Call to Duty [Inside the Great Maker]


Luna's Concubine
Roleplay Availability
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Welcome to the workers paradise of Yugash! One of the great Eight Nations of Autochthon, Yugash is home to several large cities, and is known to be one of the most progressive and expansionist of the great nations. The metropolis Khenostat is currently home to no less than six of the Chosen, and is seen as a beacon of prosperity and good fortune by its residents. Well, at least by most of its residents. The slow decline of some of the Great Maker's systems has been seen by some as a sign that bad times are to come, and there is a growing feeling of unrest in the workers. In fact, the police have had to move in and stop more than one riot in the past month.

While this is a matter of worry, a more immediate concern faces our Chosen. One by one you have been summoned to report to the offices of Ma3a, the head of the new department of Public Security. As you arrive, you are greeted by Ma3a's assistant, Malcom. He smiles and greets you, and tells you that the director is waiting for you. Ever Stoic Guardian is one of the last to arrive and is in a soot covered jumpsuit, and as she enters, she says, "Forgive my delay. The bearing factory in sector five has been running under quota so I've been working extra shifts to help."

Ma3a gesgures to one of the vacant chairs. "Of course. We can all do well by following the example set by one of the Blessed of Mog. But there is a problem that has come up that requires your special skills." She turns and points a remote at a video monitor. A familiar face pops up. "This is Elder Hammon Fisk, a high ranking member of the Theomachracy and priest of Domadamod. He was a member of a diplomatic mission to Kamek, along with Elder Rayd Benit, a member of the Tripartite. Fifteen hours ago, their transport left Kamek on its way back from negotiations when we recieved a distress signal from them, saying that their ship had crashed in the badlands. A rescue party was sent out and arrived at the crash site and made an initial report that they had found the transport before their signal was abruptly cut off. Since then, all attempts to reestablish contact with either the crashed transport or the rescue party have been unsuccessful. With tensions running high with Kamek, we cannot rule out the possibility that they are somehow involved. Public Security has been tasked with the mission to recover the survivors and determine what happened. Any questions?"
Irrepressible Conduit of Enlightenment

For the moment, at least, Conduit is treating the situation with the gravity it deserves- slouched slightly in the chair, his helm and weapon hanging from his overalls, and his face grave as he considers the possible death of two Elders of such rank. A slightly troubled frown on his features, he asks, "What was the makeup of the rescue party? It could give us an idea of what we're facing, if we know what they've already met."
Ma3a picks up a datapad and hands it across the table to you. "The first responders was a group of seven repair men and a maintenence golem that was working to redirect some steam ducts. They were not heavily armed, but the team did have many hours of expierence in working out in the fringe areas. This has a record of all seven repair men, and data on the escorts and crew of the transport the Elders were in."
Conduit takes the pad with a brief nod of thanks, and quickly glances through for any details that jump out at him.
Nothing much stands out as unusual. Two members of the repair squad have diciplinary records that stemmed from a drunken bar fight, and because of it one had been passed up for promotion. The aides with the diplomatic flight all have spotless records, and the flight crew for the flight also has no record of any noteworthy infractions. Guardian holds out her hand to take a look at the records once you have finished. After scanning through them briefly, she passes them off to the next interested person. "Well, for my first trip to the outer reaches, this will prove to be interesting. When do we go?"
Everlasting Cog of Efficiency

Cog, ever softly spoken, considers the report for some time. "No. It would be best to leave as soon as possible. That being said, it would be tactically advisable for those of us not currently outfitted for a potential combat situation - myself included - to return immediately to the Vats for a Charm refit before we go. The delay may be preferable to being unprepared in a life-or-death situation. We can save no-one if we cannot protect ourselves."
Ma3a nods. "We have priority status already arranged for you at the Vats, and there is a special team of Custodians waiting for you once this meeting is done."

Cog nods. "Excellent. Then I will withdraw with your permission as soon as the briefing ends. Modifications should be complete in approximately four hours."

The Protean nods to his comrade and adds, "I've got what I need installed- I can deal with some more specialised equipment while he's refitting."

"I agree, this would be a serious issue. Thankfully, I and Ice Nine Fairy are as ready as ever to head out of the city," Aetheronic Resonating Celebrant spoke up after staying silent thus far. "I'm assuming that I'll be handling transport for the team?"


ARC stats, such as they are. Still need to finish up the stats for the protective level 5 familiar. ^^;
Wilfully Obedient Sentinel

"I am as prepared as I am likely to get for this venture; that being said, and even though time is of the essence, it would be foolhardy indeed to leave when we could be better equipped."

The Soulsteel's voice drops into the conversation with barely a ripple; unremarkable in tone or accent. He sits with an attentive stance, ready and waiting with an air of dutiful patience, his hand resting softly on his gyroscopic chakram attached to his hip. Its jet black surface shifts slightly, though Wil himself barely notices the faces swimming and screaming within anymore.
Several hours go by. While Cog is finishing up in the Vats, ground crews are preparing A.R.C.'s skiff for flight. Detailed directions are provided with the latest maps available (considering that the internal geometry of the Great Maker slowly changes), and the skiff is loaded up with an assortment of rescue and medical gear with the hope that survivors will be found.

A short time later and the party is in flight and on their way out to the crash site. It takes about an hour before the rubble of the diplomatic flight can be seen scattered across about a hundred meters. A second ship is parked about fifty feet from the largest piece of rubble. As ARC circles and looks for a place to set down, you can see various machine spirits crawling about the wreckage, starting to dismantle it and send the parts off to be used elsewhere.

Perception + Awareness rolls, please.

The Mirrorblade watches the tunnels outside flash past, his visor down when the light isn't too bright for it.

6 dice: 7, 3, 4, 9, 10, 8 - 5 successes.

The band of crystal spanning around the Soulsteel's head briefly oscillates with light from within as he checks the area around the group, looking for any clue as to what may have been the cause of the wreckage before them.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

7 dice / target number 7 / difficulty 1

6 9 2 9 5 7 9 = 4 successes

4 successes

Just to check for later on when we start really getting into making elaborate posts, how do you hand stunts? Have us wait until you assign dice, or roll our normal pools and then a second roll with the extra dice, or what?
OOC Use your judgement on stunts. Any stunt you think is a three dice one, just check with me.

The low, rumbling and resonating hum of the essence panels accompanied by the flickering lightning between the panels themselves as the aerial skiff maneuvered meant that the vessel was hardly subtle or stealthy.

Certainly it didn't help with Celebrant switching on the search lights as the aerial skiff moved about to inspect the debris field from the diplomatic flight, as well as the machine spirits that were working at cleaning up the damage and dismantling the wreckage.

While it did paint a "big" spot light as to the skiff's presence, the armor plating, and certain other protrusions on Ice Nine Fairy that it would not be an easy a target to bring down as the diplomatic flight. This wasn't, of course, accounting for the chosen of Autochton within its hull.

Still, it made it easier for the jade caste to visually inspect the area.



13/09/2010 00:35:40 - arc

Rolled Dice: 5

Target Number: 7

Number of Successes: 3

Name of the roll: awareness + perception

13/09/2010 00:38:37 - arc

Rolled Dice: 2

Target Number: 7

Number of Successes: 1

Name of the roll: stunt
The skiff slowly circles the crash site. Those with 3 successes or more spot several bodies lying nearby dressed in heat-resistant jumpsuits, and you remember that the first team on site was responding from rerouting steam ducts. You see from here five forms that have fallen, and bloody wounds are visible on several even from this height. Guardian adjusts her visor. "I only see five bodies. Didn't the rescue crew have seven in it?"

Conduit notices something else. Several people dressed in rags stop in shock at the site of the skiff, then start to run off. It is hard to tell exactly how many there are, but you spot at least three, possibly four people on the ground.

Taking the glittering length of his lance from his belt- though not extending it yet- Conduit moves overto the hatch and says, "Someone knows twe're here now, but I think it'll still help if I can get out without them seeing me- catch any ambushers from behind, for example."

"Really now, you could do that... but you might want to wait til we land," a slight flicker of fingers as hands moved over the control systems of the aerial skiff and the vessel glided about, descending with each circle.

The distortion fields, from the essence panels, pushing back unachoured wreckage and rubble while the electrical corona drifted to caress the ground and the wreckage upon it... indicated that it might not be all that good an idea to be too close to the vessel while it was in flight.



Recommend people READ the aerial skiff entry in the autobot book, I tend to laugh at their idea of the sizes involved. But there are essence distortion fields that pushes people and things not anchored down away from the skiff.
Guardian sits by the door anxiously waitng for the all clear to come from the cockpit. She adjusts her visors and readies a large, hand-held Essence projector. She looks up long enough to make some quick plans. "I want to check out the bodies of the responders that we see, and find out what killed them, wether it was people or a rouge bot that sees people as a threat to its operation. You can run down the stragglers you see, and perhaps some prisoners to interrogate." She pauses long enough to open a small pouch and release what appears to be a clockwork insect with rainbow-hued wings. "This is Roger. He helps by being my eyes and ears in places I can't get to. Are you ready to work, baby?" The fluttering of the wings increase in what appears to be excitement. "That's right baby. You'll get to work soon." In a louder voice, Guardian calls out, "We are ready to land back here when you are, ARC."
"Very well..."

With that, Ice Nine Fairy drifted like a ponderous snowflake towards a clear section of ground by the wreckage. One that provided some cover for those who would emerge from the vessel, without providing too much cover that those within the aerial skiff would be take by surprise or worse end up with someone or something leaping atop the vehicle.

The lightning from the essence panel arced outwards to crawl along the ground and what wreckage that was too heavy to be pushed away by the propulsion system.

A moment of silent of a thump as the landing gear absorbed the settling weight of the skiff before essence and power was cut to the essence panels, but not to the lighting systems or more importantly, the weapon systems.

"And we're down. I'll guard our ride. Just make sure not to rile the natives too much."

"Right, time to see what those guys are up to."

With that, Conduit opens the hatch and steps out, staying low, keeping behind the concealing debris. He moves in a fluid crouch, giving as small a silhouette as possible, heading over to where the group of rag-clad people fled.

Dex+Stealth roll, because I'll probably need it. Additional +3 on Stealth from the Galea. 1, 10, 8, 1, 10, 4, 4, 5, 8, 5, 5 - 6 successes.
Everlasting Cog of Efficiency

Cog watches as Conduit leaves, ready to leap out in support. With a flicker of thought he extends one hand. A hatch in the heel of his palm slides aside, extending a slender pole with a gentle whirring noise. As it extends fully, it begins to unfold and click out into a long, slender razor-edged blade, the same rainbow-slick sheen as the metal nodes tracing through Cog's skin. In seconds, Cut the Gnarled Wire is fully extended and ready for use. Cog tests the weight of the blade with a familiar hand, now traced with faint rainbow sparks; he permits himself a small smile as the alien knowledge granted by his Augmentation flows through his mind, granting him knowledge of poises and forms he didn't understand the day before. The flavour of the knowledge is strangely alien, a feeling Cog still has trouble getting used to.

It will, however, serve.

5 motes peripheral committed to my reaper daiklaive. Essence use tracked in character sheet for now.

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