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If anyone wants to discuss any dynamics with Kyln, I'd be down, and wouldn't mind adding a little more to his backstory.
Just got done bricklaying. Have like 10 min for lunch before class. And, I have fire ant bites everywhere. Everywhere.
NoQuillToLive NoQuillToLive I feel like Lucian would hang around Kyn alot. Just bc Kyn needs his powers.

I've also realized: Don't let Lucian play poker. Or do. He always knowd when people are lying. Also: 2 truths and a lie is off the table too.
I can see one of the Siblings (probably Kyn) going to a random commoner bar in disguise w Lucian and playing poker. Lucian doesn't play, but just subtly alerts Kyn when someone is lying. They win, get kicked out, and proceed to the next bar.
Kyn's got a good tell on who's lying, but the extra help would be fun and causing havoc with all the bars / just being wild would make in for a fun night for Kyn.
Conning people would also be in his line-up. ;p

@ Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Oh favourite Korean drama, I thought for sure that was the end, but that little hint at the end is making me want more now. Truly excellent.
I would love to talk about how my character would also love to go out causing havoc and gambling at a commoner bar but I cannot as I have been staring at a blank document, paralysed by fear all day 😭 😭
I would love to talk about how my character would also love to go out causing havoc and gambling at a commoner bar but I cannot as I have been staring at a blank document, paralysed by fear all day 😭 😭

Let me know if you need help
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