Brother's Grim Academy

Sukiyaki said:
thanks I'll try to jump back in tomorrow!!
BTW that rabbit is so cute!! It's from Alice in the Country of Hearts right?
You might want to specify here March is exactly, as you technically have no physical location as of now...

Just saying ;)
I have no idea where I am exactly, I'm near some cauldron with some black smoke coming out of it. I'm assuming its somewhere near Pestile (I am so sorry if I killed his name) and newly turned rabbit.
Ok you might want to reconsider that, I mean PLESTIL ;) is The Dark One and he is brewing a potion to make Leveret into a monster, so tasting it and then defiling it, might not be the best idea...
I have no idea I assume that we do 
Wait.... March didn't turn into a girl she wore clothes as a bunny. She's just looking for her hat and vest. Sorry my rhythm sucks today

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