Weird Bunny Lurker
Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until 75. Benjamin Franklin |
The day was January 31st, 2017. The time, approximately ten in the morning. The setting? Good old New York City, tourist trap and famous setting for underdog-becomes-superstar movies.
Like always, the International Grim Reaper Association (IGRA) headquarters, located in Downtown Flushing, Queens, was bustling with new recruits testing to get themselves registered, tutors holding up signs that stated their names, the lower-ranks gossiping about the higher ranks again, and of course, the scent of the coffee being sold at the Starbucks inside, most likely by civilians or trainees trying to get extra credit. The receptionists were answering calls, and the many questions and complaints that went with the calls.
It never used to be this lively, thought cynical A-Class Reaper (and the person most students hoped they wouldn't be stuck with), thought, taking a swig from her flask. Ah, last night's red wine, she almost forgot that she had packed it. Now that January 31st was here, she was going to end up teaching a bunch of punks who seriously thought that they would make it if they just walked around willy-nilly, swinging their scythes around like idiots. Her immediate image of these kids were a bunch of cross-eyed bozos who picked their noses and rubbed it on the hems of their cloaks--and seriously thought that they would make it in this world. She observed the many groups of people congregated; airheads in skimpy outfits squealing about their new puppies or something, brawny knuckleheads either brooding or starting some sort of brawl or argument. Couples making out. Children running around holding wooden scythes, shy and quiet people avoiding everyone else as they highlighted names in their Little Black Books...
....And her. Lily Underworld, terrifying future head of the Underworld family. Rumors about her being a former gang member had spread, along with rumors about how she got the tattoo on her back. Any idiot would know that it was the symbol that said that she would inherit the wealth. She leaned on the sign with her students' names on it, feeling stupid with the nametag on her dress.
Hello, my name is: Phil McPhil. Nice to meet you motherfuckers.
RitualDeadlyf MangoSargent doneanddusted Ruler of the Would-Be's Black Jade @Kira Times Mitchs98 Mika9889 Zombocalypse @Blue Jay @CyanDies
((Okay, so I lied about 8pm *was impatient and sort of wrote whole RP post*))