Camp Half-Blood Redefined

The drums are seriously driving me to insanity.

WATCH OUT WORLD! Master's coming for a visit!
Have you seen Torchwood? Because there's an eppi where humans become immortal and Jack Harkness becomes mortal
The drums are making my head feel like it's going to explode

Now I know how the Master feels
Dear Kitty & Bishop,

I'm from the Doctor Who fandom; if you've forgotten already

We've been through more mental torture and sh*t

Than you're irrelevant human mind can process to beyond the universe

You're gonna have to better than that to take ME down

I've embraced The Drums,

Can you do that?

Sincerely The Doctor's Faithful Companion,


*Appears as Ghost Bishop* why am I included? I can't partake in this war. *waves hands* Can't hold anything, because I be a ghost at the moment

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