Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Yes, it is a very good idea, right, Ryan? Cupid will shoot his arrow and then we'll skip however many hours you extended it to, so we won't even have to know what happened. We could do the same for Ashlynn and Max ;)  
(You're welcome Lucky and Bishop! xD )
Yes! I just thought of that if we're able to do time skips, then we could elect to skip the part where Ryan said Cupid would shoot his arrows at Ash and Ryan
Here's an idea to skip all of the plot holes and character awkwardness:

One of the gods, or maybe even a titan could intervene, because maybe (out of an excuse), we were moving too slow. So they warped time so that were a little ahead of the game. And then we could wake up somewhere in Brazil, or even on the plane there or something. I think for plot's sake, it would have to be Brazil. If we even took that idea.
Oh and by the way, this is a list of the places where there are scientist headquarters:









Maybe I got you sick via internet?

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Lol probably

Maybe since we were all planning Italy as like, this big thing that all of us should be at, then there could be a clue to there being scientist headquarters in both Egypt and China - or in Greenland, we could split to Spain and Italy except Italy takes longer and the people in Spain eventually go to Italy to help when they're done
Ohh! I remember your comment about that, but thought it was in relation to something else . . . Do you still love me now that I'm different?
Of course not! I just like to hear you say it. ^_^  
The royal cat just needs a hug! *Hugs and pets Kitty*
Then of course I do, o beautiful Her Majesty Overlord Queen Empress Lady Royal Madame Dusk the Awesome. Our love is eternal.

*smothers the royal cat in royal hugs and pats*
Yay! *Hugs Julia while scratching Kitty behind the ears* You're so cute when you're grumpy, Kitty.

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