Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Fire Dragon: Yeah a very very very weird way.

Night Dragon: I don't see what the problem is.

Water Dragon:..........

Earth Dragon:.................

Snow Dragon:................................................

Air Dragon:.........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Air Dragon: Mine's longer!

I have every single dragon in existence!!
Dusk: You lack both a light and dark dragon. And an electricty dragon to balance your iron (metal) dragon. Just saying.

Twilight: Yeah. It's pretty pathetic. And I think the Air Dragon is overcompensating for something.

Well I hate to be Soul seeing as she has a crazy psychopath in side her head. And no they are just shy Dusk.

Light Dragon: U..u..u.h..h...h hel...lo. *hides behind Iron Dragon*

Dark Dragon: Why do I have to be here it's soooooo boring!

Elictricity Dragon: Cool the dot game I wanna play! ........................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Okay now gotta go *zaps to who knows where*

Well some of them are shy some are just busy and i don't what Dark Dragon is
Dusk: I imagine dark dragon as a valley girl. That is like, ugh. So totally boring!

Twilight: *Nod nod*

Dusk: Bean sidhe! Ermurgurd! I'm such a fan!
Twilight: You gonna take that, Dusky?

Dusk: *Shrugs* She's just jealous she sounds worse than Banshee.
Dark Dragon: Now if anyone don't mind I'm going back to torturing people. *walks away*

Light Dragon: What did I say about doing that!

Dark Dragon: Umm... to make sure it hurts. *starts running*

Light Dragon: I didn't say that get back here!! *runs after Dark Dragon*
Twilight: Huh. I guess dark dragon is a girl after all. She didn't deny it.

Dusk: *Nod nod* *Pounces Banshee* My idol!

Dawn: *Group hugs Spirit and Souless* FRIIIIIIIIIENDSHIP!

Quarter Past Three: Really, Dusk? Really? *Hugs Soul* That's from Dusk, if she wasn't so busy chasing your multiple personalities . . .
Souless:*perks up*ooo! I'm coming if your torturing people~

Spirit: Oh no you don't!

Souless: *laughs and races off*

Soul:*hugs back*


Banshee: *screams in shock and struggles, scared*
Dusk: Shhh. *Pets* No need for that. I just want to make sweet sweet love to you . . . I mean . . . Talk to you, maybe take you out for a nice dinner and then make sw- Ow!

Twilight: Remind me why I'M the dark one again?

Dusk: Cause you're black? Oooooooow!

Quarter Past Three: Yeah . . . I'm not really part of Dusk. She just abuses me like I am.

Dusk: Shut it Three! That's our secret!

QPT: *Sighs*

Dawn: *Lost count of dragon friends*
Banshee: *quickly hides behind one of the dragons, very timid*

Soul: Poor you..

Spirit: *currently being hugged by Dawn, can't chase after Souless*

Phantom:*watching boredly*my male persona*
Earth Dragon: *starts to get a headache from the noise*

Water Dragon: *sees Banshee* Hey it's okay Banshee. *walks over to Banshee*
Water Dragon: *shifts into human form* Nobody gonna hurt you they are just being big meanies.*walks closer to Banshee*
Dusk: Nuuuuuu! She's mine! Come on, Banshee!

Twilight: *Takes headphones and puts them on instead* Ahh. Much better.

Dawn: You're so whispy I'm gonna die! *Hugging Spirit*
Banshee: *still looks very nervous and jittery, looking around swiftly*...

Nightmare: She's always like this. Give her time.

Phantom: *rolls his eyes and snaps his fingers and the headphones reappear on him*

Spirit:*being hugged*...

Souless: *with Dark Dragon watching him torture people, grinning*
Earth Dragon: EVERYONE SHUT UP YOUR VERY ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Water Dragon: Shut it Earth your scaring Banshee!

Earth Dragon: Oh sorry.

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