Camp Half-Blood [Inactive]


Care Bears... prepare to stare!
Nico submitted a new role play:

Camp Half-Blood - Welcome to Camp Half-blood, try not to die.


Mr. D., Camp Director

Chiron, Activities Director

Half-Blood Hill, Farm Road 3.141

Long Island, New York 11954

“Keeping Young Heroes Safe from Harm (Mostly) For Over Three Millennia”

Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, a state-of-the-art training facility for young demigods. Due to security considerations, we are obliged to tell you that this entire site is fictional. There are no real monsters or Greek gods....

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Rain yawned as he rose up from his hammock bed and groaned;he really wasn't a morning person at all.Sometimes,he wonders what it would be like if he could sleep all day long and not have to worry about getting hungry or having to do something that requires getting up.But,that was a fantasy and this,is reality,which means it's time to rise and shine!After what felt like forever of just sitting there looking at the ground.Rain hit the floor with his two bare feet and walked over to the clock turning it off so it would stop making such a loud noise.He let out a big yawn and ruffled his hair as he tried his best to not trip over his own two feet as he walked over to the bathroom and took care of his needs then came out and stretched before going outside.There wasn't really anything exciting to do in the morning other than eat and greet others so,that's exactly what he did,eat but..he didn't feel all up to greet everyone he saw.Instead of that,he went into the woods somewhere and took a seat on a rock just walking the water go past on it's way to the bigger body of water that wasn't to far from where they were.He smirked a bit at how the water was such a simply thing but,much much more than just that.


Seth tossed and turned a bit in his sleep as he dreamed of some kind of dream that he tried waking up from but,he couldn't quite do it.Soon,he made a mistake and fell off of the bed;that did it."Ow..."he said softly as he rubbed the top of his head and grunted as he pushed himself up using the end of the bed then plopped back down on the edge.He looked at his soon to be husband sleeping and smiled at him wondering when he would get up.While waiting,Seth got up and walked over to the window and decided to watch the moon rise up until his partner had awoken...whenever that will be.The male propped his head up on his hand and watched as the moon faded away from the sky and the sun took it's place.He remember as a kid his father always use to tell him silly stories about the moon and the sun and although he joked about it,he somewhat believed them as well.He yawned softly and continued to look at the view.
@Lovable Dark\-side


Lian Milian was most definitely not a morning person. He didn't know how his fiance woke up at the crack of dawn. He groaned and turned onto his side not wanting to leave the big fluffy blue bed. He didn't remember his dream last night, he knew it was vague but had a sense of warning. He wondered it it was from his mother. He squeaked and his eyes shot open when he felt something lick his leg. Something fuzzy was moving up and soon Charlie's head popped out and he let out a bark, saying good morning. He smiled softly and picked up the pup and placed him on his chest. "Hey there pup."
Noah woke up in the morning. His internal alarm clock consistently woke him up around 6:30-6:45. Wiping the sleep out of his eyes, Noah gets up from bed to do his morning rituals of changing, combing hair, doing the bed etc. After doing some of the essentials, Noah walked to a little shelf next to his bed. The shelf contained a laptop, and a few thick books. He took a book and opened it to a new blank page where Noah would write down any new thoughts. Mainly strategies for capture the flag. Noah relished war games. They were fun, exciting and it exercised his brain. Noah scribbled a mess of pictures, numbers and words in the pages of his book as he waited until it was time to go to breakfast.
Kai woke to the feeling of a warm tongue licking her face. "Mmf... G'way." She grumbled, half heartedly pushing the animal away. The animal in question, one of the many dogs in camp, whined and pawed at her side, it's claws scratching her already scarred skin. Kai huffed. "Fiiiiiine. I'll get up. You happy? Look, now i'm up. In the morning. With the sun." She shivered. Kai had never been a morning person. She guessed that was because of her parent, Nyx, but mornings still seemed to hate her. Apparently, being a bloody half-blood meant waking up early.

She looked outside, sun just rising over the treetops, and sighed. It would be time for breakfast soon. And then classes. Kai forced herself up, got dressed, and left to head for the stables. The Pegasi would cheer her up.
Avery groaned as she heard Noah's alarm, she rolled over and ignored it while the other moved around. Finally, she realized she couldn't get back to sleep and stood up, rubbing her stormy blue eyes. Her heavily tattooed body was clothed with a red tanktop and black short shorts. As she stood up, she got hit with nausea, she groaned for a moment before stretching; she slipped on her orange Camp Halfblood shirt and some shorts that stopped above her knees. She moved her shield, that leaned beside her bed with her bow, to grab her bow, she slipped the bow over her shoulder and the quiver on her opposite shoulder.

Blake groaned as Ashton banged on his cabin door, "Blake get up!" He yelled and finally Blake groaned, stood up and opened the door, groggily, "Y..Yeah?" He asked with a yawn as Ashton made his way into the cabin, "About time you woke up!" Ashton snorted as he flopped down on Blake's bed without invitation while Blake, who stood in spiderman boxers, pulled out some pants and his orange Camp Halfblood tshirt. As he slipped his pants on followed by his shirt. Ashton ran his finger over the blade absent minded before hopping up on his feet, he wore a black Camp Halfblood shirt, that he dyed without permisson. "Let's go eat, I'm starving"

Nichole sat in front over her mirror, she fluffed the makeup on her face before brushing a little bit of blush on her cheeks. She puckered her lips and ran the pink gloss over her lips before putting that down and doing her mascara. After she finished, she ran the black pencil over her eyes for the eyeliner before putting all the makeup up and fluffing her hair up.

Preston ran his fingers over his favorite pegasus, it's wings stretched slightly before Preston ran his fingers through it's mane. It snorted and nuzzled his face while the small boy held out his hand, which sat sugar cubes. The pegasus sniffed them before gobbling them up quickly; he smiled and patted the horse's neck before letting himself out of the stable, "I'll be back big boy" He cooed before waving and heading towards the tables for breakfast.

Ian was awoken by Nichole, who kicked his shoulder, and he blindly reached for his glasses, finally he slipped them on and sat up. He was wearing a gray undershirt with blue boxers; he pulled his jeans on and tiredly his shirt followed. He glanced in the mirror, smoothed his hair out and left the cabin. (Writer's' block)

Zax opened his eyes first, he sat up, and as he did, his brother yawned and sat up too, "I woke up first" Zax said with a grin before throwing his sheet off of him and standing up. Brandon just yawned in return and kicked his sheet off as Zax slipped on his jeans; Brandon glanced at his wristwatch, "It's time for-" Brandon started and Zax finished, "Breakfast, great! I'm s-" Brandon picked up "Starving. Same" He muttered, yawning and showing his teeth, which had braces unlike his twin brother.

Seth sighed and yawned to himself as he watched some people gather up together and go to the hall to eat.He turned around when he heard shuffling coming from behind him and smiled when he saw that his love was awake.He walked over to the bed and kissed him softly on the lips"Hey there."he said and chuckled before ruffling his hair.He walked over to where Charlie's bowl was and poured him some food as he heard him running.He petted the small dog and watched him eat for awhile before getting up and getting ready for today.When he came back out,his white hair,same color as Lian's,was wet and covering his face but,he didn't mind.He gave it a quick ruffle and squeeze with the towel he had then flipped it back and huffed then took out a book that he kept in a secret place and started to write inside of it by the window.He doesn't know why but,he always loved to write stuff..that and bring chaos to others but,that's a different story.He hummed softly to himself and wrote some things down;he was always this quiet in the morning times.
Georgy rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and sat up in his bunkbed. He was tired from staying up late, and even though he was a child of Aphrodite, he needed his beauty sleep. Many mirrors lined a wall and he chose one to make sure everything was in place. His hair stuck out in places, and he quickly fixed it after running cremé through it. His eyes were bloodshot, but they would go away eventually. Georgy's pulled a few of his clothes on and put his dagger at his hip.

Georgy walked to the dining hall, where he saw a few of his other siblings sitting. He plopped down on a chair. "Good morning you guys."
Ian smiled at Geogry (@Pastaa ), "Morning" He muttered, covering his mouth to yawn while Nichole smiled flirtily at him, "Mmm, good morning Georgy" She cooed and Ian rolled his eyes, "You can't flirt with your half brother" He said with a disgusted face and she glared at him. "I'm not" She huffed angerily before turning back towards Georgy, "How did you sleep?" She asked with a sly smile.
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Ani was woken as well by the alarm, she growled slightly before putting on her glasses. She sat up yawning as she did before having a quick stretch.

"Morning Avery."She mumbled before adjusting her head scarf before butting on some clothes."Can i kill Noah? Pretty please?"
Avery, as she did her morning stretches, sarcasticly seemed to think it over, "... Ugh, I think not..." She groaned as she said the end of it, "You can't, I want the final blow." She said with a grin before bumping shoulders with Anastasia, "But you can beat him to a bulp" She informed as she quickly made her bed. Her body was skinny but muscular, as she made her bed, she stopped and flexed her right arm, "Gosh, I'm losing my muscle, I need to start training daily again" She complained as she tucked the sheet in, "I've been spending too much time with Mist" She explained, Mist was her favorite pegasus that was very wild and untamable but she had the magic touch on him.
"Ow good i get the fun part." She said jokingly moving to make her own bed. She looked at Avery." Eh, too muscle is no good for a girls figure. You have a have a nice amount there...Eh.Anyways...Jealous that could spend time flying with a pegasus, they dont like me for some reason."
Avery glanced at her arm, "You think so? That's sweet" She said happily before sitting down on her now made bed to slip on her black hightops. "I dunno, maybe you haven't found the right one yet. You know the saying, there is a pegasus for every halfblood" She reminded as she stood up and grabbed a brush off her nightstand, as she did she slipped three rubber bands on her wrist and a silver one from her adopted parents, on it had a pegasus, she always liked them so having one was a dream come true. "I'm going to be training today, fight training. I have to teach the new arrivals."
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"Don't scare the poor dears...Too much."She said jokingly tsearching for her medallion amongst the mess that were her things. She never was the neatest of person in the camp and aside from a few things, she always cant fing something."I knew it was here somewhere...Well at least not until i get there to watch, be good to be on the other side of the introduction. Uh there it is..."

She found it her dirty clothes hamper, she held it in her hand turning it into her spear. She made a few twirls with it and some light thrust into the air before turning it back to the medallion and hanging it on her neck. She then unearthed her calendar:

"Shlt...Still need to complete me ancient greek before the lesson this morning."
Avery grinned, "I can't promise but I'll try" she watched her roam around before raising an eyebrow, "Gosh, so organized" She teased as she brough the brush through her silky blonde hair, "Some newbie asked if I was Aphrodite's daughter. As if I would want to be that wh*re" She stated as she finished brushing her hair, "I showed him who I was. Got in trouble though, all I did was flip him and possibly broke his arm" The girl said, rather sheepishly, "And then he started screaming 'Daughter of Ares!' and that went over well, I didn't mean for my temper to flare though, but I didn't break his nose on purpose." She complained with annoyance and she kicked her bed hard as she said that, "Little piece of sh*t, he'll regret it during practice today. Well have fun with ancient greek, I'm starving, want to join me for breakfast?" She asked as her stomach grumbled loudly.
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"Dose topo stin orgi."She said with slight concern at her outburst in her best greek accent. "Though i admit that would be a sight to see. In any case sure just let me find my books."
Drew could not sleep for most of the night she finally fell asleep at around three a.m. Morning came quick for this nocturnal girl at 5:49 she fell out of her bed, she hit her head against the wood floor biting her tongue and caused it to bleed. She turned her alarm off for the day and walked into the bathroom mending her split open appendage. She walked back into her room after stopping the bleeding and taking a shower getting dressed in a tank top, her tattered blue zip up, white beanie, bleached blue jeans. Using as little energy as possible she decided to just travel through the shadow which cause her to unintentionally sneak up on Kai and Sil. She sat sat between them, wiped the tired from her eyes and mumbled "Hi."
Kai slowly looked up. "...Hey. You seem... Awake." She said, closing the book she'd been reading. "Not that i blame you.. Mornings are hard." She shook her head, rubbing her cheek at the memory of the dogs tongue.
Drew looks up to Kai. "Yeah, but friends make it easier, I think." I bring a small shadow over the both of us. "Do you want to get some food with me, or do you just want to snack off of mine?"
"I'll grab some food. Might as well, now that i'm up." She says, standing. "How was your night? As a fellow nocturnal, i can imagine it was hard to fall asleep?"
"Yep, though it is just a tad useful, considering." Kai said, following behind Drew.

Unfortunately, Kai gets easily distracted by things, and thus slowly strayed from the path behind Drew and followed a butterfly. She was so quiet, Drew didn't notice she had left until she was out of sight.
Drew tells her the story of how she had split open her tongue open until she turns around at the end of the table, and sees that Kai is gone. "I'm gonna kill her if anyone thinks I'm crazy, because I was talking to myself." She says walking back to the table then catches herself talking again and just sits down to eat her food.
Georgy smiled at Nichole and shook his head. "I'm going to have to say I'm not interested, Nichole. If we weren't half siblings then I would totally be interested." He laughed and began to eat some of the biscuits and gravy put in front of him. Georgy sat in silence for a while and then heard a few other people behind him, waved at them, and greeted them. "Good morning everyone!"
Kai followed the butterfly for a while. Suddenly realizing what she'd done, Kai cursed in Greek. "I can't believe I did it again... Where am I this time?" She looked around, and found herself at the end of the beach. Sighing, she headed back towards breakfast, and the slow approaching lecture from Drew.

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