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Realistic or Modern Camp Delinquent (Closed)

As they drove Arizona looked out the window quietly and observed the trees and the nature scenery. She had a sinking feeling that there would be no vehicles that would be for their using pleasure, which immediately made her anxious. She had a thought about hi-jacking the truck that was moving slowly down the dirt road, but decided against it by one look at the man driving.

She looked out to see cabins lined up perfectly, and wondered if they had the amenities of home. Stupid thought, of course they didn't. She looked at her tight black skinny jeans, crop top, and leather jacket.. She immediately knew she had not packed nearly enough flannel for this experience.

The truck stopped and she got out, grabbing her duffle bag. She stood for a moment to observe the F250. It was a V8, four wheel drive, and in a nice deep blue color. Not bad, but not fast enough for her taste, regardless she would do anything to get the tingling feeling she got when she drove. That rush was better than sex, alcohol, and any kind of drug combined.

After a moment she was directed to her cabin, she walked slowly, watching her black converse get covered in a brown layer of dirt.

dammit these were my favorite shoes

She swung the door open and saw nobody inhabited the three bedroom cabin yet. She threw her bag on the single bed, and pulled out a magazine with the latest cars as she waited for newcomers.
Hayden stared at the fleeting rows of trees passing their car as they drove towards the camp. He had earbuds in his ears and was blasting music louder than he probably should, and he was tapping his toes to the beat of the music. He ran a hand over his guitar case lovingly, clutching it protectively to his chest. He was determined to keep it in pristine condition while he attended this ridiculous camp.

He had been more than ticked off when his parents had announced that, while they and his perfect younger brother would be vacationing around the Caribbean on a cruise, Hayden would be attending a lousy camp in the middle of nowhere. He had argued against it, but nothing could change their minds.

They finally arrived and Hayden had barely grabbed his things out of the trunk when his parents speed off without so much as a goodbye. His brother's face popped up in the window and waved as they drove away, which somehow made Hayden even madder. Things had always been tense with his family, but his brother always tried to be nice, which just made Hayden feel like a jerk for being mean.

He kicked his black converse on the ground for a minute, kicking up dirt and feeling sorry for himself, then he turned around and with a mask of confidence, walked towards the main cabin to figure out where he would be staying.

As he walked, he examined the cabins and deemed them to be 'Not too shitty,' in his opinion, and with that observation, a small skip returned to his step.

He got his cabin assignment and jogged towards it eagerly, hoping to be the first one there so he could get first pick of the bunks. He let out a loud, "Yes!" when he saw he was the first one. He put his things on the top bunk and climbed up, flopping on the bed and staring up at the ceiling wistfully.

Kenna Rose

A deep sigh rises from deep in her chest. She had been in this at for three freaking hours. They were all supposed to be there by 12:00 in the afternoon. The only thing that helped was her music. She never went anywhere without he phone. She didn't give a damn if they were forbidden, let somebody try to take it. After the second hour in the car she was insanely glad she'd worn her black shorts and dark blue tank top. And of course her beanie. It could be 100 degrees outside and Kenna would still wear it.

Her train of though stopped as soon as the car stopped. Kenna opened the door and slammed it. Childish, but she didn't care. She was far from caring. Her boots crunch on gravel as she walks to the back of the truck to grab her bags. Her duffel bag, suitcase, and guitar case were a decent amount of weight, and dragging it to Cabin 1 took some effort.

As the door opened she saw another girl. Great. Since the single bed had already been taken, she threw her guitar up to the top bunk. She turns to face the girl with her arms crossed. She isn't trying to be rude, but she figures everyone here is like her. Kenna isn't going to let people intimidate her this summer. "Hey. I'm Kenna."
Lyric Collins

We'd been traveling for who knows how long. It was literally 100 degrees outside,so I was quite relieved that I had decided to wear a pair of high waisted denim shorts and a Jack Daniels crop top. Although,some different shoes and no flannel would be good. I was wearing black combat boots,but I should've just worn my converse,but I am a very complicated person.

Eventually,the car came to a stop and I immediately jumped out,went around to the trunk and pulled out my 2 duffle bags and 1 suitcase. What? I had a lot of clothes. I ignored calls coming from the car for me to come say goodbye,but I simply turned around and gave the middle finger. Continuing on my way,I whistled the tune to Good Girls Bad Guys by Falling In Reverse. Great band.

My attention was taken by someone directing me to a cabin. "Yeah,yeah I got it." I mumbled to the counselor and continued on my way to the Cabin. I walked in to see 2 other girls,whom had already claimed the bed and top bunk. Just great. "Lyric." I said
Gage pushed the cabin door marked with a number 4 open hesitantly, the whole scene reminding him of one of those cheesy horror films. His body actually shuttered at the stale smell of the room and the sound of the wooden boards creaking under his imported shoes as he stepped across the cabin floor. The idea of spending his summer in this shack made Gage immediately reach for his inside jacket pocket, the hiding place of all things illegal. His hand faltered as he remembered the security guards taking his stash from him when he arrived. He threw the Louis Vuitton duffle bags onto the single bed, reaping the benefits of always being perfectly punctual as he waited for the others.
Dylan was close to finishing his second book and thank goodness they were nearly there. He wasn't sure he could stand having to talk or listen to his mom. Not after what she had done, and said. When the car stopped, he brought his book up to hide his face when his mom turned back to give him the 'goodbye' speech. He unlocked the door and jumped out, ignoring whatever his mom was trying to say. Thankfully, she hadn't brought his sisters along. He retrieved his bag from the trunk, slamming it so hard the car shook. He frowned at the person directing him to his cabin. He went inside and sighed when he saw someone already in there. He threw his bag on the top bunk and vaulted up after it. He propped himself up against the wall and opened his book again.
Allison was sitting in the front row of one of those long school bus type vehicles, with a twist, it was actually a Department of Corrections transport vehicle, or a prison bus for short, with two county Sheriffs sitting across from her, Remington 870 shotguns in hand, she was still handcuffed, what the hell could she do while handcuffed? Okay a lot but doesn't matter, did they really know that, just seemed like they were being a bit over-cautious, the bus pulled into some crappy looking camp, where the bus doors opened and the guards grabbing Allison rather harshly by both shoulders, picking her up and pushing her out of the bus, one of the guards actually pointing his weapon at her as the other slowly uncuffed her, the two now backing away into the bus as the doors closed and it drove off.

Allison stretched her arms, rubbing her wrists where the cuffs had been, she gave up prison for this? She looked around, looked like some kind of holiday camp or something, some guy had told her that her cabin was number 3 and she shrugged, she'd been given a small case full of basic needs, no leisure items, it wasn't even her stuff, it was government property, with the DoC logo on the side of it, she grabbed it and walked towards Cabin 3, when she got in she chucked her case over to the corner of the room, jumping onto the closest bed. Now lying there.
Both of the girls arrived almost simultaneously as each of the cabins claimed their victims. One of the girls crossed her arms, probably trying to assert dominance, and the other simply said her name.

Clearly everyone here was straight off of the happy train, she thought briefly.

" Im Arizona, yes, like the state. Nice to meet you both, roomies." She said a tad sarcastically while also trying to be as friendly as she could manage.

Shortly after Arizona went to lay on the top of the wooden picnic table outside of their cabin, mostly because she could not tolerate any more of the stale cabin air. She snagged her ear buds and iPod on the way out, and she began listening to her favorite playlist. Her feet were dangling off, and she was simply staring up at the blue cloudless sky.

Gage raised his attention up to Dylan when he walked in, watching him silently put his stuff down and sit with a book. Gage absolutely despised reading with every fiber of his being, but he rolled his eyes and stood up anyway. He looked up at the top bunk, giving the stranger one of his trademark crooked smiles, "Hey, I'm Gage."
Dylan slowly looked up from his book after finishing the last sentence in the chapter. "Nice to meet you." He said, not putting any feeling into the words. His gaze dropped back to his book as he flipped the page. Sure, the guy was trying to be nice, but as far a Dylan was concerned he didn't have to be nice back. Why bother?
Aiden hugged his baby sister once more before getting out of the truck. "I'll be home before you even know it Chance." He quickly closed the door as she begged him not to leave. Once he stood in front of the cabin with a two on it, he squared his shoulders and walked in.

"Hey" He said to the guy on the top bunk as he threw his bag onto the single bed.

Kenna Rose

Alright. So Lyric and Arizona. They don't seem too bad. This place sucks, so they aren't going to have a good attitude right away. Hell, she doesn't even have a good attitude right now. Kenna kicks her boot against the floorboards. A bit of dust spirals off of the floor. Great. Kenna hates when her living space isn't clean, which is weird because she doesn't mind getting herself dirty.

She supposed they're just supposed to wait until someone comes to tell them what to do. Hopping up on the top bunk, Kenna unzips her guitar bag. Her fingers dance over the strings as she plays a soft tune.​
Gage scoffed at the obviously uninterested response, "Right back atcha." He muttered, not even trying to hide the sarcasm in his voice. He smoothed out his dress shirt and exited the cabin in hopes of finding a place to request a change in cabin-mates. The only person he found was Arizona, who was laying on the picnic table outside. Gage joined the girl, hopping onto the table without warning.
Arizona was slightly startled by the well dressed man who had sat next to her. She pulled out her ear buds and Modest Mouse played softly in the background. She took a moment to appreciate his features and his expensive outfit.

"Hello, clichè rich boy, you're a long way from home. " She smiled at him.. "I'm Arizona."
Lyric Collins

I nodded a little when the girls said their names. Arizona and Kenna. "Nice to meet you,I guess." I asks,mumbling the last part to myself. I set my duffel bag and suitcase on the bottom bunk then looked around the cabin. Homely,too small for my liking. Taking a deep breath,I walked outside to join the world. There weren't many people out,for they must be in their cabins meeting the people they're gonna have to get used to for the Summer. It shouldn't be too hard.


Lyndsey was already pissed that she was even enrolled in this place. This was going to be worse then boot camp, and that was terrible. She hoisted her bag onto her shoulder with a grunt and continued to walk to her assigned cabin. She didn't mind that she has to room with two other people, but she would mind if they were bothersome; hopefully these psycho camp creators were smarter then that. Why couldn't all of them just sleep alone, or all together, but at least they wouldn't share a bed.

Her hair was stuck where the bag strap was on her shoulder an it hurt to move her head, so she kept it tilted to the right where there wasn't any tension. She wore a grey sweatshirt that had 'Harvard Uni - 1872' written across it, but honestly she didn't give a damn about any special college or school for that matter-the top was comfortable. Lyndsey had leggings on and black combat boots to complete the "I feel like crap so I dressed like crap" look going on. She stopped when her nose was barely touching the cabin door. A sigh escaped her lips as she opened the door with a fake smile plastered onto her face.

Gage nodded and held out his hand for her to shake, "Gage. And actually, I'm not too far from home, my family summers about fifteen minutes from here." He allowed his eyes to wander down Arizona, not being sly at all about checking her out, the arrogance oozing from his voice, "And by the looks of you I'm guessing your family doesn't summer near here at all."
Arizona shook his hand and smiled. She noticed him checking her out, but she didn't mind the attention.

After the arrogant comment she decided to laugh about it because he probably wasn't use to conversing with people of average wealth.

"Oh man I thought I wore my Prada outfit, must of forgot.. I don't have a family really.. But summering sounds wonderful." She said calmly
Saru looked outside the window of the car through his sunglasses and sighed, "It's a beautiful place, I'll give it that.", he then checked his watch and looked at his uncle who was driving the car. He looked back outside and watched as they drove past the dozens of trees, he was rather glad he was getting away from his uncle.

"What?", his uncle asked Saru.

"Nothing, just that we are running pretty late." Saru replied, still looking out the window of the car. His uncle shrugged and continued to drive down the dirt road. Saru looked out the windshield at the camp and smiled briefly before sighing as the car came to a stop. He opened the car door and hopped out, grabbing his luggage before looking back at his uncle.

"Well, I'll pick you up whenever they decided to send you home or whatever." his uncle said before closing the passenger door.

"Yeah, yeah. Get outta here. I'll see you then." Saru said before looking at the camp. He was dressed in a plaid button up shirt, a pair of old jeans and some hiking boots. He took off his sunglasses and walked over to the main cabin to figure out where he was staying. He nodded to himself before walking over to the cabin he was staying in. He opened the door to see the other people already there.

"Hello." he quietly said before walking over to an empty bed and putting his bag on it.
Dylan looked up as a new guy walked in. He nodded in greeting and returned to his book. His finished the last chapter and grabbed the next book. He jumped off the bunk and went outside. He saw a couple girls and his other roommate wandering around or talking. He went the other way and found a tree stump to sit on. He opened his new book and promptly got lost in it.

Kenna Rose

After a couple minutes of playing her guitar, Kenna hears voices and wanders outside. Her boots crunch over the gravel. A couple boys are outside, as well as Arizona. Walking over to a bench, she sits a hesitantly because it looks fairly unstable. After testing its weight, she leans back and crosses her legs.

The scenery is actually really nice, now that she isn't as angry at being here, she can appreciate the view. The trees are really green and vibrant and the lake is beautiful. She's always loved to swim an looks forward to swimmig in it. Scanning the people around her, she thinks there's more people that are just late, and hopes they arrive soon.​
Gage laughed dryly, licking a finger and reaching to attempt to rub a scuff off his shoes. "So what do you think they're going to make us do here-" He stopped when he could see his reflection in the shoe, "-hold hands and sing Kumbaya until we don't want to break the law anymore?"
Arizona laughed at the Kumbaya comment for a moment, then realized that it would only be some sort of torture that would keep her from her fast cars. She had him pretty much figured out and why he was here. Sex, drugs, and an unlimited supply of money , probably got in trouble and mommy and daddy had a reputation to uphold. She'd seen some of his type at the street races in some of the nicest cars that their parents had bought them. It was a shame to see them wrecked the next week, after they were too drunk to even walk let alone drive. She quickly snapped back to reality, and respond.

"That won't happen, but you're going to have a hard time getting a stripper to come out here.. But maybe you can get your butler to fly the helicopter to this miserable place and get a special delivery... you think you could pull some strings to get him to bring me a Shelby Mustang while he's at it.. ?" She asked sarcastically

"There is no way that I can go without driving, and have you met some of these kids.. Jesus. There is no way in hell I'm going to make it more than a couple days"

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