

Luna's Concubine
Roleplay Availability
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Three weeks have now passed since the crash of the alien vessel and the sudden appearance of the Earthly forest across a large swath of the Red Planet. During this time, the Spartans have been getting used to using their new rail guns and marveling at the sheer firepower that the tiny weapons now give them compared to the conventional energy weapons of the day. The biggest problem you have had is trying to get your targeting computers to play nice with the new technology, but the ground crews have been working overtime reprogramming the systems to recognize the firing characteristics of the Boom Guns with great success.

At the same time that this is going on, science crews are also working overtime analyzing the foliage that appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Theories of what has happened are springing up left and right, but all in all, no one really knows what to think. The most prominent thought running is that there is an alternate dimension that somehow crossed over into your world. Some have suggested the possibility of making a attempt to breech the barrier between worlds and explore the other dimension, but this has not been moving forward (yet).

It is currently 0930 and the Spartans are preparing for more live fire maneuvers when you are summoned into a briefing room. The base XO is there, waiting for you. "Good morning, Spartans. I hope you have had a good breakfast, because we have a mission for you. As you know, we have multiple science teams in the forest doing research and gathering specimens. One hour thirty minutes ago, one of these teams with twenty scientists and support staff failed to report in on schedule. A Tactical Corps infantry team was sent in to reestablish contact with the team at their last known position. The infantry squad found the camp that the team had set up, and this is what they found."

A video feed is then shown of the camp, and the place was ransacked; the temporary shelters that were set up are all ripped to shreds, and there are signs of MDC energy weapons going off, blasting into the trees. More disturbingly, there are splashes of blood on the ground, showing that there has been some casualties.

"At this point, the TC squad went in search of any survivors of whatever it was that attacked the camp, and now we are unable to contact the marines of Team Delta. We have no data on what it is out there other than that is has apparently captured or killed both the scientists and the infantry that went into the forest. Without any idea of what is going on, we are currently pulling out all of our science teams until we can say with certainty what has happened. Your priority is rescue and recovery, but any information you can gather is vital. The location of the camp has been uploaded into your nav computers so you can start working where Team Delta went offline."
Alexander Mayhew

"Well then you shouldn't have eaten so much at breakfast. It's a documented fact that anxiety after overeating has a marked effect on the incidence of indigestion.", the GMP officer replied as he looked over the preliminary findings of the EMLA (ElectroMagnetic Linear Accelerator) research team. Functionally no bullet drop over 1000m, followed by a rapid loss of velocity and marked deviation from target. Fascinating! It must be giving the weapons techs some headaches recalibrating the Veritechs' targeting systems to account for that.

"Lieutenant, are you wanting a stronger ground or air compliment?", he asked the CO, referring to his own ability to pilot the Ajax, Logan and Spartas mecha.
Keith listens to the briefing in silence, then when Alex asks about what mecha he should take out, the big man nods to himself. "Sir, I'd like to stick with my hover tank. The extra armor might come in handy. Besides, we have a new flyer in the team."

Vanessa slaps Keith on the shoulder. "Good. You can be a human shield for the flyers." She grins to show that she is joking. "In any case, we need to move quick if there is any chance of rescuing possible survivors."
"I wasn't meant to fly, so we better not want a strong air presence." Connor said, determined to stay in the amored hover tank he was currently seated in. "Besides, the trees would block a lot of vision. You can't hit what you can't see and all." he continued, scanning his radars and other doodads that were meant to see things so he could hit them.
Io DeLuca

Io was torn between being excited to actually see greeneries on Mars, or be creeped out from the double disappearances, "I really didn't imagine that I would have forest exploration as my first mission when I was told I'm going to be sent to Mars," she frowned. Io tied her messy red hair into a tight ponytail and bit her lip, "Something about it feels very wrong. I really hope those guys are okay."
Cathleen MacCloud

She snorted. "Of course it's wrong and, if previous experience tells us anything, it's very wrong and everyone's dead." She sighed and snapped her fingers. Her hands were suddenly full of dog. "But you know something? When it all becomes just too much we always have Hamish and Angus to welcome us home and they are very good about giving you love when you need a good cry. They're better therapy than any shrink I've ever met."
"Well, we could always send Hamish and Angus to check things out, they are bound to have better luck than us," Theo jibed.

"Anyway, why the bad feelings, I mean vampires and alternate dimensions with totally different natural rules and laws... such things should have us all bubbling over with joy and enthusiasm. As per usual, let us Spartans go and pick up the pieces. " He rose and headed out quoting as he did.

"Go tell the Spartans, thou who passest by,

That here, obedient to their laws, we lie."
Moving out, the team is ready with their mixed force of Hover Tanks, Logans, and Ajax assault mecha. It does not take long before the team reaches the outer edge of the woodline where you have to slow down due to the trees. Taking point in his tank, Keith drives his heavy mecha through the woods at a good clip, making his way to the coordinates of the encampment that was wiped out. Finally he breaks into the clearing where there are the remains of hasty shelters that have been torn apart. Keith hits his radio. "Sir, I can see obvious tracks, but unless I dismount to look around, I don't know if I'll be able to make heads or tails of the marks around here. Permission to dismount?"

Those in the Ajax need to declare what missile loads you have on your wing hard points. Please do so with your next posts. Also, if anyone wants to make a Tracking skill roll feel free to do so.
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"Fascinating," Io muttered. She was still occupied with trying to make sense of what her eyes were seeing. In front of her was an expanse of green, but just by turning around, the wide orange-red desert glared back at her. She followed her team farther into the mysterious forest, occasionally stealing glances back to catch a glimpse of the normal-looking Mars behind the thickening tree lines. When she heard Keith spoke, she tried to get herself to focus and failed. Instead, she curiously examined the nearest tree and tried to guess what kind of tree it was. For the first time in her life, she regretted not being born a tree hugger.
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With the others of the squad keeping watch, Keith jumps down from the cockpit of his hover tank, rifle in hand. He spends a few minutes wandering about, occasionally kneeling to examine something on the ground. Finally, he stands yo and heads back to his tank. "Ok, here is what I see. There are tracks all over the place, many of them are not human, but are some kind of three toed claw that is about human sized. Also, do you see how there are rifle blasts aimed up at the tree tops? Whatever it was, it was either in the trees or was flying about. Finally, I've found pools of blood that looks human, along with some kind of goo that looks like what you get when you step on a bug, but no bodies of any kind. The last set of tracks look like the infantry squad, and they head off into the trees that way. I'm ready to move out, sir."
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Cathleen MacCloud

"Well this is going to get gross. We've got what might be human sized bugs that can get into the canopy and are offing our people. Can someone remind me why I went into this business again?"
Vanessa laughs. "Its not just a job, its an adventure! Every meal is a banquet, every paycheck a fortune, and every formation is a parade! How can you even think that the military life is not the best?" She laughs some more. "On a more serious note, everyone keep your eyes peeled for targets, both in the air and on the ground."
Io DeLuca

"Bugs. Now I remember why I don't hug trees," Io winced as she peeked into the pools of suspicious goo Keith was talking about, "How again am I supposed to distinguish which ones are green leaves and brown tree barks and which ones are probably green and brown very very big bugs?" Io whined as she looked up, only seeing the greens of the canopy.
Keith lets out a bark of laughter. "I have a feeling that we will be very certain on what our targets will be once we see them. Besides, I have a rule: anything that tries to eat me is a bad guy and needs to be shot. It has been a good rule for me up to now, and I see no reason on why I should change it."
From his own Spartas, Alexander gazed out at the suspiciously Earth-like qualities of the trees. He could see oak, aspen, ash, pine, even silver birch. The varieties were varied and that confused him considering several of the trees required vastly different soils to one another.

"Nothing makes any sense any more. Mythical creatures, random science-defying forests on Mars, strange bug creatures. What's next? Will we see Moby Dick swimming majestically through the sky? Or perhaps we'll find the wreck of the HMS Bounty hidden in the depths of a pseudo-Greek Acropolis?"

He panned his tank's main gun as he spoke, offering a 360 over watch for the dismounted squad members.
With everyone back in their mecha, Keith indicates the direction that the Tactical Corps squad went after leaving the base camp. After only a few minutes of travel, everyone receives a blip on their radios. It is easy to identify as a emergency beacon from one of the marines, and it is close by.

With the possibility of a survivor, the Spartans move out quickly to find the source of the signal. Finally, you catch sight of a cave, and at the opening of the cave there is more of the greenish goo you spotted before. The emergency beacon is definitely coming from the inside of the cave.
"I don't like the looks of that." Connor said into the radio. "Is there a way we can check if they're in there without having to go in ourselves? If whatever bleeds that color is still in there, I want to drop a few rounds in before seeing what it is."
How big is the cave opening? Will our Mecha fit and how much room will the flyers have to maneuver?

"Well people I guess I get to lead this little dance since I can't raise the Boss or the XO. We'll need air cover while the rest of us have a look inside. Vanessa that's you, let us know if anything is about to crawl up our asses. Since we have no idea what we are dealing with I want everyone to do a sensor sweep, if that does not give us enough data then we'll have to do what soldiers do and see for ourselves. As to what we may find, after the last few days if the Flying Dutchman came whizzing out of that cave I would not be surprised at this point." Theo piped up.
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The opening is roughly ten feet tall and nine feet wide, making it too small for any of the mecha. Father into the cave it appears that it gets smaller, so it is a nasty choke point.
"I really don't want to go in there." Connor muttered as he did a brief scan of the cave, using both his equipment and using his own two eyes. "Who knows what's down there. Probably nothing I'd like. Can we just shout at them with a megaphone or something? Here, I'll even open a hatch to shout at them myself."

((Doing a quick roll for the scan and what not. I'm going to assume I use a d20))

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Alexander worked silently, his hands flashing across his consoles as he attempted to plumb the depths of the foreboding cavern ahead.

"I'll hopefully have some data for you in a second, sir.", he replied as he pored over the reams of data returned by his sensors.

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The sensor scan done by Alex shows that there are three heat signatures inside, and from what you can tell, the cave is not very deep. You suspect that you have found three of the marines. They have probably went for cover in the cave so they didn't have to worry about something coming up behind them.
"Three heat signatures inside, sir. From the mass and temperatures, they look to be human and the disruption pattern indicates they are wearing marine armor. Opening comms"

Alexander opened the loudhailer on his Spartas.

"Ahoy in the cave! This is Sergeant Mayhew of Spartan squad. If you are able come out, do so. Otherwise pop flares."
There is no response on the radio, but your external speakers hear a woman shout, "Hold your fire! Coming out!" A flicker of movement can be seen in the dark recesses before three troopers in heavy armor come out. They are all showing signs of damage from both slashing attacks and blaster damage, and one of the soldiers is limping from a injured leg. All three are clutching their guns and are looking around the surrounding trees as if they are expecting to be attacked at any moment.

"I'm Sgt Cooper of Delta Squad, or what's left of Delta Squad, and I am damn glad to see you. We got jumped by some bug-things that had swords and blasters! Half of the team were killed by the swarming things before the lieutenant ordered us to pull back as he lay down some covering fire so we could get away. It didn't quite work, and the things followed us. We used up the last of our grenades and are low on charges for the guns."

Keith grabs his utility belt and tosses it out. "Here are some fresh magazines and a few grenades. Divvy them up. So, what hit you guys? You said it was some kind of bugs with guns?"

"Yeah. Never seen anything like them before. They are about human sized, but with for arms and wings. They are tough, too. It took multiple hits from our rifles to down one of them." As she talks, the three marines reload their weapons with full power clips. "Corporal Ellis is hurt from one of the swords the bugs were using, but he's stable enough to make it out, but he's in no shape to face these things again."

The wounded man argues, "Donna, I'm fine. Hell, I've cut myself worse than this shaving. I'm ready for a fight if it comes to that."

"It's Sgt Cooper when we are in the field, and you are hurt bad enough that toy almost lost that leg. Sgt Mayhew, we need to get him back to base for treatment."

While this is going on, Vanessa is on her radio calling in that three survivors have been located, and they need to be pulled out ASAP.

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