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Fandom Buffy/Angel RP?


Let's Talk About Life on YouTube
Hey wondering if anyone on here wants to do a Buffyverse RP. It can be with either OCs or the originals or a mixture of both. I plan for this to be like the series We'll be following all Buffyverse rules as well as RPNation's.

We can 1. do like the main Buffy series and have all of our characters based around a Hellmouth, 2.do like the spin off Angel and have all of our characters as a champions of light and get visions of people in need of help, or 3. we could be a traveling band of champions of light that are constantly moving around the world so they can help people.

I hope people are interested. Thank you for reading.
No worries. Besides, do to current events in my life I'm not sure if I'll be able to participate. I've seen some episodes of Angel and four seasons of Buffy I don't know if that would be enough knowledge for this RP.
It would definitely be enough as we could do our own thing.
Okay then. What about the champions of light? Again, not very knowledgable on the Angel universe. Had a crush on Connor though. <3
Champions of Light is good. A champion is (basically) employed to do good and combat the evil forces on Earth. Whether it being taking down a hellmouth or just helping people day to day.
Well, I had like three ideas for characters if I were to join. Though picking one is the hard part for me since I can only do one character at a time.

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