Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Don't you remember that episode? It was the one with the Daleks in World War Two. 

With which Doctor, because I had to take like a 4 month pause after Donna left *bursts into tears*
*shakes head* I still can't do it... I loved Donna.

Donna Noble has left the Library

Doctor Donna 
Just found this on Tumblr... Only makes sense when you've seen Season 7.

So, I’m watching Captain America for the first time in years, when suddenly, I see this:



And I’m like:

The Doctor's getting old again.... He's already in his 1000's

I still remember when he was 903 year old Timelord. *wipes stray tear* Memories
No. I don't want this. I don't want none of this sh*t. 
No. No thank you, please stop, Doctor Who does not interest me. 
This looks confusing as hell. 
The last move I watched was Bring it on All or Nothing

Brittney would be a horrible companion
You can talk about it all you want somewhere else, I'm sorry Lucky, but it's getting kind of annoying being bombarded with sh*t I don't understand, and nor do I want to understand it.

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