Camp Half-Blood Redefined

I have already read all but the new posts! Which is all the posts that were posted before like 7 last night.

OOH! Your name is Jarpie.

Of course Techie will be posting here! His characters just don't consist of a protagonist. 
Sigh ... A half hour is apparently not reasonable enough... 
... How about fifteen minutes? :D
And I talked to every single person who quit. They didn't want to join back so I put them on the kill list. So Holo, since you are new, I understand you don't know anything. So please try not to assume things.
I'm the only one not assuming things I said I was trying to bring somebody back not that I had and I was trying to be nice and find out why she left and give her a choice but suddenly I'm getting viciously mauled by the pro tech dream team over here.
Then go back to bed I have some character killing to do. Constantly mocking /criticizing me i'll leave then you guys be happy.
When did I become part of the Pro Techie Dream Team?

Anyways Holo, Techie is mean to everyone here, and we have all gotten used to it. He's just saying that we've already checked to see if everybody who left wants to come back and they've all said no. It's a part of the site. People leave, some earlier than others, and they do it for a reason, like the rp no longer is enjoyable to them. I say if they left then they left with good reason and we should just let them do what they do

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I'm not mean... per se. I just ain't gonna sugar coat what I mean. So I don't believe I insulted anyone or anything did i?
What? I know I didn't say anything worth leaving over. If anything, the Fox would be the one leaving for getting his feelings hurt by me since the beginning of this rp. Lol but it's not like I hate anyone.
Well at least he changed his dorky sunglasses

Holo, don't leave, please! We appreciate every character we get, including yours :3 I don't think Techie said anything really so harmful, anyway.
But in all honesty, Holo. Whether you stay or go is up to you. This is your choice and you decide ultimately. You stay then that's good, Violet has her friend. You leave, it wouldn't hurt me none. But that's just my honest opinion.

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