C.C. - Out of Character Chat

Guydaguy said:
Yes. It's a windable one that uses that for energy. I have one at home, pretty snazzy.
Okay, your MOLLE is good. Your suit and helmet already have flashlights, though. For the suit, it still has three properties, agility, leap, and protection. Pick two.
Zer0 said:
Okay, your MOLLE is good. Your suit and helmet already have flashlights, though. For the suit, it still has three properties, agility, leap, and protection. Pick two.
@AyyyLmao, if your character's tonfas just deal damage, then no number of charges needed. x8 grenade number. For the suit, I'll assume it's black and doesn't include specific terrain camouflage? "Seer" is OP, but I'll accept it if it's only for martial arts. Also, you'll rarely fight people. For your MOLLE, power cells not needed, and rope is already included in the default rock climbing kit-you play DnD dontcha'?

Thanks. I'll make the changes.

For Seer, I intended it so that Nathan, from experience, will be able to accurately guess a person's next action, and will be able to quickly form a response to it. (like you said, its for the martial arts).

No, I don't play a lot of DnD, but I do play a lot of Halo and Assassin's Creed, if that explains anything.

Also, I have a question regarding the 5 factions you mentioned in the introductory post. Are these 5 hostile factions of humans who are colonizing different parts of the planet? or are they all unified into a single organization.
AyyyLmao said:
Thanks. I'll make the changes.

For Seer, I intended it so that Nathan, from experience, will be able to accurately guess a person's next action, and will be able to quickly form a response to it. (like you said, its for the martial arts).

No, I don't play a lot of DnD, but I do play a lot of Halo and Assassin's Creed, if that explains anything.

Also, I have a question regarding the 5 factions you mentioned in the introductory post. Are these 5 hostile factions of humans who are colonizing different parts of the planet? or are they all unified into a single organization.
They're not unified, but they're not enemies either. They still want to gain an upper hand over everyone else, though. They are colonizing different parts of the planet.

replaced the martial artist and seer abilities with good improvisation and good balance, in order to match the rp more. As for my intro post, can I just make it about my just arriving at the base?
AyyyLmao said:
replaced the martial artist and seer abilities with good improvisation and good balance, in order to match the rp more. As for my intro post, can I just make it about my just arriving at the base?
If your character is part of the Crimson Canines and not the recently attacked Japanese, then no, you were already in the base. You can jump in the conversation in the mess hall if you like, all the player characters seem to be converging there to talk about the attack.
@Orpheus, for "Knight Set", pick only two, for "Ocelot Suit" pick only two. For "Slippery Snake", this means you have lower chance of getting hit by projectiles? For "Proud Hunter", there is no previous knowledge of the local fauna.

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