *Pulls out barrel* Ace care to help?
Cupid:...I didn't mean that way Serafinny fin. I meant one of you will get shot and love someone..whoever you see first no necessarily the other who I'm offering this awesome shot opportunity to
Viola: You know I can hear everything you're saying. *is sulking in the corner* I hate all of you. Especially you. *glares at Cupid*
Cupid: Yes Viola...because I was talking to you. ANYWAY,-

Ace: Meat grinder? No man! That's used for state of the art delicious patties. What about Ryan's face? I wouldn't mind throwing Cupid in a barrel at Ryan's face.

Ryan: My gods my gods why have you forsaken me?

Ace: You never heard of Adelina's story huh?

Cupid: Good news is, you don't need to know everyone in the group! WOO! What an ice breaker right?
Cupid: MAX YOU RUDE DIVA! *pops out of the barrel and flies back* Either way you're still getting shot air boy. Selective already Sarah-finny? You haven't even been fully picked unless you WANT to you? *Aims mental arrow* It's ready! *Moves it between Finfin and Violin*

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