Camp Half-Blood Redefined


*carries Nugget gently to Her Majesty Overlord Queen Empress Lady Royal Madame Dusk the Awesome and huggles them for eternity*
I feel like I have no say in any of this anymore gah! *throws pie at a wall*

My 7 year old cousin is making me sing a high school musical song with her ( I will not do it!)and she keeps bugging me. What distracts 7 year old girls?
*snuggles with my eternal love and the adorableness that is nugget forever, but keeps axe close at hand in case we are intruded upon*

So what did I miss? What's that? Gade is going to die a thousand deaths? How exciting!
I know what will distract her! If you go to her and sing a high school musical song for her, then maybe she'll be distracted.

PIE? WALL? WHAT!!!!!!!
Wait! I know! If you play a High School Musical song on Youtube and dance to it for her, then that might distract her.

YAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! *take pie happily and goes back to Her Majesty Overlord Queen Empress Lady Royal Madame Dusk the Awesome and Nugget, offering them some of the pie*
*sings* Julia is a Happy Hapa and a Happy Hapa is Julia! For no Hapa can be truly Happy if their not a Happy Hapa and they'll never be a true Happy Hapa if their name is not Julia! For Julia is the princess Happy Hapa and the ruler of Happy Hapas because she is a Happy Hapa name Julia.
Hey, I made that up on the spot, so keep your Polish Nugget Loving comments to ya self!

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