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Futuristic C.H.I.H.O Character Sheets (Open)



I got some good memes
Please fill out the sheet below, it has been approved once a <3 reaction has been placed on it.



(If any)
Superhero/ Villain Alias
(If any)



(Chimera, Hybrid, Human, Deviant)



(Only one)




(You can include a faceclaim or image if you’d like, a description is also welcome as well. This isn’t required though.)​
“It’s cruel of you to capture these misunderstood creatures and send them back to their abusers, you offer them no justice. So I’ll give them justice myself!”

Alistair Heathers


Superhero/ Villain Alias



Hybrid, paired with Axolotl DNA


Villain, Deviant sympathizer

Rapid Regeneration
Alistair is a mortal that’s difficult to kill, and can easily regrow limbs, vital organs, and hair after removal from his body. As long as he has a small portion of the organ left, he can grow it back. In several studies, it was found he could regrow a hemisphere of his brain, two chambers of the heart, and even regrow a retina after detachment.

Alistair often keeps some form of handgun on his person. Usually a plasma pistol, bullets being replaced with a hot stream of plasma. Making it a simple yet lethal weapon. He rarely has to use it though, and often has others do the dirty work for him.

Alistair is considered a Deviant Sympathizer, making him a dangerous opponent and at the top of C.H.I.H.O’s hit list. A extremely manipulative man that lies with every breath, though they’re hard to catch. He simply tells people what they want to hear. Alistair uses a motive of wanting to avenge Deviants, believing that C.H.I.H.O will simply continue the cycle of abuse that brought them to existence. He often manipulates ‘Deviant-rights groups’, citizens who sympathize with the creatures and don’t wish for their capture. Believing years of testing and lab work had driven them to their maddened state. Alistair uses radical methods and convinces those he leads that it’s ‘okay’ to harm others if it’s for a greater good.

Alistair was once a member of C.H.I.H.O in his early twenties as a Agent, and was transferred back and forth between the Paris and New York HQ. He was often tasked with observing captured Deviants and their behavior, as well as delivering results of tests and other information on the creatures. His rebellion against the organization happened suddenly, there seemed to be no planning or motives present as for why. After the event of the mass release of Deviants, he seemingly disappeared into thin air. No witnesses seemed to recount sighting him in the aftermath of what happened. He is a prime suspect in the case, it is suspected that he is alive and intends on doing another act of terror.​
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Ta Kai
Superhero/ Villain Alias
Does not care for such things, but is straight.
Around 40, cannot tell physically
Super strength; can lift around 10 tons of his body weight. Also makes his skin a bit tougher, but not impenetrable. He can use his increased strength to leap great distances as well as crush cars with his bear hands. His strength makes his feet a bit more agile, making him faster then an average person.

Since he is a first wave Deviants, the genetics weren’t held back; they gave him more then they should. Sorn can use the claws and horns on his body as weapon as well as using them to scale anything. His mind also did not regress because his animal side doesn’t fight back; it helps him be a better manipulator.
Though Sorn has his own claws, a scimitar has a home on his person. What his claws can’t cut through, the sword can.
Sorn watches the world as a predator would watch its prey; he waits patiently and only attacks when his prey is weak. He is cold and analytical, thinking of things in ones and zeroes. He cares little for what others feel in their heart; emotions are for the weak.

Sorn cares little for the world of humans; he was one once, but now he’s much, much better; able to do so much more then he use to be able to. Others of his brood regressed to a primal state, while Sorn kept his vast mind. He can somewhat communicate with his brethren, though it doesn’t work most of the time.

Kai wasn’t always as cruel as he was. He had a family once. One that loved him and cared for him. Then his mother died; with her death, he was exiled from the family having been thought to be the cause of her death. Outraged, he dedicated his life to studying the art of war. His skills became valuable as he became a double agent for several countries. He became somewhat of a hero among some of the people. When the offer was put up for volunteers for a special project, Kai accepted. He had nothing to lose and everything to gain. The experiment went horribly wrong. His body mutated and he was among creatures of unknown origin. He had to fight his way out of them to escape. In the cold dark street, Kai saw his new form, something that would be scorned. Taking the names of Sorn, he became a crime boss, taking down whatever gang wouldn’t pledge their allegiance to him. Anytime anyone steeped out of line, he simply made them “disappear”.
Toxins and poisons can incapacitate Sorn. There are a few weak spots as well; his eyes, ears, and his neck.
Sorn is also well over 7ft tall. Even in the beginning, he was 6ft.
Sorn can usually be seen wearing his armor, minus the helmet & catered to his weird form
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Alyssa Cordelia Jones

(None currently)

Superhero/ Villain Alias
Seer (As in, the Seers of ancient myth)



Alyssa's hybrid DNA has been combined with that of an owl. As a result, her eyes have become that of an owls, though with the added, human advantage of being able to move them in their sockets, while owls can only see straight ahead. In addition, she has grown feathers at the ends of her hair, and a small layer from her upper back to her armpits, almost as if wings had attempted to form. Finally, her bones have become hollow due to the DNA splicing. This isn't a second power, and only serves to make her a bit lighter (making jumping or climbing slightly easier), while also making her bones more fragile.



Hyper-Enhanced Eyesight (Owl Vision)

Essentially what this means, is that Alyssa can see far further than your average human, and can adjust the zoom of her vision, much like an owl, or a pair of binoculars. She can also see very well in the dark.


Due to her vision and limitations with her hollow bones, Alyssa prefers to stay further away from the fight than most. As such, she carries with her a light, plasma sniper rifle. Due to its small size and light weight, it isn't meant for taking down stronger foes (such as large deviants), but more for recon, and dealing with more humanoid targets.


Alyssa isn't exactly very open or friendly, but she isn't cold or rude either. She's a very logical thinker, preferring to focus on the mission or task at hand rather than friends. She also isn't quick to trust, and absolutely hates liars, making her a very honest and to point type of person. Alyssa also has an incredibly strong sense of duty, and she strongly believes that the needs of the many outweigh those of the few, taking it to a bit of an extreme. She's willing to sacrifice a life if it means the rest can live, including her own. To that point, she doesn't care much for herself, self preservation not being a concept she understands well. She does have a soft spot for those younger than her though, taking on a sort of big sister role for younger team members, or children.


Alyssa had grown up being with a hatred of the deviants. Her father had been a scientist during the initial gene splicing experiments, leaving a feels years later due to his mental state decreasing. The sight of the deviants changed him. He couldn't accept that he had helped create such horrible monstrosities, and would ramble for hours and hours about how horrible they were and that they were monsters that'd destroy humanity one day. Alyssa would often listen to these ramblings as a child, not that she had much choice, instilling a hatred of her father, and the monsters he had helped make. She didn't take pity on her father for his decreasing mental state, but rather saw him as a problem. He had helped create the Deviants that could now threaten humanity, which made him a fool, and a threat in her eyes. Alyssa grew ever more distant from her father due to these reasons, and left to join C.H.I.H.O the second she turned 18. She felt she had a duty to right the wrongs her father had helped create, and would due so by any means necessary. She even allowed herself to be experimented on, becoming the hybrid she is today.

(This is kind of a rough back story, I always struggle with these honestly. I'll likely edit it a bit or flush it out more as I think of better things.)

Figured I'd put her overall appearance here:

Alyssa is small and lean, only 5 foot 5 and weighing 70 pounds (she's very light due to her hollow bones). Her eyes are the bright yellow eyes of a great horned owl, while her hair (and feathers) are a deep brown. She often wear's long sleeve or heavier tops, as she hates the feathers on her back, seeing them as a flaw or failure of the experimentation.​
Name: Devin Elizabeth Sloan (Goes by Sloan)
Superhero/ Villain Alias:
Beast Tamer
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Undefined.
Species: Chimera.
Sloan's DNA was combined with that of a blue-ringed octopus giving her both the ability to create a potent venom (Tetrodotoxin) that will quickly begin paralyzing a creature. It can be lethal if untreated as it paralyzes the entire body including the diaphragm. A victim can be kept alive on breathing machines and the venom will subside in 24 hours.
Age: 26
Role: Tamer
Power: She produces venom in salivary glands. It is strong enough to take down or slow large creatures.
Weapon(s): A small handheld gun that either shoot and paintball-like pellet that when ruptured release a kind of dehydrated concentration of the venom to be inhaled, alternatively, darts can be used to inject the venom directly. In close combat, she can administer the venom directly, but she does her best to avoid close proximity.

Personality: Sloan is very quiet, not in a shy way, but in more of a thoughtful and secretive way. She is frequently more concerned with her own thoughts and life than with friends and small talk. Though her stoicism is present in her daily interactions, she does open up to her team and is surprisingly personable. She is honest, and sincere when she is talking to people she knows. She is passionate about the proper treatment for Deviants. At times she will show more compassion for Deviants than for others.

Backstory: Sloan began her involvement at a young age. When she became a teen she expressed interest in working as an agent. She was assigned as a trainee under Alistair Heathers. She admired his passion for the lives of Deviants, and under his guidance, she learned about the various deviants and how best to care for them. Her heart softened to their situation and she became more and more wary of the organization they worked for. When Alistair left, Sloan was deeply upset by the feelings of abandonment and once she became aware of the rumored connection he had to the escape she felt betrayed by her mentor. She stayed with C.H.I.H.O as a tamer but remains critical of regulation and is an adamant defender of Deviants.
Tempest Brekkr

Superhero/ Villain Alias



It is unknown what her DNA was mixed with



Illusion: User can create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell, feel and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are.
Can use power over multiple people/creatures and for an extended period of time, which is why she is considered a tank.

A pistol for defense when necessary, and a few small daggers to be used in close combat or for throwing.

Tempest is an observant and analytical person, taking in everything and everyone around her. She is also a perfectionist, and due to that, she is known to remain calm, cool, and collected in every situation she finds herself in. Her mind goes a million miles an hour to constantly solve problems as they unfold. Though she seems a bit stand off-ish at first, Tempest is very sociable with her friends, and can be very charming and manipulative with people to achieve her goals.

Tempest was born into a well off family who wished to have a hybrid child with specific genes that would make her more powerful than other humans, so they had one of the labs create her. However, they didn’t want her to live in a lab her entire life so they provided her with a seemingly normal life until the group of deviants escaped. While she was at school one day, deviants destroyed some of the area she lived in, including her home. In the destruction, they killed her parents and their bodies were never recovered. Since then, Tempest was taken in by C.H.I.H.O and recruited to train and help fight the deviants. After this incident, Tempest grew to resent the deviants, wishing to rid the world of their chaos and their existence for good.


Tempest appears to be a normal human, the experiment working flawlessly. She is 5'7 and on the slimmer side. Though the experiment went perfectly appearance wise, when she uses her power for extended amounts amounts of time, she gets migraines, can become violently ill, or even black out.
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David Thomas
Thundercracker, Davy
Superhero/Villain Alias
Superhero: Quake
Chimera, water boatman
David can emit super sonic waves capable of crushing cars, moving objects, and shattering window. He has attempted to try to use his ability to fly, but to no avail.
David prefers hand to hand combat compare to ranged fighting. He does have a suit of armor that protects himself as well as makes him a smidge stronger. It also helps him to control his power.
David is an honest man. He tries to Never tell a lie, but sometimes people’s feelings get hurt. He doesn’t mean to; it’s just how he chose to live his life.
David doesn’t revel in bloodshed or fighting; though, this doesn’t mean he is reluctant to fight. When pressed into service, he puts in all he can to help others so they can be safe, even at the cost of his own life.
As well as that, he is a nice guy and wants to help out wherever he can.
David was born into a relatively small household of just him and his mom. His father was killed in action serving his country. David admires his father’s and wants to be just like him.
He had a relatively simple life of being a taxi driver, or any kind of driver for that matter. On occasion, he would take different kinds of fighting lessons; boxing, MMA, and simple street fighting to hone his senses. One day whine he came home, his whole house was destroyed; flattened as if it were a pancake. He saw under the rubble his mother. She gave him one last loving look, a kiss, and a ring before she died.
David immediately enrolled in C.H.I.H.O.; no one else would suffer the fate his mother did if he could help it.

In the absence of a medium, something sound or light travels through, David’s power is completely useless. He also has a self sacrifice attitude and will give himself up for anyone.
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Name: Leo Benedict

Nickname(s): None

Superhero/ Villain Alias: Skulker

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Species: Hybrid (Leopard)

Age: 24

Role: Support (He is a great scout and can provide cover fire)

Power: Feline agility. Leo can climb and jump with the power of a cat. He also claims that it helps him be stealthy, though this is unconfirmed.

Weapon(s): Leo is proficient in plasma pistols and sniper rifles, but also carries daggers and a throwing knife at all times (the latter usually more of a novelty than anything).

The barrel of the rifle can compact a bit, sliding back into the main portion of the weapon to make it easier to carry.

Personality: Leo is personable enough, for the most part. He rarely instigates conversations, but has no objections to engaging in one. The major exception here is when the subject becomes personal. He has no issue talking about his past, but talking about his favorite (insert subject here) is going to get you nowhere. Despite his willingness to engage on a social level, it always feels a bit cold. Leo will discuss subjects in manors of facts and fiction, emotionally detached. When it comes to missions, however, it's like a switch has been switched. He is deadly silent unless relaying necessary and relevant information. While his speech normally feels a bit cold, there is no hint of emotion present during missions.

Backstory: Leo's journey began at a young age. When he was 11, a deviant rampaged in his hometown. His father, ex-military, helped fend it off and saved some lives, but at the cost of his own. That day set Leo on a path leading to C.H.I.H.O. It was also around this time that he became more emotionally closed off. He decided he did not hate the deviants. After all, they were essentially failed experiments and they had no control over that. Plus, most lost their higher brain functions, making their rampages more instinctual than anything. Still, when he signed up with C.H.I.H.O, part of his decision to become a Hybrid was to say that he'd be better and not become a deviant himself. Unless he became one of the rare self-conscious deviants. That would be awkward. Regardless, he signed up to become a trainee as soon as he could as has remained with the organization ever since.


His teeth are sharper than those of a normal human and even has a pair that resemble fangs. His fingernails grow out in sharp claws, causing him to wear gloves when not on a mission. His eyes appear more animalistic, but it does not effect his eyesight much. His bone structure is also ever so slightly different. Not enough to tell at a glance, but looking at him a bit longer gives a distinct cat-like impression.
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Will P. Carns

Lab rat, Carnie

Superhero/ Villain Alias



Lab-created Chimera, Paired with red fox DNA



Heightened Thought Process
Due to his genetic splicing, Will was gifted the ability of extreme above average intelligence. This allows him to act in a more organized way in high stress situations, instead of automatically resorting to the ‘flight or fight’ response encoded in his human DNA. With this, Will can analyze a situation and come up with over a dozen solutions, instead of three or four like an average person. Making him a top test subject for a Chimera and Hybrid intelligence studies.

Will prefers to use weapons or tools that stun a target instead of actually causing any severe harm. These are often rope-based, using throwing nets made of synthetic fiber and metal that will encapsulate Deviants or Villains, but delivers debilitating electric shocks if they attempt to escape.

Will is quite the black sheep compared to other C.H.I.H.O members, and has always known to be bright and cheery no matter what the situation. He’s quite friendly and sociable, and doesn’t at all mind striking up conversations with random strangers. Despite his outgoing behavior, he will still remained focused on the task at hand. As a Prefect, he uses understanding and calm approaches towards guiding a team. Using the most practical and safe methods in order to accomplish a task. Will prefers clean and quick tactics, ones that will minimize damage to any surrounding areas and that will injure the target the least. If a team member steps out of line and takes a risky moves that could harm nearby innocents or cause collateral damage, he tends to get...very upset. To say the least.

Will is a lab-produced Chimera, meaning he was born and lived most of his early life in a laboratory as part of an extensive research project. His DNA was taken from a hair sample of a former C.H.I.H.O scientist, and paired with a red fox’s DNA to see how it would effect human intelligence. As a child, he was seen to be very clever, and mentally developed at twice the rate a average toddler would. Other than being born in a lab, he was just like any other child, and was allowed to socialize with other children his age. Will doesn’t seem to be bothered or disturbed by the fact he never had a mother or father. As a teen, he was enlisted as a Trainee and worked under many mentors. In his early twenties, he was transferred to the role of an Officer since he got along quite well with citizens and cared for their wellbeing in moments of danger from Deviants or Villains. At age 25, he was transferred to the role of Prefect.​
Name: Abel William Caine

Nickname(s)Most just call him Caine.
Superhero/ Villain Alias
The Hunter

Hybrid<Spliced with wolf DNA>
Power:Superhuman senses.

Being born a hybrid Abel has acute senses of sight, smell, and hearing similar to those of an actual wolf. he can also see part of the infrared spectrum and thus detect the heat signatures of objects or people in total darkness. he can smell other living creatures within 100 feet (when upwind) and follow a scent over nearly any terrain. he can hear the sound of a heartbeat in a cave at a distance of 30 feet.


strapped across his back angled over the left shoulder is the double Razor edged 31.5 inch katana.it is modified to vibrate a low ultra sonic frequency to allow it to cut through almost any type of deviant hide or armor it may have.

Twin 45.caliber handguns are strapped upon each hip at his left and right. These handguns can be modified according to mission parameters. Ammo are 4types

  • Hollow point.
  • Armor piercing.
  • Explosive
  • Shredder.

FN MK 29 SOPMOD-1.this rifle is heavily modified by Abel is sporting interchangeable parts for any given mission;using 6.5mm cases telescoped ammunition allowing for carbine like capabilities.

Personality:Abel is fierce and fiercely loyal hero; is brawny, cranky, and has a temper But a good heart beats within his chest most are won over by his tenacity, wry humor, and his commitment to a person or cause.due to his training and years of experience in battle he's an efficient and ruthless person when carrying out his missions, he will fight to the last man the last bullet to protect himself or his comrades in arms.

Backstory:Abel parent's were killed in action protecting the last wave of refugees from the laboratory where he was raised all those he knew where gone for a whole year not a word was spoken until his11th birthday ;at that time abel's grandfather had returned from the front lines. Marcus,who was a driven military man and he instilled that firmly into abels upbringing training him in multiple forms marital arts and military tactics and how to survive the harsh environment the world had become.several years later when abel was old enough his grandfather sent him to the C.H.I.H.O academy better trained making a more efficient hunter.

marcus died just a year after abel graduated from heart complications. He would remember his grandfather's words forever "Sometimes you have to make the decisions that hurt your heart but calm your soul..Marcus hunter Caine"

(You can include a faceclaim or image if you’d like, a description is also welcome as well. This isn’t required though
Name: Dan Brodman

Nickname: Na

Superhero/ Villain Alias: Renegade

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Hybrid
DNA mixed with a Mantis Shrimp.

Age: 23

Role: Tank(Formerly). Freelance

Power: Dan's power is pretty straight forward, he punches things really hard, and really fast. The limit of what he can break with his bare fists, but he has been seen to break concrete like paper.



Long Rangelei-guo-5.jpg


Personality: Dan has always been a bit of a loose cannon, it's less of the situation that his pride won't let him listen to commands but more of that he believes he knows how to best do things on his own. He really doesn't like depending on teammates, and he isn't a friendly person. Of course he's not unfriendly because he's shy, he almost never shuts up and can't stand complete and total silence, Dan has a dark sense of humor and is no stranger to quips.

Backstory: Dan wasn't brought up in the best family, it may not have been the best for a traditional upbringing but it did teach him what to Dan were the most important lessons in his life, how to take care of himself, and that he couldn't depend on anyone except himself. Of course that didn't stop him from wanting some kind of legacy, so when a government agency started to recruit people for a special project he signed up for it at his first opportunity. He was some good for nothing nobody in the middle of nowhere but maybe just maybe he'd leave some kind of legacy.

He got his power which he quite liked, a fancy new set of armor and weapons, and a place in a group of heroes. It sounded like a dream come true until of course he realized that due to the way the organization worked he was just supposed to sit around until some really bad deviant showed up, and worst of all he was on a team. Dan simply couldn't believe that there were so many operatives doing pretty much nothing when there were problems beyond the superpowered monsters running rampant. Gangs dominating cities, murderers getting off scot free simply because they had enough money to pay off witnesses, and so many more problems that needed to be taken care of. Dan took his leave of the organization, probably burning more than a few bridges. Dan has been in hiding for about a year only rearing his head to bring down some kind of criminal whom he sees garners his attention before disappearing from notice again.

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Name: Trish Trent (Tre)

Nickname(s): Mute Archer, Tre, T4, Tee, Theta

Superhero/ Villain Alias: none, she's known mainly as "that Archer"

Gender: female

Sexuality: she doesn't know, it hasn't been important to her, she hasn't had time to figure it out

Species: Hybrid (Peregrine Falcon DNA)

Age: 26

Role: currently freelance (but recruitment is an option)

Flight: as a result of her intensive gene splicing, she has acquired wings. The wings are about 1.7 metres (her height) in width from tip to tip. They are covered in long slender black and grey feathers. These give her the ability to fly. As her body needs so much energy to sustain the flight, she requires far more food than a normal human. She has an adaptation (not a power) granting her greater lung capacity, allowing her to breathe at high altitudes. Her body is light, lighter than a normal human, to help her fly.

Longbow: she stole this prototype titanium-graphene alloy form the lab she was created in
Arrows/bolts: some scavenged from the ruins of the facility she was created in, others fashioned from sticks
Daggers: weighted for throwing, honed to a razor point and made from the same alloy as her bow

She is a loner, preferring her own company. She does not like working as part of a group, fearing that they will die (due to the death of her team). She gets suspicious of new people easily and has severe trust issues when meeting new people. She doesn't speak much, preferring to watch and learn.

If she truly trusts someone (which she hasn't since the death of her team) she is fiercely loyal and will do anything for them. But gaining her trust is extremely hard. And If you lose it, it is lost forever.

When things go wrong, she blames herself, focusing on the "what if?" and the "I should have done" questions. She acts off her instincts, trusting her head over anything else. She is a hardened survivor, used to fighting for everything. She feels responsible for the death of her friends to the Deviant gang (as well as having survivors guilt) and has sworn to avenge them, by attacking gangs of Deviants. She is of a "kill or be killed" mindset, her survival is her number one factor.

Marie Trent donated her body to science after she suffered a horrific traffic accident. The scientists took samples of her eggs and DNA. Using IVF she was impregnated. The scientists, eager to see how CRISPR editing would work on an embryo, spliced in peregrine falcon DNA to the embryo. To their delight the baby developed properly and survive the full term. Ultrasound shows the formation of wings in the womb.

Marie died from an infection shortly after the birth of her child, who she named Trish. The baby was sent abroad to a weapons training programme in Europe. For the first five years her growth was observed and she lived an almost normal life with other subjects like her. She was one of the few not to be driven to become a deviant by her mutation.

From five onwards she was trained to become the perfect soldier. She was kept in a tiny box like cage, often isolated in there alone for days on end. But once she reached the age of thirteen she started to rebel. She stopped following orders and started trying to escape. In 2047 (two years before the mass breakout of Deviants) she succeeded. With the help of three other subjects, all teenagers, they fled the compound, taking refuge in the surrounding mountains.

Following the mass breakout, the facility was abandoned becoming little more than rubble. She and her gang scrounged the ruins for weapons and food, before travelling onwards. The four escapees formed a tight gang, staying clear of Deviants, scrounging to stay alive. They took in a chimera boy named Matti along the way, who they found left for dead after a Deviant attack.

But the good times couldn't last. A group of villains attacked her group. Two were instantly killed, the others captured. She was eighteen at this time. It turned out that Matti had betrayed them in return for membership to the Deviant gang. They were forced to work for the Villain gang, treated a little more than slaves. After just a month they tried to escape, but only Tre survived. Her best friend sacrificed his life so she could survive. Since that day, she has never spoken a single word.

After that she swore vengeance and started to hunt down Deviants brutally taking them out in retaliation. She now lives as a nomad, moving after Deviants and tracking them. She hijacks feeds from CHIHO and other authorities.

Her usually


Her cleaned up

Mute, doesn't speak ever. Prefers to use gestures, sign language or write it down

Suffers from intense claustrophobia. If put in a small room with no windows she will completely lose it, turning almost feral with rage. Eventually, she will become exhausted and just sit there motionlessly. She cannot stand vans or ships or cars with the window closed but can deal with passenger planes.

Superhero/ Villain Alias;

Unknown, but probably a rock.
"Sleeper Agent". Intelligence gatherer. Translator. Door stop.
One way telepathy, able to hear and comprehend language within a ten metre radius.
While not a power, Gregory is known for being retrieved from unusual or dangerous locations, as well as often being moved into close proximity to those who are bored or lonely through external factors.
Also doesn't need to breathe, as he is a rock.

Gregory is a rock, and as such cannot utilise tools or weaponry. He can however tell a very long-winded fishing tale about his at the bottom of Swan lake. This story is very boring.

Gregory is very calm, and is rarely prone to emotional outburst. An avid listener, Gregory is known to interact well with nearly anyone, provided they aren't busy. Gregory is known for listening to birds and enjoys composing poetry.

C.H.I.H.O acquired (and named) the rock now designated as "Gregory" upon his recovery from local menace "The Crusher". Gregory was underneath the foot of The Crusher, as the criminal explained his plan to use the local construction tools to level half of the city. The Crusher was then shortly neutralised by the dispatched C.H.I.H.O team, at which point the rock vocalised its approval, claiming that The Crusher had been monologuing for the past two hours. The recovery team was able to locate Gregory after two hours, after discovering his telepathic range and confirming no mental side affects. Gregory was then taken in for questioning. Gregory was unable to recall a detailed elaboration of its past, claiming "I've been there for a while" and could not confirm its apparent age. Gregory has since been used on a total of fourteen undercover surveillance missions, as it can detect voices through solid objects and understand regardless of language. This has resulted in varying success, as due to Gregory's seemingly inanimate nature, it cannot be moved without external influence. Gregory has a repeated history of being unusually transported by completely random external forces in order to be near an individual within missions (See briefing 43;22 - notable instances include being picked up by local avian wildlife, randomly falling into sewer systems & being kicked onto moving vehicles), but seems or claims to have no control over this factor.

When not in use, Gregory is placed in the general reception of the C.H.I.H.O main complex, as a centre piece of a small zen garden on the front desk.
Overall, a very situational agent, but a very useful one in the right situation.


Superhero/ Villain Alias;

Unknown, but probably a rock.
"Sleeper Agent". Intelligence gatherer. Translator. Door stop.
One way telepathy, able to hear and comprehend language within a ten metre radius.
While not a power, Gregory is known for being retrieved from unusual or dangerous locations, as well as often being moved into close proximity to those who are bored or lonely through external factors.
Also doesn't need to breathe, as he is a rock.

Gregory is a rock, and as such cannot utilise tools or weaponry. He can however tell a very long-winded fishing tale about his at the bottom of Swan lake. This story is very boring.

Gregory is very calm, and is rarely prone to emotional outburst. An avid listener, Gregory is known to interact well with nearly anyone, provided they aren't busy. Gregory is known for listening to birds and enjoys composing poetry.

C.H.I.H.O acquired (and named) the rock now designated as "Gregory" upon his recovery from local menace "The Crusher". Gregory was underneath the foot of The Crusher, as the criminal explained his plan to use the local construction tools to level half of the city. The Crusher was then shortly neutralised by the dispatched C.H.I.H.O team, at which point the rock vocalised its approval, claiming that The Crusher had been monologuing for the past two hours. The recovery team was able to locate Gregory after two hours, after discovering his telepathic range and confirming no mental side affects. Gregory was then taken in for questioning. Gregory was unable to recall a detailed elaboration of its past, claiming "I've been there for a while" and could not confirm its apparent age. Gregory has since been used on a total of fourteen undercover surveillance missions, as it can detect voices through solid objects and understand regardless of language. This has resulted in varying success, as due to Gregory's seemingly inanimate nature, it cannot be moved without external influence. Gregory has a repeated history of being unusually transported by completely random external forces in order to be near an individual within missions (See briefing 43;22 - notable instances include being picked up by local avian wildlife, randomly falling into sewer systems & being kicked onto moving vehicles), but seems or claims to have no control over this factor.

When not in use, Gregory is placed in the general reception of the C.H.I.H.O main complex, as a centre piece of a small zen garden on the front desk.
Overall, a very situational agent, but a very useful one in the right situation.

That’s a lot of effort for a prank
Name: Ray Lambert


Superhero/ Villain Alias: Ravager

Gender: Male

Straight? Not really something he give much thought to these days.


Age: 47

Bulk from the list, but right-hand man to Sorn

Regeneration. Ravager can heal from wounds incredibly quickly. He once regrew an entire arm in just a few hours. This also means that his body is great at rejecting toxins. The major drawback to this ability is the energy requirement. The more damage he takes, the more food he needs to consume. Thankfully, he has no qualms about eating people.

Weapon(s): His claws and teeth. While not the strongest Deviant in the traditional sense, his bit force is comparable to that of crocodiles.

Ravager isn't entirely intelligent like Sorn, but isn't completely gone either. His first instinct is to hunt and destroy, but has the mental capacity to think through his actions and not just give into his urges. This has helped him evade capture in the past. Still, complex thought is a bit beyond his capabilities and he cannot plan very far into the future. He often just listens to Sorn when he makes plans, having learned to trust him on such matters.

Ray Lambert was once a respected scientist. He had worked on many projects that broke new ground in the field of genetics. Some of these discoveries directly lead to the creation of Hybrids and, as a result, Deviants. He saw the Deviants as failures and dedicated himself to create Hybrids that wouldn't become Deviants. He became obsessed with the project, convinced he was on the right path, but couldn't convince his board of directors to move onto human testing. They claimed it was too large a risk and threatened to shut down his project. Feeling like he was out of options, Ray tested his project on himself. Everything was fine for the first four days. After that, he began to notice further changes to his body and it became harder and harder for him to focus. By day seven, he lost it. He trashed his lab and ran off into the forest outside of town. The rest of his transformation was a blur. He wandered around for a while after that, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. He eventually ran into Sorn and decided to join him. He found his life to be better working for this more intelligent Deviant. There was a time where he would have scoffed at the idea, but now the thought never even crossed his mind.

He is capable of speech, though it's pretty simple. He can also move on two feet like a person or crawl on all fours. It should be noted that his tail isn't quite so long.

FC: Dina Khalifé

Zahraa Fakih

Batgirl, Z/Zee
If you want to piss her off, call her Sarah.

Superhero/ Villain Alias


Maybe ace, maybe demi? She never shows much interest.

Hybrid (bat)


Strategist (mainly reconnaissance)

Echolocation–Zahraa is able to tell the shape, size, and location of things around her by clicking her tongue and listening to the reflected sound. She can also do it passively (without making a sound herself), but much less reliably. This allows her to beat any camouflage, to fight in the dark, and in some cases, to "see" through solid objects. Certain materials, particularly soft ones, can throw her off, as well as any loud noise. Her hearing is not enhanced, only her ability to interpret the auditory input.

Zahraa avoids firearms because loud noises can disrupt her echolocation. She carries a small .22, but she's much more likely to just pick up whatever is laying around nearby.

The one thing that Zahraa hates more than anything else is being helped. She is fiercely independent, often far beyond what's reasonable.

Zahraa pushes through all forms of pain. You can always count on her to get things done, but she will inevitably crack.

She can be very controlling, but she cares deeply about everyone she knows, and she wants to protect people.

Zahraa was hybridized when she was 26 and fresh out of law school. She grew up in a large working class immigrant family , and was bound determined to make something of herself. She didn't go to C.H.I.H.O. for any grand and noble reason other than wanting to work for an organization that was worthy of Zahraa's loyalty and dedication.

Blythe Harlow


Superhero Alias:






Electricity emitting from her arms and hair, because of her human body this electric venom can’t kill, but enough will render someone unconscious.

Grappling hook that helps her move freely and expandable nets that she can use to capture creatures after rendering them unconscious. Never carries weapons to kill.

On the job and dealing with those in C.H.I.H.O, she is a quiet, moody and likes to do things as efficiently as possible, while never wanting to kill. She is often seen with her hands crossed and her hair in interesting hairstyles. Despite her seemingly angry demeanor, she seems to be more caring and kind to the Deviants she watches over. Even though she doesn’t show it, she cares deeply about people and will go through extreme lengths to protect them.

Blythe only wants one thing in life. Parents. She has heard all about them growing up as a lab child, but no one wanted to be her parent. They wanted her to be a taser. Because of this and the tests they admitted on her when she was little, she grew to hide her emotions from those who only see her as a tool. She was able to do it quite well too, but not to the point she would get kicked out. She felt like she needed to be in C.H.I.H.O. Perhaps it was because she was raised to never leave it. Perhaps it was she had faith in those inside of it to be good people. Perhaps it was because she didn’t know if she had a purpose beyond being a taser.

Blythe’s abilities stem from her hands and hair which grow blue to show the electric charge. While she’s dormant the blue color is faint, only when she is ready does the color increase in intensity, the more vibrant the more electric charge. Blythe doesn’t know if her abilities can kill, but never wants to learn. One side effect is because her body is still human she is also effected by the stings just as much as the other person when she uses it. But at the lab they had built up her tolerance in order for her not to pass out while she neutralizes others, but she does feel the pain regardless.
Name: Vince Arpentough(Doesn't remember his name)

Nickname: None

Superhero/ Villain Alias: Alder

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Species: Deviant.

Age: 75

Role: Neutral

Power: Alder has many of the powers that one would associate with a tree of the redwood variety, for one he is huge standing at 7 meters in height. Along with his massive height his body is covered in incredibly tough bark instead of human skin, which gives him a bulletproof suit of armor. Alder is just as strong as one would expect something of his size to be being able to heft two tons with difficulty. He also seems to be able to survive by performing some form of photosynthesis, his lifespan also seems to have been extended so that his old age seems no hindrance at all to the wooden giant.

Weapon: None really except of course for his fists

Personality: Vince is a rather confused creature, he is one of the few Deviants with human level intelligence but he doesn't remember his life as a human. Alder practices a great amount of pacifism priding himself on not harming others, but of course if pressed he would fight to defend himself as that is the way of nature. Alder simply wants to be left alone to his existence. He holds a certain disdain for other Deviants, not aggression, but something more akin to pity.

Backstory: Much of Vince's backstory is unknown, all he knows is that he woke up in some lab, escaped into the forests of eastern Europe and has simply lived his life there ever since, simply trying to stay under the radar.

That’s a lot of effort for a prank
Who said anything about a prank? I saw this interesting concept and I said "I can make a telepathic rock work with this".
I demand to be treated with equal respect, Gregory is a damn fine character and deserves to be made the hero of his rock-based dreams.
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Name: Conrad Nathan Tsung

Nickname(s): Nate (used by most), Con (used by his close friends, which he believes are dead), Connor, Kappa, Plant-boy (the group of Deviant he is "working with"), Conrad (only one person can call him that, if anyone else uses it they will be on the receiving end of a death glare)

Superhero/ Villain Alias: n/a

Gender: Male

Sexuality: straight

Species: Hybrid (bamboo spliced in)

Age: 26

Role: currently with a group of villains (unwillingly), trying to escape

Power: photo-energy manipulation (photosynthesis plus)
His cells contain a strange hybrid of a chloroplast and a stem cell. He absorbs sunlight (both UV and visible, he can't absorb infrared). This can be used in one of two ways:
-He can take the energy and use it to grow or shape his body in whatever way he wants. The new bits grow extremely quickly due to his bamboo genes. They have a distinctive wood-like texture to them but are not actually wood. These transformations last for around half an hour. Any of these new growths if completely severed turns to wood.
-If he concentrates hard enough and expands enough energy he can change the stored sunlight in his body into a huge pulse blast of UV light that comes out of his hands, scorching everything around him. He can only use this once a day if he is lucky. This is the last resort only
The more he uses his powers, the greener his body turns. This is the chlorophyll cells becoming more and more visible in order to take in more energy. This ensures that his body gets enough energy to function normally. If he goes too far, his body cannot support itself and he turns purple and passes out. If he is not placed under UV light within 5 hours his organs start to shut down and he slips further and further into a coma state.
If he is kept in total darkness for more than three days he has to eat double the amount of food a normal person needs or else he starts to shut down. Any longer that and he will shut down completely, depleting all his reserves and dying a gruesome death.

Long bō staff, he crafted it himself by extending his fingers around a lightweight metal shaft and cutting them off. It has another grip wound around the middle
Metal baseball bat (black): old, scratched in places, but still functioning perfectly
Election of solid metal balls, leather slíotar style balls and a few round magnesium flare bombs
Daggers: 2 strapped to the side of his boots, two strapped to his waist
(He will fight with anything he can get his hands on)

Conrad has a rebellious streak. He likes to make his own plans, even if they go against orders. He tends to think outside the box and is not afraid to fight dirty if it will let him win. He looks for loopholes, improvising on the spot is his forte. As a leader, he cares about the people he leads and will sacrifice his life for them. He will listen to everyone's opinion and always speaks straight, no bullshit used.

Conrad Nathan Tsung was born to an Irish mother and a Japanese father. From birth, it was clear that something was wrong with him. He never seemed to have any energy and was strange off yellow colour. After various visits to specialists Conrad was diagnosed with severe metabolic disease, his metabolic system barely worked. No modern drugs could fix this. His parents were getting desperate.

A government scientist approached them with a solution. They could genetically edit Conrad to fix the problem, but the procedure was illegal and highly dangerous, so it had to be done secretly. His parents accepted and the three-year-old was taken to an unknown facility. The scientists spliced bamboo genes into the boy. This appeared to cure him, but the scientists were now hooked. They told his parents that he had fired during the procedure and kept the boy. They spliced in more DNA to see what would happen. Then Conrad started to show signs of having a hybrid ability.

He was taken to a facility where he was trained to be a government weapon. It was at that facility that he met subject Theta (Trish Trent). They became fast friends and together it two others they managed to escape the facility in 2047 (2 years before the mass Deviant breakout). The gang of four stole everything they needed and lived as nomads. Conrad became the leader. They took in a Chimera boy called Matti.

Matti betrayed them to a gang of Deviants. Two of the group were killed. Conrad and Tre (now eighteen) survived, but were forced to work for the villains, treated as slaves. After a month they attempted to escape. During the escape, Conrad was fatally wounded, believing he would die he told her to run and leave him. He was found, healed up and put back to work, this time under stricter supervision.

Conrad never gives up trying to escape, helping other good hybrids and chimaeras to escape from the villain gangs. He stayed behind after each escape to cover and lead the Deviants in the wrong direction. If the opportunity arises he will kill any bad Deviant in his current group. He was taken into Ta Kai's group (still under "prisoner" status) where he currently is.





(You can include a faceclaim or image if you’d like, a description is also welcome as well. This isn’t required though.)
Who said anything about a prank? I saw this interesting concept and I said "I can make a telepathic rock work with this".
I demand to be treated with equal respect, Gregory is a damn fine character and deserves to be made the hero of his rock-based dreams.
You have fun trying to be a rock. Oh look a pond. Why don’t you just skip across it?
Name: Jenne Hardson

Nickname(s): The Kid

Superhero/ Villain Alias: Sundew

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Chimera, human DNA mixed with sundew plant DNA

Age: 16

Role: Trainee

Power: Jenne is part sundew, a type of carnivorous plant that secretes digestive liquids to receive adequate nutrition. While Jenne does not externally absorb her food (which she is extremely thankful for, by the way), she has the ability to produce the same sort of liquid. Super effective against flies, if other humans come into contact with that fluid it burns (thus distracting the enemy, or in cases of extreme exposure, temporarily incapacitating them). This fluid is sticky, but can wash off with effort. When secreting this liquid, her skin becomes more sundew like; she can choose to only affect one region of her body, though.

Weapon(s): Jenne constructed her own weapon to work with her power; the end result is a reservoir of secreted fluid that she is able to shoot at a variety of ranges, similar in design to webshooters (it's the best way I could describe it).

Personality: Jenne is a bit eccentric, but overall an optimistic person who is eager to help in any way she can. She's nerdy, and likes to build things, including her own weapons. Jenne has some interesting quirks, she loves to be warm and in the sun, she doesn't know if this is a result of being part plant, or if it just feels nice. Jenne is also a morning person, not a night owl; this is also possibly because she's part plant, but she doesn't know for sure.

Backstory: As a chimera, Jenne was created in a lab; her human DNA was donated by two scientists, and she also contains DNA from the sundew plant. The scientist who oversaw her creation was named Hardson, hence her last name. As a child, Jenne did not have the best control of her power; this proved risky for those interacting with her, because she'd occasionally (without rhyme or reason) sprout tentacles that secreted fluid which burned. Thus, most people learned early on that Jenne was not to be touched; she grew up largely touch-starved, and part of her desire to master her powers was because she wanted a hug. However, most people remained wary of her despite this newfound control, and she continues to be touch-starved. Jenne was always intended to be a member of C.H.I.N.O, but honestly, she's just glad to have a reason to get out every once in a while.

Here's a sketch of Jenne (and baby Jenne because I thought it'd be cute and I couldn't resist):
Additionally, the tentacles described look something like this (the red stalks):


  • jenne.jpg
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Superhero/ Villain Alias;

Unknown, but probably a rock.
"Sleeper Agent". Intelligence gatherer. Translator. Door stop.
One way telepathy, able to hear and comprehend language within a ten metre radius.
While not a power, Gregory is known for being retrieved from unusual or dangerous locations, as well as often being moved into close proximity to those who are bored or lonely through external factors.
Also doesn't need to breathe, as he is a rock.

Gregory is a rock, and as such cannot utilise tools or weaponry. He can however tell a very long-winded fishing tale about his at the bottom of Swan lake. This story is very boring.

Gregory is very calm, and is rarely prone to emotional outburst. An avid listener, Gregory is known to interact well with nearly anyone, provided they aren't busy. Gregory is known for listening to birds and enjoys composing poetry.

C.H.I.H.O acquired (and named) the rock now designated as "Gregory" upon his recovery from local menace "The Crusher". Gregory was underneath the foot of The Crusher, as the criminal explained his plan to use the local construction tools to level half of the city. The Crusher was then shortly neutralised by the dispatched C.H.I.H.O team, at which point the rock vocalised its approval, claiming that The Crusher had been monologuing for the past two hours. The recovery team was able to locate Gregory after two hours, after discovering his telepathic range and confirming no mental side affects. Gregory was then taken in for questioning. Gregory was unable to recall a detailed elaboration of its past, claiming "I've been there for a while" and could not confirm its apparent age. Gregory has since been used on a total of fourteen undercover surveillance missions, as it can detect voices through solid objects and understand regardless of language. This has resulted in varying success, as due to Gregory's seemingly inanimate nature, it cannot be moved without external influence. Gregory has a repeated history of being unusually transported by completely random external forces in order to be near an individual within missions (See briefing 43;22 - notable instances include being picked up by local avian wildlife, randomly falling into sewer systems & being kicked onto moving vehicles), but seems or claims to have no control over this factor.

When not in use, Gregory is placed in the general reception of the C.H.I.H.O main complex, as a centre piece of a small zen garden on the front desk.
Overall, a very situational agent, but a very useful one in the right situation.

Honestly, I freaking love Gregory. Even if he is a rock. I mean, he has his own little personality and stuff. If you want to join with Gregory, I’m totally okay with it because he’s hecking hilarious.
Honestly, I freaking love Gregory. Even if he is a rock. I mean, he has his own little personality and stuff. If you want to join with Gregory, I’m totally okay with it because he’s hecking hilarious.
Thank you so much. The whole point of him is that in a list of character sheets with wolf-hybrids and cloaked 20-s something secret agents, there's a normal person who is a rock. I plan to use him properly in the roleplay past a joke.

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