Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Don't worry, Adelina will get him. After I finish my CS for one of the awesomest RPs with some of the awesomest people
God damnit max. Helena doesn't like enclosed spaces, and cars. Planes would be okay, if it weren't for enclosed spaces and you know, Zeus.

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What about trains? Or golf carts? Or wagons? Or motorcycles? Ooh, NEW IDEA! Helena would love a motorcycle, I'd think!
I've been sneezing all day, and kitty sneezes are adorable, so . . .

*Puts Kitty down cause she never wants to spend time together*
Yay, I was right!

And Jack can RP with Jessiah at the hotel :3 She already posted. You can read our posts from a few pages back. Our Chimera-defeating was pretty cool (; So I guess their group was taken to the headquarters in Curitiba but two escaped because of their awesomeness?
What can I say? I have a headache, my nose won't stop running, my throat is sore and my friends jut cancelled plans to hang out over Memorial Day weekend, and I was looking forward to it! I got home, went upstairs, grabbed my pillow and comforter, and cried.

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*Quiet, sadly* So I'm sorry, Dusk, if I'm a bit of a pissy missy. It doesn't have anything to do with you guys... *slinks away and crawls into cat castle*

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Aww. Now you're making me feel bad, Kitty. I know what you feel like, minus the friends bit. I started sneezing in the middle of work and sneezed myself into a migraine . . . I'll leave you be. Feel better! *Pats Kitty in a very non-invasive, friendly, comforting sort of a way and leaves her to rest*

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