Call to Duty [Inside the Great Maker]


"I'll begin an examination of the wreckage and bodies," the Sentinel said as he disembarked from the transport. Striding towards the down craft. "Someone should secure the rescue ship in case they had managed to find anything before they were disabled."

He wanders through the debris, heading for the closest bodies. The various machine spirits dismantling the broken devices and parts would likely have left the flesh bodies alone, focusing on the more recyclable metals and crystal parts. Even as he examines the details of the site as he goes, he pulls out the handle of his scourge, as well as extending a pair of long-nosed pliers from the back of his other hand in case any companions of the scavengers Conduit was following had decided to hide rather than flee.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Not rolling yet until I know what/how many I need to make. Going to be using 1st Perception Augmentation on any applicable ones, though.

The 'pliers' are the sai from Integrated Arsenal System.
As Resoulte begins his inspection of the repair ship and the bodies, he sees that it is an unarmed version of ARC's skiff, just a little smaller, able to hold a crew of three and up to five passengers. A lot of patchwork repairs can be seen on it until some parts look like more patchwork than original components. The ship shows some minor damage in the form of its main hatch being busted in, and by poking your head inside, you see the bodies of the last two of the first responders seated at the controls. It appears that they were trying to take off when whatever happened - happened. Steping back out you see Guardian kneeling down next to one of the bodies from the rescue ship. "He looks like he was fed through a meat processor. I can't be sure yet, but from my initial observations of the bodies show that most of them are missing parts." She gesgures at one that is missing much of the upper torso. "Arms, legs, organs, some have been taken with surgical precision, and from the looks on their faces, it happened while they were still alive."

More disturbing to you, it appears that their soulgems are missing. A quick check with the bodies inside the transport show that they were not butchered like the five out here, and their gems are still in place.

The wrecked transport will need to be examined at length to come to a firm conclusion, but as the group of Exalts look it over you get the impression that energy weapons did the initial damage, then parts of the hull were cut into and peeled away to allow access to the interior while still in flight. The bodies here show several missing from the expected numbers, most noteably the two Elders in charge of the diplomatic mission.

Balancing Wire lightly in his right hand, Cog steps gently over the debris as he approaches his companion. "As we'd feared, then."

Conduit listens carefully to what's being said, but doesn't add anything right now- he's focusing on watching out for unexpected surprises.
Examining the rubble of the crashed ship reveals that the casulaties appear to be all from the wreck and not from some other reason, but several bodies are missing. Both the Elders and two other members of their staff are not there. Looking around shows that several sets of footprints entering the ship and at least one body has been dragged out. More footprints can be seen leading off to the left of the ship where the figures were seen running off.

Guardian makes the comment, "It looks like we have a bit of a hunt on our hands."
At this point, Conduit rejoins the group proper. "Following those tracks looks like a good idea- looks like the only way we'll find what happened round here."
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Just to check, have I found anything in the way of mission logs, recordings, notes, or similar at all? Or even just useful bits that leaving to be scavenged by automatons would be wasteful? I know that there have been various scavengers going through the wreckage and such, but still.

I'll roll to look if need be, if told what would be appropriate to do so.
Logs and records in the rescue ship show routine work logs and efficincy reports about their work rerouting steam ducts. The biggest thing on the list that stands out is a minor injury that is written up as being caused by a pipe getting cracked due to wear and tear. Then there is the entry about the call to check for survivors of the crashed diplomatic mission with notes about location and numbers of potential casualties. A quick note shows that they have located the wreck and were moving in to look for survivors. That is the last entry.

In the wrecked transport, you find several sets of logs and records. From the cockpit you see a projected flight plan and data recorders that show everything working fine until a explosion aft takes the ship down. On the passenger deck (or whats left of it) you find a datapad contaning a log of the talks with the nation of Kamek. There appears to be a rough draft of a report on the progress of the talks that was being polished up for a formal presentation to other members of the Tripartae. A quick pass over the paper shows that Kamek is taking a hard line approach and not much progress was made.

The Sentinel collects all the documents and records, bringing them back to Ice Nine Fairy for storage and eventual transport back to Yugash. While incomplete, and likely only needed for completeness to the overall records of the collective missions, it was part of their duty to retrieve these along with any potential survivors or captives they may find.
Glancing back towards the tunnel where the fleeing figures disappeared, Conduit says, "If there's nothing else that needs saying..."

He's clearly quite anxious to get after them and find out what's going on.
Moving slowly, the group of Exalts makes their way after the trail of blood and scuff marks. Several hundred meters later you come across a body that has been badly butchered just like the ones you found at the crash site of the diplomatic ship. This one looks like a member of the flight crew, but with all of the physical damage done it is difficult to tell. The body is missing from the waist down, and many of the organs are also gone. Most disturbingly is that his soulgem is also missing.

A thick trail of blood weaves its way deeper into the depths.


Per+Awareness rolls, please

"I must say that I am quite disliking the situation here. That there are THINGS that would do this," Celebrant frowned at the butchered body, and more importantly, the removed soul gem. "What kind of monster would do such a thing? To remove the very soul of a human, to steal it, and deny the reincarnation of that soul. Unforgivable!"

Emerald eyes narrowed as the jade caste alchemical looked about, for once, mind not on the Ice Nine Fairy and whether it had been properly secured against theft; the aerial skiff locked down, its engine core disconnected from the Paradox Bauble elemental core and thus requiring a prodigious amount of motes to start up and fly the vehicle.

Still, a hand drifted down to where the handle of the Beamklave rested in its sheath. After all, one could never be too careful.


Perception + Awareness = 6d10.hits(7) → [2,3,8,5,10,10] = (5)
Unheralded Shard in hand, Conduitnods in agreement. "This can't be Kamek's doing- they wouldn't, would they?"

He frowns deeply, and adds, "Unless they were killed by something, then someone found them and took the soulgems- but it doesn't look right for that."

All the while, he's glancing around, wachful for a sudden ambush.

10 2 8 3 1 3 = 3 successes

"While a group tasked from Kamak might have retrieved the soulgems for safe keeping, or for bargaining in negotiations, the intentional mutilation of the bodies would only produce ill-will if their involvement were to be discovered." The Soulsteel's array of sensors flickered with soft clicks back and forth between normal and thermal vision as the group progressed.

"Soulgem records would indicate who they were, and attempting to falsify so many at once would likely be problematic. Even under the assumption of there being another source of the mutilation, they would be more likely to take the bodies for proper disposal. If they were to have done this, and maliciously, it would be much more effective for them to position the bodies in a deliberate manner to present their message, rather than just lying scattered where they were felled."

His eyes continued to click as he kept watch around them. "Much more likely rogue fix beetles or custodians... or aggressive Lumpen or gremlins."

^ ^ ^ ^ ^


I know I'm playing a Soulsteel, but damn that felt more morbid than necessary... Anywho...


9 dice / target number 7 / difficulty 1

10 1 1 8 9 6 9 7 5 = 6 successes

6 successes
Guardian almost looks as if she is going to be physically ill at the sight of the missing soulgem, but manages to hold her composure. "This is inhuman! Whoever did this must be punnished!" With a shudder, she turns and walks several steps away, eyes cast down.

As you are looking over the body, ARC and Resolute both perk up as they hear a faint sound of metal on metal. Your eyes are drawn to the noise, and you see a creature straight from a story designed to terrify children. A large, multi-limbed machine is creeping out from behind a section of wall. Even from this distance, you can see the dried blood caked on its manipulator arms, and the question of where the body parts from the dead are has now been answered. You see the gremlin trying to incorporate the flesh and tissue into its design, including by adding on to itself human limbs. It is staring at you with a bank of mechanical eyes, with a human one added in for good measure. It is easily one of the most revolting things you have ever seen, and it is looking over at your group as if it has just spotted a garage sale of parts just waitng to be tapped into.

It is a large custodial device that roughly resembles a spider with too many limbs. It has several manipulator arms equipped with laser-torch cutters and another set of arms that end in wicked blades. Its rear end has both wheels and spiked legs for maneuvering over any kind of rough ground, and it is about the size of an elephant.

If you wish to try and talk to it, you are quite welcome to do so, otherwise,

Join Battle!

"It appears we have at least one source of the slaughter here," Resolute stated as his eyes clicked once more. He thumbed the trigger on his Scourge, extending the length of connected blades out to its fullest.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Join Battle

6 dice / target number 7 / difficulty 1

7 2 6 10 1 6 = 3 successes

3 successes


"This. This is most regrettable," Arc sighed, looking sorrowful but determined, as the beam-klave handle slipped into the alchemical's hand and clasped with the strength of unmovable steel and the speed of relentless lightning.

"There is no joy in what must be done, only regret that you have been tainted by the void, regret that one of Autochton's components has been corrupted into aiding in his ruination. That you must be ended lest your taint is spread, lest your destructive ways causes more problem."

As the jade caste activated the beam-klave with a hum and sparking sizzle, Arc's 'armor' revealed itself for what it was; a machine spirit. Emerald lenses revealed themselves on various parts of the armor, focusing on the environment, readying itself to protect its master in active combat.

The growing crimson and emerald hexagons that formed the anima aura of A.R.C. indicated that the jade caste was quite serious about fighting. As was the fact that one of the forearms on the alchemical splitting open, hand pulled in, as internal components pulled from elsewhere to form an armored barrel with an energy emitter.

Within the machine arm, pneumatically-driven clockwork gears turn banks of crystal essence capacitors in opposing rotation, building up charges of super-heated white plasma with hints of emerald and ruby red that took the form of lightning that arced from crystal capacitors to crystal capacitors. All it would take was but a single mote to unleash the energies here.



Join Battle!

12d10.hits(7) → [10,4,1,7,8,6,2,10,2,7,3,1] = (7)

Machine Spirit is now finally finished and I'm prepared for war! well... not really, but I'd like to think so.

check out ze Galatea Sheath (here)

Spending 5 Peripheral Motes to charge up Beam-Saber!

Spending 2 Peripheral Motes to charge up Megaman Arm-Cannon!

Have been recovering motes from stunt die.

A.R.C.'S stats
Essence pool personal 5/5, peripheral 34/37, Willpower 7/7

DV : 7/8 parry (unarmed/armed), 5 dodge

Norm. Soak : 2L/4B/0A // Hardness 0L/0B/0A

Plus Spirit Soak : 5L/11B/0A // Hardness 0L/0B/0A // pre-Buffing effects

Full Spirit Soak : 11L/23B/6A // Hardness 6L/6B/6A //

HL : -0 [o] -1[o][o] -2 [o][o][o][o] -4 [o], incap [o]

Charms ~

Megaman Cannon (active) 0m / 1m per shot

Galatea Sheath's stats

Essence pool 78/90, Willpower 8/8

DV : 3 parry, 5 dodge

Norm. Soak : 3L/7B/0A // Hardness 0L/0B/0A

Charm Soak : 6L/12B/6A // Hardness 6L/6B/6A

Total Soak : 9L/19B/6A // Hardness 6L/6B/6A

Soak Charm boost up by 1L/2B per 2m, hardness 1/2 motes spent, Max motes (12)

Soak Charm boost up by 1L/2B per 2m, no max

HL : -0 [o] -1[o][o][o][o][o][o] -2 [o][o][o][o][o] -4 [o], incap [o]

Charms ~

Sheathing the Material Form 12m for scene
Order of Battle

0 - ARC


2- Gremlin, Guardian


4- Resolute

5- Conduit


With a hiss, Arc's beam-klave swept backwards before the alchemical charged the gremlin, arm cannon held up as bolts of emerald blasted away as the crystal essence capacitors cranked and spun faster, the rumbling of the gears and clockwork within the jade caste's arm almost audible to others. The plasma balls screamed at the gremlin, crackling with barely restrained lightning.

A straight forward charge would normally be suicidal, but there was sufficient distance between the two that the jade caste could charge and attack and not worry about the gremlin's counter-attack. For the moment.

Not that there weren't sufficient rubble and wreckage in the area that one could advance slowly and take cover while attacking.



not "dashing", just regular move on tick 0 and 1, attacking on tick 2, while still "running", so moved a total of 21 yards.

Spending 3 peripheral motes for ammo! Anima is now at 10, and has auto-triggered anima ability.

Have been recovering motes from stunt die.

Attacks are speed 3 (gotta love jade bonus), Damage is 10L pre-extra successes, Range is 150 yards


13d10.hits(7);12d10.hits(7);11d10.hits(7) → [8,3,1,5,2,9,3,5,1,2,3,6,3] = (2)

13d10.hits(7);12d10.hits(7);11d10.hits(7) → [5,3,6,3,2,10,9,2,2,5,1,2] = (3)

13d10.hits(7);12d10.hits(7);11d10.hits(7) → [2,10,8,8,10,7,6,7,10,8,9] = (12)

A.R.C.'S stats
Essence pool personal 5/5, peripheral 34/37, Willpower 7/7

DV : 7/8 parry (unarmed/armed), 5 dodge

Norm. Soak : 2L/4B/0A // Hardness 0L/0B/0A

Plus Spirit Soak : 5L/11B/0A // Hardness 0L/0B/0A // pre-Buffing effects

Full Spirit Soak : 11L/23B/6A // Hardness 6L/6B/6A // +Essence 2L/2B (anima)

HL : -0 [o] -1[o][o] -2 [o][o][o][o] -4 [o], incap [o]

Charms ~

Megaman Cannon (active) 0m / 1m per shot

Galatea Sheath's stats

Essence pool 78/90, Willpower 8/8

DV : 3 parry, 5 dodge

Norm. Soak : 3L/7B/0A // Hardness 0L/0B/0A

Charm Soak : 6L/12B/6A // Hardness 6L/6B/6A

Total Soak : 9L/19B/6A // Hardness 6L/6B/6A

Soak Charm boost up by 1L/2B per 2m, hardness 1/2 motes spent, Max motes (12)

Soak Charm boost up by 1L/2B per 2m, no max

HL : -0 [o] -1[o][o][o][o][o][o] -2 [o][o][o][o][o] -4 [o], incap [o]

Charms ~

Sheathing the Material Form 12m for scene

Order of Battle

0 - ARC (moving)

1 - ARC (moving)

2 - ARC (moving & shooting), Gremlin, Guardian <- nao here

3 -

4 - Resolute

5 - Conduit, ARC

6 -

EDIT - rerolled the attacks as I realized I rolled 1 too many attacks... ^_^ ;

Previous roll here =
Dispite the mass of the creature, it is able to move with great speed and is easily able to dodge the first two shots before the third strikes home with a explosive blast.

DV of 8 (-2 for the flurry) so you get six successes on your roll.

Guardian decides that it would be in her best interests to keep the distance between her and the gremlin, and does so in a dramatic way. As it races forward to the attack, she leaps into the air and points her cannon down at the back of hte monster and fires of a round, letting the kick of the weapon throw her up and farther away from the beast.

With her jump, ARC is now the closest to the thing and it lashes out with its claws, but you are able to knock the limb to one side before it can connect with your vitals.

0 - ARC (moving)

1 - ARC (moving)

2 - [ARC (moving & shooting)], [Gremlin], [Guardian] <- nao here

3 -

4 - Resolute

5 - Conduit, ARC

6 -

7 - Gremlin, Guardian

Despite the ferocity of Arc's attacks... it appeared that the caparace that the gremlin bore was sufficient to nullify the majority of the jade caste's attack. Still, it wasn't all for nothing, given the shallow scar left from the bolt of plasma.

Despite the absolute danger to life and limb, the attack essayed by the gremlin machine spirit was also an opportunity to Arc as the chosen of Autochton parried the attack with the beam-klave by meeting the claws head on with the energy blade and simply flowing with the path of the attack...

Which left Arc standing on the claw in question... an opportunity to advance to the gremlin's blindspot... which the blazing alchemical did.



If natural weapons are used to parry a beam weapon, the character using them suffers two lethal levels of damage and extras have those fists, claws or feet amputated. Also, if a beam weapon successfully strikes a being wearing non-magical armor, the raw damage of the attack is permanently subtracted from both the armor’s bashing and lethal soak values, to a minimum of zero. If both soak values are reduced to zero, the armor is destroyed and provides no further protection.
So what happens when I parry something attacking me with a "natural weapon" using a beam-klave?

In any event, parry the attack(s) and run up the claw and on to the back of the gremlin...

Megaman Cannon Damage 2d10.hits(7) → [8,10] = 2L

Stupid soak forcing me to ping... *shakes fist*

A.R.C.'S stats
Essence pool personal 5/5, peripheral 34/37, Willpower 7/7

DV : 7/8 parry (unarmed/armed), 5 dodge

Norm. Soak : 2L/4B/0A // Hardness 0L/0B/0A

Plus Spirit Soak : 5L/11B/0A // Hardness 0L/0B/0A // pre-Buffing effects

Full Spirit Soak : 11L/23B/6A // Hardness 6L/6B/6A // +Essence 2L/2B (anima)

HL : -0 [o] -1[o][o] -2 [o][o][o][o] -4 [o], incap [o]

Charms ~

Megaman Cannon (active) 0m / 1m per shot

Galatea Sheath's stats

Essence pool 78/90, Willpower 8/8

DV : 3 parry, 5 dodge

Norm. Soak : 3L/7B/0A // Hardness 0L/0B/0A

Charm Soak : 6L/12B/6A // Hardness 6L/6B/6A

Total Soak : 9L/19B/6A // Hardness 6L/6B/6A

Soak Charm boost up by 1L/2B per 2m, hardness 1/2 motes spent, Max motes (12)

Soak Charm boost up by 1L/2B per 2m, no max

HL : -0 [o] -1[o][o][o][o][o][o] -2 [o][o][o][o][o] -4 [o], incap [o]

Charms ~

Sheathing the Material Form 12m for scene

Order of Battle

0 - ARC (moving)

1 - ARC (moving)

2 - ARC (moving & shooting), Gremlin, Guardian

3 - ARC (moving)

4 - Resolute <- nao here

5 - Conduit, ARC

6 -

As Arc and Guardian made their own maneuvers against the gremlin, Resolute quickly snaps out both of his hands, Scourge spooling outward in one while the prongs on the back of the other snap out of their compartments. He rotates his wrists for a moment before looking towards the malfunctioning entity.

"As a malfunctioning automaton, you may surrender to be dismantled effectively and properly recycled for the good of Autochthon and the Eight Nations." He leans forward and begins to run at what was once a custodian, the pistons in his legs pumping as he came to speed. "If you refuse to submit to proper reclamation procedures, you will be dismantled with severe prejudice" Black smoke starts to seep out from his mouth and beneath his armor.

"Should you accept these terms, you would not have deviated from the Design of Autochthon in the first place. You will now be dismantled with severe prejudice." Resolute swung his arm as he planted one leg and pivoted on it, the bladed length of the Scourge cutting through the air and into the metal carapace of the gremlin.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Sorry for this taking so long...

Dashing for 2 ticks, then attacking. Using 1st Dex Augmentation to add dice to the attack.

16 dice / target number 7 / difficulty 1

9 5 4 1 9 10 4 2 10 9 9 1 4 7 4 1 = 9 successes

9 successes
You hit with three successes. It has a soak of 15B/15L. Go ahead and roll damage.

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