Camp Half-Blood Redefined

(If you're still accepting....)

Name: Viola Collins

Age: 14

Parents: Phobos and Rachel Collins.

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood?: Just got here.



History: Viola's mother was driven crazy by Phobos. Whilst the god had briefly loved her, he grew tired of her quickly and used his powers to drive her over the edge. As a result, Viola was taken away from her mother when she was very young and raised by foster parents. Her mother was placed in a hospital to help with her mental health. Viola can only remember her mother a little and has no desire to ever meet her. Her father reappeared to Viola and directed her to Camp Half Blood. He was very brief in his instructions before disappearing off somewhere else. Viola went to the camp reluctantly, thinking it was just a summer camp.

Personality: Viola is very quiet and some would say eerie. She has a habit of just standing there, staring at people and not speaking. This is because she's not very interested in talking to other people but more intrigued by their fears. She doesn't actually like to scare or "worry" (see below) people but she struggles to understand other people- and how they react to things. Normally, people don't notice her coming into a room, they just turn around and she's there.

Power (Can have up to two):

- Phobia spotting. She finds it very easy to figure out what someone is afraid of. (It's harder to figure out some people, though.)

- Worry inducing. Whilst she didn't exactly gain her father's abilities to scare people, but Viola can cause people minor worry- very minor. She normally doesn't do this intentionally but when she's upset, it can bring worry to those around her.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): Bow and arrows.


-Birthday is the 27th of August.

-Favourite colour is black.

(If it's not a convenient time for me to join, I can wait.)
[QUOTE="Fallen from Heaven](If you're still accepting....)
Name: Viola Collins

Age: 14

Parents: Phobos and Rachel Collins.

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood?: Just got here.



History: Viola's mother was driven crazy by Phobos. Whilst the god had briefly loved her, he grew tired of her quickly and used his powers to drive her over the edge. As a result, Viola was taken away from her mother when she was very young and raised by foster parents. Her mother was placed in a hospital to help with her mental health. Viola can only remember her mother a little and has no desire to ever meet her. Her father reappeared to Viola and directed her to Camp Half Blood. He was very brief in his instructions before disappearing off somewhere else. Viola went to the camp reluctantly, thinking it was just a summer camp.

Personality: Viola is very quiet and some would say eerie. She has a habit of just standing there, staring at people and not speaking. This is because she's not very interested in talking to other people but more intrigued by their fears. She doesn't actually like to scare or "worry" (see below) people but she struggles to understand other people- and how they react to things. Normally, people don't notice her coming into a room, they just turn around and she's there.

Power (Can have up to two):

- Phobia spotting. She finds it very easy to figure out what someone is afraid of. (It's harder to figure out some people, though.)

- Worry inducing. Whilst she didn't exactly gain her father's abilities to scare people, but Viola can cause people minor worry- very minor. She normally doesn't do this intentionally but when she's upset, it can bring worry to those around her.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): Bow and arrows.


-Birthday is the 27th of August.

-Favourite colour is black.

(If it's not a convenient time for me to join, I can wait.)

@Fallen from Heaven

It might be a good idea to read through the entire rp as our current summary (that is currently somewhere in this thing) is a little outdated

Also love your profile pic! Corpse Party is such a great game!
Name: Serafina Zolnerowrich

Age: 16

Parents: Khione and Riley Zolnerowrich

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? been there for at least 2 weeks



(minus the earings plus she has bright blue eyes)

History: (i'd prefer if i could just explain it in the rp but here's a brief summary anyway)

She grew up with her mother and a adoptive father the family she grew up with were rowdy noisy and have hyperactive kids in which she hated but got used to it, when she was in high school she had learned that whenever she's mad people around her would shudder not out of fear but because she seems to radiate a cold aura (or something like that) when she's mad, nervous, scared and in pain. And she learned she is a demigoddess and went to Camp Half-Blood

Personality: (i don't feel like writing down my charas personality so yea ;p)

Power (Can have up to two):

The cold does do anything to her at all which means she can happily dip in liquid methane (which is SUPER COLD) on Saturns moon Titan and it wont at all it wont make her umcomfortable nor harm her.

She can manipulate Snow and Ice which means if theres snow everywhere and she wanted to make and igloo she can make an igloo without much effort this also allows her to turn snow into ice and ice into snow and if allowed she can freeze water (Think of Elsa from Frozen only that she cant use this power if theres no snow or ice around ).

WOC (Weapon of Choice):

She wears this ring


Which turns into this.


(yes frostmournce i'm not original ok?)


She's Bisexual ;p.

She's more prone to stress and anxiety to an avarage person.
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RevolverOshawott said:
Name: Serafina Zolnerowrich
Age: 16

Parents: Hephaestus and Lilith Zolnerowrich

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? been there for at least 2 weeks



(minus the earings plus she has bright blue eyes)

History: (i'd prefer if i could just explain it in the rp but here's a brief summary anyway)

She grew up with her mother and a adoptive father the family she grew up with were rowdy noisy and have hyperactive kids in which she hated but got used to it, when she was in high school she had learned that whenever she's mad people around her would shudder not out of fear but because she seems to radiate a cold aura (or something like that) when she's mad, nervous, scared and in pain. And she learned she is a demigoddess and went to Camp Half-Blood

Personality: (i don't feel like writing down my charas personality so yea ;p)

Power (Can have up to two):

The cold does do anything to her at all which means she can happily dip in liquid methane (which is SUPER COLD) on Saturns moon Titan and it wont at all it wont make her umcomfortable nor harm her.

She can manipulate Snow and Ice which means if theres snow everywhere and she wanted to make and igloo she can make an igloo without much effort this also allows her to turn snow into ice and ice into snow and if allowed she can freeze water (Think of Elsa from Frozen only that she cant use this power if theres no snow or ice around ).

WOC (Weapon of Choice):

She wears this ring


Which turns into this.


(yes frostmournce i'm not original ok?)


She's Bisexual ;p.

She's more prone to stress and anxiety to an avarage person.

Characters are further back in the SignUp we had moments where the SignUps became an OoC. The Update screwed everything up, and Ryan should have the link @RyanJXavier . Also Wouldn't Khione be a better Godly parent for your character seeing how she uses Ice and Hephaestus is usually depicted as using Fire.
BishopOfKings said:
Characters are further back in the SignUp we had moments where the SignUps became an OoC. The Update screwed everything up, and Ryan should have the link @RyanJXavier . Also Wouldn't Khione be a better Godly parent for your character seeing how she uses Ice and Hephaestus is usually depicted as using Fire.
TechEwok said:
Hephaestus isn't ice or anything....
Yea i'm gonna change it lol
Name: Riona Philomena Carson

Age: 17

Parents: Thanatos and Rebecca Carson Walker

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood: Five years


History: Riona's mother never quite got over the disappearance of her father, but knew that it was for the best. Her mother eventually got married (to a human) and moved on with her life. While her mother took her step-father's last name, Riona kept her mother's last name. Riona had grown up wondering about her father from time to time, but when she asked her mother, she gave little to no information besides his name. The demigod had thought it strange that he was named after a Greek god, but had let go of the matter. That is, until a cyclops came and attacked her when she was twelve. Knowing that her daughter was no longer safe staying out and about with normal humans, her mother rushed Riona to Camp Half-Blood.

Personality: This demigod is open with her thoughts, but knows when it's not okay to open her trap. She's caring and worries easily and is really dense sometimes. Occasionally, you'd have to be blunt for her to understand what you say clearly. She doesn't take insults lightly though. If you make fun of her or her family she'd rain all of her fury down onto you.

Power: Riona can see the dead and can sense when someone is close to death.

WOC (Weapon of Choice):

Other: Please tell me if there's anything you'd like me to add to this.
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