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Realistic or Modern C h e e r U p ! [High Casual]

Hyun Jae Min

Location: Real Kings meeting (storeroom) Interacting with: - Chil-Hyeon @tinkerbell - Byeol Ho @Kawaii Mood: trying to stay positive

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/J5.gif.331ef1aa2f53a9b1d0a663c224a8b062.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/J5.gif.331ef1aa2f53a9b1d0a663c224a8b062.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jae Min wasn’t sure if he should laugh or back away when Byeol Ho asked him, quite intimidatingly, if he wanted to die. It was always hard to tell with her if she was joking or not so he kept his expression neutral. “I was just… playing.” he said carefully, tapping her ankle with the two of his shoe. Jae Min knew he probably shouldn’t touch Byeol Ho, it was like poking a bear, but something about her right now was turning him on. Was that wrong? Then she started cracking up and Jae Min had to laugh too though it was one of those crazy, giddy laughs. The kind that bubbles up after you thought you might be close to death.

Jae Min stood and pushed his hair back as Mi Rae began speaking about their grades and how they’d do better next time. It was an obvious attempt at making them feel better but he almost wished that she wouldn’t bring it up. Then she started playing Cheer Up and the whole mood seemed to lighten, including his own. As Mi Rae turned up the volume, Jae Min banged on the connecting wall between their storeroom and the White Tiger’s classroom before joining in on the dance party.

“Don’t listen to her, Byeol Ho. I’d date you.” he said, suddenly feeling bold. “I mean, we both have great bodies,”-he started bod rolling but he couldn’t keep a straight face-“And we’re both bosses.” By this time, he sounded like he was having an asthma attack. He wasn’t exactly sure why he was laughing so hard, he was trying to be serious as stupid as it sounded. Maybe it was just the fact that it was Byeol Ho who he was saying it to.

“Chill..,” Jae Min was hesitant to speak to him but… Seeing him sitting on the floor by himself doing that pathetic head-bobbing… It just seemed really lonely. “Get the fuck up.” he said with a laugh, lightly kicking him in the backside.



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T H E . N E R D

[N A M E] Jeon, Min Hwan

[T I M E] 9:15 am

Myo, Kyumin

Jin, Tae Gan

Sang, Ji Eun

Pang, Hyun-Mi

Dae, Areum

Yay my fear of roller coasters is gone.


Well, we’re here earlier than everyone else too, and we’re number five and six. He winced, chuckling lightheartedly at his friend's poor attempt to fix his insensitive comment.

"I probably deserved that for talking down to them." Min Hwan watched the girls enter one by one, offering a slight wave to Areum and watching Hyun-Mi sarcastically congratulate Ji Eun over which there was nothing to particularly congratulate. I see you've gone down one again. Min Hwan blinked. Was that really something friends said to each other? It sounded like something his mother or father might say to him.

"Wow." He muttered, scratching the back of his neck. He found it entertaining when everyone perked up at the sound of the Real King's music, because they all seemed to share an odd fascination in their group, him included (via a certain person, he who will not be named). He was shaked out of his thoughts by Kyumin's hand on his sleeve. What if you-know-who comes after you today?

"Shh shh shh!" He exclaimed, leaning in.

"If I pretend she doesn't exist, she doesn't." He lowered his voice to a conspiring whisper and cupped a hand over his mouth as though he was revealing a large secret. Despite his lighthearted take on this, he was in fact quite terrified of Byeol Ho, from the Real Kings, who took delight in beating him up. He remembered his brother's words when he first saw the bruise on his eye as purple as her hair.

"I know you're trying little brother but ... getting beaten up by a girl? It's a bit depressing." And Min Hwan had no choice but to agree with him, it was indeed rather depressing. I won’t let that eggplant-looking fucknut lay a finger on you! He laughed uneasily, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's fine, only animals that leave the herd get hunted! Ha .. ha." Shrugging, he looked around in an obvious attempt to get off the topic for the second time that day. It was rare for him to have attention put on him, so he felt uncomfortable with it.

"Tae Gan sure is late." He mused, feeling a familiar hand ruffle his hair. Turning to look up at his older friend, he could tell he was not the only person having a rough day. He watched their leader move to Ji Eun, patronizing her somewhat. If I transfer out that is. But don't stop trying, k? But that doesn't mean you have to start studying now. Min Hwan stifled a large laugh, snickering into his hand. He felt as though she deserved that somewhat for her comment towards Hyun-Mi.

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Sang Ji Eun

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Sang Ji Eun

When Areum interrupted Ji Eun while she was calculating one of the equations she looked up at the clueless girl with a hint of annoyance in her eyes but it quickly disappeared as she knew it didn't change anything. The dark eyed girl thought about what she actually did this vacation but saw no need to lie. "Well, the usual. Checked in at a hotel and studied." she answered not realizing how pitiful it sounded. You could see on her appearance that she had lost some weight due to her not anything but snacks and whatever was quick and reachable.

A lot of people who didn't know her would probably think she went on luxurious trips with her mother but she disliked those sorts of vacations as she only saw them as a waste of time. However her mother always payed for her staying at a hotel and there she would either study or exercise since she knew that it wasn't healthy to just stay locked up without moving. A lot of doctors had explained to her that this was one of the reasons why she ended up in the hospital a lot when she was younger, so she listened and started jogging as soon as she moved away from her mother.

After telling Areum what she did in her vacation her focus returned to the equation in her book. But soon after doing this the door opened once again and Tae Gan entered. Ji Eun glanced up at him shortly but saw no reason the greet him. He apparently had no intention of leaving her alone though, as he soon after greeting Min Hwan spoke to her. She didn't bother looking up from her book but her consecration was broken yet again by his words which made her irritated. He mocked her with how she couldn't beat him in the exam and even patted her shoulder. Being pitied by Tae Gan was one of the things she hated about ranking second.

She tired to not pay attention to him hoping that it would make him go away but rather it just made him take away her book. This time she was seriously pissed and stood up from her chair after watching him walk over to Kyumin and Min Hwan. Not only did he mock her but her
friends too. Although she was going to play it off as only worrying about herself she was seriously pissed at him.

Walking over to get her book back she sneered at him and grabbed her book while saying "Congratulations pretty boy. See your father payed off the school again, or did he threaten them this time?" Then she turned around at such a fast pace that her hair brushed his face and went back to her chair. As she sat down she looked up at Hyun-Mi gesturing for them to go in and interrupt the Real Kings while smirking.


M Y O, K Y U M I N




pissed off

white tiger classroom


min hwan

tae gan

ji eun


xxxxKyumin scowled at Min Hwan’s casual approach he was taking concerning Byeol Ho. Kyumin was loosening up a little more, shedding his protective shell of unintentional aegyo in order to lay down some truth for his friend… truth that MIn Hwan didn’t look ready for if his uncomfortable laughter was anything to go by. Kyumin decided to let it go for now. “Tae Gan sure is late.”

xxxx”Speak of the devil, and he will appear,” Kyumin said as Tae Gan appeared almost as if he’d teleported there. He giggled as softly as he could at Tae Gan’s words to Ji Eun (she deserved to be put down a bit in his opinion). When Tae Gan returned to them, his eyes lingered for a moment too long on Kyumin’s sweater. Kyumin turned to glance out the window so that he wouldn’t have to meet the other’s gaze.

xxxx”So where have you guys been all summer?”

xxxx”Oh, just… at home. Namkyung had a book tour or some shit for the first half of the summer so I had the house all to myself. I could’ve thrown so many parties and trashed the place, but the only other people in my hometown are old and waiting to die.” Truthfully, there was a small group of college students he hung out with over the summer that would have loved to crash at his house, but he would never tempt his father’s wrath like that.

xxxx”Aish. And is anyone else thinking of heading down there and shutting that music off?” Tae Gan said instead of recounting a tale of his own summer. Kyumin sighed. He’d tried to stop conflict between the two groups before, but it was a futile cause.

xxxx”Already picking a fight this early? he drawled. It seemed like the Real Kings weren’t the only ones Tae Gan was picking a fight with, however, as Ji Eun stalked over and snatched a book back from him– her book, he figured. He hadn’t seen Tae Gan take it. That was pretty rude of him, Kyumin thought, but he kept this to himself.

xxxx”Congratulations pretty boy. See your father payed off the school again, or did he threaten them this time?” Ji Eun retorted. Kyumin felt a rush of anger and reined in the urge to flip the bird at her back as she strode away. He saw her make some sort of gesture to Hyun-mi.

xxxx”Ugh, what a bitch. I can’t stand her. Acting like she doesn’t have her head up the teachers’ asses trying to get that good grade,” he growled quietly. He wasn’t one to hide his anger if he didn’t need to. It was rather unfortunate he disliked one of the White Tigers more than anyone in the Real Kings.
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Kung Jeong Sin
Location: Real King's room Interacting with: Real Kings (@Kawaii @tinkerbell) Mood: Irritated and frustrated

They were talking. Or rather, droning on and on about the whole ranking system, a system that he could care less for. It was designed for other characters, ones in the classroom next to them that had the power and the drive and the time to work their noses to the grindstone. People like him (people like them) who could not do so were cast aside, labeled failures and sent home in shame. No one cared if they could dance or sing or move more gracefully than those who could scribble down better answers. No one cared if they could move in-sync, mesmerizing the crowd through hard work rather than the boring long speeches anyone who spent so much time close to a book would not doubt write.

They continued for a while before Mi Rae interrupted it with music. The bodies moved from their position and even Jeong Sin tapped his foot slightly to the beat, though he made no move to go any further, instead watching the others with a critical eye. For him, this was the one thing he flourished in. For him, it was his pride that depended on these people. For him, there was no room to mess up when they had so little else.

He had no hopes riding on his education no matter what his parents insisted day in and day out. Dance was what he was good at, dance was what he flourished in and it made him alive if only for a moment.

As such, Jeong Sin had little stomach or tolerance for poor dancing, even if it was for play.

"If you're going to dance," he said finally, narrowing his eyes at the other students, "dance
well. If you are sloppy now, you'll be sloppy on stage. Practice like it's the real thing."

He watched Chil laugh for a few moments, scowling slightly. "You have to keep a straight face," he warned the other boy, "else you'll loose coordination".

Sevit 。ㅁㄱㄷ므 。Academy

Areum, being the observant individual she was, watched Ji Eun and Hyun-Mi quietly. Her brown eyes were set on the two of them as she witnessed the altercation with Tae Gan and Ji Eun, and then the gesture.
What did that mean, she wondered. She didn't bother sitting down as her stomach quietly brewed in frustration; unintentionally her bottom lip jut out into a pout. She wanted to at least have something to snack on before classes were to begin, and ultimately they had a while before it was determined.

Initially, she had wanted to wait for the results of Ji Eun and Hyun-Mi's confrontation with
The Real Kings, but she decided a snack is in order. Patiently, she walked towards the door and turned around, bowing before she left. "I'll be back," she called over her shoulder. Looking around, she contemplated the nearest jadong panmaegi [1]. The nearest one would be down the hallway, near the Exit Stairway, so down the hallway she went.

As she walked she greeted those that greeted her, "Joh-eun achim," she would say. Of course, she was tiny so she had a lot of looking-up to do, but she was alright. In less than four minutes, due to her being a fast walker, Areum wounded up at the jadong panmaegi's sooner than she thought. "It's quieter than I thought it would be," she mused. Her voice was soft, and as she looked around she noticed that it was near empty. The glass windows before her had presented to her the rooftop of trees, as well as a view of the school's campus. She hummed before she turned to the machine and stared at what was presented before her.
Something that is relatively fast to eat would do it, and so she bought herself a cup of instant noodles.

Price: 1501.88 ₩ [2] [3]

Areum inserted said won into the machine.


03 : 00 : 59 seconds

"Three minutes," she mumbled. "three minutes means it will be done when they are done," she concluded.
I can be patient, yeah. I can be patient. With that being said, she stepped aside and leaned against the window. Her head dipped as she closed her eyes and hummed some random tune from some random song, which seemed oddly similar to the song that The Real Kings were dancing to.

jadong panmaegi is a Vending Machine.

1501.88 is initially $1.30 in America. KR8.51 in Denmark; 1.14 in UK.

is the Korean Won symbol.


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dae , areum


Pleased; observant and hungry.


White Tigers


The Hallway


Sang, Ji Eun | @Chibii

Myo, Kyumin | @Ambivalence

Jin, Tae Gan

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@Ambivalence @Chibii
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Jin Tae Gan.

As kyumin recounted the events of his summer tae gan felt jealousy brew in his mind at the uneventful summer his friend seemed to have had. His own summer had been packed with business trip after business trip as his parents were adamant on making him, what they called prepared for the future which involved nothing apart from running his parents business. The memory of sitting and observing grey-haired business-attired people exchange meaningless banter through pleasantries briefly sickened tae gan, said boy briefly shaking his head in a quick back-and-forth motion to dispell the mental picture.

He wouldn't lie and say the idea of such a future filled him with excitement, but the few objects that lended him such emotion were either forbidden or close to unattainable. Not to mention distinctly unreasonable Glancing towards the room the Real King's currently inhabited, tae gan felt his lips further push down into a more defined frown. They were so lucky, and he
highly doubted they even realized it. The words that accompanied his friend's statement pulled tae gan from his thoughts and brought an involuntarily smile to his lips. Leave it too kyumin too cheer him up in the most unintended way possible. Speaking of cheer-up..

He could imagine them, writhing uselessly (okay rythmically) to the music, not studying or discussing ways to raise there poor grades. Sure, he knew the way his thoughts kept reverting to them was border-line obsessive, but he couldn't help the way each member made his senses reel. In his distraction tae gan missed the clip of shoes against the ground that would've alerted him too ji eun's angry presence. The book was snatched from his fingers, tae gan keeping his grip tight enough to rip a few of the pages and perhaps even send the girl into an angry frenzy.

For all her harshness said girl was quite easy to rile up with just the right buttons being pressed. The words that accompanied her action pushed a more genuine smile to tae gan's lips as her hair brushed his face with her quick exit.

"Pretty boy?" tae gan echoed, allowing pleasant shock to twist his tone. "didn't know you saw me that way, ji eun. And here I thought you only ever wanted to hook up with teachers for that A+. But you must not be doing it right, seeing as your still ranked behind me."

kyumin's word briefly touched his ears in for once agreement and tae gan nodded distractedly, his attention once again pulled to the music in the other room. Hands rolled up into fists, a wolffish smile curling tae gan's lips upward as he regarded his friends. Was he the only one who felt an annoyed churning in his stomach at that oddly pleasing beat. Annoyance gleamed within hazel eyes as the boy started towards the door, placing one hand on the wall and the other in his back pocket to retrieve his phone. Checking the time to verify that class time wasn't too close before his eyes flitted back to the boys of White Tiger, tae gan uttered a persuasive -

"Anyone up for shutting off that music should follow me now. That means you, kyumin, and you mi hwan." Added as if an after-thought "and the girls if they want to come, I guess."


T H E . N E R D

[N A M E] Jeon, Min Hwan

[T I M E] 9:17 am

Myo, Kyumin

Jin, Tae Gan

Sang, Ji Eun

Pang, Hyun-Mi

Dae, Areum

I'm ready to start shit but ... Min is not


Min Hwan watched Tae Gan and Ji Eun interact, stifling snickers into his hand, hardly unostentatious. He supposed part of the entertaining factor of their exchanges was not only the words they said (and the awkward sexual tension), but the fact that they were fighting over first and second place, while the real one who should've been complaining and arguing was Mr. Sixth Place himself, Min Hwan. He stayed quiet, not ready to defend his friend's pride (since he was doing a pretty good job of it) or get brutally word-attacked by Ji Eun. He wasn't much like Kyumin, who seemed to take offense to everything she said. He felt more irritated at both of the arguing teenagers, who'd risen to the top of the charts but somehow that wasn't enough for them. Hell, he'd be (somewhat) content to be in fourth place even. After they'd finished arguing, Tae Gan was once again on the scent of the Real Kings like a hunter. He winced, and opened his mouth to speak. But before he could lead his friend's attention away from their rival group, he was already at the door, ready to lead a crusade.

"Oh god." He muttered beneath his breath, not inclined to follow him. He waited for a moment, pondering over his choices. Only animals who leave the herd get hunted. His previous words came back to him, and while he really did not wish to get involved with the Real Kings so early in the morning, he climbed to his feet heave-ho. Shuffling over, he assumed battle stance, latching onto Tae Gan's back and burying his nose into his shoulder. Since the older boy was roughly ten inches taller than him he provided good camouflage. Of course he would've chosen Kyumin, if the older boy wasn't only 2 inches taller than him. And besides, being with their leader gave him a sense of false comfort.

"I am wrinkling your uniform." He stated matter of factly, comically brushing a stray hair off the back of his friend's shirt. His reasoning for camouflage was quite simple. Not only would he be with the White Tigers in a large group, Byeol Ho wouldn't be able to see him either. And if he stood on his tippy toes he could see over Tae Gan's shoulder and possibly look at Jeong Sin from a distance.

"Let's do this!" He exclaimed sounding particularly nervous, but it sounded more like: 'Lesh doh thish!' because he had his face buried in Tae Gan's back.

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White Tigers Classroom > Real King's Storeroom


Slightly Irritated > Pumped



"I see you've gone one down again."

Hyun-Mi made a small grunt at Ji-Eun's words and shuffled her feet to a seat nearby. Judgement from Ji-Eun always did hurt, even if Hyun-Mi knew the girl was joking.

As Ji-Eun said those words, Hyun-Mi's eyes flicked to Areum's face however, and realizing that the girl has probably felt a bit of guilt. Who even knew why? There was nothing to be guilty about. But it's not like Hyun-Mi has ever got how nice and considerate Areum could be.

"Vacation was great... I stayed at home with the lights off and played video games. All day everyday." Hyun-Mi laughed to herself, knowing that the others probably had a more fun-filled and exciting vacation. But this was life, and it could be such a bitch.

Tae-Gan entered the room shortly after, earning a small look of surprise from Hyun-Mi. He was never late. So this really was such a shocker.
"Oh... I guess the legends are real... You do exist." She said sarcastically. "Thinking about your friends before yourself." Hyun-Mi tsked at that and went back to twiddling with her fingers, whether due to nervousness or the sheer irritation she felt from still being 4th, no one knew.

It soon stopped however, as Ji-Eun gestured to the Real King's storeroom, where irritatingly loud and catchy music was blasting from. Hyun-Mi grinned. To any normal person, it looked like she wanted to kill a man, but this was just how Hyun-Mi looked when a fun opportunity to mess up someone's fun arised. Upon hearing that Tae-Gan had wanted to shut off that crappy music too, Hyun-Mi felt a rush of adrenaline.
"Let's go."




Choi, Byeol Ho




Location | Sevit Academy ~ Real King's Room

Mood | Neutral/Confused/Adored

Interacting/Mentioned | @Ambivalence [Jeon, Min Hwan]

@tinkerbell [Chil, Hyeon]

OCC | I feel the fatalities coming on...>[/FONT][/SIZE] ;) [FONT='Titililium Web'][SIZE=10px]

Byeol Ho kind of powerful when she felt Jae Min started to believe that she was the one that probably was going to end Jae Min's life, but then again, felt kind of bad. Byeol Ho shrugged it of, thinking that those feelings went hand in hand, especially because he was one the groups members, also known as her only friends. She then sighed and then started to get with the beat of the music, it reaching up to her head all the way to feet, it just rushing through like oxygen through blood...a certain liquid she might spill today.

While she was getting to the beat, a voice spoke after she had made the comment of her body, that voice belonging to Min Jae. He then started complimenting her and making her feel a bit better than what the normal demon queen felt after knowing she will probably be a crazy cat lady.

"Don't listen to her Byeol Ho, I'd date you." She cocked her head a bit and smiled, "Thank you." She said, smiling at him for at least one me in his and her life.

As the compliments started rolling in, she became puzzled, flabbergasted or in simpler words, confused. She thought of herself to be a unfit for any dating whatsoever, seeing as how violent and intimidating she was. "Believe me, I probably already beat up my future S.O." She said nonchalantly as chuckled at the end of her sentence, then similing back at Min Jae with a bright smile.

"Now, let's start dancing before we get lazy." She said before she got up and started dancing with the rest of Real King.

But in the near future, Real Kings won't at all be "cheered up."

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Sang Ji Eun

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Sang Ji Eun

Ji Eun scoffed at Tae Gan's comeback. Sure she asked for extra homework and all but accusing her of seducing the teachers was just ridiculous. Her eyes flew over to scan the arrogant boy and as she looked at him she shrugged her shoulders. Yeah he was handsome but really she didn't think of him as such a big shot like everyone else in the school.

But when he mentioned moving into disrupt the Real Kings' dance practice she immediately stood up and moved towards the door.

As she did this her brown eyes scanned the room for Areum but since her slightly younger friend was nowhere to be seen Ji Eun continued out the door. Out in the hallway Ji Eun hesitated at bit before opening the door to the rather big storeroom. First of all she disliked having to confront Mi Rae as her feeling towards the careless girl were still quite bitter and secondly she hated the thought of having to deal with Jae Min's annoying flirting. Even though she knew he was just joking around it still annoyed her how he didn't mind wasting his time on such illogical things.

After her train of thoughts had passed she grabbed the door handle and swung the door open. She wasn't usually the first to take action in these situations but since she was feeling especially irritated today she felt like being loud and obnoxious. Her slender legs made their way into the room with the dancers and she went directly up to their stereo and pulled out the power cord. "Finally some silence." she said and sighed before looking over at the group of slackers with an ice cold gaze. "I had hoped you guys would get expelled because of your lacking performance." the harsh words had no sign of it being a lie since she was sincere about her wish "But I guess the school has turned into a care facility where they take pity on the mentally stupid." She scoffed and turned her head towards the door where she could see Tae Gan and Hyun Mi. Although it kinda looked like Tae Gan had grown out a extra pair of legs as a smaller person was clearly hiding behind him.


M Y O, K Y U M I N





real kings storeroom


tae gan

ji eun

min hwan


mi rae

hae ya

jae min

byeol ho

jeong sin



xxxxKyumin looked up, less surprised and more exasperated, as Tae Gan stood up decisively. “Anyone up for shutting off that music should follow me now. That means you, Kyumin, and you Mi Hwan… and the girls if they want to come, I guess,” Tae Gan announced. Kyumin rolled his eyes; Tae Gan had a habit, you could call it, of bossing them around. Since he was Mr. Number One, Tae Gan had been chosen as the “leader” of the White Tigers, but this didn’t mean he could actually order them to do things (obviously– JI Eun would probably spit at him if he tried). Nonetheless, Kyumin slowly rose out of his chair and stretched his arms over his head, his chin sinking deeper into his turtleneck as his joints popped. He wasn’t gonna let Tae Gan walk into the lion’s den unaccompanied. Neither was Min Hwan, it seemed, but it became apparent that the other was doing so more for his own safety then out of consideration for what could happen to his friends. Kyumin didn’t blame him. Going into the same space as the girl terrorizing him would be scary, but she couldn’t touch him with the others in the vicinity. He followed the two boys and pet Min Hwan’s head comfortingly as he attached himself to their leader’s back.

xxxx”Lesh doh thish!” Min Hwan declared, and Kyumin giggled into the sleeve of his sweater. He looked over his shoulder and a shiver went down his spine at Hyun-mi’s murderous smile. He’d seen it before, of course, usually whenever the Real Kings were involved, but it never failed to spook him. Ji Eun took the reins when she walked out the door and into the storeroom next door, everyone trailing behind now that someone had finally initiated conflict. “Finally some silence. I had hoped you guys would get expelled because of your lacking performance, but I guess the school has turned into a care facility where they take pity on the mentally stupid,” he heard her sneer. Kyumin’s mouth dropped open.

xxxx“Ji Eun!” he gasped involuntarily and almost comically, very much like a mother reprimanding her child for getting into a disagreement with another kid. He blushed when some people glanced at him, shuffled a little closer to Tae Gan and his passenger Min Hwan, but still crossed his arms and frowned to show he was unhappy with what was going on. Uglier words had been exchanged between the White Tigers and the Real Kings, but Ji Eun’s last scathing remark was sure to ruffle some feathers, to put it lightly.

xxxxKyumin ran a bunch of placating input through his head. Just keep it down, okay? followed by snapping finger guns or something equally cheesy.

Ji Eun here’s just being sarcastic, you all are great dancers.

Please don’t hurt us.
Cue nervous laughter.

xxxxNone of those would work, of course. The best course of action was usually inaction when it came down to it: wait for the different members of the groups to battle it out and try to dodge all the shrapnel. His eyes ran over the Real Kings. There was Mi Rae and Hae Ya, both looking as lovely as usual. That squirt Jae Min and (ugh) Byeol Ho. And then Jeong Sin, aka Jeong Sinfully Hot aka someone who gave exactly negative five shits about Kyumin. His eyes lingered on the taller individual for a few seconds before he dragged his gaze away and looked for something else to focus on. He finally spotted another guy sitting on the floor. Could he be the sixth member of Real Kings that Kyumin had just… never noticed, sadly enough?
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hwan mi rae


l o c a t i o n

sevit academy

t i m e

early in the morning



y a h - ?

an outburst used when someone has been embarrassed, offended or annoyed.

i want to be happy. seventeen is the time to be with your friends. can't i try to be happy now?

it was times like this that mi rae enjoyed the most, where she could dance freely with the others. there was nothing better than that. every other little worry disappeared into thin air and it was that moment mi rae could smile genuinely and just... be happy.

but that didn't last long. because it never did. anytime the young teenager could be happy, the moment was snatched away from her. she didn't notice the door opening, but what she did notice was the abrupt pause of the music. it made her head shoot in direction to where a menacing voice came from, which she easily recognised to be ji eun's.
"yah! what do you think you're doing?" was the first question that slipped out of mi rae's mouth as she took her time to glance around - realising that many of the white tigers stood in her territory. in real king's territory. her cheeks were slightly tinted red, and her was chest rising up and down due to her previous dancing. she stared at ji eun for a moment, giving her the glares slightly. her comment irked her.

"who gives you the right to barge into here and call us mentally stupid?" mi rae's voice began to rise slightly as she stormed to the girl, who stood there, staring at the group of white tigers that stood at the door. the cord that was once in ji eun's hand was now in mi rae's as she'd snatched it back from her. because it was theirs and only theirs. "is poor ji eun angry that tae gan came first place again?" mi rae couldn't help but mock her, knowing how hard she tries studying to get in first place. though it wasn't usual for mi rae to be this harsh, she disliked how ji eun thought she could walk into the room and call them mentally stupid - then get away with it because if she bothered to try telling a teacher, all she would get back in response is "she was probably joking around".

mi rae turned to face the other white tigers, specifically tae gan as she set the cord down.
"you need to control your pests, they seem to be invading our personal space." she walked towards him and stood in front of him, despite him being a foot taller than her and mi rae having to look up at him. her arms folded across her chest, as she gestured towards the door - indicating for them to all leave though she knew it wasn't going to be easy. what lower rank, especially at one hundred and ninety-six, bossed the top of the school? honestly, the thought made her grimace a little but that wasn't going to stop her from kicking them out the real king's territory.

c h e e r . u p !

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O O H - A H H - H A G E

Hae Ya peered over towards the speakers in which the music was previously blasting out of, but it suddenly got pulled of its cables by the one and only Sang Ji Eun. She wasn't really the person to hate anyone, but Ji Eun really got on her nerves. She was so full of herself. How dare she call them stupid? Even though it was the truth, it was still rude to say. As she heard her own school shoes squeak across the storeroom's floor, the girl made her way over to the argument taking place. Knowing the White Tigers' personalities, things were likely to get bitchy soon. It wasn't like they already hadn't been, though.

"That's very rude! How dare you say that? Atleast I'm not full of myself like you." Hae Ya put on her best 'angry' and 'scary' face, but it didn't seem like either of those things at all. "You guys could have just asked to turn it down nicely, and we would have done! Well I mean, I think so anyways." Scratching the back of her head in awkwardness, Hae Ya took out a lollipop from her blazer pocket and stuck her tongue out at the White Tigers before placing it in her mouth. She needed something sweet in this situation, even if she knew she was on a diet. "
I'll just start tomorrow."

interacting ; all

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Choi, Byeol Ho




Location | Sevit Academy ~ Real King's Room

Mood | Violent/Irritated

Interacting/Mentioned | @Ambivalence [Jeon, Min Hwan]

@tinkerbell [Chil, Hyeon]

@The White Tigers

OCC | Fight! Fight! Fight! Also, Some shiz 'bout to go down B.

*Korean For Hey

*2 Informal Speech

As Byeol Ho started to dance in formation with the rest of the members, foot taps that walked further to the Real Kings room, and certain hands pulled a wire, just to butt heads with Real Kings. Those certain tapping of feet walking to them were The White Tigers, andthe person who unplugged the cord was no other than Sang Ji Eun or as Byeol Ho liked to call her, "Sevit's Bridesmaid." As soon as the music cut off, She looked at Ji Eun with a murderous loo, instantly walking a few steps closer and cursing at White Tigers Faces. "Ya*, Get the fuck outta here.*2" She said in a voice deeper and more menacing than usual.

She looked Ji Eun and instantly wanted throw a fist at her just to break her nose and make sure she bleeds out some way, some how.

She then heard the other backing each other up and instantly felt more powerful than usual, but of course, like always she would be in charge of actually beating people into pulps; she had done it before on many different occasions.

After throwing a few words around, she then stood even closer to them, her face still as troublesome as ever and said, "Do me a favor and me get the hell out of here before your faces don't look as good as your grades*2." She said stepping on the extra foot of Tae Gan, or more realisticly, the foot of Min Hwan. "Found you*2." She said, smiling devilishly and then grabbing the boy by the collar and soon dragging him to her. "Or let's make a deal, Get the hell out or he gets it.*2" She said before she grabbed him by the jaw.

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Real King's Storeroom


Slightly Sadistic/Mean Spirited



As Ji-Eun pulled the cord, Hyun-Mi's face contorted into a laugh of sorts. But it wasn't a cute giggly laugh, this was laced with spite and bitterness. The looks on the Real Kings' face looked priceless when their shitty music came to an abrupt stop.

"Who gives you the right to barge into here and call us mentally stupid?"

Hyun-Mi smirked at that statement.
Not just mentally, it appears. Perhaps physically impaired, little mouse. Hyun-Mi threw her head back and laughed at her own thoughts, probably looking like a psychopath to be completely honest. "You need to control your pests, they seem to be invading our personal space." With that, Hyun-Mi's head snapped to the 'little mouse' otherwise known as Hwan Mi Rae.

"Listen darling, out of everyone here, I think you and your gang of misfits are the closest to looking like pests." Hyun-Mi spat, taking a step closer to the girl. Mi Rae was a small girl. And the height difference was very apparent between the two. "Besides, when did one of the school's dumbest boss around the first place? Or anyone above yourself really." Hyun-Mi added, a sarcastic smile now taking over her features.

"That's very rude! How dare you say that? At least I'm not full of myself like you." Aww... Little Hae Ya was trying to be a big girl... Aww. "You can't be full of yourself if there's nothing redeemable about yourself." Hyun-Mi chuckled, putting on a wide grin that was laced with too much glee to be a real one.

"Do me a favor and me get the hell out of here before your faces don't look as good as your grades." Little miss beat-em up's turn huh? Ah well, what can ya do. She had Min Hwan by the throat. It was like a ransom or something really. This was now a decision the two 'big bosses' had to make though. The one good thing about not placing 2nd or 1st is that no one counts on you to be the ringleader.


Sevit ???????Academy

02 : 31 : 15 seconds

Areum continued to hum and as she witnessed people coming from down the hallway, her humming softened just a little until they walked past. "Ah, I think they're at it again," said a girl.

"Who?" asked her companion, and the girl looked at the other hesitantly before she dipped her head due to Areum's presence. Eager, seeing as she needed a utensil, she asked them, "Excuse me, do you happen to have a fork that I could borrow?" Her intention was to get them to talk about what was going on with casual conversation, if they wanted, but it didn't happen. The girl she asked had paused, gripping her companion's arm as she regarded Areum with a shocked expression about her face. Areum watched as multiple thoughts swarmed the girl, going on full display on the girl's face; before she looked at her with skepticism. "Why do you need it?"

Areum sighed, defeated because she wound up asking a girl that probably didn't like her. Her defeat didn't last long though because she ended up getting the fork, "Here you go. Enjoy your snack," and Areum noticed it was the companion, another girl, with a sweet smile about her face before she dragged her friend away. Areum took the fork into her hands before sighing,
asking for a fork is better than asking a person to give her their chopsticks. This will work. But worry constructed in Areum's chest as she wondered how everyone was doing. Looking at the time, she noticed she had a minute and a half so she looked around; walking down the hallway and following the girls to see if there was a bathroom down there. Conveniently there was.

Upon entering, she walked to the sink and turned the faucet on. She spent a whole minute washing her hands, then the fork, before she rushed out the bathroom and down the hallway to where her snack awaited. She made it on time because the timer had already said:

00 : 00 : 02 seconds

"One, zero!" Her voice rose when the machine dinged in order to inform her that her snack was ready. Once it opened, she counted, impatiently, to thirty before she plucked the warm cup and peeled its top open. Immediately the smell of warm, chicken broth, soup wafted her nose. Digging the fork inside of the cup in order to bring it to her parted mouth, she shoved a forkful of noodles into her mouth and slurped instantly. Knowing it was hot, tears pricked the corners of her eyes before she chewed on her snack. "Yay," she cheered with a mouthful, but it sounded like

Walking back to the White Tigers room, Areum half expected for everything to be dealt with already, but she actually showed up around the fresh moments of the Real King altercation. Pushing her way through the small crowd that gathered; while chewing on her snack, slurping noisily in the process, she made it into the Real Kings storage room. Albeit, she ended up behind Ji Eun, but she ducked and squeezed her way through while squealing like a mouse; hoping she wouldn't drop her snack. Once she made it in front, she looked around. The air was tense, and she watched everything with large brown eyes. Slurping on her noodles, Areum thought about what to say before she cleared her throat and said, "
[1] Neomu ileun; too early." The way she said it was so casual, but it was who she was speaking to that made the difference, for she was initially addressing Hae Ya. Areum waved her hand, brushing whatever the White Tigers may say to Hae Ya in order to focus on her, since Hae Ya was the only Real King that she could talk to in a friendly manner. She approached the lollipop sucking girl, took a moment to slurp on noodles again, before she continued.

"I'm sorry, but they're only asking for the noise to be kept at a low. Classes start soon, and it's too early," it was a mouthful, and a few of her words were a little unclear, but she dipped her head in order to whisper to Hae Ya, as if she was sharing a secret with her. "Tae Gan isn't a morning person, or a day person. Very mean," she nodded her head. Of course, the way Areum was treating the situation might have just been upsetting, but she didn't want anyone to get hurt. She wanted to calm the situation. Stepping back, she sent Hae Ya a cheeky smile and a playful wink, and then she immediately thought of a way to excuse herself.

Looking down at her cup, she frowned, "My noodles are almost gone, kkwemaeda
[2] ," she mumbled.

Time to get something to drink, she concluded, "Sillyehabnida [3] ." Then she bowed. It wasn't a simple one, in order to say goodbye. It was an embarrassing one, an unexpected one. A deep bow in order to show that she respected Hae Ya. The one thing that Areum was aware of was despite the Real Kings scores, their passion for dance was real, just as real as her passion for scoring the highest that she could. She didn't want a fight early in the morning, and it being the first day of school? Neither of this was necessary; so she continued to bow. Her body bent at a ninety degree angle as she held her cup of noodles. The warm aroma wafting her nose as she attempted to end it before it got too serious.

Neomu ileun is Too early.

Kkwemaeda is Darn.

Sillyehabnida is Excuse me.

get rekt




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dae , areum


Worried and hungry.


The Hallway

The Real Kings

Storage Room


Sang, Ji Eun | @Chibii

Myo, Kyumin | @Ambivalence

Tae Gan | @Kawaii

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Hyun Jae Min

Location: Real Kings meeting (storeroom) Interacting with: - Chil-Hyeon @tinkerbell - Byeol Ho @Kawaii Mood: pissed as hell

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/J5.gif.3f3ca4e2293e9d5006fce88a106d14c1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133491" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/J5.gif.3f3ca4e2293e9d5006fce88a106d14c1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When Jeong Sin told them to dance seriously, it reminded Jae Min of his sister, Sa-rang. It’s something she would’ve scolded him for and it’s something he would’ve rolled his eyes at but now that she was gone things were very different. Now, he doesn’t find annoyance in her words but rather a fierce pride. He was dancing for her after all. So Jae Min danced, actually danced until he could feel the music in his veins and the rhythm in his bone.

And then it went silent.

At first he thought someone had accidentally tripped over the power cord, it was the only scenario that made sense to him, but then he turned and saw the White Tigers. His blood hadn’t boiled that hot since… he couldn’t remember when. Jae Min usually controlled his temper though he didn’t have much of one. But he was only human. Turning off that music had been a personal insult to him. To him, they were almost attacking Sa-rang.

Ugly words were thrown back and forth between the two groups, mostly from the White Tigers but Jae Min heard none of it. He could only hear voices, their voices, grating against his skull. He had to walk to the back of the storeroom to avoid breaking someone’s face, namely Ji Eun.

Then Hae Ya got involved and he couldn't hold himself back. He slipped in front of Hae Ya so that he was shielding her with his one shoulder. Jae Min ignored the death grip Byeol Ho had on Min Hwan, ignored everything except Ji Eun.

“I’ve had a shitty day today, ok? Don't fuck with me. Not now.”

Jae Min’s words weren’t what were menacing but rather his tone, quiet and calm like the hush before a tornado destroyed everything in its path, and the murderous gleam in his eyes.[/font]



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@ everyone > RK storeroom > indifferent; unfazed >


"If you're going to dance, dance well. If you are sloppy now, you'll be sloppy on stage. Practice like it's the real thing. You have to keep a straight face, 'else you'll loose coordination".

While other's might have found these remarks disheartening, Chill took everything Jeong Sin said to heart, seeing his peers words as the feedback he'd enrolled for. While the critique was uttered with a scowl, he seemed to meet the male with a genuine expression of gratitude, one the student probably wasn't expecting considering how others usually reacted to his tone. "
Thank you," Chill responded earnestly, though his attention was drawn to Jae Min after his shoe made contact with his spine - the blonde nearly smiled, but then quickly remembered what Jeong said and his face remained neutral as he pushed off the floor, different techniques and approaches to a song of this genre already starting to light up like Seoul's night life within his mind.

Having devoted his awareness to himself, there was little acknowledgement towards the stereo's volume - while he found himself capable of either moving to the music within his mind, or making a song out of just outside noises, he found there was never a point where a radio could be
too loud if you were dancing. Music has a pulse, a heartbeat, he always believed, oblivious to whether or not everyone could see through the same lens as he.

Comically Chill was still dancing even as the chord was ripped out of the wall, rather casually but you could see it in his eyes - he was working something out. The principal themself could storm in and the young man would be unperturbed - cause it didn't matter, he was here on his own accord, not theirs.

"I had hoped you guys would get expelled because of your lacking performance. But I guess the school has turned into a care facility where they take pity on the mentally stupid."

"you need to control your pests, they seem to be invading our personal space."

"That's very rude! How dare you say that? At least I'm not full of myself like you!"

Ji Eun, Mi Rae and Hae Ya's voices were quipping in collision with the notes in his mind. He repeated the same motion of a flawless build up to a following movement and their tones interrupted him. It was then that he realized the stereo wasn't actually on anymore, and he was the last to look up, perhaps displaying the most emotional expression of agitation anyone had ever seen on him, and notice the room was full. He'd missed the insults, likely instinctively, as they didn't matter to him - his academic score was almost a subconscious result, so long as it kept him here
so he could dance, he didn't really care where he fell on the charts. And certainly didn't feel defined by it.

Why'd you turn the stereo off?" He inquired genuinely, voice unexpected and foreign among the more well known faces of both cliques. His question was directed at the hand that clenched the chord, a pretty face with lips puckered in attitude. While other's may have seen him as mentally incompetent for not minding the blatant divide between the two groups, he could care less where they ranked or who they were. They threw off his groove and that was just uncalled for. Byeol Hol already had someone at her fists, and the others seemed just about as physically charged, or at least ready to bark some more, Jae Min specifically - this caused him to murmur about what a waste of time all this was. Maneuvering through the student stand off, he extended a hand and took the chord from her without much aggression, turning away just as soon and returning the chord to the outlet. "Thanks."

While the music had been revived, he turned the dial down several notches, it was just loud enough to be unfitting background noise. As if the White Tigers weren't even standing in the room - honestly he acted like no one was in the room at all - he gracefully moved to the back of the storeroom, and seemed to merge back into the groove he'd previously had, testing a few gestures as if they were part two to something he was cooking up on his own. It was funny, infuriating and just like Chill - just caught up in his ambitions.

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T H E . N E R D

[N A M E] Jeon, Min Hwan

[T I M E] 9:15 am

Myo, Kyumin

Jin, Tae Gan

Sang, Ji Eun

Pang, Hyun-Mi

Dae, Areum

Hae Ya

Jeong, Sin

Hwan, Mi Rae


Choi, Byeol Ho

Hyun, Jae Min

Good lord I am so hungry rn. My poor child STOP MANHANDLING HIM


"Off we go to the Peanut Gallery." His muffled voice exclaimed in a sing-songy way, as the door to the storeroom opened. Min Hwan watched the two rival groups interact, the pit in his stomach deepening to the point where you could go spelunking in it. Kyumin drew closer to Tae Gan and his growth (Min Hwan). We look really pathetic. He thought, bitterly. Hopefully Tae Gan's confident aura would make up for the lack of aggression in the two other males of the White Tigers. "Who gives you the right to barge into here and call us mentally stupid?" Min shrugged against Tae Gan's back.

"Quite honestly the statement 'mentally stupid' is redundant in the first place. But I don't believe you're adept enough to understand that." He prattled on quietly to himself. Next to confront them was Hae Ya. Or at least, try to confront them. Min Hwan found himself cupping his mouth, soft snickers escaping no matter how hard he tried to stifle himself. "You can't be full of yourself if there's nothing redeemable about yourself." A loud snort erupted from behind Tae Gan.

"How mature, and intimidating." He'd noted between smothered laughter. His soft blonde head peeked out over Tae Gan's shoulder, and he viewed the other group from a distance. Jeong Sin was probably the only one he looked at however (despite a cautionary glance toward Byeol Ho who looked content to ignore him for time being), his eyes glued to him and he probably could've stayed like that all day if it weren't for the clear warning signals going off inside his head. We're still in enemy territory Min, his brain told him. Once he'd realized how intently he'd been staring, he winced.

"Great, now we look pathetic and desperate." He muttered wistfully, dropping his head to rest sideways on Tae Gan's shoulder. And suddenly he was no longer behind his faithful body shield, and out in front of the two groups like a trophy. A trophy which was being handled by the surprisingly soft handed yet firm grip of Byeol Ho. He let out a manly shriek. "Or, lets make a deal. Get the hell out or he gets it."

"Uh!" He winced as his voice cracked harshly.

"N-no worries."
He jokingly flashed a peace sign towards the White Tigers. Despite this, his outstretched hand was trembling a little. This is so humiliating. He thought, a large superficial smile plastered on his face that did little to hide his nervous aura. He would've liked to put the taller girl in her place, but knew that any form of retaliation would've ended in more pain. Suddenly, the slurping of noodles could be heard. He watched in wide eyed bewilderment as Areum came in eating instant noodles. His stomach growled loudly, and he realized that in the flurry of action this morning, he hadn't had breakfast.

"Everyone in this room is all over the place trying to be a hero or a pacifist and I just want to eat food and let this be over dear god." He started listing extremely warm, good food under his breath while still in the grip of Byeol Ho.

"Doenjang, galbi, kimchi, moo saengchae." He rattled off crazily, counting them on his fingers, and eliciting loud growls from his stomach.

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Kung Jeong Sin

Location: Real King's room Interacting with: Tae Gan (

@JustJazzy since we're both late to the party lmao) Mood: Irritated and frustrated

The stopping of the music, the insults, the sound of voices that he resented flowed past Jeong Sin. He had put his headphones back in his ears and was listening to something else, ignoring the going-ons. Usually, he'd snap at them but the other Real Kings seemed to be doing well in that department and he knew that those who insulted their intelligence really had nothing else to go off of.

"I suppose it is exhausting," he said loudly to no one in particular, though he did look up and see a face that he recognized out of the sea of them.

For fuck's sake, could he not get a moment of quiet away from Tae Gan?

It was to be expected in some degree, of course. Tae Gan was in charge of the White Tigers and sat pretty on the roster when it came to grades. The only thing Jeong Sin had any chance of beating him in was dancing, and he knew that the other boy hardly cared for it.

It was strange, to have known someone intimately at one point and then to have forgotten them in the next. Perhaps it was a consequence of never being good. Perhaps it was a consequence of always being good as well, at least on Tae Gan's side. Whatever the case, it was clear that neither one of them was going to make the effort to extend an olive branch over whatever gap had spawned over the years, fueled by the fact that they were now pretty much expected to be rivals.

The other boy hadn't said a word either during the entire exchange and Jeong Sin wasn't about to let the silence stretch much longer.

"Say, Tae Gan," he said, "how does it feel, sitting all the way on the top? Bet you can't see anything, with how far up the teacher's asses you've shoved your head in."

Sang Ji Eun

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Sang Ji Eun

When Mi Rae mentioned her being dissatisfied with ranking second again Ji Eun just raised a eyebrow at her. So what if she was, she wasn't going to let Mi Rae have the satisfaction of shaking her with her pointless words. "I simply stated the truth" she said to her former friend who soon stormed away and towards the first rank.

Then she noticed a usually happy presence trying to be irritated in front of her, it was Hae Ya. It was almost cute how she tried to defend her group of irrelevant losers and as she was about to say something Hyun Mi began to speak instead of her. It was kinda typical since Ji Eun never really was this vocal and mostly kept to herself with the occasional scoff so she let Hyun Mi take this one.

And when she turned to see what else was happening around the room she spotted Byeol Ho who had grabbed a defenseless Min Hwan and threatened the White Tigers. "Do what you want, I'm sure Min Hwan can take care of himself." Ji Eun said while shrugging. She didn't really care for anyone in the school or at least that's what she wanted people to think. Really she still kinda cared for Mi Rae even but even with a knife to her throat she would never admit it.

As soon as she turned back to see what was going on with Hae Ya a pissed Jae Min had now approached her. Really she wasn't in the mood for some shabby flirting comment so she was about to ask the two to get a room but then she heard the words that came out of the usually happy boy. She couldn't help but scoff and roll her eyes at him. "Move on playboy. Not feeling your heroic act today, K?" she said while faking a smile as she went around him and proceeded to walk towards a dancing boy in the middle of the room.

"Excuse me, didn't we say it clearly enough?" she said while placing a hand on her hip "Turn. Off. The. Music." after she was done speaking she just looked at the boy. She felt like she'd seen him somewhere but wasn't sure in where but then her unusual good memory kicked in. "You're that Chill-hyeon guy right?" she asked "Anyway, please turn it off." her tone was rather monotone and emotionless as with her eyes.



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More Information
Location: RK Storagerooom

Mood: Tense

Jin Tae Gan.

He'd expected the reluctance that coated both min hwan and kyumin's decision to follow him. They really were to nice for there own good, he thought with a little smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. There presence was required, despite tae gan knowing they wouldn't be saying anything too offensive to the Real King's. It was the girl's whose words would really sizzle.

mi hwan attached himself to tae gan, perhaps thinking he'd offer some sort of safety from the lower group. Honestly, tae gan didn't know what was so scary about a bunch of amiably bovine faces wriggling there bodies to whatever inane song they deigned interesting.

Trotting after the others at a comparatively slower pace given the reluctance of the boy behind him, tae gan trotted towards the front of the group just as the music was unplugged by ji eun and accompanied by the insult tae gan knew would spark the fire. A thin smile touched the white tiger's leaders lips at the comment as well as kyumin's accompanying shock.

mi hwan's little commentary only helped to extend his lips into an exaggerated simper.Then mi rae's words touched his ears, and tae gan allowed a wolfish grin to pull up his lips. The girl's presence alone was enough for tae gan to simply pull the insults to his lips.

"I don't think you should be talking, mi rae," he quipped, a pitying smile accompanying his words. "one-ninety-six might be a record for you guys, but some of us actually have plans for our lives."

said girl stomped up to him with a gesture that communicated her desire for them to exit. Looking from the door back to her, tae gan allowed a disdainful expression to twist his features at the words that accompanied the motion.

"hate to say this, mi rae, but when your at the bottom of the school you don't have claim to any space. I can probably get you expelled for even standing this close to me. Because who are the teachers going to listen too, right? Bottom barrel or top-dog?"

He snickered a bit at that, although he wasn't entirely serious. Using his higher rank to kick the group entirely out of the school was a tempting endeavor but a low one nonetheless. hae ya's words were an unfortunate buffer that tae gan ignored entirely. Why even grant the 200th student the advantage of his attention? Besides, hyun-mi was handling the pip-squeak.

The more menacing face of byeol ho gyrated into the mix, and tae gan felt mi hwan being pulled off of his shoulder. A more genuine frown touched his lips at the threat that was issued concerning the younger boy. And was instantly suppressing the facetious smile that threatened to upturn his lips at the words that spilled from mi hwan.

And then the music was playing again and the smile disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared. His eyes darted about in an attempt at pinpointing the criminal responsible for the terroristic act. Hazel eyes landed on the nonchalant figure of jeong sin, tae gan fighting against his first instinctual response, which was to turn and pretend he hadn't noticed his old friend.

Meeting his eyes seemed to be the most vacuous of the two choices as tae gan was unprepared for the torrent of memories to
almost overwhelm him when his ex-friend met his eyes accompanying that gesture with a vocal deluge. Perhaps that's why for a couple of seconds tae gan felt a distinct vulnerability, one which he quickly managed to shroud into obscurity with his usual half smirk.

It wasn't like the past meant anything, he told himself, not anymore.

"Feels a lot better then floundering at the bottom, just hoping high school won't end so you won't have to face the reality that you don't have a future. Let's see who has their head up others asses then."


Hyun Jae Min

Location: Real Kings meeting (storeroom) Interacting with: - Ji Eun @JessieCarrie Mood: pissed as hell

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/J5.gif.ddac0a9fa07ba1fbdfcb74ec05f2114e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135792" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/J5.gif.ddac0a9fa07ba1fbdfcb74ec05f2114e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jae Min was laser-focused on Ji Eun. The voices of the others were background noise. He knew that later the Real Kings would probably be asking him what had gotten into him because from their side, it most likely looked as if he was overreacting but he believed his reason was justified. Jae Min always justified his actions when it came to Sa-rang, especially now that she had passed away.

Then there was the “playboy” remark which lit fire under his skin simply because it came from Ji Eun. All Jae Min could see in that moment was red. He didn’t really remember what his intention was or what he planned to say but suddenly he was gripping Ji Eun’s shoulder and leaning in so close that he could smell her. “We’re not turning the music off so maybe you should take your bitches and get the hell out before I hurt you.”

((ugh sry for the crappiness & shortness))



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