Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Well I don't know how many Poseidon kids there are, plus Ares kids are the more martial prowess kids here
Sorry. Just got back. I ended up in a League match with some friends. Oh, and had to stay late after work, so didn't even get home till six . . . How about you?
I'm thinking of a way to bring mason in the mix but I think he's going to stay on the ground.
When California breaks off from the US and goes to hang out with Hawaii, what's your plan?
Go over to Hawaii and chill, try to rename California into some island name, eat waffles....just kidding, buy a private jet so I can fly back and forth from California to the US, and swim!
Reminder, the flag is surrounded by a field of gravity. Once you pass within 15 ft in the radius, the trap will activate and the floor will suck you flat with tons of pressure to your body. So please add that to your thing if you attempt to get the flag. Also only way to disable it is with Evelynn's surveying ability but needs to focus inn the area for the switch camouflaged inn the grass.
Haha. I actually am an apprentice electrician, so I know a thing or two about the lingo and stuff so I use that too my advantage. Plus sci fi movies also help lol.
Yes I figured something along those lines! I love Sci fi movies, but the really bad ones with terrible graffics. They're so funny!

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