Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Poppy:*eye twitches*i will knock your pretty face out of you force me to do anything! I don't want to make him uncomfortable again! I already fucked up the first time damn it!
Alistair: Uhhh thank you?

Kai: I like my ladies and gentlemen to turn heads

Jason: So you go face first into my abs?
Evy: I feel like a relic from the past though . . . Oh wait . . . Ariadne, be a dear and clean that up. *Points to colorless Cassia*

Dusk: *snahuggling Julia*
[QUOTE="Ashen Wraith]Evy: I feel like a relic from the past though . . . Oh wait . . . Ariadne, be a dear and clean that up. *Points to colorless Cassia*
Dusk: *snahuggling Julia*

Helena: *from under Jason's shirt* but my dear, you are better then that!
Evy: *Scratches head* Nah. Pretty sure I'm stuck in relic mode. it's tough coming back after dying, you know? I was kinda out if pave back then too.
Mm :3

it's just that I still haven't fully gotten used to all these different names and avatars ;~;


*snahuggles Her Majesty Overlord Queen Empress Royal Madame Dusk the Awesome for all eternity* Hey, are we still falling?
No. I think we're done now, love. And I'm banishing all cliffs from any thread Julia is present in. *Glares at Bishop*
Yes :D Perhaps the pillow explosion launched us to safety! I've always wondered why there are cliffs so close to where we are anyway. I mean, we even relocated to a different thread! It must be a conspiracy!
[QUOTE="Ashen Wraith]Evy: *Shrugs* Whoops. *Goes to Relicland.
It is! One orchestrated by none other than Bishop!

Helena: noooo! *debates between going after Evy and staying where she is*

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