• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Multiple Settings C.L.A.R.I.S (closed)


Junior Member
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[div class=textcontainer][div class=textheader]welcome to claris.

[div class=textinfo]this is the start of something new.

you've seen movies about it. you've read stories about it. maybe some of you always wondered if any of it was real. could people have super powers?

the answer is yes. the only reason it's been kept hidden from the world is because of an organisation known as C.L.A.R.I.S. technically, claris is a school that's been around for decades and it serves to help young people with powers they can't explain and didn't ask for. learning to control these powers and keep them under wraps was of utmost importance, and that was what claris aimed to achieve. so far they've been successful, but with good always comes evil.

humans can get their powers one of two ways: either they are born with it (which is not necessarily hereditary) or they are given their powers through a set of clinical trials run by an organisation known as S.H.A.R.D. shard, also known as the super human advanced research department was built much before claris was built, and only as a result of finding humans naturally born with special abilities. there were a set of people who hoped to try to achieve the same artificially. some experiments went terribly wrong, and shard created a superhuman army that even they couldn't control.

it was then that a man assembled a small team of known enhanced individuals to take them down. emerging from the battle successful, the remaining shard scientists went into hiding, their creations now destroyed. claris was soon formed to help the other naturally born enhanced individuals and with some help, everything that happened in history was written down as a story. a myth. to this day, nobody can tell for sure if it was all real except those with abilities, because they've got the proof.

shard has since resurfaced, beginning trials once more. they were slightly more successful, but claris continues to take down their bases every chance they get. those left at shard for experimentation are taken in by claris so that they may learn to control their powers and, in the future, hopefully join claris to eradicate shard once and for all.

but each time a shard facility is closed down, a new one opens up, and there's no proper record of how many there actually are.

plans are in motion, more plans are being formed, and time is running out. it might not be so easy to keep this a secret from the world anymore.

[div class=textinfo]so what is CLARIS?[/div]
claris is a school that was started by a man named leopold in the late 19th century. also known as count leopold's academy for radioactively infected superhumans (leopold didn't bother trying to sugarcoat the name), the school houses only enhanced individuals, both born naturally and those given their powers through shard.

the academy (which most prefer to refer to as claris instead of its full name) is situated far from any kind of city or town, atop a hill and surrounded by greenery. the gothic castle was once the home of count leopold, but he chose to offer it up to those who needed it more. the many rooms have been turned to dorms and the halls into classrooms. though enhanced individuals are quite rare, the school is usually bustling with an untamed energy. this is a place for people to be free, be themselves, and not have to worry too much about hurting people with what they're capable of.

so, if you were contacted, it means you've got something special in you, which means there's only one more thing to say.

welcome to claris.
[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContenttwo" style="display: none;"]
[div class=textcontainer][div class=textheader]things to know.

[div class=textinfo]number one

so! i've been itching to do a roleplay revolving around an academy for enhanced individuals (which is of course heavily influenced by marvel). i want this to have many characters, but at the same time, i want to limit the group to a few people. things can often get out of hand when there are too many, which is why i'll only be accepting three people for this group. it will not be first come, first serve. instead, you'll have to do a small audition of sorts, right here! you can read more about that on the next tab.

[div class=textinfo]number two[/div]
please keep in mind while applying that you will be required to make a minimum of two characters (one of each gender). later in the roleplay, we will be given the choice to bring in more. though having more than two characters is not a requirement, it is definitely encouraged!

[div class=textinfo]number three[/div]
this will be a literate roleplay — meaning i will be accepting people capable of writing with proper grammar, punctuation, spelling and sentence structure. i don't like putting a limitation in terms of paragraphs or word limits since those tend to vary, but i most definitely expect more than a paragraph or two worth of writing per character.

[div class=textinfo]number four[/div]
we will be using real face claims for this, and please try to find age appropriate ones. the age range for characters is 20 - 26.

[div class=textinfo]number five[/div]
please abide by all rpnation rules and regulations.

[div class=textinfo]number six[/div]
this roleplay will include topics relating to violence, cursing, alcohol consumption and gore so i would advise you not to apply if these themes make you uncomfortable!

[div class=textinfo]number seven[/div]
i'm still getting used to discord but since it's popular for ooc, i will be making a server once people have been accepted.

[div class=textinfo]number eight[/div]
in-character activity is required at least once or twice a week! the more a story drags, the more likely it is for people to drop out, and i'd really like to avoid that.

[div class=textinfo]number nine[/div]
this story will focus a lot on character and relationship development so please maintain a friendly environment! discussing character relationships is extremely important.
[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentthree" style="display: none;"]
[div class=textcontainer] [div class=textheader]regarding powers.

[div class=textinfo]the classifications

each power is classified into one of four categories:
elemental : powers that create or manipulate any of the elements (ex: fire manipulation, ice manipulation, darkness manipulation, etc.).​
locomotive : powers that enable the user to travel from one place to another easily. (ex: flight, teleportation, intangibility, etc.).​
psionic : powers that require the use of the user's mind to do something (ex: telekinesis, precognition, technopathy, etc.).​
transformative : powers that enhance the body's natural abilities in some way or another (ex: shapeshifting, super strength, sonic scream, etc.)​
each character will be assigned a single letter based on their power classification (E, L, P, or T) and this, combined with power strength, will determine their unique identification in claris.

[div class=textinfo]the strengths[/div]
there is a strength scale that goes from 1 - 4, with 1 being very powerful and in control of abilities and 4 being quite volatile and unpredictable. this number will be assigned to you once your character has been created and will be part of your character's unique identification in claris. more will be explained upon acceptance. [/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentfour" style="display: none;"]
[div class=textcontainer][div class=textheader]the audition.

so! now that we've run through all the important info, you have enough to begin applying if you're interested! please apply for both of your characters at one time as it will help me out loads. no power is off limits as long as you can justify some limitations, etc. just remember that each character can have only one power.

by filling up this form, you're giving me an insight as to what kind of character you have in mind, so a further detailed sheet will not be required (unless everyone wants one, which can definitely be arranged once people have been accepted). i typically prefer keeping things brief by including only the important information, so there's lots of room to develop a character further in the roleplay.

click the link below to get the form you need to fill. just post it below when you're ready! i will be reviewing and accepting people in a week (or earlier if i get enough applications!). also, please try to keep the coding! if you have any questions, please feel free to ask, and also feel free to express general interest below, so i know! : )

apply here!
[div class=picture] [div class=picturetext]
❛ quote here ❜
codedbycrucially | hover photo and click diamonds
I don’t know if it’s my laptop or not but when you click the link to apply it directs you to a pastebin
I don’t know if it’s my laptop or not but when you click the link to apply it directs you to a pastebin
That’s correct! You need to copy that and paste it here (or your private work shop) and fill it out! The pastebin link is basically the form all coded.
definitely interested!
you'd like us to post our forms here then? instead of a character thread? just wanted to make sure x

  • Melissa Zabielski

    aka ; Lissa




    Black Crystal

    character section

    tell us about your powers.
    Clairvoyance - She can gain direct visual information about an object, person, location, or physical event through means other than her physical sight. This allows her to act when they are unable to use their eyes and she may be able to 'see' spiritual/psychic beings.

    • People who can shield their mind are less likely to be able to be 'read' or 'seen' by her
    • Requires an immense amount of concentration if she wants to be able to control it
    • Visions happen whenever they want, and they cause massive migraines and nausea

    give us your history in one paragraph.
    Lissa was born with her powers, and has been hiding them all of her life. She got her first vision at the age of three, and though she has very little memory of that time now, she remembers how her parents reacted when she tried to tell them not to drive down a certain road. They listened, out of curiosity, and later found out that someone got pulled over and murdered on the route they were going to take. Her parents helped her keep her secret. Sadly, her mother passed when she was a teen, leaving her and her father. He didn't know how to connect with Lissa like she had, so things were tense and awkward between them. Mostly, Lissa is a loner, a stick to herself type.

    roleplayer section

    how many characters are you okay with portraying?
    I love playing multiple characters! The most I've ever done in a roleplay was 10, though I probably wouldn't go for that many again. I don't have a set number for you, just know that I can play more than two. (:

    are you available for this as a long term commitment?
    Yes! I love this idea!

    what's your favourite colour?
    Purple < 3

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juandalynn ana rivera-carvajal.

aka ; jude.


cis female


super alias ; firebrand.

character section

tell us about your powers.
jude's abilities can best be described as "halfway to a lava monster." her regular appearance is how she's seen on a daily basis; normal skin and hair, nothing crazy. she has the ability to control and manipulate fire and combustion at will. but, her core is molten, she's a living moving lava-being forged out of heat and fire. while her powers are flighty, controlled by her emotions, jude has a handle on it more or less. when angered, she's able to shift into this magma form, her skin hardening into rock, cracked, revealing the magma underneath. Even her hair catches on fire, and seems to not burn away to ash. nonetheless, jude is a furnace, constantly warm, and can be burning hot to the touch. she's also able to regulate her own body's temperature, breathe fire, and withstand insane temperatures.
jude is durable when in her "magma form," her skin hardened and able to withstand blows. Aside from this, Jude is quite strong physically, and quite practiced when it comes to utilizing her fire.
despite wanting to do good, jude's powers are destructive, and hard to control if she gets too angry. she's also not very fast, especially in her second form. her body weight compared to average girls her age is almost twice of what it should be. her skin, while hardened, is not impenetrable or indestructible. jude is also super sensitive to getting too cold; throw her in an ice bath, and you'll watch her fizzle out in minutes, sputtering up a column of smoke the whole time.
( please let me know if her abilities are alright! i'm totally cool w changing her up. )

give us your history in one paragraph.
born in lima, peru to a poor family, jude's mother and father were poor and struggled to keep a roof over their children's heads. the two constantly worked, living in one of the worst neighborhoods of their district, and jude was cared for by her older brother matteo more often than their own parents. antonella, jude's mother, was determined to raise her children on the right path, but was desperate to keep them fed and clothed. at fourteen years old, jude had found a listing in the newspapers about clinical trials, with low chances of harsh side effects, and participants would be paid for their time. it took some convincing, but her mother eventually allowed it.
this decision ended disastrously. the cost of trying to help her family left jude physically changed, an irreversible decision that left her a burning ball of destruction.
her childhood home burned down, with her mother inside.
joaquin, jude's father, soon gathered up his children and whatever funds he could, and they immigrated to the united states. she is no longer close to her father, who blames her for her mother's death, but matteo is a bit more understanding. they lived out the rest of their childhoods mostly in hiding, and jude now attends claris.

roleplayer section

how many characters are you okay with portraying?
three or four max, i'm good with handling multiple characters.

are you available for this as a long term commitment?
definitely! this is probably one of my favorite types of roleplays, i'm quite excited to see this take off.

what's your favourite colour?
red !


frank augustin

aka ; no nickname.


cis male.


super alias ; blackjack.

character section

tell us about your powers.
frank was born with telekinesis, giving him the ability to control and manipulate objects with his mind. this doesn't mean that right out of the womb, he was able to pull off the feats and power that he can now. his powers were extremely weak when he was young, and didn't fully manifest until around eight years old. his abilities work to a certain extent; his telekinesis is quick and flashy, but putting in hard work takes a toll on his mental and physical energy and health. its like a muscle he's continuing to strengthen constantly, but if pushed too far, can break. the heaviest object he's been able to move so far is a car, moving one from one parking space to the next.

give us your history in one paragraph.
despite his "posh" british accent, frank comes from humble beginnings. born to successful but abusive parents, he was raised strictly with discipline, constantly berated and thrown around. sure, on the outside, they were a happy nuclear family. his father, george augustin, was rising in the ranks of the local police force and "simply doing his job right", supporting his family. in reality, his father was a righteous, god-fearing bastard, using whatever excuse of the day to smack around his son. his mother, susan augustin, was less physical but still emotionally scathing. she was obviously unhappy, seeing her son as a "freak." while he did fine in school as a bright young kid, frank's awful home life had him mingling in with the wrong crowd, and he fell into quite a bit of delinquency by the time he was a teenager. his alias, blackjack, comes from him showing off his unbelievable card tricks during gambling with his powers. his street friends didn't know of his abilities, of course, and frank became more or less a master of sleight of hand. the best poker player around, but his involvement with local street gangs quickly escalated. frank was recruited to claris soon after a rather ugly accident, leaving a building collapsed, his nose bleeding, and two gangbangers dead.

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That’s correct! You need to copy that and paste it here (or your private work shop) and fill it out! The pastebin link is basically the form all coded.
oh geez im dumb lol theres usually a thread for the character sheets to go at in the extras thread

Daniella Dewey

AKA ; Danny





character section

tell us about your powers.
It might sound strange, but Danny can commune with electronics.

"That's preposterous", you might say, "machines can't talk." Danny would beg to differ.

"They don't think. Of course not." Danny is on the record saying so. "But, they do have a language. A brain is, really, just like a computer. Their information is constantly swirling around inside them. Toasters usually have more simple thoughts. If you activate it, it'll be thinking about the temperature, and how long until the bread is done toasting. Then you get slightly more complicated things like DVD players, or old television sets. They have more thoughts. Thoughts like what movie is on the screen, what combinations of colors and sounds should be played, what channel to connect to. Computers are the most interesting ones. They're full of passwords and codes and histories. All the websites you were on last night and the google searches you make. I can hear it all."

But how do they activate this power?

"Well," they'll explain, "that's usually the difficult part. I have to take the machine apart, just enough to get access to the wires." They motion to a blender, which they're currently taking apart. "I have to peel through the insulation of one or two wires and basically wrap them around my finger." Delicately, they deglove one of the wires, showing its copper coloring, and tie it around their right pointer finger. "I used to do it with my tongue, but it really hurt." They turned the blender on, which they were using to make a chocolate milkshake.

What do you hear?

They furrow their brows in concentration.

"It says... blend setting number three. Blend setting number three. Blend setting number three. Blend setting number three." They smile wryly, motioning to the dial at the machine's base, which is moved three spaces from 'off'. "Aaaand..." They turn it off. "Done!"

give us your history in one paragraph.
"I'm actually an orphan," Danny says, expression unchanging, "I was a mistake, but my birth mother was very anti-abortion. SHARD took me in." Their smile widens. "They said I carry an enormous amount of potential energy."

Where were you before that?

"Foster care system. I refused to speak until I got my powers." Danny takes a sip of their milkshake, sliding the rubber insulator back up over the exposed wire they were toying with. "I didn't feel like talking, it didn't make me happy, so why should I? Every single new parent kept trying to make me do it. Look, Danny, it's your favorite toy! Look, Danny, it's your favorite movie! It never worked."


"This is really good. You want some? No? Alright." They yawn. "Anyway, finally I was told I'd be sent off to work with the nice men at SHARD, and they laid me down in a big sort of hospital bed and told me to count backwards from one-hundred. I got to ninety-three before I woke up with bandages all over my head. They said I'd be due for testing in a few days, and that I should rest for now and heal up. So I did, but then someone came in and cut open the rubber insulation on the wire for my heart monitor. They told me to put it in my mouth, and when I did, I could hear a voice reciting my beats per minute."

What did you do after SHARD was dismantled?

"I was so mad." They chuckle a bit. "I'm over it now. In reality living at SHARD probably wasn't so great. They had me wildly overworked. Plugging me into all sorts of things, even cars with big jumper cables hanging out of their hoods. But once it was over, I was homeless. I wandered the planet in search of a purpose. Right before being picked up by CLARIS, I was involved with a hacktivist group. My job was to find passwords and weak points in security measures. It was decent work, but now I'm here."

roleplayer section

how many characters are you okay with portraying?
three or four

are you available for this as a long term commitment?

what's your favourite colour?
blue or red probly

Bronwyn Vaughan

aka ; Winnie


Cis Female



character section

tell us about your powers.
Let's discuss the roadrunner, as in the very real species of bird and not the cartoon. There are two species' of roadrunner, the greater and the lesser, both of whom employ a tactic of thermoregulation. At nights, the roadrunner will enter a state of torpor, meaning it lowers its energy usage in accordance to the outside temperature. During the day, it exposes darkened skin patches underneath its feathers to absorb the sunlight of its native desert. This heat allows it to expend more energy, allowing it to access its trademark fast run.

Bronwyn can do something similar. A certain patch of skin on the back of her neck is slightly darker than that on the rest of her body, and it will suck in sunlight when exposed. This heat energy, through her body, is converted to kinetic/potential energy. In sunny weather, her strength, speed and mental functions are increased. In the dark, as follows, she enters a torpid state. Her mind slows, bodily functions decrease, and the patch on her neck is shown to turn a brilliant white. She will properly respond to things that mimic daylight, such as reptilian heat lamps and UVB lights, but not fluorescent or blacklights.

give us your history in one paragraph.
Bronwyn did always have her power, however it wasn't always as complexly developed. Initially, sun would soak through the melanin on her whole body. This wasn't ideal, as it caused things like first-degree burns and skin damage. The skin patch grew over time, and started as barely even a dot on the top of her spine. It now encompasses the back of her neck from her spinal column to her hairline.

Aside from that, Bronwyn led an average life. Her mother unfortunately died of lung cancer when Bronwyn was very young, having been a heavy smoker years before conceiving her. Her earliest years were spent in Wales before her father eventually moved with her to America, to live with her aunt and cousins, as he didn't make enough money to survive on his own. Despite being a bit rude and nasty at times, her aunt was relatively tolerable. Bronwyn's school life, as well, was average. Her grades were middling, and she flourished socially, especially with the young boys her age due to her athleticism.

In her late middle school years, her sun-skin made itself more prominent, and her father took her to a doctor. He was answered with a shrug. It wasn't cancer, or anything else the doctor could recognize, but it didn't seem harmful. She was taken in once more after her father saw it turn white, and then darken again in the daytime. After a second analysis, several chromatophores were present in the skin. These are the same cells that allow chameleons and squids to change color according to their environment. Tests on them proved that, in theory, her skin patch could turn any feasible color, but normally only went from black to white in accordance with light presence.

Eventually, her father began staying with another woman, and Bronwyn excelled in soccer even after high school ended. But with her not attending college, her stepmother suggested she be, well, sent somewhere. After all, CLARIS is a great place for weirdfolk like herself.

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julietta winters



cis. female


alias; clover

character section

tell us about your powers.
plant manipulation; juliet can create, shape and manipulate plants of all sorts. she can cause plants to grow, move/attack and so forth. she can also use her power for defense and support, cause flowers and other plants to bloom instantaneously, manipulate tree branches to use them as weapons, bring plants back to life and use plant chemicals/properties for healing. using the plants as weapons enables her to grasp and strike continuously with vines and roots, project thorns at a distance, and quickly regenerate the withering weapons at her will. she can grow vines to entangle enemies and tighten around a target's neck, causing choking. a more subtle technique is to release damaging toxins and pheromones, affecting targets in which conditions should be treated quickly with ailments. she has not mastered all of these, of course, which is why she is here.

- attacks from fire and/or ice manipulation can pose as an issue and be harder to defend against.
- limited on how many and/or how long plants can be controlled.
- drains energy when used excessively or against other ( harsher ) powers.

give us your history in one paragraph.
julietta was not born with her powers, she gained them through SHARD's experiments. after years of being in the foster care system she was taken in and adopted by a nice family. she was seventeen so being adopted was a big deal since usually the older kids weren't adopted out. things were great until she realized the family's true intentions. over the years they had adopted many teens who no one would think twice about and took them to SHARD. they got paid to bring these teens for experimenting and jules was one of these unlucky subjects. after a year and a half of experiments, she escaped one night after attacking some of the scientists and guards with her uncontrollable powers and went into hiding. she spent a while on the run before settling into some random town for a few years but her powers still weren't manageable. she was relieved when she was contacted by CLARIS as she knew they could help her.

roleplayer section

how many characters are you okay with portraying?
i am usually comfortable with 2-4 depending on the role-play and such. i am willing to portray 2 right now but probably more in the future!

are you available for this as a long term commitment?
i am! i love this concept and i am curious to see where it will go bc it has so much potential.

what's your favourite colour?
it's btwn pink and baby blue right now.

tyler kingston



cis. male


alias; eight-ball ( may change )

character section

tell us about your powers.
telepathy; at a basic level tyler is able to read/sense a persons mind/thoughts, communicate though a persons thoughts and interpret others emotions. at a more advanced level, there are more skills to be mastered with this power. he would be able to enter dreams through ones mind, manipulate emotions, see a target's memories, cause pain through mind manipulation, implant thoughts/ideas into ones mind, and have the power to lower others abilities by blocking neurological signals.

- some ( possibly more powerful ) minds require more focus/attention which leaves his body more vulnerable to attack when using his abilities.
- limited to a certain amount of targets at one time.
- risk of detection, losing themselves, and/or being " mind hacked" themselves.

give us your history in one paragraph.
tyler was born with his powers as he came from a long line of powerful people. his mother had no idea of this until tyler was born as his father, jonas, never felt the need to mention it. jonas was the only male in his family who didn't have the powers so he had assumed the powers ended before they got to him. when his son was born with these powers it was quite a surprise and the family kept it as hidden as possible. they had no idea what to do so when CLARIS contacted them about tyler, they tried to send him. instead her ran away, not feeling the need to go through any training. it wasn't until he got older ( three years later ) and his powers killed someone that he finally went to the academy for help controlling and furthering his skills.

roleplayer section

how many characters are you okay with portraying?
i am usually comfortable with 2-4 depending on the role-play and such. i am willing to portray 2 right now but probably more in the future!

are you available for this as a long term commitment?
i am! i love this concept and i am curious to see where it will go bc it has so much potential.

what's your favourite colour?
it's btwn pink and baby blue right now.

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aka ; nickname




super alias

character section

tell us about your powers.
( please give details about what your character is currently capable of, what they will be capable of in the future, and all their power limitations — there need to be at least three limitations )

give us your history in one paragraph.
( include whether they were born with their power or got it from SHARD, how they reacted, how the family took it, what they did next until CLARIS contacted them )

roleplayer section

how many characters are you okay with portraying?
2 onwards! I have had a max of 10 in the past.

are you available for this as a long term commitment?
I have yet to not reply to an rp till it's finished. :3 so in short, yes! i am.

what's your favourite colour?
Blue! Well- kinda a turquise greeny colour.



aka ; nickname




super alias

character section

tell us about your powers.
( please give details about what your character is currently capable of, what they will be capable of in the future, and all their power limitations — there need to be at least three limitations )

give us your history in one paragraph.
( include whether they were born with their power or got it from SHARD, how they reacted, how the family took it, what they did next until CLARIS contacted them )


Zahara Scott

aka ; Zara


cis female



character section

tell us about your powers.
Zahara's ability is to shadow jump. She can teleport from place to place using shadows like portals. When willing, she can simply step onto a shadow and fall through it, reappearing in another she chooses. The jump from one shadow to another has to be within sight, and the further away the shadow is the more it will drain Zahara's energy. Her personal limit is within 100 metres. Additionally, the shadows have to be large enough for both her feet to step on, so she can easily use shadows of a building but not a shadow of a bottle. While she can take another person with her, it is also very draining for Zahara no matter the distance. She'll use that feat as a last resort.

give us your history in one paragraph.
Zahara was born with her powers, the first child out of four to a radiologist and a physical education teacher, but was the only one in her family to get them. Her dad would always be on the lookout for which of his four children would be granted his powers, but he never found out Zahara got it until she was 15. That's not to say that was when her powers were first used. Zahara first found out when she was eight during a game of hide and seek - a happy accident where she wound up changing hiding spots as the seeker was just around the corner. Her mom spotted Zahara using her powers to sneak out when she was grounded, and her dad praised her instead of punishing her. Every sunset from then on he trained her while her brothers went off to choir, soccer, and boy scouts respectively. She found it a drag despite how useful her powers were, so she wasn't completely enthralled when she got contacted by CLARIS.

roleplayer section

how many characters are you okay with portraying?
2-4 works for me

are you available for this as a long term commitment?

what's your favourite colour?
Bright blue

Wesley Torres

aka ; Wes


cis male



character section

tell us about your powers.
Wes is an illusionist. He can conjure visual and aural illusions at will, an even apply them to himself. This requires intensive focus, as any distraction can break Wes's concentration from someone calling his name to receiving a painful blow. The more elaborate the illusion the more Wes's mind is strained. His illusions can be seen by multiple people at a time, so it's more like a projection than a capability of getting into someone's perception. If someone were to touch or make contact with any of his illusions, they won't disappear but they'll see it as glittery shards of light. Wes finds his illusions are better from a distance than up close.

give us your history in one paragraph.
Wes had parents too busy to give him any real attention in his upbringing, his family too busy running a business. His Nana mainly took care of him until her death, which wrenched at Wes's heart when he was 14. His parents still paid him little mind after that. He ran away from home and was naively picken up by SHARD. There, they awakened his mind and started training him in both his newfound illusion powers and general fighting. Wes felt wanted, even if it was harshly wanted. CLARIS eventually took him in, able to break through an illusion he used to hide from them. Feeling these people were far warmer, he accepted their invite.


Alistair Lykaios

aka ; Ali (begrudgingly)




Cruciamen ("pain" in latin)

character section

tell us about your powers.
Alistair has Odynokinesis, otherwise known as pain manipulation. He does this through nerve manipulation with his mind, and can cause people crippling pain quite easily and controlled when he touches them. The more pain he causes however, the more energy he must use, which is a limitation that perpetually frustrates Alistair. Before he was taken away from SHARD though, he learned the ability to inflict this pain without having to touch his victims, though there are other limitations that he still faces with this aspect of his abilities as well. For example, Alistair must be looking at the person he wishes to inflict pain on, and he can't be more than a few yards away from them. Essentially, the way that this power works is that he feels his way around someone's nervous system with his mind and essentially hacks into it. After years of practicing this, it has become second nature to Alistair, and he does it almost on command whenever he focuses in on somebody, even if he intendeds not to cause them any harm. He has noticed that everyone has a distinct pattern of nerves too, and in the future, his powers could develop to allow him to inflict pain upon someone even if they're in another room by feeling our their distinct nervous system with his mind. They could also develop to allow him to inflict pain on multiple people at once.

Because Alistair has been so manipulated by SHARD (who essentially made him into a weapon), one of his major limitations is that he truly believes that he can only inflict pain upon people. However, Odynokinesis goes both ways. If someone were to help him realize his full potential, Alistair could also take pain away from people. At this moment however, Alistair has no idea how to relieve pain from anyone, and is not even aware that he has this ability. Another limitation of his is that, when Alistair is not in full control of his emotions, he is also not in full control of his powers, and this can cause his abilities to ricochet back onto him or somebody around him. Normally however, he is cold and controlled.

give us your history in one paragraph.
Alistair and his younger brother, Rhodes, were born as the sons of a high level SHARD commander. Alistair never knew his mother, as he was taken away from her as a child to live with his father, to whom she was not married. Apparently, she was a poor, small-town girl that lived near one of SHARD's previous base camps. Alistair's father was a cold, ambitious man that demanded perfection from his sons and, after seeing relative success from some of the SHARD experiments, he volunteered eight-year-old Alistair as a candidate for some of the more extreme experiments. His father did not focus on the potential negative outcomes of this testing on his son or the pain that the boy would endure, instead imagining the potential of having such a young, powerful asset under his thumb if the experiments were a success—and they were. Alistair soon developed odynokinesis, and spent the rest of his childhood being put through strict militaristic training like other successful SHARD experiments. His father was essentially conditioning him to become a weapon for SHARD, and although Alistair initially believed in the cause, he came to resent his father for turning him into something so inexplicably evil. Still, he was used by SHARD and his father to fight against CLARIS for many, many years, and so he is still cold and holds mistrust towards CLARIS as an organization, despite the fact that they essentially rescued him from years of abuse. His plan at the moment is to go along with CLARIS's invitation for the training they provide, but who knows which side Alistair will choose in the end.

roleplayer section

how many characters are you okay with portraying?
I can definitely juggle 3-4 (I think it would be interesting to introduce Alistair's younger brother, Rhodes, into the mix)!

are you available for this as a long term commitment?
100%, I have been looking for a long-term, mutiple-thread rp for a LONG time and even spearheaded some on other RP sites when I was younger.

what's your favourite colour?
Red! I know it's kind of a boring answer, but it's been my favorite color since I was really little!

( also, you can simply omit the roleplayer section questions in the form for your second character. just try to post both character applications together! )

Raiza Repnikova

aka ; Iza





character section

tell us about your powers.
Raiza was born with aquakinesis, otherwise known as water manipulation. However, because she was forced to repress her powers as a child, she can only manipulate very small quantities of water at the moment, often only a few gallons at a time. Still, whenever she experiences very strong emotions like pain, fear, or anger, she finds that her abilities become much more forceful—though also much more unpredictable.

In the future, if she continues to develop her aquakinesis, Raiza will be able to manipulate very large quantities of water, possibly even lakes, rivers, and oceans. Still, one limitation of this is that, the larger the body of water, the more energy Iza must use to control it. This causes the girl's energy to deplete rather quickly. Another limitation of hers is that Raiza must be near the water source she intends to manipulate in order for her powers to work. The farther away she is from the water source, the harder she has to work. Similarly, Raiza becomes weaker in drier areas, and can be susceptible and opposed to fire and electricity manipulation. One possible development of Raiza's talents in the future, if she continues to become more powerful, is the ability to manipulate liquid substances that have smaller amounts of water in them, like blood.

give us your history in one paragraph.
Raiza was born in Moscow, Russia to a rather poor family. Her mother was a maid and her father was a security guard, and so they both worked very long hours, forcing Iza to be rather independent at a young age. Being very cerebral and disciplined, the girl began to take ballet lessons for hours at her aunt's dance academy to pass the time after school, and she became extremely talented at it. This talent caught the eye of scouts, who offered her a scholarship at a prestigious, arts-focused boarding school just outside of the city. Raiza and her parents accepted the offer, realizing that it could provide the girl with a real future someday—and so she was sent away at ten years old.

At this point, Raiza's dance training became much more intense which, in turn, intensified her emotions. This pressure ultimately revealed her aquakinesis when, one day at a particularly grueling practice, she rather violently (though accidentally) caused her dance-mates' many water bottles to be tossed around a combust. As soon as Raiza's instructors discovered her abilities, they began to force her to repress them, punishing her whenever she accidentally portrayed them. This ingrained a deep sense of shame within the girl, and she desired every day to distance herself from her abilities and anyone else that had them. As a result, Raiza began to throw herself into her dance practice to prove her worth, and soon became a favorite at the school. In fact, at age sixteen she was invited to dance with a prestigious company, which she did for a few years until she had another violent outburst of aquakinesis when a wealthy patron of the dance company attempted to touch her inappropriately. In the end, it was Iza who was punished and ostracized. Soon after though, as the girl was still grieving, she received a letter from CLARIS and, in a moment of desperation and with the desire to belong somewhere, accepted the organization's invitation.

roleplayer section

how many characters are you okay with portraying?
*see first app

are you available for this as a long term commitment?
*see first app

what's your favourite colour?
*see first app

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Alistair Lykaios

aka ; Ali (begrudgingly)




Cruciamen ("pain" in latin)

character section

tell us about your powers.
Alistair has Odynokinesis, otherwise known as pain manipulation. He does this through nerve manipulation with his mind, and can cause people crippling pain quite easily and controlled when he touches them. Before he was taken away from SHARD, he learned the ability to inflict this pain without having to touch his victims, though there are limitations that he still faces with this aspect of his abilities. For example, Alistair must be looking at the person he wishes to inflict pain on, and he can't be more than a few yards away from them. Essentially, the way that this power works is that he feels his way around someone's nervous system with his mind and essentially hacks into it. After years of practicing this, it has become second nature to Alistair, and he does it almost on command whenever he focuses in on somebody, even if he intendeds not to cause them any harm. He has noticed that everyone has a distinct pattern of nerves too, and in the future, his powers could develop to allow him to inflict pain upon someone even if they're in another room by feeling our their distinct nervous system with his mind. They could also develop to allow him to inflict pain on multiple people at once.

Because Alistair has been so manipulated by SHARD (who essentially made him into a weapon), one of his major limitations is that he truly believes that he can only inflict pain upon people. However, Odynokinesis goes both ways. If someone were to help him realize his full potential, Alistair could also take pain away from people. At this moment however, Alistair has no idea how to relieve pain from anyone, and is not even aware that he has this ability. Another limitation of his is that, when Alistair is not in full control of his emotions, he is also not in full control of his powers, and this can cause his abilities to ricochet back onto him or somebody around him. Normally however, he is cold and controlled.

give us your history in one paragraph.
Alistair and his younger brother, Rhodes, were born as the sons of a high level SHARD commander. Alistair never knew his mother, as he was taken away from her as a child to live with his father, to whom she was not married. Apparently, she was a poor, small-town girl that lived near one of SHARD's previous base camps. Alistair's father was a cold, ambitious man that demanded perfection from his sons and, after seeing relative success from some of the SHARD experiments, he volunteered eight-year-old Alistair as a candidate for some of the more extreme experiments. His father did not focus on the potential negative outcomes of this testing on his son or the pain that the boy would endure, instead imagining the potential of having such a young, powerful asset under his thumb if the experiments were a success—and they were. Alistair soon developed odynokinesis, and spent the rest of his childhood being put through strict militaristic training like other successful SHARD experiments. His father was essentially conditioning him to become a weapon for SHARD, and although Alistair initially believed in the cause, he came to resent his father for turning him into something so inexplicably evil. Still, he was used by SHARD and his father to fight against CLARIS for many, many years, and so he is still cold and holds mistrust towards CLARIS as an organization, despite the fact that they essentially rescued him from years of abuse. His plan at the moment is to go along with CLARIS's invitation for the training they provide, but who knows which side Alistair will choose in the end.

roleplayer section

how many characters are you okay with portraying?
I can definitely juggle 3-4!

are you available for this as a long term commitment?
100%, I have been looking for a long-term, mutiple-thread rp for a LONG time and even spearheaded some on other RP sites when I was younger.

what's your favourite colour?
Red! I know it's kind of a boring answer, but it's been my favorite color since I was really little!

( also, you can simply omit the roleplayer section questions in the form for your second character. just try to post both character applications together! )

Raiza Repnikova

aka ; Iza





character section

tell us about your powers.
Electrokinesis (electricity manipulation)

give us your history in one paragraph.
( include whether they were born with their power or got it from SHARD, how they reacted, how the family took it, what they did next until CLARIS contacted them )

roleplayer section

how many characters are you okay with portraying?
( remember, you'll need to play at least two! you don't have to play more, but i'll need to know this for future purposes )

are you available for this as a long term commitment?
( i don't intend for this to go four posts in and die, which is why i'm accepting so few people to start off with! if you can't be committed, i'm going to be less inclined to accept you )

what's your favourite colour?
( honestly, just curious! )

( also, you can simply omit the roleplayer section questions in the form for your second character. just try to post both character applications together! )

Hi I already have electricity manipulation
whoops! sorry, i'll change it! I was debating between that and water manipulation anyways! : )

^ just my opinion, but i don't know if it matters that you have the same power since it's application based anyways. not everyone who put in a app will for sure get chosen so i'd say go for whatever you think will fit your character best and add a little note that says you're willing to change your power in the case you are both chosen for this. again, just my opinion. (:
whoops! sorry, i'll change it! I was debating between that and water manipulation anyways! : )

^ just my opinion, but i don't know if it matters that you have the same power since it's application based anyways. not everyone who put in a app will for sure get chosen so i'd say go for whatever you think will fit your character best and add a little note that says you're willing to change your power in the case you are both chosen for this. again, just my opinion. (:

^ just my opinion, but i don't know if it matters that you have the same power since it's application based anyways. not everyone who put in a app will for sure get chosen so i'd say go for whatever you think will fit your character best and add a little note that says you're willing to change your power in the case you are both chosen for this. again, just my opinion. (:
Ok? Good for you.
jasmyn jasmyn completely agree!

logastellus logastellus & elysia elysia since it’s application based it doesn’t matter if you happen to choose the same powers. Just go with what you think fits and once applications are accepted, if there are any discrepancies, we can figure it out then!

Jade Rosales

aka ; Jade





character section

tell us about your powers.
Have you ever heard a song with a voice so good, you just wanted to jump up in your seat and join them? Even if you were a terrible singer, in that moment, you felt like you could belt out the notes right along with them. You wanted to dance, without a care to who saw you. Everyone has that one song, that one singer.

But what about a voice that numbs your fingertips and sets your mind to autopilot? One that slips in one ear so quietly and out the other, you wonder if it was even real. You can't tell if it's male or female, but it doesn't matter. You just want to hear it, and that's it. Everything else fades away, and you'll do anything to just have that voice closer to you.

That's what it's like when Jade sings. It could be described as a siren that had crawled straight from the mythical oceans, just without drowning sailors part. Potent and intoxicating, no one is safe from the dripping honey that is her song. To those who listen to her melody for too long, it feels like a veil has been pulled over their senses. Objectives flit away from their mind, and a new singular goal is formed; Get closer to the voice.

However, there are heavy limitations to the power Jade possesses.

♢ Jade can't actually pick who falls under her 'spell' whenever she sings. Anyone who can hear her is a potential victim, meaning friends and foes alike. She's not a good team player, unless her team comes prepared.

♢ If you can't hear her sing, then you're safe from Jade. Whether it be shouting or music, anything that covers up her voice prevents her from taking hold of another person. Partially hearing her song can be alluring, but it allows for the victim to take the right precautions to avoid her full voice.

♢ Even though her ability stems around singing, Jade didn't receive any special stamina enhancement as a bonus. She can only sing for so long until her throat is raw, and she must keep a coherent melody streaming from her lips. Lyrics aren't needed, but they surely help. Even if she lulls for a moment in singing, the spell is broken. Not to mention, if she forces herself to sing often, then her later songs will be rougher and far less captivating.

Singing-Voice Claim: Aurora

give us your history in one paragraph.
You can't create what Jade has. Born with her powers, it wasn't long until the young girl was humming a tune. Her soft melody enticed nearly every adult in her life, and she often got what she wanted in return for 'just one more song.' One can imagine it spoiled the girl rotten, but she didn't enjoy the game if it didn't have a challenge. Growing up, the young girl often found herself sneaking around on the streets, pushing the limits of what she could get. The more she stole, the less she saw her family too. A cheap gas station one day, an expensive perfume kiosk in the mall the next day. All she had to do was sing softly until she had what she wanted, and then she just had to run. By the time they noticed something was wrong, Jade was already out the door and off to her next haul. Even if they caught her, she knew she'd be able to slip away in the end. As her cons got more and more elaborate, and her desire to snatch from the more fortunate grew, Jade meet her partner in crime, Calvin Matthews. With Calvin's ability to rip through doors like butter, breaking and entering got a whole lot easier for the two. Unfortunately, their criminal activity didn't go unnoticed. It wasn't long before the two were caught red-handed, and Jade couldn't sing her way out of it. The two went with their hands up to CLARIS, since there's no better place for two budding criminals than boarding school. There wasn't a single parent to care, since Jade's own mother disowned the thieving girl long ago.

But that doesn't mean they plan to stop their scheming anytime soon.

roleplayer section

how many characters are you okay with portraying?
Most likely up to four at the absolute max. I like to keep the number even so I'm able to devote myself to each character when writing, and make sure I'm posting quality replies for each of them!

are you available for this as a long term commitment?
Easily, hah! I really only apply for RPs that I think will last a while, and I'm never one to quit early unless it's a true emergency. (I tend to be the last one posting in groups RPs, honestly. I hate seeing them die.)

what's your favourite colour?
Honestly, cannot just pick one. Probably a dusty rose color, or a blue hue mixed with gold. They probably have fancy names that I don't even know.
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