Camp Half-Blood Redefined


I accidentally clicked enter after typing Ryan and Ace. 
Okay. I'll put only girls then! Right. I forgot.
HAHAHAHAHA. I knew that would happen. But he must room with Max.

So Ryan with Gade, Ace with Max, and Cupid with Jason. 
I thought Alec was going to have his own room? I mentioned that earlier, right? 
You know, since he's the son of the one who booked it.
DARN I forgot about her . . .

Oooh. Then it can be even. And one girl will have to room with a guy. 
The chosen girl and guy will have to room with each other: 
WAIIIT. Messed up again.
Just put cupid in the same room as jerika then.....and have adelina walk into the wrong room filled with her favorite two people in the entire world
Ha. No that would be with ALEC AND MAX. 
I personally wanted Adelina to room with Helena, and the twins stuck together..Simply because I don't trust them to not kill their roommate.
xD , yeah, I know

Should I rerandomize everyone other than Max and Jerika since I included everyone in the possibility of having to room with someone of the opposite gender?

And when Alec sneaks into Max's room, he watches him lovingly, and Max jolts awake and runs away screaming when he sees Alec. This wakes up Ace, who is secretly in love with Alec. He is still partly sleeping and he walks to Alec dreamily. Alec is disgusted because he hates Ace, and instead, he follows Max, but he can't find him. So then, Ryan wakes up because of his super hearing and he walks out of his room, following Max's scream, and he finds Alec and Ace in Max's and Ace's room, Ace trying to hug Alec. Ryan is weirded out and thinks that he is dreaming, so he falls asleep on their hotel room floor. Max comes back and cackles evilly when he sees Ryan because he secretly has always wanted to murder his brother. He kills him and drags his dead body into the elevator, where a maid looks at him weirdly. Alec follows him, wanting to apologize, but has to wait for the elevator. Then Max drags Ryan outside and buries him, BUT Ryan is secretly actually Gade in disguise. Ryan walks out and finds himself being buried by Max and is very confused. Then Max turns around and sees Ryan while Alec is running to Max, sobbing, and Ace is following him dreamily. Max gasps and does not know what to do because he is suddenly overwhelmed by one of Alec's sobbing hugs and he falls over into the hole he dug for Ryan who is actually Gade. Alec goes down with him and so does Ace, who turns into Hulk and traps them in the hole forever while Ryan digs them all up.

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