Camp Half-Blood Redefined


The Chosen One
RyanJXavier submitted a new role play. @RyanJXavier, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max):

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood?

Looks: (Real life picture please, no anime)



Power (Can have up to two):

WOC (Weapon of Choice):


My Profile

Name: Ryan Anderson

Age: 17

Parents (Zeus will only have 3 kids max): Zeus and Emily Anderson

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? 2 months

Looks: (Real life picture please, no anime) How he looked after the surgery after the burn. (AKA NOT HIS CURRENT FACE AND NOT HIS REAL FACE...his current and true face is after this pic)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-18_12-37-25.png.7a4e3af2121f197f3f408b57a2538582.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27622" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-18_12-37-25.png.7a4e3af2121f197f3f408b57a2538582.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

How he looks now after his brother changed his face back to the way it was supposed to look now without have being burnt years ago. A.K.A. Ryan's TRUE, REAL and CURRENT face.


Bio: Ryan Anderson was raised by his mother, Emily Anderson, and his step father Jericho Anderson. Jericho is the General of the Army and Emily is a neurologist. Ryan was always one of the top students at his school. He excelled in sports and academics. He was enrolled in a Mixed Martial Arts Academy, and due to his excellent skills and speed in learning fighting techniques, Jericho persuaded Ryan to join the military once he graduates from high school. Unfortunately, he severely injured his Martial Arts opponent during a tournament. Ryan went to Camp Half-Blood because his powers started getting out of control.

Personality: He is funny, smart, athletic, brave, fun-loving, adventurous, selfless, good-hearted, determined, and protective. He is also pretty outgoing and usually only gets mad when someone harms his family or friends.

Power (Can have up to two):

Enhanced physical abilities-He has super human strength, super human speed, and other super human physical abilities.

Enhanced combat- The ability to become unbelievably skilled in known forms of fighting. He can be exceptionally proficient in the fighting traditions of a variety of cultures and become advanced with his own individual methods of close quarter combat, including martial arts (from all over the world), boxing, and wrestling. He is superhumanly skilled in his use of weaponry.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): Lightning Twin Katanas

Other: Mixed Martial Arts Black Belt and skilled at Parkour.



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Name: Vitus Vayne

Age: 17

Parents: Hecate and Zackery Vayne

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? Nearly a year


History: Vitus was raised by his father, Zackery Vayne and various women. Zackery was a photgragher. His father always moving them around caused him to never hold a long term relationship. Vitus did mind though most of the women he wasn't particularly fond of and he liked to travel. But Vitus began experiencing strange occurrences. Having night mares/terrors, seeing strange lights, hearing disembodied voices. That was when his father decided it was best if he went to Camp Half-Blood to learn about his powers and how to control them

Personality: Vitus find it hard to trust people and form bonds with people. He believes actions speak louder then words.

Power: Vitus can hear the dead but has trouble understanding them unless they speak to him through dreams, and he can raise the dead but only for up to twenty minutes. The worse the condition of the body the less time he can raise it.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): scythe

Other: Vitus is good at drawing and is not all that physically strong.

Hope this is all okay.
Name: Evelynn Monroe

Age: 16

Parent: Ares & Hellena Monroe

How Long Have You Been at Camp Half-Blood: A little over a year.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/original.jpg.6ba82655b60e33c11cb396f6d3f767c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/original.jpg.6ba82655b60e33c11cb396f6d3f767c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
History: Evelynn grew up in a rural area with her mother and step-father. She grew up helping out around the farm that her step-father owned. It was a quite life, away from most people since she was home schooled for the majority of her school years. During her later school years she was on every sports team available, but wound up being kicked off of them all due to her hyper competitive attitude and 'unfair' level of prowess in all of them. She found other, maybe not totally legal, ways of satisfying her need for competition. She wound up in a sort of underground. Fight clubs, drug runs, break ins . . . She did several jobs but ended up being detained. In the end, after some behind the scenes string pulling, she was sent off to Camp Half-Blood.

Personality: Overall, Evelynn can be classed as a easy going girl. In interactions with others, she's lighthearted and a jokester. Sometimes deviating into pranksters territory if she thinks it'll be funny enough. She's relatively relaxed, but once she gets fired up it's hard to cool her back off. She enjoys fighting immensely, and not just physically either. She's not afraid to jump into any altercation, even if it has nothing to do with her or she knows its better for her to stay out. She just can't resist. She has her own style and acts as she feels, regardless of what others might think. She dislikes rules forced upon her and has often ended up in trouble for disregarding, or outright breaking them.


Wars Armory -- Evelynn keeps a massive armory only she has the keys to. This is different from her father's summoning of weapons as she actively has to pull them out of the armory via a portal linked to her person. She is constantly trying to add more to it and everything is fair game.

Survey the Field -- Evelynn is able to see what cannot normally be seen, such as information on weapons, emotions, chances of success, even life and status.

Weapon of Choice: Clawed Gauntlets

Other: Sacrificed her life in an epic battle against the scientists, culminating in her death as her opponent, her mother, sings her to sleep. *Bawls loudly*


Name: Iliana Quinn

Age: 17

Parents: Psamathe & Cyrus Quinn

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood?: One year, 3 months, twenty-eight days


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c05eae3c6_IlianaQuinn.jpg.091f860ccafcd2acf118a733f14ce040.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29769" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c05eae3c6_IlianaQuinn.jpg.091f860ccafcd2acf118a733f14ce040.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
History: Iliana’s early life was rather unremarkable. When many of the other demigods were struggling to survive and being hounded by monsters, making their journey to Camp Half Blood, she lived on in ignorance, growing up a relatively normal life. She took up an interest in glass-blowing and began learning from one nearby her home town. This was the most eventful her life got until fourteen, when her powers first showed signs of manifesting.

While on vacation with her father to the beach, a place she had come to thoroughly enjoy, she started being heckled by a group of local teens for building sand castles at her age. Her father, usually ever watchful, was currently preoccupied getting them food from a stand, and didn't notice what was going on. The group of teens destroyed her week, once, twice, three times in short succession, ending her work before it even began. She was growing increasingly frustrated and when the fourth attempt was made, the foot of the boy aiming a kick at her newly erected tower hit something solid and hit it hard. A crack was heard and he went down wailing, holding his foot in pain. Iliana stared on silently in shock. It wasn’t so much the boy’s pain that had her attention rather, it was that her wall was still there, perfectly unharmed. Her father quickly took her home and their trips to the beach became almost nonexistent.

All was quite once again and she kept busy with books and her glass work, steadily improving under her teacher’s tutelage. He could not deny she had a knack for it even he did not possess. The subtle manipulations of the sand turned glass were unknown to even her, but led to some rather exquisite, if imperfect, pieces.

Once again, things would not stay so simple. Iliana sat up late one night, carefully working on her latest assignment. She withdrew the molten glass from its heat source and lightly blew into the end of the pipe, giving the boar she was working on its base form. Legs, a snout, tail, she was nearing completion, her concentration focused on the glass and nothing else. Something else lurked in the room with her though, emerging from the fiery embers of her work station, a snarl echoed throughout the house, followed by a scream and the sound of shattering glass.

Her father arrived at her side moments later and stumbled over the fading body of a defeated hellhound, shards of colorful glass jutting from within its body, through its shaggy fur into the warm night air, sand leaking from its open mouth. As he cleaned up his daughter, bloody and scared from the attack, he finally let her in on the secret he had held for all these years. He took her to Camp Half-Blood in the morning and left her under Chiron’s care.

Personality: Personality: Alone, Iliana is a quiet, gentle soul, the type you'd expect to have her nose buried in a book and ignore the world around her (which she does do sometimes). However, in a group, things are different. Like the sands, she is easily riled up. While her small stature is sure to intimidate only the most cowardly woodland critters, her fierce gaze and headstrong determination seem almost otherworldly. She is, as a whole, a rather arbitrary person and is thus difficult to figure out. She is sometimes seen as somewhat egotistical or arrogant given that she believes the self to be most important. However, she believes everyone should feel this way and that if everyone did they'd all be a lot happier. The thing that keeps her from seeming self-obsessed is that her focus on self extends to everything around her. If giving away her favorite desert makes her feel better than eating it, she'll hand it off with no regrets. Likewise, if seeing someone die causes her more pain than dying herself, she will relentlessly throw herself in front of every bullet that comes towards the other person.


Weaving the Sands – The control of any small particle based substance that could be classified as ‘sand’: dirt and ash, even things like salt and sugar are able to be manipulated. Able to create base sand at will. Glass is also able to be manipulated, but with a lesser degree (unless it’s broken into small particles).

Consuming Sands – Able to break down almost anything into a ‘sand’ state by slowly shredding it apart a small granule at a time. This is where her weapon of choice, iron sand, comes from. Different materials take different amounts of time to break down.

Weapon of Choice: Iron Sand

Other: Ironically, despite being born of a goddess of the beach, she is a terrible swimmer and has gained a minor fear of water that comes higher than her shoulders. While not immediately fear stricken, if she cannot escape, she grows more panicked and will begin to asphyxiate if not rectified, even if she’s not drowning at all.



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Name: Mason Loera

Age: 18

Parent: Hephaestus and Rachel Loera

How Long Have You Been at Camp Half-Blood: 7 months


History: His mother was a single mother barely able to keep food on the table. They lived in a rundown apartment where things would always be broken and Mason would try to help. He had a knack at fixing things and he kept wanting to know more about the inner workings of everything. His mother kept her knowledge of his birthright secret, as she was ashamed at being with-child by a god that shattered her very own religion. So he continued to excel in technological sciences and never understood why. His mother had left one day to work a double shift and left Mason alone to work on a project for the science fair. He had tried to attempt wiring a motor to start 3 circuits using photo-voltaic systems and he mistakenly left the leads together when the sun hit the panels. The electricity arced onto the nearest surface catching the floor and walls to flames. He tried putting it out with water but it kept burning. He fell trying to see the exit through the smoke and knocked himself unconscious. He awoke an hour later without any burns and the apartment was charred. He left to go find his mother and explain what happened. That's when she told him who he really was and where to go. So he found his way to Camp Half-Blood.

Personality: He is often to spacing out and tends to mumble to himself as his brain tinkers with problems. He has a hard time with females and tends to fall short in communicating with them. He is hard working and diligent in his processes. Tends to stray off of task when he thinks about tech. He is rather joyful and his emotions are in the open. Making him vulnerable to many attacks at what makes him emotional.


  • Technokinesis

  1. He can manipulate technology and technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as "technology". Manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data.
  2. He can manipulate the binary visible computer information known as data allowing them to collect information about most businesses and organizations and their operations and do amazing things to or inside computers such as hacking and manipulate computer programs.
  3. He can perceive, understand, control and generate electronic, digital, and radio transmissions without accessing any standard source of communication. The user is in essence a living wireless hub/computer. (Not Discovered yet)
  4. He can create various kinds of technological constructs: weapons, armors, structures, devices, drones, vehicles, robots, aircrafts, spacecrafts, and so on. He possesses advanced knowledge and intuitive understanding of technology, being able to analyze and replicate any technological device, improvise their own technology, and combine/hybridize various brands of technology for even more powerful constructs. (Needs materials to create.)

  • Pyrokinesis

He can create, shape and manipulate fire. ( Does not have full control of the power. When under emotional stress, loses full control over power and becomes a danger.)

  1. He is able to survive at any temperature without discomfort. (Though has a hard time telling the difference in temperature)

  2. Cold Immunity: Resistant to low temperatures
  3. Fire Immunity: Resistant to high temperatures

[*]He is able to sense forms of heat and can vaguely discern between the forms but not precise.

[*]He can create, shape and manipulate molten rock (magma while underground, lava when on surface).

Weapon of Choice: Warhammer (Lost the gifted one)


  • Leather Bracers integrated with electronic interfaces.

  1. Can activate and use as a storage to keep information
  2. Has a magnetic lining that revolves around the wrists that can attract/repulse magnetic properties.
  3. Helps enhance his strength with the use of magnetic properties. (only when handling magnetic objects)


Name: Karan (Kah-ryann) Aos (Ays) Elizan (Ehli-zaann)

Age: 19

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Aeolus and Beth Elizan

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? 9 years

Looks: (Real life picture please, no anime)


(Not mine blah blah blah, best photo for character's description)

History: Born north of the United Kingdoms on Kintyre, a peninsula in western Scotland to a Beth Elizan. Her mother bore her and raised her with the knowledge of who her birth father was. Aeolus, God of the Winds. He was a handsome man with a glide that seemed as if nothing could phase him. And a charm that swooned the young red-haired Beth to a night on the town without much resistance. Karan was a hard child to read when she got into her moods. She had a distant cold aura that gave people the creeps. Her friends in school thought she was bipolar and tried to stay away from her as best they could. Karan didn't always have a gloomy life. She enjoyed being on the rooftop of her small home and loved her mother to death. Beth gave Karan everything she needed, her unconditional love.

Karan and her mother left to the states on her ninth birthday and landed in New York to do tourist things. But her mother had another reason to be there, to keep her child safe from the world oblivious to Karan. Beth went to the camp deep in the woods to meet a person her lover had told her to see. Chiron, to keep his daughter safe from harm that one day she would grow to be able to defend her fellow demigods as well as herself.

Karan spent her years in camp keeping to her training and was known only to the few she bothered to speak to. Her power to manipulate the wind came closer to her 16th birthday after a sparring match with a son of Ares. And there after hoped to meet Zeus or a son/daughter of Zeus to help her with her abilities. None came. So she spent hard years honing her abilities with wind and casting aside any weapons her trainers offered her.

Personality: She's cold and quiet. Refuses to speak first and listens to everything around her. She is loyal but no one has won her loyalty yet. She has a bubbly side to her that comes out when she gets excited though it's a shock to everyone that doesn't actually know her. Part of being a bit bipolar. She rushes into things and her impulse control is no where in sight. And she feels a sort of elation and is restless at these times which sometimes can take a couple days to settle down to normal.

Power (Can have up to two):

  • Aerokinesis:

  1. Can create, shape and manipulate air and wind.
  2. Create/generate/increase, shape and manipulate air and all forms of wind from tornadoes, hurricanes, vertical drafts, micro-bursts and other devastating forms of wind. Naturally can also create any less extreme air/wind movement.
  3. Air Attacks
  4. Air Solidification, Density Manipulation, and Pressure Manipulation via controlling air molecules.
  5. Levitation (beginning stages of flight)
  6. Enhanced Senses using wind:

  • Enhanced Touch by reading the airwaves and feel any disturbances.
  • Enhanced Hearing by amplifying air molecule vibrations.
  • Jet Propulsion by using compressed air pressure for supersonic bursts.

  • Cryo-Aerokinesis: (Not exactly a second power just a derivation of the first. Reason why she has alot to do with wind. Because that's all she has.

  1. Can create, shape and manipulate cold air, combining various air/wind related powers with freezing cold
  2. Create/generate/increase, shape and manipulate cold air. Can only create thin sheets of frost
  3. Cannot create ice without water. Moisture in the air is not enough to create solid objects.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): Her fists when close, and her Aerokinesis.

Other: (powers are just an expanse to what she can do with it)

Since air cannot be seen by conventional methods, neither can the attacks and derivatives formed by/from it, making it an invisible and versatile weapon that is very difficult to block and dodge
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.2f02a852f691523e178502ac6a3a4756.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15415" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.2f02a852f691523e178502ac6a3a4756.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Sage Xri

Age: 16

Parents: Apollo and Lea Xri

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood?: 1 year

History: She didn't know her parents well, and was mostly raised by her grandmother and great grandfather, Ahli and Chleo Xri.

Sage has always had a fascination with nature; plants, animals, and light. Her grandmother had always believed in "Gods" and "devine powers", thinking she could channel these things through yoga and tai chi. Let's just say, she was right.

Personality: Sage is very quiet and reluctant to talk to most people, and prefers to keep conversation to only what is necessary. She is calm and collected, but extremely sensitive on the inside.

Power (Can have up to two):

Light: She can manipulate light

Healing; Her grandmother had taught her the art of medicine through nature and plants, but this craft had turned in to something that didn't rely on the presence of plants or vegetation, and could be summoned, in general, effortlessly.


Water; Large bodies (rivers, oceans) of water weaken her healing.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): Twin daggers



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Name: Jaycee Michaels

Age: 15

Parents: Poseidon and Emma Michaels

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? I think it's been a year. Yep. A year.


History: Jaycee was raised by her mother, Emma. Jaycee had a hard time with bullying and had severe anxiety growing up. She was kicked out of school at 13 due to "Rebellious Behavior." She got through her problems by walking around the creek, which was a couple miles away from her house, and poetry. After about a year of therapy, mind-controlling, and joking around, Jay's mother was done with her behavior and Jaycee was told everything that was kept from her for 14 years. After that, Camp Half-Blood was the only thing left that could possibly teach her to control herself.

Personality: Jaycee is kinda awkward. She acts mean to avoid being social but really she is sweet. She does have a knack for trouble though. To joke around, she'll often play games with your mind. She thinks very deeply and according to most people, would be considered "Emo." She'll try to make friends with you the first time. But after the first time, no more fun & games.

Power: Mind-Control- Very fun for her to play with. She can make you think things she wants you to. She can make you think love but cannot make you love.

Water Manipulation- Jaycee was known for playing with water as a kid. One of the reasons she was kicked out of school was trying to drown a girl on the swimming team. She can heal with water, stay underwater for a very long time, and can control it.

Weapon: Ichaival

Name: Helena Imuuno

Age: 17

Parents(Zeus will only have 3 kids max) (I assume the same goes for Poseidon and Hades?): Hades and Sharon Tamias

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood?: Well, I got here when I was around 11... 6 years.



History: I spent my first three years of life with my mother, Sharon. Then car accident happened. Drunk driver, car flipped, mom dead. I was shoved through multiple foster homes for, about 6 more years, and was eventually adopted by Gordon Imuuno, and his wife, Marilyn, who was 3 months pregnant. Well, 6 months later, they had the most beautiful little boy, Jake. Blonde, blue eyed, he was an absolute sweetheart. The kid loved me like his sister, which I practically was. But right around 11... The monsters started to attack. Cyclops, trolls, telkhines, hell, even a Hydra attacked me on my way home! And... Little Jake almost got hurt.. My three year old brother almost got hurt. After that, I gave anything I couldn't take with me to the family, and then I left. I followed my instincts, and found Camp Half-Blood with the help of my new-found furry friend, Fred. Ha! Say that five times fast!

Personality: She puts herself as cold and harsh and bitchy on the outside, but she has her cute little quirks if you break past her distrust. She can be sarcastic, sweet if she wants to be, and actually quite friendly if she likes you.


Shadow Travel: Using patches of darkness to travel long distances.

Bone Manipulation/ reanimation: Taking bones from the ground and using them to reanimate skeletons of animals or humans to do her bidding. She could raise an entire undead army if she so wished. She can also shape and mold these bones into any crazy shape she wishes. Maybe even bone inside a living being, effectively killing them.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): Stygian steel sword

It goes from this;


To this;


Other: She has several tattoos on her shoulders.
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Would you guys like to start and let other people join as we rp, or do you all want to wait a little longer?
I'm good with either way. We've got seven people, though we could post something to knock us back up to the first page to see if anyone else has interest. We're on page 3 currently.
Alright we can start now and just have other people join as we rp. By the way today I am going to be on and off because of my internet connection in the area I am in.
Yea I'm kinda driving around the city so I'll be doing the same xD . The little sis wanted to make me chauffeur her around.
Name: Alec Grant

Age: 17

Parents: Aphrodite and Darren Grant

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood?: about 3 years.



History: I had a good life with my dad. He was wealthy to a point that he didn't know what to do with his money. Whenever I asked him about my mom, he always described her as a goddess, a drop dead gorgeous woman. It was love at first sight. I appeared to him in a golden cradle, carried by doves and other birds. Mostly doves. After that, he was never more happy to have a son. "You look just like your mother," he said. I guess my mother is blonde and blue eyed. At least, thats what I imagine. I've never actually seen or talked to her...

Anyway, it was right around when I was fourteen that monsters began to attack me at my dad's mansoin, then, out of love, he sent me to camp Half-Blood, where I've lived for the past three years. I go back in the summer, generally.

Personality: He is extremely shy around others he doesn't know. He's quiet unless around his friends. Otherwise, he's fairly goofy and lighthearted.

Power (Can have up to two):

He can utilize charmspeak.

When he looks into a reflective surface, like a mirror or the blade of his knife, sometimes he can see things far away.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): Celestial bronze knife


Other: He is more into fighting then the other Aphrodite kids.
It's still open, Layna. (Love your name, by the way) We are just waiting on Techie to post.
[QUOTE="Dusk Archon]It's still open, Layna. (Love your name, by the way) We are just waiting on Techie to post.

Mhm gotta wait a bit. Work is demanding I stop using my phone.

But make a character sheet and I'm sure you'll be accepted.
Your so slow! We welcome all to our group, Layna. Or I see no reason not to anyways. But we're kinda crazy sometimes, so heads up. =)
Thanks for the warm welcome guys! I already feel at home. :) and Dusk I'm glad you like my name! 
Name: Amaya Grace

Age: 16

Parents: Ares and Bianca Grace

How long have you been at Camp


A couple of weeks.


History: Amaya is a hot headed, warrior type of a person. Can't blame her considering her father is the God of War. Although she hates him more than anything in the world. Amaya was raised by her single mother, Bianca who is the world to her. At school, she used to be the girl not to be messed with or she ended up punching someone in the face. Her hot temper got her into a whole lot of troubles which resulted in more violence. Last month her teacher did something 'unfair' to one of the students which triggered her anger and she ended up throwing him across the room. Thinking she needed to control her inhuman powers, Bianca enrolled her in Camp Half Blood. Its been a couple of weeks she's here and pretty much hates everyone.

Personality: Badass, aggressive, sarcastic, skilled at combat, protective, fierce, powerful, short tempered, caring (though it is hardly believable) and fearless. Amaya never backs down from a fight. She hates when people are unfair to anyone and responds with her knuckles mostly. She's the kind of a person who punches first and later finds out whom she hit. Also, she swears a little too much.

Power: Inhuman strength. Though she is a born warrior, her skills lack.

She possesses the rare gift of telekinesis, i.e., she can move objects with her mind. She needs to control this talent of her, because it gets out of hand when she's mad.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): She can turn any lame thing into a weapon, i.e. use anything as a weapon. Nothing special as of her choice.

Other: Amaya's expression is always serious and a permanent snark. Very few people have actually seen her smile. She is five feet nine inches tall, with dark brown-almost black hair.
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Still open? Just in case it is I'll pt up my c-sheet

Name: Jason Michaels

Age: 16

Parents:Poseidon, and Laura Michaels

How long have you been at Camp


Fresh meat


History: His whole life Jason was told he was special, his mother tried to prepare him in subtle ways, like sword-fighting with him as a game well after it should have stopped. She would give him trivia on Greek deities though he never really believed. Even when he saw weird things he disregarded it calling it his own brand of crazy. He used to constantly play with water and is very adept, using his creativity to do things you might not expect with his power."

Personality: Jason is kind, and considerate, he is fiercely defensive of his friends and cares deeply about his mother. He trats anyone that's kind to him in the same manner and tries to get along with everyone.

Power: He can control water, and such using the same abilities as percy, one trick he discovered is condensing the air to form water, though that is difficult and takes alot of him.

WOC (Weapon of Choice):He is adept with a sword but uses anything he can..

Other:On the night that he arrived he found to charm bracelets on his bed one with a shell design on it and the other with a trident. this was after, the shell charm turns into a shield and so far the trident turns into a sword and a spear. He's tinkering with it and trying to learn it's secrets learning as he goes.
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Name: Noah Hikaru

Age: 16

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Apollo and Akira Hikaru

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? 2 and a half years


History: Noah and his mother lived peacefully in the suburbs of a town nearby Camp Half-blood. His mother was a doctor who worked hard to provide for her and Noah. She was also a skilled fighter in Judo and had training with a katakana. Akira, in her spare time, taught Noah some of her expertise and taught him good morales such as patience and tolerance. Noah was very disciplined by his mother but loved her very much. Akira had chosen a town not too far away from Camp-Half blood because she knew the Noah would eventually have to go there due to his demigod blood. She was right. One day Akira took a day off from work and was at home with Noah. Akira left to throw some rubbish outside and saw a big, hulking monster advancing towards them. She quickly shouted for her son to hide. Noah being very obedient quickly hid himself in the house basement. After about half and hour, crashing and thrashing above stopped. Noah heard large footsteps of the monster above leave and he feared for his mother. Quickly he got out of his hiding spot and crawled out the basement. There he found beaten body of his mother. Desperate to help her, Noah brought over a first aid kit to help her and using what he was taught tried his best to heal her. However it was in vain. Akira with her dying breath told Noah to head to a place called Camp Half--blood. Before he could say anything, the monster that had attacked earlier smelt his demigod blood and turned back. Noah looked up in terror at a cyclops stomping towards him and his dead mother. The approaching cyclops' leg had a katana stabbed through it, but still was approaching. Taking one last look at his mother, Noah quickly ran away from his home, away from the cyclops, and eventually to Camp Half-blood, tear-eyed, tired, and without a family.

Personality: Noah is typically a quiet person. He has recovered form the traumatic experience two years ago, but is still pretty shy. He tries his best to help others and provide assistance. Since he was helpless to his mother, Noah tries his best to learn all the healing magic he can so that he doesn't loses another person he cares about. Noah also detests fighting. He tries to avoid fights by running away or assuage confrontation with words.

Power (Can have up to two): Noah is an avid healer with modern medicine, magic, or natural herbs etc. Noah also can manipulate sunlight such as bending it to blind enemies. His powers are weakened in dim or dark areas. They are at their peak in direct sunlight.

WOC (Weapon of Choice): Bow and Arrow.

Other: Loves music and a good musician. Often carries a lyre around with him.
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Name: Zachary Cosmos

Age: 15

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Hermes and Taylor Cosmos

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? 4 Years!

Looks: (Real life picture please, no anime)


History: Zach arrived at Camp Half-Blood when he ran away from home. His mind and heart just led him there. He has terrible anxiety and doesn't talk to many people. He was kicked out by his mom and she never really said, "I love you," ever. He didn't have any friends until Camp.


He's a awesome guy. But a badass! Nothing like his father like you'd expect him to be.

Power (Can have up to two):

He cannot age.

Enhanced thievery

WOC (Weapon of Choice): He has many of these knives he keeps in his cabin.


Other: He's had a crush on Jaycee but she never really knew him.
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