
Io DeLuca

Io gulped, she hadn't seen enough of the military life to figure out how to respond to this kind of contact with injured people properly, "I brought some fresh bandages with me, do you need some firs- well, ugh, second aid?" Io glanced at Theo instead of Corporal Ellis for confirmation. There was something else that she was concerned with though, "Did you three by any chance find out anything about the science party before you got ambushed?"
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The sergeant nods. "Some fresh bandages would be good. With all of running we've been doing I'm afraid that he has bled through the I ones we had. But to answer your question, no, we have seen only the traces at the camp. There have been no other signs."

Io gives the medical supplies to the marines and they begin to change the dressing on the leg of the injured man. As they begin to work, Vanessa reports that a transport is coming to evacuate the marines and get the wounded man to a full sized hospital and will be here in only a few minutes. "We just have to hold position and the transport will get you guys out of here."
"Defensive positions it is." Connor said as he swung his Spartas around to face away from the cave entrance. "Thermal should work on the bugs, right? I mean, they aren't cold blooded or anything. Are bugs cold blooded?"
Alexander spun his own tank around to establish a perimeter and replied, "Who knows? Normally insects are ectotherms, but these have obviously advanced to the point that they can wield and potentially craft weapons and tools. Anything's a possibility. Don't rely on thermal optics."

He activated his own sensor suite again, performing multi-spectral scans of the surrounding forest.

"We've not seen any wildlife around here and Mars doesn't have a powerful wind pattern, so any movement in the trees or undergrowth is subject to suspicion. However, saying that, spot your target before firing, we still have errant marines and scientists out here somewhere."
Things are quiet as you wait for the shuttle to come make its pickup. Finally, you can see the ship coming up, and the three marines get to their feet. As the shuttle slows and begins its descent down through the trees to land, there is a sudden burst of activity from the nearby trees. Suddenly, the air is filled with swarming bugs!


While it is hard to get a good look at them, they are all in the 6-7 foot tall range, and there is at least a dozen, perhaps as many as fifteen of the alien creatures. Sgt. Cooper shouts out, "Shit! More bugs! Get 'em!"

Initiative rolls, please. @Platipoo, that is a d20 with the +2 from your character sheet and another +2 from the Logan's combat bonuses for a total of +4 to your roll.
"Contact!", Meyhew barked, instantly switching his mecha into Battloid mode and hunkering down to best utilise his arm shields and Spartas' sheer bulk to protect the injured marines.

He raised the new weapon in his arsenal, the rail gun, and trained in on one of the insectoids rapidly closing the distance to their unit.

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Cathleen MacCloud

"I knew something was going to happen."

She shifted seamlessly for battle, her focus was now intent on getting rid of the oversized insect.

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((Sorry, at movie.)) "Speak of the devil." Connor said as the bugs appeared before them.

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Io DeLuca

Io gasped and flustered a bit with her Logan's control, shifting her views towards the closest incoming attack and groaned, "Why do the bad bugs never look like frilly pink butterflies?"

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and I'll go last


"Spread out a bit but not so far so we can't cover each other. If anybody finds a weak spot on these guys call it out."
The shuttle is slowly dropping down when the swarming insects burst from the trees. They are moving to slow to be able to evade effectively, and the first three of the bugs land on their hull and begin having into the ship with the swords that they are carrying. Luckily, the shuttle is well armored, and it is in no immediate threat.

You all do know that any effort to target the bugs with your ranged weapons will be tricky, as any shot that misses its mark will hit the shuttle. Also, unless these bugs are really tough, the Boom Guns will punch a hole through them and hit the shuttle. The use of some secondary weapons would be advised for those three.

@Captain Hesperus is up first

18 - bugs 1-3 [1]

14 - Alex <====

12 - Cat

11 - bugs 4-6

11 - marines 1-3

10 - Io

9 - bugs 7-9

8 - Connor

7 - bugs 10-12

5 - Theo

3 - bugs 13-15
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With a curse, Alexander switched back into Guardian mode and brought the triple Ion Cannon online. He quickly tracked the weapon onto the insect attackers swarming the dropship and fired off a burst of charged particles.

"I really hope I don't miss.", he muttered to himself.

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Bug number 1 is hit square by the pulse from the tri laser, and it spatters green goo around, but it is still alive but hurt.

@Xylin is up next with Cat

18 - bug 1 [1] badly injured

18 - bugs 2-3 [1]

14 - Alex [1]

12 - Cat <====

11 - bugs 4-6

11 - marines 1-3

10 - Io

9 - bugs 7-9

8 - Connor

7 - bugs 10-12

5 - Theo

3 - bugs 13-15
Cathleen MacCloud

"Haven't I mentioned how much I hate bugs? I'm making sure I set the settings on kill, ain't no stunning these things. And green goo, come on! Green goo?"

She fired onto one of the bugs and hoped it'd die.

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The Boom Gun roars, and not only does it kill the bug, it explodes from the force of the impact. You obviously do not want to fire the Boom Gun on the bugs on the shuttle!

Bugs 5 and 6 both pull out the strange rifles that they are carrying, and they take aim at Cat, since she just waved a very loud noisemaker around and got their attention.

The three marines on foot may not have the same firepower as the mecha around them, but that doesn't deter them from joining in the fight. Using their rifles, now with fresh magazines, they take aim at bug 5, hosing the alien creature with a spray of lasers and plasma charges. Its scorched body drops to the ground.

Keith was holding his fire for a moment, then follows Alex's lead and transforms his mecha into Tank mode and aims up at the wounded bug with his own tri-laser. Like a fly going into a bug zapper, it squirms under the impact before falling off, dead.

@Platipoo is up next with Io.

20 - Keith [1]

18 - bugs 2-3 [1]

14 - Alex [1]

12 - Cat [1]

11 - bug 6 [1]

11 - marines 1-3 [1]

10 - Io <====

9 - bugs 7-9

8 - Connor

7 - bugs 10-12

6 - Vanessa

5 - Theo

3 - bugs 13-15

Hm. I forgot to add Keith and Vanessa to the mix. (' :) ) Adding them now.

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Io DeLuca

"I feel you, Cat," Io scrunched her face at the sight of the flying goo created by Cat's boom gun, "These disgusting greens just made me question whether my stomach's strong enough for this job.." she aimed her Logan's EP-20 laser gun at the bug who was aiming for Cat.

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Actually, the EP-20 has been replaced with one of the new boom guns, giving the Logan a much needed heavy punch.

Io lines up a shot, and once more the new rail gun fires with a tremendous roar. The bug Io hit is now a puddle of green goo spattering across the ground.

Bugs 8 and 9 both fly at Io with th their swords drawn, trying to hack you out of the sky.

@Beowulf is up next

20 - Keith [1]

18 - bugs 2-3 [1]

14 - Alex [1]

12 - Cat [1]

11 - bug 6 [1]

11 - marines 1-3 [1]

10 - Io [1]

9 - bugs 8-9 [1]

8 - Connor <====

7 - bugs 10-12

6 - Vanessa

5 - Theo

3 - bugs 13-15

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"Oh, you aren't going to like this." Connor purred as he charged the Boom cannon. The others had made such a satisfying boom and left a green, goopy mess behind. That's what he wanted a weapon to do, destroy the enemy and not give them a chance to fire back. So, aiming at a bug that wasn't on the carrier, he lines up the shot as best he can and fires.

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The boom gun makes short work of bug 6, shattering its body and spraying goo across the ground.

Bugs 10-12 dive down on the slow moving target of Keith in his hover tank, cutting and slashing at the heavy armor.

Vanessa joins in with her own boom gun, taking aim at bug 8, killing it. "I gotta say, this cannon makes for one hell of a fly swatter!"

@hellrazoromega is up next

20 - Keith [1]

18 - bugs 2-3 [1]

14 - Alex [1]

12 - Cat [1]

11 - marines 1-3 [1]

10 - Io [1]

9 - bugs 8-9 [1]

8 - Connor [1]

7 - bugs 10-12 [1]

6 - Vanessa [1]

5 - Theo <====

3 - bugs 13-15
"I'd settle for a a big can of bug spray, or maybe a giant bug zapper and a bottle of scotch to wile the night away with."

Theo said taking aim well away from the shuttle but firing wide.


"Hot damn this thing kicks like a mule."

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