Call to Duty [Inside the Great Maker]


As the razor-thin blades cut through the carapace of the gremlin, a pulse of essence crackled through the length of the Scourge and blasted through the damaged area. Pivoting back in preparation for both likely retaliation and his next strike, the Sentinel kept an open view of the target and the terrain.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Spending 6 motes to convert damage from Lethal to Aggravated.

10 dice / target number 7 / difficulty 1

8 7 4 1 7 4 9 3 10 5 = 5 successes

5 successes

5HL of damage, and it loses 3 motes from its essence pool.
Hydrolic fluid sprays out of the slice made by your blade instead of blood, but you get the feeling that you have caused serious damage to the twisted Custodian.

4 - [Resolute]

5 - Conduit, ARC <--

6 -

7 - Gremlin, Guardian

8 -

9 - Resolute

The Mirrorblade surges forward, an Essence pulse channeling through his Perfected Lotus Matrix and extending about him, splitting the air to allow him the unbridled speed that is his pride and joy. A few smooth, impossibly quick steps take him to the gremlin, and Unheralded Shard flashes out, the crystal blade biting towards a rusting mechanical leg- then he's past, hands twisting to pull the lance along behind him, a quick glance thrown back to see what impact he has had on the foe.

((3m Peripheral, 1wp for Light-Treading Technique.

Attack: 12d10 → [4,2,9,10,3,10,7,6,8,1,2,9] = 8 suxx.))
Just ping, then.

1 and 6- no suxx.

As Conduit flashes past, the crystal blade of Unheralded Shard skitters from the Custodian's metal carapace, sparks flying, but finding now purchase. He skids gracefully to a halt, turning to face the gremlin.

One of the ear-marks of a good surveyor of the untamed region outside of the patropoli and metropoli was a keen eye for detail (or whatever passed for that sensory organ), the other was a willingness to improvise and take risks.

Which was exactly what Arc did, in the brief moment that the Jade caste had spun up and around on the claw of the Void infected machine spirit, the alchemical idly noted (via peripheral vision) the presence of a nearby pipe. Its thickness and reinforced structure indicated that it was likely a pipe that transported high pressured steam, it was also just close enough for what the Jade caste had planned.

Which was namely...

A brief crouch, before the crimson clad alchemical launched towards the pipe with the speed and power of crimson lightning, that spun just before impacting it.

Pushing off against the steam pipe with a loud and reverberating clang, Arc flew straight at the Gremlin, essence blade arcing out almost gently upon impacting the metal carapace.

The crack of the very air splitting before the carapace of the tainted machine spirit was almost anti-climatic, even if it was a demonstration of how effective that essence charged attack had been.



Spending 2 motes on 5 dragon force blow! Oshah! Mighty Strike is mighty!

Regaining motes from stunt!

Also, Arc is still on the back of the Machine Spirit.

I hits my target hard with my lightsaber - 19d10.hits(7) → [10,1,8,10,5,8,1,10,3,7,2,4,1,7,9,2,6,6,5] = (11) verses DV 6 (same with others) for 5 extra successes.

((Strength 3 + Weapon 7L) x 2) + (5 extra suxx) = 25L - 15L = 10 dice Damage! - 10d10.hits(7) → [5,3,9,4,2,10,6,9,3,7] = (4) lethal damage

Speed is 5 (Jade bonus subtracting from speed of simple charm).

A.R.C.'S stats
Essence pool personal 5/5, peripheral 36/37, Willpower 7/7

DV : 7/8 parry (unarmed/armed), 5 dodge

Norm. Soak : 2L/4B/0A // Hardness 0L/0B/0A

Plus Spirit Soak : 5L/11B/0A // Hardness 0L/0B/0A // pre-Buffing effects

Full Spirit Soak : 11L/23B/6A // Hardness 6L/6B/6A // +Essence 2L/2B (anima)

HL : -0 [o] -1[o][o] -2 [o][o][o][o] -4 [o], incap [o]

Charms ~

Megaman Cannon (active) 0m / 1m per shot

Galatea Sheath's stats

Essence pool 78/90, Willpower 8/8

DV : 3 parry, 5 dodge

Norm. Soak : 3L/7B/0A // Hardness 0L/0B/0A

Charm Soak : 6L/12B/6A // Hardness 6L/6B/6A

Total Soak : 9L/19B/6A // Hardness 6L/6B/6A

Soak Charm boost up by 1L/2B per 2m, hardness 1/2 motes spent, Max motes (12)

Soak Charm boost up by 1L/2B per 2m, no max

HL : -0 [o] -1[o][o][o][o][o][o] -2 [o][o][o][o][o] -4 [o], incap [o]

Charms ~

Sheathing the Material Form 12m for scene

Order of Battle

00 - ARC (moving)

01 - ARC (moving)

02 - ARC (moving & shooting), Gremlin (attack Arc), Guardian (Shooto! and move back)

03 - ARC (moving)

04 - Resolute (dash)

05 - Resolute (dash & attack!), Conduit (attack!), ARC (Jump up and down & attack!)

06 -

07 - Gremlin, Guardian <- Nao here unless someone moved on ticks 6 or 7

08 -

09 - Resolute, Conduit

10 - ARC

11 -
From her position behind the twisted automation, Guardian plants her feet wide against the recoil of her rifle. With a pull of the trigger, a sizzling ball of plasma fires out and hits the caretaker in one of its leg bundles, blowing several off, leaving your foe stumbling about trying to regain its balance. With a sudden burst of speed, it spins around and charges Guardian, but it is now too clumsy to be able to do more than lurch feebly at her.

04 - Resolute (dash)

05 - Resolute (dash & attack!), Conduit (attack!), ARC (Jump up and down & attack!)

06 -

07 - [Gremlin], [Guardian]

08 -

09 - Resolute, Conduit

10 - ARC, Guardian

11 -

12 - Gremlin
Conduit leans back for a moment, lance horizontal behind him, then casts himself forward, breaking into a run that seems faster than is entirely normal. As he approaches the Gremlin, Unheralded Shard collapses in on itself- then he is there, the mad spirit's carapace before him, and his adamant lance is singing out, shaft extending, driving the point forward to meet the metal skin with all his momentum.

Yet his aim seems off, and the adamant spear finds no purchase, skittering from the Gremlin's hide.

[10,4,4,4,4,1,3,6,6,3,8,3]. 3 suxx.

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