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Realistic or Modern Camp Delinquent (Closed)

Looked around the cabin and sighed, he pulled out a volume of the manga he was reading and walked out and looked at the group of others nearby and then looked at the lake and smiled. He walked over to the steps and sat down and continued to look around. He opened the volume and began to read, quickly loosing interest it the others around him.

'Hmm, expected more people here.' He thought while he continued to read his manga, he sighed as he continued to think about random topics. He glanced over at the group again before returning to his book.
Gage's eyes flashed with intrigue, a girl that was into cars? How rare. He cocked his head towards Arizona and let out a simple sigh, "Tragically, I've been cut off for the summer." He pulled out his wallet and flipped through some of the card holders, "Which, again tragically, renders these bad boys entirely useless."

Gage lay down on the table to get a better view of the sky and interlaced his fingers behind the nape of his neck to prop his head up, "A Mustang, huh? Interesting choice."
Arizona leaned back beside him to look back at the sky. She smiled at the mention of her choice, "I mean 205 miles per hour, they're beautiful.. A Corvette ZR1 goes about the same speed, but I just look sexier in a Mustang. " She said jokingly..

"That would be the dream though, what about you? Whats your car of choice? And this could be a determination of future friendship potential.. so no pressure pretty boy." She said as her eyes wandered back over to Gage, she had to refrain herself from mentally undressing the man. It was clear he was good looking, and he knew it too. She decided not to give him that satisfaction and returned her gaze to the sky.
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Saru looked over at Arizona and Gage talking about cars, he could barely make out their conversation, but he got the gist of it. He wasn't a huge car nut, but there were a few that he liked and admired. He got up, closed his book and walked over to the small group.

"Personally, I like a 1969 ZL1 Camaro, but that's just my taste." Jacob butted into their conversation. He leaned against the picnic table and avoided eye contact with the two, he just gazed out at the lake and sighed quietly. He reached into his shirt pocket to pull out a cigarette, but remembered he didn't have any, an old habit of his.
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Arizona looked over at the new addition to the conversation. She was delighted that clearly she had some people who were interested in her passion.

"That's the best thing I think I've heard anyone say all day. That is also high up on my list of favorite car." She chimed, delighted by the mention of the camero.

"I might have to keep you around."

She smiled at him but it didn't matter because he had not made eye contact once. He seemed distant, which probably was just his style. She didn't read to much into it.
Saru smiled to himself as he heard Arizona compliment his choice of car. He turned around and looked back at the two with his brown, almost lifeless eyes. He sighed and smiled briefly before opening and closing his mouth, almost as if he was about to say something.

"1970 454 Chevelle SS is also a nice choice." Jacob said and continued, "Mustangs are a good choice though. The older ones are better in my opinion." he then just shrugged and went back to looking around.
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Gage eyed Saru wearily, never being a fan of someone who avoided eye contact, he personally took it as a sign of submission. "Well both of your choices are aight cars-" Gage shrugged inspecting the chipping paint on the picnic tables, "But personally I'm strictly about the speed. That's why I'd choose the Bugatti Veyron Super Short."

Gage spread his hands across the space infront of him as if to set a scene, "Just picture yourself speeding through the city in one of those bad boys. Goddamn it could make anyone look sexy as hell."
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Arizona's eyes flickered in pure joy. Gage had picked the Bugatti which was also such a beautiful car. She was thrilled, and decided that he was someone she needed here.

" that's a gorgeous car sir, I like your taste. But..what about the Hennessy Venom GT..? I will admit though the body style of the Bugatti is much more my style."

She gave a half smile, and looked over at him waiting for his response.
Gage broke out into a huge grin, remembering all of the nice cars sitting in his garage waiting for him to return, "Now that is a car I'd take home to meet my parents." He joked playfully and fiddled with the hem of his dress shirt, "But seriously that is a fast car. What's its top speed again?" He glanced back at Arizona.
<p>Saru looked back out towards the lake and continued to listen to the two talk about cars and that sorta stuff. He opened his book and continued to read. He now sat on top of the picnic table now.</p>


"Eh, those car's don't have much personality" He muttered quietly to himself.</p>
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Arizona thought for a moment.

"They go about 290.. They're no joke." She said. She made eye contact with him but he glance pulled to the hem of his shirt every once in awhile. She smiled, "So what cars do you have at home, rich boy, I'm assuming you have some pretty nice ones?" She inquired

She heard the comment about it not having enough personality.

"I think cars are personality, and cars all have a individual uniqueness about them." She said to the man who made the comment prior.
"No personality?" Gage gawked at Saru, clearly disturbed by the comment. He intended to reply to Arizona but his one track mind got sidetracked on what the other boy had said, "Have you ever driven a Hennessey? Because I honestly doubt you'd be saying that if you got up to 290 in a beaut like that."
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Saru looked at the two and knew he'd get the hate he deserved, he just looked at Gage and shrugged lightly as if what he said didn't really concern him. He looked back at the lake and sighed lightly.

"Yes, I have driven a Hennessey. Speed isn't everything, neither is style. Those car's just don't speak to me. They lack interest to me." Jacob said and then shrugged, "Hey, some cars aren't meant for some people."
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Having reached a boring part in his book, Dylan closed it and pulled out his pocket knife. He bent over and found a piece of wood. Opening his knife, he cut the bark and rough parts off. He ran his fingers over the smooth wood, almost lovingly. He began carving stick figures and faces into the wood, making stories out of them in his head.
Arizona disregarded that he didn't answer, she listened to Gage talk about driving the Hennessey. She noticed the argument was just a matter of preference. She was just a little upset that she was the only one who had not drove it.

She leaned over towards the men,

"Hold up, all I know is when we get out of this place one of you are taking me to drive it. Ok." She stated smiling, trying to defuse the tension.
Saru narrowed his eyes at Arizona before smiling briefly and nodding at her request, "Sure. Any car you want, be it a Bugatti, a Hennessey or even a Mustang. That's assuming we don't die of boredom first." He then chuckled quietly to himself before looking back at Gage and bowed slightly, "I apologize for causing this argument. The Hennessey and Bugatti are both good cars in there own respect."
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Gage crossed his arms and looked smugly at Saru-- he considered apologizing another form of submission. He nodded curtly and looked around at the camp site, "So do you two have any idea of what we're going to be doing here all summer? Because the armed guards kind of hint to me that it won't be entirely pleasant."
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Arizona looked over to the man, "Im Arizona by the way." She reached out her hand and her freshly painted black nails. Then looked over at Gage disappointed that he didn't even offer a ride and he previously ignored her.

What's new. She thought.

She decided to not respond to Gage's question, as she had no idea, and didn't feel like having what she had to say go right in one ear and out the other. She stood up on the table and tried to get a better view of the area. All she could see were trees and their campground.

"Yeah, its not going to be pleasant." She said after analyzing the situation further. "But I am sure ill make some fun out of it." She said with her rebellious look in her eyes.
Saru looked at her hand for a brief moment before extending his and shaking hers, "I'm Saruwatari Mayasa. Saru or Masa is fine too. Pleasure to meet you, Arizona." he then looked at Gage and examined him before whispering to Arizona, "He has a case of rich boy syndrome or stick up his ass, doesn't he?" He then chuckled to himself before smiling at the two.
Arizona chuckled, but felt a great deal of compassion for him. Hell, compassion was a big downfall of hers. She liked to think that everyone could be loved if you just knew their stories, and where they came from.

Arizona brushed her hair behind her shoulders, and spun around in a circle on the table.

Dark storm clouds formed, and a light sprinkle let down on the camp.

She smiled, and laid back on the table closing her eyes.

"I love rain." She said full of joy. She took in a deep breath of air.
Saru examined Arizona and smiled again, she seemed down to earth but had a wild side to her at times. He looked up as it began to rain and he smiled to himself.

"I'm from Tokyo, so it rains alot, but I've always loved it. I love the sound. The smell. The feel. Everything about it." Saru said and also took a deep breath of air and looked back up as the rain gotta slightly heavier.
"Why on earth would you like rain?" Gage stood up abruptly, deciding if he wanted to risk the potential downpour on his new Italian suit. He ran his hands over the fabric on his torso, smoothing out the wrinkles caused by sitting. He gave Saru and Arizona a curt nod, "It was nice meeting you two, but if you knew how much this suit cost you want me to go inside as well."
Dylan sighed when it started raining. He tossed the piece of wood he had been carving and put his knife away, not wanting it to get wet. He got off the stump and laid on the ground, then closed his eyes.
Saru looked at Gage and laughed lightly, "Oh, that suit is very expensive I know that. You aren't the only rich boy here, rich boy." He then smiled and continued to sit in the rain before talking again, "Plus, the rain is probably the least of your worries. Also, who wears an expensive Italian suit to a Camp for Delinquents? It's going to either get dirty, stolen or ripped. " He then shrugged and looked back at Arizona and whispered, "Ohhh, maybe he has daddy issues too?"
Arizona stood back up and placed a hand on Saru to jump down to the ground.

"Why don't you just take off the suit. I don't think anyone would mind. " She laughed.

"Well at least he has a dad, no matter how shitty, at least he has one." She spoke to Saru. A thought flashed her back to the night her parents were murdered. "At least he has someone." She gave a slight smile and decided to repress the memory again. She fought back the loneliness and the tears, and decided to do something that was childish but full of joy.

She spun around in the rain. Grabbing Saru's hand to twirl under.

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