All machines only listen to one master!
Markus Smitikus, or Mark, was sitting in his office tinted in red light. Communications had been down for the last few weeks and he felt that he missed something important. Just as he finished with some important documents, his comms officer entered.
"Good news, sir. The Ion Storm has passed and communications are online."
The officer in front of Mark had only his left arm replaced with a cybernetic, in contrast to most people on the base. Just like Mark, the people of this base were Cyborgs, although with their free will. A successful experiment from the Cybernetics division, and as one of the first of them Mark was chosen to lead them.
Marks left eye glowed a brighter red at the news and his face relaxed a bit.
"Anything else?"
"Yes, sir. We have received news that the Philadelphia has been destroyed on the orders of Kane! And our Brotherhood forces have begun attacking GDI worldwide!"
A devilish grin spread across the Commanders face.
"Excellent. I see why you wanted to bring this news personally. Send me a recording later, I want to see the explosion myself."
The officer confirmed the order but did not leave yet. Marks right eyebrow raised questioningly, anticipating what he might have to say.
"Permission to speak, sir?"
"Go ahead."
"We have missed the initial opportunity to attack and GDI has begun to reinforce their blue zones. Since our forces are on the news, we will also have to act. So what are your orders?"
"What a clever man", Markus thought to himself, he might make a good commander in the future. But he'd have to prove himself more before then.
"We didn't prepare for an assault on the blue zones anyways so not much has changed. For now we will further build up our forces and assist our fellow brothers and sisters in their attacks, rather than blindly charge ahead on our own. Once we have more resources, we can draw a bigger picture... And maybe even be let in to Kanes plans ourselves. But for now we just have to prove that we are not useless. Direct all important communications directly into my office, no permission needed. Dismissed."
"Yes, sir."
Satisfied with the response the officer left and got back to his post. Soon a video of the Philadelphias destruction was sent to Marks terminal as well as the news of the last days. Seeing the station destroyed sent another wicked grin to his face. Yes, this is truly the prophets great plan.
Some time had passed since communications came back online and Mark was quite busy. The entire base is getting ready for whatever orders he had to give next, though some residents can be seen slacking in hidden corners. Soon all higher ups were called into a conference room for further planning.
After initial greeting were over, everyone discussed the most pressing concerns and most important pieces of news. And although most had different opinions on what had to be done next, it was ultimately up to the Commander to decide what they will do next. This wasn't a democracy after all.
"The Arctic Dread fleet requested some help. Their dredging docks got destroyed while unearthing some unknown warship. We'll send them some engineers to help. If they use them to repair the docks or investigate the ship, or both, I don't care. Worst case, they owe us some. Best case, we'll gain a new ally. Objections or concerns?"
One engineering officer raised his hand and was given permission to speak.
"What if they kill them?"
"Then they will be traitors of NOD and we'll have problems that are a lot bigger than some dead engineers. Not that I plan on losing them, mind you."
"They are a valuable resource, after all", Markus thought as the officer seemed to be mostly satisfied with that answer.
"Next, a base of our allies is getting besieged. Ready our main force to be sent out immediately after this meeting. I will be commanding them personally. We need to weaken GDI at every chance we can get, no mercy for the enemies of our great leader!"
"FOR KANE!", the officers shouted in unison.
"Lastly, another of our brothers has called for aid. Prepare further forces to move out whenever they are ready, though I will most likely not lead them. That honor will belong to one of you. Failure will not be tolerated. Remember: Peace through Power!"
With that Markus had relayed his orders and his officers went to work. Soon he set out with his armored forces. cyborg soldiers, and combat engineers. Meanwhile the rest of the officers began the second military operation, as well as deciding who would lead them. Although they would still need approval of Mark to set out.
The main military force with Markus leading them are on their way to reinforce their allies currently under siege by GDI forces.
Free Actions:
The bases spy network has been ordered to infiltrate GDI communications (crit fail).
A contingent of engineers will be sent to assist the Arctic Dreadfleet

Action 1:
The surrounding area will be scavenged for anything useful. Everything else will be sold and other forces around are either destroyed or join NOD.
Action 2:
Using 2 units of Tiberium the researchers have been ordered to improve the efficiency for their resources and their usage.
(Experimental Lab - When researching, roll at advantage)
Faction: NOD
Battalion Name: Tiberiums Chosen
Battalion Location: South America
Character Name: Cyborg Markus Smitikus
Character stats:
Intelligence: 2
Command: -1
Strategy: 1
Bureaucracy: 0
Faction Stats/Resources:
MP: (Military Power) 1
CP: (Credit Power) 0
EP: (Energy Power) 3 Usage: 5/5
TP: (Tiberium Power) 2 (-2)
Additional unit points: +500
Scrap: 0
Specialty: Mechs/Engineers
Battalion Name: Tiberiums Chosen
Battalion Location: South America
Character Name: Cyborg Markus Smitikus
Character stats:
Intelligence: 2
Command: -1
Strategy: 1
Bureaucracy: 0
Faction Stats/Resources:
MP: (Military Power) 1
CP: (Credit Power) 0
EP: (Energy Power) 3 Usage: 5/5
TP: (Tiberium Power) 2 (-2)
Additional unit points: +500
Scrap: 0
Specialty: Mechs/Engineers
Cybermen - An upgraded Cybernetic technique. These are modified with Heavy Armor and build in Lasers
Six Shooter - A Light Mech that is quick and fires a steady stream of Laser pellet blasts at the enemy
Medusa - A Four Legged Mech that has two Lasers and a charged EMP blast. (EMP Cooldown: 4 combat rounds)
Tunneler Engineer - Engineers that can burrow through the earth with a single person drill. They can capture enemy buildings or repair your own and capture empty vehicles
Red Destroyer - A massive two legged Mech that towers over any Avatar. It fires multiple Heavy Lasers, Rocket Launchers and a singular Tri Missile blast. (One unit per mission)
The Strength of Kane - All Mech Units have an additional DR (Damage Reduction) of 1
Repair Drones - All Mechs come with repair drones that can help them more greatly survive battle.
Mech Factory - Gives a +1 to all Mech related rolls
Experimental Lab - When researching, roll at advantage
Statue of Kane - All units in base gain an additional +1 to rolls and health
Communication hub - Gain an additional 500 points for purchase of units during battle.
Spy Network - Can roll an additional Hacking attempt for Hacking into player and npc Faction comms
Base defenses:
2 AA Turrets
1 Obelisk of Light
Cybermen - An upgraded Cybernetic technique. These are modified with Heavy Armor and build in Lasers
Six Shooter - A Light Mech that is quick and fires a steady stream of Laser pellet blasts at the enemy
Medusa - A Four Legged Mech that has two Lasers and a charged EMP blast. (EMP Cooldown: 4 combat rounds)
Tunneler Engineer - Engineers that can burrow through the earth with a single person drill. They can capture enemy buildings or repair your own and capture empty vehicles
Red Destroyer - A massive two legged Mech that towers over any Avatar. It fires multiple Heavy Lasers, Rocket Launchers and a singular Tri Missile blast. (One unit per mission)
The Strength of Kane - All Mech Units have an additional DR (Damage Reduction) of 1
Repair Drones - All Mechs come with repair drones that can help them more greatly survive battle.
Mech Factory - Gives a +1 to all Mech related rolls
Experimental Lab - When researching, roll at advantage
Statue of Kane - All units in base gain an additional +1 to rolls and health
Communication hub - Gain an additional 500 points for purchase of units during battle.
Spy Network - Can roll an additional Hacking attempt for Hacking into player and npc Faction comms
Base defenses:
2 AA Turrets
1 Obelisk of Light
Special Units, Research, Other:
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