Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Somewhere in time

I'll find you and haunt you again

Like the wind sweeps the earth

Somewhere in time

When no virtues are left to defend

You fall in deep
Because timey-wimey Julia. I'm lost as to the correlation of events between the two groups in relation to a singular timeline.
oh, well I thought that Evelynn and Mason are still in yesterday so they are talking to yesterday Adelina because essentially time skips are *COUGH* very confusing and what does timey-wimey mean?

Spiderman powers!! I had a dream once that our social studies class (because I was in middle school when I had the dream) was doing this archaeological dig thing and we dug up a statue of Elmo. but this random guy named Pal who I'm sure wasn't there before announced that Elmo was actually Ernie painted red 
Also, a couple nights ago I dreamed that our algebra homework was to write down some websites which it never is and I forgot to do it so I wrote down some random websites including one that was about deer or something and the teacher checked it and checked everyone's and then suddenly in the middle of a lecture she just marched up right to my binder and opened it and found my homework and scrutinized it carefully and looked at me disapprovingly before walking very slowly back to the whiteboard to continue her lecture while staring at me creepily at the same time 
And a really long time ago I had this dream where my family went to this maze of Italian ice because I was sort of obsessed with Italian ice back then and then there was this tour guide that led us through the maze which doesn't really make sense because it's a maze, and at one point the tour guide turned to my mother and said "This is where your father died" even though he's not dead and suddenly she started crying
I had a dream back in 3rd grade that I was trying to kill a dragon. It was so hard to kill and I finally killed it. Then I turned the corner in a place like in those Jerusalem movies, and there it was again...that stupid dragon all brand new and healed. I felt so much anger in my sleep.

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Timey-wimey is basically a way of explaining things when timelines get messed with. Like in doctor who or dark souls.

But you're right. I'll just have her have made the assumption that it happened, based on how antsy everyone was getting.

Also, your dreams are awesome. I once had a dream a few years ago that I was in a school and me and this other girl were being chased by the staff and students. We got out of the school and it turned out we were in Russia. Then one of my friends from college was there and he gave me some cryptic metaphor and I proceeded to defeat the staff and students with a lamp post.
Ohmaigosh that is so epic. I wish I had that dream lol. I never really do any heroic stuff in my dreams unfortunately though

Ah, I see
When I was younger I had a dream that I was on a chess board floating in the middle of nowhere and I was leading this war against some evil robots, but as the two groups were running towards each other I freaked out since I was at the very front -and most definitely going to get killed first- and I dreamed that the enemy was My Little Pony. I woke up after that thankfully...
I would share a dream of mine if I could remember any off mine. I for some reason know that I had an awesome dream or a bad one, but I can never remember what happens in them.

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Maybe your dreams are so short that 10% of it is only knowing that it was a dream and whether it was awesome or bad
Recently I had a dream where the humans were leading a rebellion against robots -My nightmares always included robots!- and some weird freaky looking aliens, but then the aliens invaded our base destroying and setting everything on fire as they captured the people. So my friends and I ran into the bathroom which was a terrible hiding space and you could see where we were hiding -we probably sucked at Hide N' Seek.

But I had this feeling that the girl who was hiding with me -who actually my friend in real life- was going to get killed in the dream so I woke myself up before the weird suspense music started up.

And I'm glad I forget some of my dreams...
I find it amusingly unamusing that I am always a Morning Bird on the weekends but never the weekdays

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I just spilled cat food juice on me and now my whole left side smells like a meat factory

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