Camp Half-Blood...on the verge of destruction [Inactive]


Troyler Shipper
Toughchic236 submitted a new role play:

Camp Half-Blood...on the verge of destruction - In the Percy Jackson universe...everything is falling apart.

In the Percy Jackson universe,everything is falling apart.
At Camp Half-Blood...

Everything is about to become a memory.The Titans and Gaea are reeking havoc on the camp.Everything is being destroyed as I type this...and no one has much hope.

At Camp Jupiter...

Everything is falling apart.The Titans are back again,and Gaea is making a visit.Everyone is running in circles,crying,or shouting orders.We're all screwed.
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Sapphire wakes up,a sticky-note on her forehead.She thinks...."What the...? Oh,it's Mr.D...that old fart-bag." She got up,taking the sticky-note off her face.It read..."Diamond,you will be searching for new campers today.You will have the assistance of one person you pick." She got ready for the day,the trumpet blaring in her ears.She thought long and hard about who she would pick. (The 'Crisis' will happen later in the day)
Rienne covered her ears as she heard the alarm clock in the other room going off, furrowing her brows at the loud obnoxious sound. She had been sitting at the kitchen table, reading a book on battle techniques and weaponry as she picked at a bowl of mixed fruit and sipped at her coffee. She wasn't entirely sure what had made her wake up so early this morning, as she had been sitting there reading silently to herself for about an hour already. She wasn't sure where the book had come from either, having found it sitting on her night stand when she woke up that morning. Usually she would be reading adventure stories and fiction, but didn't want this book to go to waste on a bookshelf for the remainder of its life, so she had simply grabbed it and taken off before anyone else had woken up yet.

She looked around the kitchen, wondering why her brothers alarm clock was still going off. Her eyes shifted back to her book shortly enough, about half way through the large text book like object. She sighed as she attempted to read the passage on archery and how to properly aim with a bow and arrow. The alarm clock had seemingly interrupted her concentration, and she promptly closed the book, making sure to place a bookmark in between the pages.

She rose from her seat, taking the paper coffee cup beside her in her hands after placing the book safely in her satchel. "Well, I guess I should find some other place to read anyways..." She mumbled to herself. She was constantly talking to herself, a trait that was picked up mostly from spending her days alone all of the time. Her brother was usually at work by the time she woke up.

She wondered why the alarm clock was still going off, and just as she'd had the thought, she heard a loud thump thump thump and then the sound of shattering glass along with a crash from the bedroom. The alarm clock kept on blaring. Rienne ran across the hall, almost tripping as she rounded the corner into her brothers bedroom. She froze at the sight before her. The room was in shambles, her brothers night stand overturned, as well as the dressers, and clothing lay on the floor everywhere. The mattress to his bed was on the opposite side of the room, leaning against a wall, and her brother was nowhere in sight.

Instead, in his bedroom, there was a large beast, much larger than herself by about three times as much. It looked as though it could be a wolf, but was far larger, and had ravenous eyes. When it breathed, smoke billowed from its nose, and it growled heavily as it caught sight of her. Rienne went wide eyed, her hands going to her mouth to cover it, utterly dumbfounded. Before she could even wonder what was going on, the beast charged at her, and she was screaming, terrified of the foul beast. The only thing she could do was run, which she did, dropping the cup of coffee she had been holding the whole time and making a break for the front door before opening it and dashing out into the light of day, running as fast as she could from the large monster chasing her.
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Pallas & Dallas Crosby

Pallas wasn't having a good dream. Then again, she never did. They were always filled with monster's attacking her and Dallas, her twin brother. Though tonight, the dream wasn't much different:

Dallas was dragging her by one arm, that she could feel. Something was behind them, something that was making it's way fast behind them. An older boy was running up ahead, yelling for the twin's to hurry, that they were almost there. Pallas recognized this boy. It was the Satyr Logan, that was killed on the night of their arrival to camp, seven years ago. Dark hair slightly curled on his head, bright brown eye's that were frantically looking around.

Logan had been Dallas's friend for two year's, the longest point that either of the twin's had ever had in a relationship.

But now, it seemed like everything would be coming to an end. Something snagged Pallas's pant leg, twisting her ankle incredibly, and she was immediately down. Dallas had lost his balance and toppled over like a domino. Dallas was quicker than Pallas had been. He forced himself under one of his arm's, trying to support her weight. "Come on Pals, we got to go. Now!" He exclaimed, his eye's flashing behind them. At the speed they were going, the creature would get them any second.

Pallas had a quick thought, "Dallas let me go." She mumbled.

"Wha....? No! That thing will kill you!" He argued, "I'm not leaving you."

"If you don't let me go, the monster will get us both. Leave me and get to the borders!" She pleaded, hearing the growl of the beast dreading closer.

Dallas shook his head and trudged forward.

From nowhere, Logan appeared, holding a bronze sword. His eye's flickered to them, then to the wood's. "Get across the border Dallas, I'll be right behind you guys." He announced. Pallas watched the expression flicker across Dallas's face. He didn't like the idea.

"Okay," He mumbled. Dallas pulled her along, urging Pallas to go faster. In the distant they could hear Logan yelling at the beast.

"Goooo!" He Screamed.

Pallas woke up, lying in her cabin. Pulling her hand to her face, she wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth. The dream still replaying in her mind. The morning trumpets blared, obviously not waking up her sound of a sleeper brother. "That's...... stupid." Dallas mumbled in his sleep. His dark hair was messy over his eye's. Pallas pulled herself from bed, changing into a Camp Half-Blood T-shirt and a pair of Jeans before waking up her brother.

"Dallas...." She mumbled, pushing on his arm. "Dallas, wake up. I'm hungry." She grumbled, shoving him again. Dallas stirred, sitting up quickly. His eye's were wild, until they landed on Pallas. "Some wake up call."

Pallas smiled, pulling a brush through her dark hair. "Get up and get dressed. I'm hungry." She smiled.
"I need some tea." Victor thought while making his bed.

The trumpet had sounded moments ago waking Victor from his sleep.

He walked, dragging his feet, to the bathroom.

"Oh god my hair is a mess." Victor quickly brushed his teeth and left the bathroom.

He walked past all the books he had piled on the floor.

Past the uneaten pizza still in the box.

He walked into his closet and picked out his clothes.

A black shirt with the punisher logo and some dark jeans.

He put on his black beanie and started toward his cabin door.

He hated being alone in this dark cabin.

Hopefully he will make some friends.

Maybe someone will actually grow to like him.
Sapphire went to ask Mr.D why the heck he had picked her and not a satyr for this peculiar job.Maybe he messed it up?? He usually does,so she went to ask him at his breakfast table."Mr.D,may I ask you a question?" She asked the plump man "What is it,Diamond?" He looked to her."Why did you pick me for a satyr's job?" He took a bite of pancakes,eating like a slob "Well,you could do something other than train.You're already very skilled with archery and hand-to-hand combat,and you're my first pick to get eaten by monsters." "Well,thanks..." She mumbled,sitting at the Hecate table.She thought more about her choice of a helper.
Alice wandered the empty streets, hmmm wonder what i can steal today, I do have the five finger discount card. She smiled to herself as she walked into the local Stop and Shop. She wandered down the aisles looking at the food. Dear gods this is a lot of food. She walked out after stealing, 3 water bottles and a can of pop.

"its not very much but it'll do" she smiled. That smile quickly faded as she saw a man chasing after her. Crap! She ran to the abandoned building down the block and climbed through the second story window. "He shouldn't be able to get-" She looked back to see the man standing there. smoke rolled off of him. Who the Hades was this man, I'm going to have to kill him if hes a monster. Great more lightning. She always had this weird power to control lightning, it always hurt her though.

"HEY" she called to the man "I'll give you ten seconds to make a decision, get out or get dead." She paused. 8-9-10. She concentrated her breathing and boom, she struck him down. She looked at the note in her pocket. Mom I'll be brave and face whatever they throw at me. she didn't exactly know what they were.

She hit the pavement running, running for what felt like forever until she sensed something. What exactly she didn't know. She headed up a hillside, something made a crunch behind her. She whipped around, sparing no time as she rolled as a claw came down next to her.

"Holy Hephaestus!" She was worn from the lightning before, she'd have to dodge and run for it. But where can I run? She looked to the distance to see an archway. Strange an archway in the middle of the woods, might as well lure it there to see if I can get it stuck. She ran, too the archway pausing to look at the strange scene that lay in front of her. Strange this is a camp? She looked back, "Crap that thing moves fast, might as well check this place out" She walked throught the archway. Alice looked down at the camp when poof it had disappeared! What?! Where did it go! Was it just another illusion? She woke up back in the abandoned house she took over. "I hate when this happens i always have this dream about this camp, maybe" she paused gathering supplies. "I'm going to go find this camp."
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Tamaki was awake and ready to go. He sat at the Nemesis table, legs crossed, as he picked at his plate. He had an unreadable expression on his face as he ate the pancakes on his plate. He was deep in thought, thinking about nothing in particular. There was nothing to do at the moment besides eat. He wasn't even hungry. Tamaki stood up and tossed the rest of his food in a fire, a gift to his mother. "Here you go mom...." He whispered as he put his silverware somewhere. He trudged off to go practice sword fighting. He first went to get his armor on and took the rings he wore off his fingers. Immediately, they turned into twin katanas, his choice of weapon.

Nat was busy shining her sword in her bunk. She smiled as the blade finally appeared as flawless as a new mirror. "That's like it!" She said, standing up out of her bunk. She walked out the door in a tattered Champ Half-Blood tee with worn out jeans. Her sneakers looked beat up as well. She walked out to find something to do. She walked into the training arena to practice her skills. She willed her sword to turn back into a bracelet and she went to try out a new weapon. Her eyes met a wicked looking club with spikes. She flashed an evil smile and picked it up. "I'll try you today~" She mused walking to some fighting dummies and swung it. The dummies head fell off with a loud thump. She smiled and went to see if anyone dared to fight here.
Tamaki looked at her and blinked. No one had actually tried to talk to him before. "S-sure...." He said, his voice a bit louder than usually. It only came out a little louder than a whisper. His katanas turned into his rings again and he waited for the question.
Tamaki shrugged and said, "Sure, I have nothing else to do," He gave a small smile, a rare occurrence. "When do we go? I just need to get a few supplies and we can go," He added at the end, as he played with the rings on his fingers.

(Sorry about the late reply, my brother stole the iPad, I need to get on the computer soonish, the mini is running low.)
Pallas & Dallas Crosby

Dallas laughed, reaching across the Poseidon's Table, as another attempt to grab some of Pallas's food. As he made another drastic attempt, Pallas pulled her plate away. "Don't even try it Dallas!" She growled, kicking him under the table. "But I'm hungry!" Pallas winced, "I am too!" She growled, snatching it away again. Pallas and Dallas Crosby knew they were making a loud ruckess, but they didn't care. Feeling the eye's of some of the other camper's didn't seem to bother the Crosby Twins at all. They continued to argue on.

Dallas leaned away, tapping his cup that instantly field with Dr. Pepper, his favorite, and took a long swig. Pallas rested her plate back against the table, beginning to eat her egg's once again. Dallas snatched up a piece of her sausage, before she had time to react. "Hey!" Pallas whinned.

Dallas smirked, "Wanna go swimming ?"

Pallas smiled, "When don't I?"

And with that, the Twins of Poseidon headed for the water.
"We leave as soon as you're ready.I think Mr.D would get angry if we didn't..." She said,walking towards the cabins."I need to get a few things,too" She added,sprinting to her cabin "Meet you at the entrance!" She yelled,nearing her cabin

(No problem.I might be having dinner soon,but it shouldn't take too long. @LadyNerdington )
Tamaki nodded and sprinted to his cabin. He opened the door and hurried to his bunk. He pulled out a heavy duty backpack with ambrosia and nectar already packed for emergencies. He grabbed an extra change of clothes, never know when you might need them. He slipped on a black sports sweatshirt and grabbed a pair of hiking boots. He pulled them on in place of his sneakers, which he stashed in the bag, and went back out the door. Heading to the entrance of camp a rush of thoughts came from his brain. Where were they going? Who were they getting? Tamaki quickly shook off the thoughts and waited at the entrance for Sapphire.

(I might have to eat dinner too, but it might take me ten minutes or so. :3)
Oliver Mavis

Oliver flashed a smile at his friends as he walked away from them heading towards his house. Oliver had been gone for the past hour hanging out with his friends at the local park; he would have stayed out longer but he knew he couldn't leave his twin brother alone at home for long. opening the door and stepping into the huge house Oliver saw a strange sight. Everything was a mess. Furniture was flipped, plant pots were scattered across the floor, and his brother wasn't seen in the living room. Oliver acted quickly and walked into the living room as he started yelling for his brother. "Conner?....Conner." He raised his voice slightly as he walked up the stairs. "Oliver are you here?..Did dad come home?" Reaching the top step, Oliver heard ruckus coming from his and Conner's room. pushing the door open slowly as it creaked; Oliver peaked his head inside and saw a strange black dog-sized beast tearing up his closet. Out of shock Oliver backed up suddenly and hit his back against the wall. "What the f*ck.." The creature turned it's head around and growled at Oliver then soon after pounced at him but Oliver was already scurrying down the stairs and the creature hit the wall though that didn't stop the creature.

Conner Mavis

The older Mavis twin brother was running through the streets as something loomed in the darkness running after him. The strange creature snarled and growled at him and it seemed to have some dog characteristics but there was no way in hell Conner was going to believe that savage beast was a doggy. He was running out of breath and needed to ditch the thing that was tailing him so he made a swift turn into an alleyway but found himself at a dead end. "God no.." Conner was about to turn around and start running again but his only exit was cut off by the very beast he had been running from. The creature growled and snarled; backing Conner into a corner and not allowing him any chance to escape. Conner was screwed.
It was a beautiful day outside.

The sun was shining bright and there where funny shaped clouds in the sky.

Kids ran around everywhere.

Some where practicing sword fighting while others just seemed to lay in the grass.

There was a Satyr chasing after a wood nymph into the forest out behind Aphrodites cabin.

Victor laughed to himself, "How could anyone not be enjoying this day."

He made it to the Hades table and sat down, noticing the few people that where around.

He noticed the Poseiden kids walking off.

Probably to go for a swim.

Those where probably the closest people to family he's got.

He wrote a mental note to speak to them next time he sees them.

Victor reached up and picked a red apple off the tree growing behind his table.

He brushed off a little of the dust on it and bit into it. The apples juice ran down the length of his chin.

I suppose i can hang out here for a bit. I have nothin better to do at the moment.

He bit into his apple again and started humming a tune.
Sapphire got a backpack,full of nectar and ambrosia.It also had some extra clothes,a bottle of spray-able mist,a notepad,pack of pencils,and a little trinket Sapphire liked to play with.I know what you'll say,"Why so much stuff?" Well,a demigod can get into sticky situations at any given time.Sapphire ran to the entrance,finally meeting up with Tamaki.

(Sorry,I had to charge my iPod and eat dinner. @LadyNerdington )
(Nah, it's fine! :3)

Tamaki smiled a little at Sapphire. "So where are we going?" He asked, curiosity filling his voice. He was excited to go get the new kids. It had been a few months since he last went out of camp. Mostly because he had nowhere to go in the outside world. He twiddled with the rings on his fingers as he waited for a reply. He was pumped and ready to kill a few monsters. Well technically they were immortal and would reform over time. He felt that they were going to be fighting a few of the baddies.
Sapphire pulled out a map of the United States,just another thing in her back-pack.She laid it on the ground,pointing to a city near New York."I think we should go here.I heard from a lot of satyrs and centaurs that baddies are really active there.If we get any demigods,these are the ones we need to get." She pointed to a bus route "We're gonna have to take the public bus there,but it's better then walking"

( @LadyNerdington )
Tamaki nodded again. "That sounds good, hopefully we can get there in time if there are kids that need help...." His voice trailed off, as he stated an important point. For all they knew there were kids being killed at the moment. Shivering at the thought, Tamaki continued, "We do have to take the bus but let's hope it's faster. Hey, maybe we can take a magical way of transportation. But then again, who would take us? Guess, it's the bus than," Tamaki said in his usual quiet tone.
Alice hated her visions of this camp.

" Doing Nothing leads to doing nothing well i should at least try and find this camp" She smiled picking up a bag with stuff. "ok time to head out"

She jumped out the window and headed towards the station. "If i see anymore monsters im going to die" She laughed, turning the alleyway, to find herself face to face with a demon hound. Not even 30 seconds?! She started to run, she didnt stop till she felt safe and took a rest.
"We could take the Immortal Cab service!" Sapphire said "It's fast" She pulled out some darcheramas,counting them."7..8..9..10..11...12..13..14......I've got.....37 darcheramas.You?" She asked,putting the map away.

( @LadyNerdington )
Tamaki blinked and slapped a hand to his forehead. "Oh right." He said as he reached into his bag and pulled out a small leather coin pouch, a present from his mom. He quickly counted them silently, mouthing the numbers. He had saved up a few all summer long. "40...." He said in a quiet tone. He remembered he had some in his pants pocket somewhere. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out 5 more. "45 darcheramas."
"Okay,lemme do some math..." Sapphire pulled out a calculator,punching in some numbers."Okay,it'll be about 38..if we compliment them enough.That would leave us with about 44."

( @LadyNerdington )
Tamaki nodded and said, "That should be enough. Hopefully they'll get us there fast enough." He slipped his coins back in his leather pouch and held it out for Sapphire. "Here, you can hold them in this bag. I get stuff lost easily so it's best if you carry them," He said with a small grin. 
Grr, I gotta go.. I'll be back tomorrow or maybe a bit later. Sorry, bye)

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