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Realistic or Modern Camp Evergreen In Character


Junior Member

In Character
Character Sheets

code by pasta

~Camp Evergreen In Character~

Well, it's that time of the year again. Time for the counselors to be re-hired, the activities to be planned, and the campers to arrive. Here at Camp Evergreen, we do all of the typical camp things: roasting marshmallows, throwing eggs and shaving cream at each other, and swimming around in the maybe-a-little-less-than-clean lake that we're hanging out around; however, there is something a little unique about Camp Evergreen:

It's run by college students!

The camp was established as a way to give college students a 'leadership opportunity', but honestly, we don't know who thought that that was a good idea. When we were given full reign of the camp, we were given a very strict rule book... which may or may not have ended up in the garbage can shortly after the sponsors left. Now, look, we still follow the basic rules: No fighting, no blowing things up, no leaving the camp grounds alone-- we're just a little more relaxed on things like curfews, boys and girls being alone together, no cell phones, and things of that nature.

Well, campers, Camp Evergreen opens in just a few days, and it's time to claim your spot. It's going to be a wild summer full of new opportunities, growth, friendships, heartbreak, and even a little bit trouble.

If you are interested in being a counselor, your character needs to be in college and at least past their Freshman year. (19+) Each counselor will be designated a group of campers that they are "in charge" of, these are the campers that you will become the closest to. While you will not be monitoring their every move, you will be in charge of walking with them to activities and checking in with them to make sure that they are enjoying their stay. Counselors will also have to take part in the meetings that the director has each morning where they plan activities and talk about any issues that have come up. Counselors will stay in a cabin with their campers.

Since our camp is focused on high school students, if you're interested in being a camper, your character will need to be high school age. (14-17) Other than these qualifications, you have free reign to design whatever character you want. You will have a few rules that you need to abide by: No drugs or alcohol, no fighting, no swimming unless there is a lifeguard present, no going off alone, and a few other small things that will be addressed when camp begins.

Well, that's about all!
Since this will be a much smaller summer camp and there will only be small groups with each counselor, it allows campers and counselors to create their own little family. Everyone will get to know each other for better or for worse, and when it comes time to leave, it'll be rough. BUT, for now, let's make the most of our time together!

Some important info:

  • You may play up to 2 characters (2 campers, 2 counselors, or one of each)
  • Each reply should be at least one paragraph (5+ sentences)
  • If you are a counselor, your personality must reflect it! Counselors are fun and interested in their campers, so for the most part, try to keep the personality upbeat!
  • Real faceclaims for this role, please!
  • This is not a horror role, so whatever you do, please do not turn into a serial killer! ;D




Emma Dunham // Camp Director & Counselor
Mood: Excited
Location: Dining hall & Picnic tables
Mentions: Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

"Well, it's nearly time for the campers to arrive," Emma begins, "I hope you guys are ready." She smiles down to the four people that she'd spent the last few weeks with. Emma had been called in to start training a little early, since she would be the camp director. They taught her how she should keep track of what is going on, how to plan events and activities, and how to hold leader meetings. When the time came, the other three counselors, Luke, Roxana, Jack and Natalie arrived to complete the counselor training. "They should be here in about an hour, so let's make sure that we have all of the cabins set up correctly, and all of the activities planned for today!" She slides off of the stage that she'd been sitting on, and walks over to her fellow counselors. "Here are your walkie-talkies. Let me know if there are any issues." Emma has always hated telling people what to do, but when she does, she knows how to do it in a friendly way so that they know that she doesn't believe that she is above anyone. She watches them walk out of the large wooden building that would be used for all of their meals and indoor activities and takes a deep breath. "Alright, what now?" She mutters to herself, looking around with her hands on her hips. "Oh yeah! Name tags..." she walks over to the stage, starting on the name tags for the campers who would be arriving soon.


"Alright... time to open the gates!" Emma says to herself, looking over at the four picnic tables underneath the covering on the side of the soccer field. Each table had a sign with a number on it that coordinated with whichever counselor each camper got. On top of the tables were white t-shirts and different colors of fabric markers and paints. The plan was for each counselor to design a shirt with their names on it for whenever we did messy activities, so that they didn't ruin any of their own shirts-- sort of an ice breaker. Emma walks over to the sign in table to make sure that everything is set up one more time, just so there are no problems. There is a sheet with each campers name on it where they are supposed to sign their name, so that we know who has arrived at the camp. There are also name tags spread around on the table with each campers name and counselor table number on it, so that they knew where to go when they got here. Once she makes sure that they are spread out just enough, Emma walks over to the gate, opening it and walking back to her table. She could see cars pulling up and parents saying goodbye to their kids. She bites down on her lip as she opens the paints, excited to start the camp that they'd been preparing for.

The name tags are on the table:
Emma//Table 1

Emma//Table 1

Natalie//Table 2

Luke//Table 3

Roxana & Jack//Table 4

Roxana & Jack//Table 4

Luke//Table 3

Emma//Table 1

Emma//Table 1

Luke//Table 3

Luke//Table 3

Roxana & Jack//Table 4

Natalie//Table 2

Luke//Table 3

Roxana & Jack//Table 4

Natalie//Table 2

Natalie//Table 2

Emma//Table 1

Roxana & Jack//Table 4

Natalie//Table 2
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*It hadn't even been a minute since his father closed the door, and he's already uncomfortable. He should be working on a car or repairing a watch for old man Saxon, not at a camp, with nothing to occupy his mind. His father waved saying, "Proshchay, syn. Postaraysya", then drove off in the cheap but reliable truck of his. Aleks walks into camp, noting and observing as much as he could, quickly finding the table with his name on it.*
Danny walked nervously off the bus. There was FAR too much stuff they asked him to remember. Where he would sit, the names of the camp counselors, rules.... TOO MUCH! It's too much for me to remember!

One could see the stress he was under in his face and body language. And the place would likely expect him to remember all the campers's names too.

But he was never really good at names, in fact he was awful. Too many people to keep track of. Too many faces, too many names, it was gonna hurt.

He resigned himself to simply walking nervously over to the table with his name on it. Table #2. There was supposed to be a girl there.... Natalie?, was it?...

WOW!.... She's very pretty!.... She doesn't belong here.... She belongs on the cover of vogue or some other magazines with models on the covers of them, he thought incredulously as he approached the table. He hoped no one caught him temporarily gawking at her as he approached, her stunning looks caught him off guard. He quickly composed himself to at least the nervous state he was previously in.

"Uh, hi" he said to Natalie quietly and shyly. Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah

One could easily dismiss his nervous blushing nature for simple social anxiety in a new place, which undoubtably it was. This was a new place, and being here made him nervous. But Natalie's presence there wasn't helping it either, pretty girls always made him nervous. It was only natural for him to be even more nervous now.
Luke Kingston

The time had finally come for the kids to arrive, to say Luke wasn't just a little excited would be a lie. He was set up with his radio to communicate and now all he had to do was to wait for the kids to arrive to his table. He had a decent bunch of kids to work with so it would be interesting to see how the dynamic worked this year. He just had to deal with the oh so wonderful camp director who always seemed to butt heads with him. Sure Emma was cute, but she could be so irritating. Of course he was the only male counselor which never seemed to surprise him. He was typically the only male counselor which he never complained about. The girls were all cute so he got to enjoy looking at them and being friends with them never hurt. The only one had sort of stayed friends with was Natalie. Being counselors had bonded them last year so it was good to see her again.

The sun was hot and beating down on him but it was a nice day for all the campers to be arriving. He would make sure his group was first the best group ever and that they all just enjoyed themselves this summer. He would keep the peace to a maximum and the drama to a minimum. Mostly because he didn't have the time or energy to deal with the drama of high schoolers. He didn't enjoy when there was drama between the counselors but that was always unavoidable at least for him it was. he had seen the one camper at his table but the kid was quiet. He handed the kid a shirt without saying anything back was sometimes the easiest way with them.

Interactions: Aleksander Arsdenaut Arsdenaut
Mentions: Natalie Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah
Emma V vital
Camille Jacobs
Camille was excited to be back at camp again, to feel the warmth of the sun and to just get away even if only for a short time. She had her bags on her arms and was walking away from her grandparents car,

"Bye gram, bye pa!" She yelled back to them before she began scoping out her name on the tables. Of course she wouldn't be at the table with the cute camp counselor. It never worked that way for her. She stopped at Table two with Natalie, she had met Natalie a couple of times, mostly because she was friends with Mason. She wondered where the punk was but figured she's see him sooner or later. As she approached the table she saw an awkward boy blushing so hard while looking at Natalie, that Camille couldn't help but giggle a little. She stopped in front of the male letting her bags drop with a thud and extended her hand, "I'm Camille, looks like we're at the same table" Her Australian accent thick and a large smile plastered on her face. Best to try and get to know the members of her group. Was the only way to truly survive at camp. To make friends or at least attempt to make them if nothing else.

Interactions: Natalie Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah
Danny xpstitch xpstitch
Mentions: Mason Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah
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Natalie and her workers, Luke,Roxanna and Emma, were seating around on the stage talking about what will be going down for the first day of the campers. Emma, the director says "They should be here in about an hour, so let's make sure that we have all of the cabins set up correctly, and all of theactivities planned for today!". She nodded at she command and she knows that for her group she set everything up and everything set and ready for the campers. Natalie felt her phone buzz and she knew it was most likely her younger step-brother who would be joining the camp while I was working, luckily her she doesn't have him in Natalie's group. "Here are your walkie-talkies. Let me know if there are any issues.". She took the walkie-talkie and strapped it to her shorts the hold it there when she needed it to be taken out off just in case of trouble. When she saw that the meeting was about to be wrapped up and Emma almost forgot the name tags for the campers and she ran back into the wooden building to go get them. Natalie looked back to see if she was coming along and once she caught up Natalie says "Good Luck Emma", and walks towards the picnic tables with the others.

Natalie saw the gates started to open up and the kids were saying goodbye to their parents and grabbing their bags to start the trip. Once Natalie got to her table she was table number 2 which she didn't care for the number. Natalie saw the white t-shirts on the tables when she got there, she was the creative type of gyal. She wanted to see what type of design would she want to do with her shirt. Her phone started to buzz again in annyonce and she took her phone out to look at it and of course it was her annoying brother Mason asking "Are you going to be my parent for the summer". She wanted to slap the smirk off his face which she knows his most likely doing right now. Natalie didn't replay back after that because she knew he will she her in a little while. Natalie adds with a smile. Nat turned over to Luke who was in table 3 and says "Hey Luke,How are you going to design your shirt?". Before Luke would answer she heard one of her camper say "Uh, Hi". She smiled at the boy and says "No need to be nervous, just relax take a deep breath okay. My name is Natalie and I will be your counselor for the rest of the summer". She then saw a girl that she knew because she was Mason's friend after all he likes to bring them over. "Oh hey Camille, nice to see you again".
V vital & Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler & xpstitch xpstitch

Mason was grabbing his things and putting them in the back of his mother's car. Even though she's married to a druggie idiot and only cares about herself he still deeply loves his mother. Once everything was set and ready he saw his mother give his step-father a kiss and walked away. The had a long drive and he finally got there, he got out the car and closed the door as he went to open up the trunk. Once he took out his last bag he saw his mother coming out the car running up the him to give him a big hug like he was living her forever. "Aw my little baby going to camp again I'm proud". Mason rolled his eyes and says "Ma no estoy viviendo para siempre". She slapped the back of Mason's head and says "I know your not living me forever but you still my little boy". "Okay ma no", he tries to free himself form the hug and once he finally did he gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked away. He started to text his sister to make a funny joke which pissed her off because he saw that she read it but she didn't reponsed. He went to sign in his name and he was table number 3 and his counselor was some guy named Luke? He knew that name sounded very familiar but he could put his finger on it until he saw the face. (Ohhh Natalie's friend). Once he got to the table she waved at Luke and says "Hey man how's it going". He saw my sister was at the table over and says "Mija, me extranaste?". He saw her turn around and says "Oh shut up you freaking monstruo". Mason laughed and went to sit down if any further instructions. He looked toward his left and saw one of his good female friends Camille and says "Oh so you got my lovely sister over her, have fun"
Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

Eleanor Smith

images (2).jpg
Location: Camp
Scenario: Walking to the table
With: No one
Mood: Nervous, Uncomfortable
Tags: Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah
( I promise you my next post wil be less horrible!)
"Jackson are you serious?!!I don't want to arrive at that camp alone! Ive never been there before, only you have! Why can't I go with you?"she asked her brother once again as she followed him into his room.
"sis, you're old enough to do things on your own. And besides, ill be there. Just a few minutes after you arrive. I ran out of toothpaste so I gotta stop by the store and get it. I promise, it will only take a few minutes,"he assured as he slipped on his shirt.

"Well if its only going to take you a few minutes then I see no problem with me traveling along."she said as she tapped her finger on the wooden beam of the door. She could tell that he was getting a little annoyed with her, but he wouldn't show it. He knew it would hurt her if he did.

"You need to start getting comfortable without me being there to protect you. And besides I know my way around the camp. I can easily find every place i need to go. You on the other hand, need to go so you can get the full tour. Now just go. You'll be fine."he reassured as he patted her head on the way out. The black haired female sighed. She wanted to protest but it would be no use.

She grabbed her bags and walked out to the car.

Once she arrived at the front of the camp, anxiety started taking over a little bit. She closed her eyes and tapped the steering wheel. You'll be fine, she thought to herself and took the keys out of her car. Grabbing her bags, she shoved the keys in her pocket and started walking towards the assigned table. Once she got close, she noticed a rather cute guy there. She mentally smiled but on the outside, she showed no emotion. That was her thing.

Not bothering to speak up, she leaned against the table and faced the entrance to the camp. GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE JACKSON, she thought.
coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
Angel slept for most of the bus ride, since the night before had been occupied by his mother's screams.
"You aren't going anywhere!" She had said, her voice as clear as ever when alcohol wasn't through her system.
"I have to, you think I want to be on a stupid fucking camp?"
Angel had a confrontation with the wrong people, and he had to disappear for a while in order for them to forgot him.

One of his eyes opened, and judging by the fact that the bus had stopped and the other teenagers were raising from their seats he concluded they had arrived. The seventeen year old sighed deeply, running an hand through his brown hair.
Angel rarely had went out of his city, and if he had it surely wasn't to be in the nature.

With his backpack behind him, he walked into the camp. A quick look around him and he could already see a few familiar faces from school.
He sent a nod towards Mason ( Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah )
and then quickly made it across the tables, ignoring the boys and girls saying goodbye to their parents. They all looked completely at ease being there, while Angel was feeling the need for a smoke coming strongly. He fought it, instead searching for his name on the tags.

The name Angel was written across another one, a certain Emma, and he calculatingly raised his gaze to meet the ones of those he supposed were the counselors.
"Hey," He said smoothly, studying both of the older girls, "Which one of you is Emma?"
V vital
(To tired to code)

Lee Ji-Hae watched as his sister pulled out of the driveway, his mother looking at him nervously from the passenger seat. 'Your the one who insisted she drive. ' he though, slinging his bag over his shoulder. As if she knew what he was thinking she glared at him. He smiled innocently, waving to his sister beforeing turning and heading into the open gates.

He was already looking for interesting dares he could do and it wasn't even three seconds into the walk, he grinned. 'Camp huh? This will be interesting.' He thought, walking down the path and finding the location everyone had gathered at. He found his table with ease, seeing a few old friends as he passed. He of course didn't say anything because he was tired, but it was nice to see familiar faces.

Sitting at the table, he glanced at the name. 'Emma? Sounds like a good enough person.' He thought, leaning back in the chair. He placed his bag on the floor , occasionally glancing st the others.
Jacques waved goodbye to his mum as she drove off, replying at pace to her loud flurry of farewells . As soon as she was out of his line of sight he spun on his heel, dropping his headphones from his ears to wrap around his neck like a technological animal scarf. A small group of people had arrived already, and judging by their pattern of movement he knew where he should be going first. With a quick step and a confident smile, Jacques made a beeline for the name tag table.
Upon arrival he leaned over the name sheet, running a pinkie finger down the list to find his name. Louillon, Jacques. There it was.

Merde, Je n'ai pas de stylo... He thought to himself, quickly checking each of his pockets to look for the wayward pen. Finding no such object in his immediately accessible pockets, he swung his bag over his shoulder to rummage through its contents. Eventually, only after having reached the very bottom of his black denim messenger bag, he found a blue ball point with no lid and no cap on the other end. It would have to do. He pulled it out and flipped the top of the bag back down, returning to the sign-in sheet to squiggle his signature next to his name. After completing this task, he flicked his eyes over the name tags present, looking for his name once more. Emma, table 1. Sounded like an easy enough task to complete. He picked up his name tag and ran a thumb over its surface, heading in the direction of the end picnic table. It was likely either 1 or 4, so he had a 50/50 chance. Both tables had women standing near them, so it was a 50/50. Approaching the table nearest him he was pleasantly confronted with a number 1. Nice.

He seemed to be the third person to arrive at the table, one of which was already talking to the councilors, so Jacques seated himself next to the other - q r o w q r o w . He didn't want to come on oppressively strong, so he put his bag down next to him on the ground and provided a general greeting, to test the waters.
"Good morning!"
Dan passed through the gates of the camp, his approach casual. He had just gotten off at the bus stop a few hundred meters from the camp and was wearing mostly clothing you'd put in a town or city - a basic-butt grey hoodie and some leggings that may or may not be jeans. What matters is they are blue. He'll have time to change, at least thats what he hoped. He has his other clothes in his backpack, along with all the other probably pointless stuff he still decided to take with him. A quick look around and yeah! He knew absolutely noone here, just as he thought it was going to be. "Heck, making friends probs not gonna be that hard." He whispered to himself.
After half a minute of not knowing what the hell he has to do, he figured out that he was gonna be appointed a counselor or some stuff. With that in mind he breezed through the tags until he found his very very handsome name and the young adult attached to it. Approaching his table he saw the woman and decided it couldn't kill him to greet: "Yo, you're Roxanne right? Heck, sorry, Roxana. I'm Dan and you're my counselor, right?"
MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat
Marco would step out of the bus as he took a look around with his hands casually stuffed in his pockets, while Abraham would join him as he looked over his friend's shoulder at the front door. Marco was wearing a white tank-top shirt with the numbers "01" on the front and back of it, along with a pair of tan shorts and flip-flops. Abraham on the other hand, wore a grey long-sleve shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Both of the boys carried their own backpacks, with Marco's being much bigger and ready the erupt with belongings compared to Abraham's.

"So... Here we are." Marco spoke after a calm sigh, taking in the area as he then looked over his shoulder at Abraham to try and crack a joke to lighten the awkward silence between them, "Let's hope we don't get shanked here by any serial killers or anything."

Abraham quietly blinked at Marco as he turned to look ahead at the door, before replying with a low tone of voice, "I'm hoping to take a picture of a Great Grey Owl... D-did you know that Great Gray Owls aren’t just North American owls. They also live in Scandinavia, Russia, Siberia, and Mongolia."

"Yeah..." Marco smiled as he rubbed the back up his neck; he had to admit, his friend's comment had made his joke seem redundant, "You'll probably find one out here; you're like the Steve Irwin of bird watching, after all."

Abraham chuckled from Marco's response, before both the them went to the door. Marco opened it to let Abraham enter first, before closing it behind them as they entered the camp.


can scroll
Location: Camp
Interacting with: guul66 guul66 MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat
Mood: Just normal, kinda relaxed
Outfit: !!

"My god, did this really have to become a family trip? Just one of you guys dropping me off would've been also fine." Leilani said with a chuckle as she squeezed herself next to her brothers in the backseat of the car. On the other hand, it was better than being pushed out of the house with money for a ride and just having to figure it out yourself. After a ride where the three were constantly messing around they finally arrived at camp Evergreen. They all said there goodbye's, or well, hasta pronto's (Spanish for 'see you soon!') and drove off. With a huff, she picked up her surfboard bag and swung it over one of her shoulders. Why again did I decide to bring my surfboard AND wakeboard again? Not even sure if we're going to visit a place where you might be able to surf she thought to herself as she walked through the gates. The first thing Leilani decided to do was check in at the tables that looked like the sort of 'main tables'. While she scanned through all the papers and notes she finally found her name linked to table four and a counselor named Roxana. When she turned around she noticed that quite a few people had already arrived. Not that she expected to be the first one or anything. Most of them looked either really nervous or excited. And just one or two lightly uninterested. There were four counselors in total, only one of them a guy. The female with a piercing came the closest to being a Roxana, so Leilani guessed that that was table four and made her way over. She quickly checked if she was walking to the right table before she came closer. There was already standing a rather tall guy, quite hard to miss. She dropped her luggage close to the table and scanned the two others. They seemed like nice people, so it was probably going to be fun. With a small smile and wave, Leilani introduced herself: "This is table four right? Then you must be Roxana, hi I'm Leilani. Nice to meet you."
Emma Dunham // Camp Director & Counselor
Mood: Excited/nervous
Location: Picnic tables with Angel, Jacques, and Lee
Mentions: Good Hunter Good Hunter q r o w q r o w shylock shylock Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah
While she waits for the campers to arrive, Emma looks around. She knew that she'd have a lot of fun this summer, and that she would create many new relationships while she was here. She glances over at Luke and sighs. While she has a decent relationships with Roxana, and a great relationship with Natalie... there was something different about Luke. They argued a lot, but there was never anything malicious behind it. Emma begins to rearrange some of the art supplies when she hears someone asking who Emma is. She looks up, smiling at him. "That's me." She responds, standing up from her seat to greet him. "Nice to meet you... Angel." She says, looking down at his name tag. "So, we're just making our own shirts for messy activities. You can use whatever you want to decorate." As she is talking to him, she notices two more campers walking up to her table. Once she finishes describing the activity, she glances over to them.

"Hey guys!" She begins, sitting across from them. "I'm Emma, I'll be your counselor for the summer. Are you guys excited? I know that camp can be a hit or miss with some people." She rests her arms on the table, pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear as she waits for them to respond.


Roxana looked up at Emma as she spoke about the campers arriving soon. She stayed quiet, thoroughly not wanting to be here but otherwise fine. Emma was cool, if a little bossy, as were the other counselors. Natalie seemed to be a sweetheart, and Luke was easy on the eyes. But they knew why she was here, and were a little weary of her. Roxie made sure her cabins were clean and ready to go before going outside to smoke a cigarette, walking over to where the picnic tables were. She watched as the teenagers left their parents car, saying goodbyes and love yous. It hurt Roxie a little bit, reminding her of her own childhood and father. Shaking the thoughts away, Roxie stomped out the cigarette as some kids approached her table.

Roxie waved to them and smiled as best she could, wanting to seem at least somewhat approachable. "Yeah, that's me. You all can call me Roxie though," she replied with a slight shrug of her shoulders. Roxie stepped over to the picnic table, climbing to sit on top of the table rather than the seats. She gestured to the t-shirts and paints on the table, looking back up at them. "We're decorating t-shirts if you guys would like to sit. You can decorate them however you like," she added. Roxie looked down, momentarily unsure of how she should break the ice with these people. She would be around them all summer, so she needed to do it. "So where are you all from?"

Interaction: Dan ( guul66 guul66 ) and Leilani ( two two )
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Aimee Moreau
"Come on girl, chin up." Aimee grins at her old friend. "This will be a chance for you to find a new passion." She says sincerely, pulling Victoria out of her dad's car. Quickly checking she's collected everything she needed from the car, she waved her father off as he drove back home. "Nice place isn't it?" She gazes at the lush green scenery, as they both walk towards the sign-in table. Eyeing the list of names, she effortlessly signs her signature before giving Victoria a warm hug. "I'm with table 1, so, I'll see you soon Tori." She walks off towards her presumed table, with a quick glance back towards her friend. It pained her to see Victoria like this, where was the rambunctious and loud spirit she knew so well?

With a small sigh, she quickly walks over as she notices her presumed counselor, the only female visible on the table labelled '1'. It appeared as if she was one of the latter people to arrive, noticing a few people already at the table. Managing to hear the majority of Emma's speech, she couldn't help but smile. "I'm definitely looking forward to being here." She replied, as she set herself down next to her. "What do you have in store for us?" she asks curiously, as she sets down her bags and adjusts her glasses.
V vital q r o w q r o w Good Hunter Good Hunter shylock shylock
Victoria Flores
"Yeah, I know." She gives a small smile, as she silently wondered if there really was anything else she could love more than volleyball. "Mimi! Give me a second! God!" She laughs out loud as she is pulled out of the car forcibly. With her bag casually strapped to her shoulder, she weaves through the car park, and into the open scenery. "Mmm, it's alright. I've seen better." She replies casually, as she also signs her name. "Table 3, huh? My counselor's called Luke." Returning the quick hug, she begins to search for her table. Will this camp really benefit me? This thought pounds at the back of her mind as she makes her way over to her table.

"Hey there." She greets the other people in her group, which all appear to be male. Sitting relatively close to the group, but still slightly astray to keep her distance, she musters a small smile as she awaits their response.
Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah Arsdenaut Arsdenaut
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When Leilani showed up Dan turned towards her and smiled, a welcoming "Yo, I'm Dan." erupted from his mouth. Then, after Roxana or "Roxie" had talked about the t-shirts Dan sat down. "I'm not from far away, like a twenty-thirty miles down the road, small town over there. Great place, cool people," Dan chattered in a way that any skilled or unskilled attempts at interrupting him would prove in failure. "So we can put anything on these shirts, right? Ha, actually I ain't got any bad jokes that would fit on a shirt." He decorated the shirt quite randomly, with seemingly no theme in sight.
Danny saw lots of people stream in and begin conversing.... Lots of PRETTY people too. Lots of names, lots of faces. Some people here already knew eachother.

There's a guy that was here, total stud! Don't know his name but I sure wish I could take his some day! (Luke).

Oh, there was a boy. I can tell straight away that he's Korean. Even though he's not my type... he could totally be mistaken for one of those kpop boyband prettyboy idols.

Oh and there is THIS guy! Totally gorgeous! He looks like an ANGEL... And his name is, ANGEL! Oh he's so gorgeous! Just look at his big beautiful juicy lips and the rest of that gorgeous face! Amazing!

There was a guy, afroamerica by the looks of him. He seems to be deep in thought. Seems chill.

Another guy.

A counselor smoking.

Counselors, counselors, there's only one male among them by the looks of it, the studmuffin Luke.

A guy. A girl. A guy. A Latina. Too many faces! I'm overloading! Too many pretty faces, and just faces in general!

And so Danny just sat there patiently, analyzing and overloading.
Aleks scans over the shirt, scanning through ideas of what the result may be. He'd hate to make it look really good, then get it messy, bit he doesn't want to make it look like crap either. He ponders until a voice breaks him away from his thoughts.
He hears a kind and courteous voice humbly highlighting her arrival to the table with a "Hey there". He looks up, "Privet", he says, his thick Russian accent complimenting his baritone voice. After a moment, he remembers not everyone speaks his language. "Eh, sorry. Hello I mean.", still holding the completely blank shirt.
He scans over the other two at the table. A pretty boy and a tiny girl, the latter of the two is obviously anxious, and not in a good way. Not wanting to possibly worsen it, he says nothing. He can already tell the pretty boy has no interest in talking to anyone the same sex as him, at least not at the moment.
Mentions: @Violet_Shadow shylock shylock Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler minajesty minajesty
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Mason, not that he knew that. Another GORGEOUS male.

And a girl, Aimee. Her outfit was on fleek!, she really knew how to choose her wardrobe today. She was stylish as could be.

Oh and a boy, a Russian boy. He had a big scar on his face. But from the distance it looked like a fresh cut, nasty too. Danny felt very concerned and was SHOCKED that no one else noticed and had attempted to treat the boy. That looked SERIOUS, and recent too! He IMMEDIATLEY wanted to go help him, but was temporarily stopped by the sudden realization that someone had spoken to him. Arsdenaut Arsdenaut

A girl, Camille. In all his analyzing he hadn't noticed someone addressing him. Baka!, I'm a total idiot. The girl had tried to introduce herself to me and I totally ignored her!, how insulted she must be! How embarrassing! I can't beleive I did that! I am SUCH a loser! But I can't take too much time in apologizing for my loser moment, I must help that boy!
"Hi Camille, sorry, I totally blanked out. I wasn't ignoring you, I'm Danny." He said quickly and sweetly to the girl before rushing over to the Russian boy to help him. Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

He ran towards the Russian boy. Arsdenaut Arsdenaut
"Hey are you alrigh-" he said before stopping dead in his tracks. It wasn't a cut. It wasn't fresh. It was just a scar. He totally fucked up. How could he have been so blind....

He stood there gaping at his own stupidity before blubbering out an embarrased apology and then running away in embarrassment. He ran til he was far from the source of his embarrassment, clearly on the verge of tears. Anybody could see that he was on the verge of tears from the engagement before he ran. And so he ran into the woods and began to cry against a tree once he far enough away and had collapsed to catch his breath.
Luke Kingston
Luke gave acknowledgement to his friend with a large grin crossing his face. Natalie was already acquiring some of her campers and his table was growing in numbers too. He wasn't too shocked to see Mason at his table, and though he felt like Mason wasn't the biggest fan of him, they had a mutual understanding with one another to not be completely awful to one another. As each camper arrived at his table he would hand each one of them a shirt,

"Have fun, be creative, don't be vulgar." He threw a glance to Mason at that comment. He needed to make sure that the creativity stayed wholesome. There may not be many rules but there are some. He watched as another camper took off and he sighed, it wasn't one of his but he figured as the only male role model he should go a check on the poor boy, "Behave yourselves." He told the group and went after the boy. He slowed down and saw him near a tree. He approached quietly and cleared his throat, "Hey kid, I know I'm not your counselor and sometimes this whole thing can be kind of overwhelming but you have to stay with the group. No wandering off alone." He stared at the young boy unsure of what to do.

Interactions: The people at his table Arsdenaut Arsdenaut VioletShadow VioletShadow Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah minajesty minajesty
Danny xpstitch xpstitch
Camille Jacobs
Camille was thrilled to see Mason, he was the only friendly face she actually knew. She was shocked about the boy from her table basically ignoring her introduction, but granted some people just couldn't be friends with the opposite gender. She was about to respond to Mason when she heard the boy introduce himself and then immediately disappear. He was going to be an interesting one. Camille grabbed a shirt seeing as they were supposed to be creative with them and made her way closer to Mason,

"Mason, you know your sister isn't completely awful. She has some good qualities to her. Everyone does. I see you got stuck with her friend as your counselor. I think camps going to be quite the event this year if I don't say so myself. I think there's some opportunities for you to meet a new girl." She nudged her friend and gave motion to the girl that was at his table. She was pretty and seemed like Mason's type. She wanted something good for her friend, or at least someone good. She decided that she was going to have to either meet this girl for him, or push him to talk with her. He wasn't one to be shy so she figured just planting the idea for him to talk with her was enough. Her eyes wandered to the rest of the people, she looked at those around table one and her interest was peeked in the males over there. However, right now her main goal was to get Mason set up with possibly meeting a new girl.
Interactions: Mason Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah
Mentions: Eleanor minajesty minajesty
Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler
"Go away!" He spat.

"You people know nothing! NothIng!" He yelled at Luke angrily as his tears already begun to lessen.

"Ain't anybody ever taught you about personal space?! or are you just dim witted?!" He spat venomously.

I ran way to get space from everybody and now this guy is trying to boss me around telling me I can't take space when I need it?!, who the hell does this guy think he is?! Stay with the group my ass!, I'm not some sheep that can be made to be with the herd at all times, people need alone time some times!, this jerk needs to learn his place!, bossing people around like that!, he thought angrily.

I can't stand these types of people, not knowing when to give people their space. When someone runs away, its common decency to leave them alone. Some people just want to be left alone sometimes. Why can't these people leave others alone?....

Natalie saw her group was growing more and more and she started to hand out her shirts to the campers and tells them "Here is a white shirt be creative as you can just noting inappropriate". She saw that one of her campers Camille walked over to Mason which he didn't mind he was right her and plus she always heard his comment about her. It didn't hurt her feelings that's just how we play around and fight and Mason always been the type to play around but all well, that's what happens when your younger sibling goes to camp with your older one. She noticed that she was missing a few people but, they were own their way all well. Natalie turned around and she heard Luke say "Have fun, be creative, don''t be vulgar". The funny part about it that he was talking to Mason when he said don't be vulgar. She wanted to laugh so much because it was that funny to her. She than saw that one of her campers ran off which was Danny she was going to go to him but, Luke came to stop her as he was running towards him. Before she knew it she grabbed her walkie-talkie from her shorts and channeled it to Luke's and says "Hey Luke is everything alright over there, I was going to go but you ran before I did". She let go of the button she she can hear what his response is.
Interactions: Luke( Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler ) Campers( Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler and xpstitch xpstitch )
Mentioned: Camille( Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler ), Danny( xpstitch xpstitch )

Mason took a shirt from Luke and he says to Mason "Have fun, be creative, don't be vulgar". Mason noticed that when he said 'don't be vulgar', he knew that Mason would do that just for the fun of it. When Mason picked his head up he saw a very familiar face, one that he knew since junior highschool, Angel. They still manged to be friends with each other but still have a little bad blood until the became popular together during high school. He gave back the nod showing respect to him in his own way. He turned to the girl behind him and he wasn't sure what her name was but he thinks it's Victoria? He heard his name in Natalie's mouth before because they went to junior high together and played Volleyball together, but after that he wasn't sure what had happened to her. "Hey Victoria, and welcome to camp", he said with a small wave. Mason noticed that Luke was gone and Camille came over to say "Mason, you know your sister isn't completely awful. She has some old qualities to her. Everyone does. I see you got stuck with her friend as your counselor. I think camps going to be quite the event this year if I don't say so myself. I think there's some opportunities for you to meet a new girl". Mason turned around to see Camille right behind him and he smiled at her. She was a good friend of his even though yes she is a girl, but this was the only girl who never had a crush on him during high school. And he could rock with her and became good friends. "I know my sister isn't that bad but, just good luck with the camp in general. Even though I'm stuck with Natalie's boyfriend it's life, that paired me up with him all well got to deal with it now.". Mason widen his eyes when she said "I think there's some opportunities for you to meet a new girl", she was looking towards table one Eleanor. He had a crush on her since Mason met Jackson and saw his twin sister. Of course Mason told Camille about it, but he was shocked to see her here at the Camp. Even though I'm not the shy type to go talk to her, he talked to her many times, but he noticed that she was the shy type as well and now that she's here, he plans on breaking that shell. While Mason was to busy in his thoughts he said "Yea I know I've noticed her, like you said camp going to be quite the event this year", he said with his little smirk and started making his shirt.
Interactions: Victoria( VioletShadow VioletShadow ) and Camille( Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler )
Mentioned: Angel( shylock shylock ) and Eleanor( minajesty minajesty )
Mi Song-Gi
Miso watched the scenery fly by as his older sibling drove in quiet. "What? Did I do something wrong? " he asked , but his sibling shook his head and sighed. "Just have fun okay?" Was the only thing he said as Miso got out of the car , before backing out of the camp grounds. Miso shoved his phone in his pocket, determined to keep his two hour streak offline.

Mi Song-Gi smiled gently and shook his head. "He's over reacting. I'm not going to die here....I hope." He said to himself, adjusting his pink hoodie. He was wearing that over a white tee shirt , and had black jeans to contrast the lighter colors. He sported his regular hair style and white head band, and a grey duffle bag to his side as he walked into camp.

Miso signed the name tag and placed it on his hoodie, heading over to his assign table. He was tired, so he really didn't notice who was there as he leaned his head down. (Actually it's because I forgot who was where when I wrote this , but whatever.) @anyoneat the table 3

Lee Ji-Hae
Ji-Hae was humming to himself when a boy sat next to him and set down his bags. "Ah~ Good Morning. I'm Lee Ji-Hae. But if you have a hard time pronouncing it just call me Lee or J. " He replied politely, seeing no reason to make anyone upset by not introducing himself. Some people where like that. Ji-Hae looked at the boy, and then to the counselor once she turned her attention toward the two. "Design?" Ji-Hae was no artist, well not this type of artist anyway. (Dancing counts as a form of art. Don't judge.)

He picked up a black marker , looking at the girl who sat down at the table, and the person who was talking to the counselor, Emma before he had arrived. 'Interesting people.' He was for once, glad he gotten out of the studio. Well, got dragged out, but same thing right? He spun the marker between his fingers, completely satisfied with the plain white shirt. 'Did we have to draw on it?' He wondered, but didn't bother asking. V vital VioletShadow VioletShadow Good Hunter Good Hunter shylock shylock
Jacques turned his head when Emma began speaking to the pair, eyebrows raised attentively as she spoke. When she finished he smiled warmly, "Of course! It's good to be out in the sun, no? Better than being indoors wasting daylight, at least," he chuckled, gesturing to the bright sun shining down on the camp grounds. Strasbourg was often cold, even nearing summer, so being under the warmth of the sun was a huge relief to this day. His first summer away from France was like letting the permafrost in his marrow thaw out.
"I'm Jacques," he said, to both Emma and Lee Ji-Hae, "it's a pleasure to meet you."
His eyes flicked to the shirts, simultaneously recalling that he had seen other campers with black markers looking to be jotting down their designs. Picking up a shirt, he hummed to himself in thought.
"I am no artist - this should be...interesting." He laughed to himself, recalling his past attempts at the creative activity. No matter what he tried to draw, it always ended up resembling a cow. But there's an upside to everything, and thus let no man say that Jacques Louillon cannot draw a cow.

Mentions: V vital , q r o w q r o w

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