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Calvin Matthews

aka ; Cal





character section

tell us about your powers.
Everyone loves a classic strong hero. Even if super-strength is considered an 'overdone' power, Cal would disagree. (And not just because it's his power.) It might seem repetitive to watch someone send a door flying off its hinges with a single kick, but for Cal, it's an adrenaline rush. Walls are just a suggestion, and not a single person dares challenge Cal to a physical fight if they're smart. Although his power is potent with potential to grow, the limitations of super-strength hold him back.

♢ Even his gentle touches are too rough for most. Cal struggles to understand his own strength at times, and often ends up hurting those he cares about by accident. He knows that far too well, as he accidentally snapped Jade's wrist once just by grabbing it. He's unchecked best, and outright dangerous to anyone at worst.

♢ Simple tasks are near impossible for Cal unless he's focusing on them completely. Doors get ripped off hinges with ease, or mugs are shattered in his hands. Being stealthy isn't his forte, and it often holds him back from practicing his powers out of fear of breaking more shit.

♢ Cal might be super strong, but he isn't super durable. Those mugs he shatters still cut him, and splinters still prick his skin when he smashes through wooden doors. He might be more used to getting small injuries, but if he isn't paying attention, he can easily break his own bones. (Normally by punching something much stronger than he is.) Not to mention he's often rattling his own brain around in his head slamming through walls. Concussions are often for Cal, but that doesn't stop him from charging.

give us your history in one paragraph.
Much like his partner in crime, Jade, Calvin was born with his power. Though not obvious at first due to his body still developing, Cal still had a high advantage over other children. Athletics were an outlet for the young boy, especially weight-lifting. Every weight he added just wasn't enough, and soon he was benching unnatural amounts of weight for his age. Though his coaches were suspicious of steroid use, they didn't want to jeopardize their team by taking out their best player. Besides, the kid was kinda scary to confront. By fifteen, he was already towering over his classmates at 6'0, and in a short year he grew even taller to 6'5. No one wanted to piss him off. Despite being the star player on so many different times, Cal was dissatisfied with his daily routine. Everything was the same with no changes, and the praise he constantly received began to dull. He needed something exciting in life. Despite his success, Cal's family was far from well-off. No money was sparred for a new pair of cleats for the boy, so when the opportunity arose...Cal snatched his first pair of shoes. The adrenaline of stealing was just what he needed, and soon he was grabbing all sorts of small trinkets. A necklace for his mother, a new tie for his father. The little things satisfied him, and he never gave thought to going bigger until he ran into Jade. Well, he didn't actually run into her. Instead, Cal witnessed Jade work her 'magic' from a distance, unknowingly just out of range to hear her song. He was more or less shocked to see the girl walk right around the counter of a Kay Jewelers and pick out a ring in front of the salesman. When she attempted to leave the store after she was done with her song, it didn't take much effort for Cal to grab her by the wrist to ask her how the hell she did that. Unfortunately, the young boy ended up snapping her delicate wrist just from a simple grab, and her shocked gasp was enough for both of them to realize they had something very much in common. After Jade's wrist healed up, the two became best friends and fiendish partners. That was, of course, up until they got caught.

Now they're both in deep shit together.

roleplayer section

straight ~vibin~

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giving this another bump! i'll probably be selecting characters some time today or tomorrow (for those who have applied and aren't finished/those that still want to get an application in!)
giving this another bump! i'll probably be selecting characters some time today or tomorrow (for those who have applied and aren't finished/those that still want to get an application in!)
how long do you think we’d have to finish? I have everything I need for Cal, just got class for a little bit!
plus- should both be accepted there's nothing wrong with two characters having the same powers? it's not uncommon. not every character is going to be uniquely different power wise, only character wise.. side note: can't wait to put in an application
Alistair and Raiza's applications are finished! : )
Good luck deciding, there are already so many interesting characters !!! <3
witchingly witchingly is my males power acceptable? I know that the abilities need to be one of the four categories I just want to know if physiology counts as the last category for abilities. Thanks in advance.
witchingly witchingly is my males power acceptable? I know that the abilities need to be one of the four categories I just want to know if physiology counts as the last category for abilities. Thanks in advance.
don't worry, it counts!

apolla apolla low fidelity low fidelity logastellus logastellus Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy elysia elysia jasmyn jasmyn AsterRose AsterRose calypso calypso

i will be private messaging those that have been accepted shortly, as opposed to announcing a cast list over here. thank you all for your applications! it was so fun to read through all of them, and i just wanted to say that if your characters don't get picked, there will definitely be a chance to join in the future!

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