Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Caramel and salt? O.o Delicious.

I don't mean that anyone should change their powers or anything, but the way the manticore was so easily tamed . . . Ashlynn is really powerful! If she can make a manticore fall in love with a certain person, she could get a lot of people on the enemy side to turn against each other within two hours - even if it does make her sleep a lot afterwards, that's really powerful. I have officially decided that if I could have any power in the world, I would control people's emotions. xD And please don't take it the wrong way - I was just contemplating about how much devastation I just realized that power could cause. MannyXMax, though, is hysterical rofl
I Believe its only temporary altering, and Cupid also helped. Plus After it got off my character i did pet it a bunch and make friends with it. It probably doesn't last long and i don't think she can use it on a bunch of people at once. Please let me know if I'm wrong, but it was mainly Cupids arrow that did the work Ash's powers just helped it along.
When did this MannyXMax thing happen O_0 and yeah, mostly Cupid. Ash can only control like 3 people at a time, and she doesn't practice much so it wears her out easily
Oh yeah, Cupid shot the manticore too. Sorry if it seemed like I was causing a dispute or anything, I was just pondering xD Though it would be SO cool if she could have done that without Cupid's help. Demigods do have their limits though, I guess.
I'm probably going to send my characters back to the mansion in a bit, but I's reading 
Yeah, I'm actually planning to start her practicing with her powers, but on her friend Grayson not you guys
You NEVER tell a Marvel fan that you've only watched one of the Marvel movies! So you've never seen X-Men or the Avengers?
Well . . . *shamefully looks away* To compensate for those losses, I've watched all of the Harry Potter movies
HP was good until they turned it into a magic soap opera . . . Now the only good HP is the one that stands for hit points.

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