Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Name: Evelynn Monroe

Age: 16

Parent: Ares & Hellena Monroe

How Long Have You Been at Camp Half-Blood: A little over a year.

Looks: View attachment 45308

History: Evelynn grew up in a rural area with her mother and step-father. She grew up helping out around the farm that her step-father owned. It was a quite life, away from most people since she was home schooled for the majority of her school years. During her later school years she was on every sports team available, but wound up being kicked off of them all due to her hyper competitive attitude and 'unfair' level of prowess in all of them. She found other, maybe not totally legal, ways of satisfying her need for competition. She wound up in a sort of underground. Fight clubs, drug runs, break ins . . . She did several jobs but ended up being detained. In the end, after some behind the scenes string pulling, she was sent off to Camp Half-Blood.

Personality: Overall, Evelynn can be classed as a easy going girl. In interactions with others, she's lighthearted and a jokester. Sometimes deviating into pranksters territory if she thinks it'll be funny enough. She's relatively relaxed, but once she gets fired up it's hard to cool her back off. She enjoys fighting immensely, and not just physically either. She's not afraid to jump into any altercation, even if it has nothing to do with her or she knows its better for her to stay out. She just can't resist. She has her own style and acts as she feels, regardless of what others might think. She dislikes rules forced upon her and has often ended up in trouble for disregarding, or outright breaking them.


Wars Armory -- Evelynn keeps a massive armory only she has the keys to. This is different from her father's summoning of weapons as she actively has to pull them out of the armory via a portal linked to her person. She is constantly trying to add more to it and everything is fair game.

Survey the Field -- Evelynn is able to see what cannot normally be seen, such as information on weapons, emotions, chances of success, even life and status.

Weapon of Choice: Clawed Gauntlets



Name: Mason Loera

Age: 17

Parent: Hephaestus and Rachel Loera

How Long Have You Been at Camp Half-Blood: 7 months


History: His mother was a single mother barely able to keep food on the table. They lived in a rundown apartment where things would always be broken and Mason would try to help. He had a knack at fixing things and he kept wanting to know more about the inner workings of everything. His mother kept her knowledge of his birthright secret, as she was ashamed at being with-child by a god that shattered her very own religion. So he continued to excel in technological sciences and never understood why. His mother had left one day to work a double shift and left Mason alone to work on a project for the science fair. He had tried to attempt wiring a motor to start 3 circuits using photo-voltaic systems and he mistakenly left the leads together when the sun hit the panels. The electricity arced onto the nearest surface catching the floor and walls to flames. He tried putting it out with water but it kept burning. He fell trying to see the exit through the smoke and knocked himself unconscious. He awoke an hour later without any burns and the apartment was charred. He left to go find his mother and explain what happened. That's when she told him who he really was and where to go. So he found his way to Camp Half-Blood.

Personality: He is often to spacing out and tends to mumble to himself as his brain tinkers with problems. He has a hard time with females and tends to fall short in communicating with them. He is hard working and diligent in his processes. Tends to stray off of task when he thinks about tech.


Technokinesis-- Instantly understanding how a mechanical device works, can build almost anything mechanical, sense hidden mechanisms, and he can sense faults in metal ore and identify machinery type and use by touch.

Pyrokinesis-- Can create and control fire (though he has no idea how to as of yet.), he is immune to fire (doesn't feel pain), heat sensitivity (doesn't have this yet, can sense heat)

Weapon of Choice: Warhammer (Looks cool, but can't carry it yet.)

Other: Currently working on bracers to help him carry his warhammer without killing himself.

(In memory for those that have fallen. We will miss these souls and all that they stood for. We will continue the fight for what they believed in. We will stand for them and make sure that even in death they know we are still fighting as one. We also know they will get Elysium all three times because they are just THAT D**M GOOD!

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