
Another bug dues from the power of the boom gun.

Vanessa raises up her own cannon and fires, taking out one more of the bugs.

@hellrazoromega is up with Theo

20 - Keith[3]

14 - Alex [3]

12 - Cat [3]

11 - marines 1-3 [3]

10 - Io [3]

8 - Connor [3]

6 - Vanessa [3]

5 - Theo [3] <====

3 - bugs 14-15 [2]
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"Well they didn't have mechs or this nifty new tech, so I wouldn't be too surprised." Theo added lining up on the last patch of bugs.

There is nothing left of the bug when Theo shoots it; it just blows to bits.

The last one fires its rifle at Vanessa in vain; the Ajax is able to dodge.

Keith turns his hover tank to line up a shot on the last target and fires. Once more, the boom gun fires its job and seats the alien insect fin the sky.

Moving out of combat time.

Vanessa calls out, "Everyone, upload your gun camera footage to HQ right away. I'm sure that we will be running into these things again. Keith, what the hell are you doing?"

The other pilot is coming out of his tank. "Recovering samples of these weapons. Those swords the bugs had are sharp enough to cut my tanks armor, and the rifles will be of interest to the tech teams."

The southern belle rolls her eyes. "Just be careful with that stuff and don't go far from your mecha. We still have the science team out here somewhere to try and find. More likely we'll discover that they are bug food, but there is still a chance and we have to keep looking."
"Okie dokie," Io meddled with her Logan's controls for a bit, she only vaguely recalled how to upload video footage. She shivered at the mention of the science team being converted into meals, "Wait, should we collect some green goo- I mean, blood samples?"
Keith nods. "I'm sure that the science types will want as much biological samples as they can get. Personally, if I had not seen it for myself I wouldn't believe it; bugs the size of people using guns? I thought that there was a limit on how big an insect could get, something about their method of breathing cause they don't use lungs? Or is that just some science fiction I heard?"

As he speaks, he gathers up several rifles and swords and drops them off in his tank, then he breaks out a sample kit and begins to pick up a few vials of blood and tissue.
"Bugs that big should be a violation of the square cube law due to their exoskeletons, it's also why there are no land animals much larger than elephants on Earth under geologically recent atmospheric conditions. This is mars however where the lower gravity should allow for larger insects---not that big however. All that said, I think everyone may have agree when I say, I've a felling we aren't in Kansas anymore and that we may have to re-write what we know, or think we knew about science. I suppose that alternate universes could have completely different laws and this rip, or tear, or whatever could be causing some of those strange laws to bleed over into our reality." Theo adds moving over to one of the bugs to have a closer look after slipping on his enclosed helmet and gloves. "Let's not be too wild though, take care and be careful with samples a stray virus from and alternate reality could kill us all quicker than a thousand bugs one hundred feet tall."

The remains that Theo examine show that these bugs are unlike anything that have ever been seen by humans here before. Their armored hide is mega damage capable, and there is at least some measure of intelligence to be able to forge swords and guns. Obviously not a Earth native species. Perhaps they come from same place that the ship with the boom guns came from? Only time will tell.

After several samples are collected and sealed up for safety, the Spartans are once more ready to move out. As you start up once more, the team gets a radio signal. "Spartans, we have made several high level passes over the area, and there is a new landscape feature approximately six kilometres from your position, bearing 105. Transmitting video now." At first look, the Martian landscape looks like there is a series of mounds and towers that have risen up. A second look gives the impression of a series of termite mounds. From the scale of the photos, you would have to guess that these mounds would be able to house tens of thousands of bugs.

Keith lets out a low whistle. "Bug city! Boss, there is no way we can handle the numbers that we'll be running into if we go any father. Hell, we'll run out of ammo long before we are out of targets. That is going to take a major effort to dislodge them. I strongly suggest we back off."
"Well this is a fine kettle of fish. Get command on the horn hand relay our sit-rep. Find out what they want us to do with this disaster."

Theo said taking in all of the info flooding in around him.
With the data feed going back in real time to Mars Base Sera, the orders finally come down. "Spartans, return to base. I say again, return to base. We have lost enough men to those bugs, and so far, you have the only biological samples gathered so far, and we need to know more about what we are up against. Come on home."

Keith lets out a deep breath. "Well. At least that question is answered with certainty. Time to bug out!"
Alexander sighed mournfully, "I count this as a mission failure. We came out to determine the fates of the exploration team. All we determined was that the Marines sent to find them were attacked by these bug-men. As yet, we've discovered no conclusive proof of the demise of the exploration team. I feel like we're leaving them, or any of them still alive, to die."

Nonetheless, he converted his Spartas back to tank configuration and prepared to return to base.
Vanessa gives her fellow GMP member a sympathetic smile. "Every mission can't come off perfect. I'd rather not join the ranks of those that are missing in action by going up against Big City. Besides, we need to get our samples back to base for examination. If there is a way to stop these bugs with a fancy can of Raid, I'm all for it."
With the return to Mars Base Sera, the techs come over and begin the work of rearming and repairing your mecha. Gun camera footage is being unloaded, and everyone is being grilled as to what was seen with these bugs and the performance of the new weapons. Since you have been exposed to what may be an alien biotoxin, all of you are being run through a rigorous decontamination procedure to make sure that there is no risk of exposure for the rest of the population. Your samples are being handled as if they were radioactive kryptonite until such a time that the risk is determined and eliminated.

Once you have all been cleaned up and released, you are all given time to unwind before your next call to duty.
"well troops this has been a weirder than normal day, which I don't have to tell you is saying something for us. Weird is like our squad mascot. Anyway first round is on me, with my only parting order being---have fun and relax. I have a feeling we have just seen the tip of this iceberg." Theo winked to the squad before anyone could run off.
Alexander trails on along behind the others, lost in his own thoughts. He takes up Theo on his offer, but was unimpressed when he found out the lounge was out of gin for a G&T and instead sat staring at the glass of beer that had been pretty much been offered as the single other affordable beverage.

"Weirdness doesn't make up for the fact we haven't found a single trace of our lost personnel.", he replied, looking into the depths of the beer as if it would divine the location of the missing techs, "Even if we only brought back dogtags and tattered gear, at least their families would get closure."

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