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Realistic or Modern C h e e r U p ! [High Casual]

hwan mi rae


l o c a t i o n

sevit academy

t i m e

early in the morning


r e a l . k i n g s



w h i t e . t i g e r s





y a h - ?

an outburst used when someone has been embarrassed, offended or annoyed.

a i s h - ???

usually used to express disappointment, anger or frustration.

s e o n s a e n g - n i m - ???

a formal way to call someone who is significantly more knowledgeable than the other.

i want to be happy. seventeen is the time to be with your friends. can't i try to be happy now?

everything was getting tense in the room. things were starting to get physical and the last thing that mi rae wanted was for someone to hurt someone despite her hate for the white tigers. because in the end, she knew that she would be the one responsible alongside the other real kings and being kicked out of sevit really wasn't going to make any of their lives easier at home. but what could she do? her five foot four inches petit physique couldn't stop these rowdy bunch even if she attempted to. she wanted to stop things. but she couldn't. the violence was getting too real.

mi rae could open her mouth to say something, the door shot open and hit the wall, creating a huge bang and likely to catch everybody's attention in the room. it took her by surprise, though when she saw who decided to make an appearnce, she groaned inwardly. great. the last person on earth that she wanted to see at that moment in time. the principal's right hand man. her pet.

"yah! what's all this noise?!" soo-yong yells, adjusting the glasses on his face slightly. the frustrated look on his face made it clear that punishments were bound to be given. "why aren't any of you in your classes? they started ten minutes ago." he walked further into the room as he spoke, glancing around at everyone. his eyes first set on byeol ho and min hwan causing him to tilt his head slightly, shooting the troubled girl a look that simply said 'hands off'. after all, what rights did she have to set her paws on a white tiger?

his hands interlocked behind his back as he strutted into the room, walking back and forth - thinking of some sort of evil menaching punishment to give them.
mi rae bit down on her bottom slip slightly as she glanced towards her friends, before she stared back at soo-yong. "aish seonsaeng-nim... not-" just as mi rae began to find an excuse to get themselves out of the trouble they'd all be expecting, the principal's assistant stopped and turned to look at her, his hand raised up in the air to indicate for her to be quiet. it shut her up immediately.

the room stayed silent for a little while longer before he finally spoke,
"everybody to the principal's office. no words. just move." a small smile crept upon his face as he pointed towards the door, "-and yes. that includes the white tigers." his eyes landed on tae-gan as he stared him, knowing that despite the amount of power he has, tae-gan could easily get himself out of the trouble he or the princial would and could have given him.

c h e e r . u p !

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"Excuse me, didn't we say it clearly enough? Turn. Off. The. Music. You're that Chill-hyeon guy right? Anyway, please turn it off."

Don't get too excited," Chill coughed, not sparing her a glance. He ignored anything else she said aside from the recognition, though that guy wasn't really the extent of memorability that he was trying to achieve, he considered it a start coming from her. Tension hit it's peak and started to oppress the room as people got more physical, Chill's indifference was fading and his awareness gradually began to come to, resulting in slow, broken movements whilst his brows furrowed at the provocations. The storeroom door whipped open, and an individual baring a plotting aura sent them all to silently pursue the principal's office, forcing Hyeon's chocolate eyes to finally ascend and take in his surroundings once more. The order merited the second genuine scowl from Hyeon that morning, they just cost him his morning.

"Everybody to the principal's office. no words. just move -and yes. that includes the white tigers."

Swiping his bag off the ground, Chill was the first to leave the storeroom, once again maneuvering through his peers, having no intentions of breaking up proximity or making remarks, moving like a wind that coaxed the door to close as he left. No comments were made to the ones in specific that were the reason he'd be wasting time in an office,
yet again - for something that wasn't his fault, yet again - this morning. These are people I'm trying to have respect for - but they're just petty, came his first thoughts as he mellowed out half way down the corridor, should I have advocated for my group more? They all remember me about as well as the White Tigers. He caught himself standing stone still, deep in his thoughts before the main office.

That'll change this year.


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Sang Ji Eun

Location: Hallway, on her way to the principals office.


Jae Min - @tinkerbell

Sang Ji Eun

Ji Eun barley heard what Chill said as she soon felt a harsh pull on her shoulder. After opening her eyes again after the shock which had lead them to shut close all she could see was Jae Min's bloodshot eyes. Her heart had begun to beat faster and she didn't look as confident anymore with her expression going from 'Ice Queen' to 'frightened deer.' in a matter of seconds.

As he spoke she could almost feel a tear forming in her left eye but tried to keep her emotions under control. Luckily the door flew up just as she was about to loose the control over her body and she heard Soo-Young's voice shouting at the bunch. Ji Eun quickly took a step back from Jae Min and adjusted her hair and clothes. She still had that scared puppy look on her face but she tried her best to regain her usual harsh facade by clearing her throat and blinking a lot to make the tears disappear.

When Soo-Young instructed them to follow him to the principals office the said nothing and just began to follow him after taking a quick look over at Jae Min still in shock after what had just happened. While hurrying after the teacher she ran a hand through her hair mostly in order to try and keep her mind on something else than what had just happened a few minutes ago.

She had never gotten startled like that before or been so scared, so it wasn't odd that she had no idea how to react other than trying to pull herself together. While walking down the hallways she took a few deep breaths while trying to keep mind calm. Thinking back to her math book that had been left all torn up in the White Tigers classroom she reminded herself that she had to get her spare one from her locker after the visit to the principals office.

Which she didn't mind much as it would surely just be a short visit for both her and Tae Gan, not to mention the rest of the White Tigers.



M Y O, K Y U M I N





hallway by main office




xxxxA lot had happened in just a few minutes, and Kyumin found himself staying silent throughout. At first his peacekeeping instincts had kicked in and he’d been nothing but disapproving of the whole dispute, but the more ugly words were traded between the two groups, the less invested in the whole conflict he felt and the more he wanted to just leave. He’d never hated the Real Kings. Sure, they could be nuisances, but he was a tolerant person. He admired Areum’s attempt to diffuse the tension– he was too prideful to pull what she had, for sure– but of course it didn’t work. When Byeol Ho grabbed Min Hwan, his hands had spasmed reflexively but he was too slow to grab his friend before she had dragged him away. He felt ashamed at himself for not jumping into the rescue, then angry at Byeol Ho, then baffled by the boy who simply resumed dancing, then nothing at all.

xxxxThere was a point Kyumin reached where he just stopped. Stopped speaking, stopped feeling, stopped being nice when anyone touched him. He hadn’t reached that point yet but the events of the summer had already pushed him really goddamn close, and such a stupid fight on the first day of school before he had even settled into the school atmosphere again wasn’t helping at all. It really looked like things were about to get physical, though, and Kyumin didn’t think his nerves would be able to handle more violence so soon.

xxxxWhen the principal’s pet burst into the room, Kyumin flinched away from the door and kept his eyes on the ground, completely expressionless. He was the second out of the storeroom but dropped back a little to walk by Tae Gan out of habit. His lips were pressed together in a hard line and his face was impassive. Though he knew that realistically there was a high chance he and the rest of the White Tigers would get off with just a slap on the wrist, he still worried that they might call home, call his father and let him know that his son was acting up. A few others filed into the main office ahead of him, but his steps faltered when he noticed a boy simply standing outside the office. Oh wait, not just any boy, but one of the Real Kings. The boy’s name was eluding him, though he couldn’t be sure he’d ever learned it. He stepped out of the way of those behind him and nudged the boy’s arm to get his attention. “Planning on holding the door open for the rest of us?” he said dryly. Be nicer, he told himself, but he didn’t feel like smiling so he just raised his eyebrows at the taller boy.

Hyun Jae Min

Location: Principal's office Interacting with: Ji Eun @JessieCarrie Mood: guilty

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/J5.gif.92de4504930b98474ce3397bd617d7bf.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138293" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/J5.gif.92de4504930b98474ce3397bd617d7bf.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jae Min moved towards Ji Eun to apologize in some form of the word but just as he did, she moved away and he thought it better to just leave her be. He doubted very much that she wanted anything to do with him anyway. Jae Min looked towards her one last time before ducking his head and walking to the back of the storeroom. He honestly wanted nothing more to do with the situation. Not after what just happened. Even if he hadn’t been involved at all, Jae Min much rather watch the drama unfold than actually participate in it.

Just as Jae Min huddled into the corner of the room, chin tucked to his chest, an angry voice rang out through the small space. He raised his head slightly though he already knew who it was: Soo-Yong, the principal’s pet. Jae Min debated slipping out of the room and locking himself in his dorm but no matter how done he was with everything, he couldn’t bring himself to abandon the rest of the Real Kings. Besides that, he doubted that he’d get very far with Soo-Yong there. The man was like a hawk.

With an exasperated sigh, Jae Min detached himself from the wall and shuffled to the door. He looked over his shoulder at Ji Eun one last time, another pang of guilt making his chest ache. She still looked as if she’s about to cry and Jae Min really can’t blame her… What he had said and done was harsh to say the least but he didn’t blame himself either. He sighed again as he looked away and headed to the principal's office where they’d await their punishment which was practically guaranteed to be severe. At least for the Real Kings…



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Choi, Byeol Ho




Location | Sevit Academy ~ Real King's Room

Mood | Sarcastic/Irritated

Interacting/Mentioned | @Ambivalence [Jeon, Min Hwan]

@tinkerbell [Chil, Hyeon]

@Everybody Else

OCC | Sorry for the short post!

When Byeol Ho saw Soo-yong, she instantly snarled and rolled her eyes at him. She knew he looked down her for horrendous grades and since Min Hwan was a White Tiger, he got special attention. She looked back at Min Hwan whose head was cupped in her hand. She smirked and held him by the collar from the air before dropping him from her hand. "Some luck you got there kid. Next time use it to cheat!" She spitted, her words and having the the burn of venom. She didn't really care if she got in trouble another time from the time she was here.

"Welcome to the tea party! Who welcomed you?" She sarcasticly said before she folded her arms.

She honestly hated the guts of Im Soo Yong. He was always licking the principal's ass and he never really liked her for her "habits" in ever school she went to,

She then followed Soo Yong before she stuck her tongue out behind him and tried to calm herself down. She wasn't at all amused with this.

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T H E . N E R D

[N A M E] Jeon, Min Hwan

[T I M E] Morning

Myo, Kyumin

Jin, Tae Gan

Sang, Ji Eun

Pang, Hyun-Mi

Dae, Areum

Hae Ya

Jeong, Sin

Hwan, Mi Rae


Choi, Byeol Ho

Hyun, Jae Min

Guess I'll just tag you all because PING. Also yay, my child is free. Short post since we're just getting started again.


Min felt himself be released from the harsh clutches of his female captor, and instantly rushed to Kyumin's side. Clutching his arm with his other hand he hobbled along behind him down the hallway like a mental patient.

"That was a ... humbling experience." He stated slowly. Well it wasn't as though he wasn't used to it, but on the first day to have such a conflict, and in the morning, Min Hwan could only imagine what might happen in the near future. He didn't bother to look at the rest of the Real Kings and White Tigers, knowing there had been irreversible damage done that had worsened their relations. A bitter snort erupted from his mouth. Not as though they'd been so great in the first place.

"Little brother?" A voice called out as they proceeded down the hallway, it looked a bit like a prison inmate transfer. Min put a hand over his face and pretended not to notice his older brother who was staring dumbfoundedly.

"No!" He exclaimed shortly, peeking out of the side of his hand. The older Jeon took in the scene carefully, noticing the girl who'd he had seen many times in the act of beating his little brother up, the rest of the White Tigers, and Soo-Yong.

"Alright. We can talk later, if you're still here ... that is." Min Hoon scratched the back of his head, and turned away from the amassed crowd who was currently watching the spectacle.

"Thank you for the vote of confidence, hyung." Min Hwan muttered, putting an exaggerated emphasis on the last wod. Finally their procession hit a standstill. Unfortunately Min was still stuck in his thoughts, so he bumped into his taller friend's back, and uttered a quiet exclaim of pain.

"Ow." He rubbed his nose. I'm still hungry.

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Kung Jeong Sin

Location: Hallway to principal's Interacting with: No one Mood: Bitter

Out of everyone, it appeared that Jeong Sin seemed to be the one that caught the glance thrown at Tae Gan. Forget the others, we kissed the asses of every teacher that passed by. Forget the others, with their ability to study for hours on end. Forget the others, who seemed to take pride in making their lives miserable. They were all still students, all still under the scrutiny of the people who they desperately tried to please in the school. In a way, Jeong Sin could be forgiving of them. He could envision the fact that they were stressed, tired, and always scared of being caught like they were now. No matter how good they were, they couldn't loose or no one would let them live it down.

It was only Tae Gan that was invincible, that could be untouched even by the adults. He was the crown prince, the dictator, the one that stepped on everyone else and made his way through life on a throne. He did not have to care what others thought because they were all eager for his words and his actions. He did not have to care what he did because he always had a way out.

It made Jeong Sin's jaw clench as he followed the others out. It didn't matter if he was the one who started it, he would never be in trouble. He had a silver spoon in his mouth and no one had bothered choking him with it yet.
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