Brother's Grim Academy

You know.. Saying figuratively speaking afterwards does not make me trust that Plestil wouldn't attempt to kill Adam. Actually it makes me believe Plestil would do that.
O.o what just happened, a minute ago I was looking at the roleplay and Adam was the beast now he's getting a girlfriend I didn't get any of the notifs someone please explain what happened @.@
Oh.. Well I've thought about it and there should probably be two reasons for that Red.

1 is inactivity? I don't know why but if one doesn't post after a certain amount of posts they stop getting alerts of it? (Not really sure at all.)

2 is that alerts are buggy? One could try and unwatch rewatch the thread, maybe that'll help?

But I feel yer' it's a bit irritating when you don't get alerts.
Let the chaos commence. Let the evil grasp of darkness spin a veil on their eyes.

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Plot details sir Sigis, plot details. All of which will be reviled to you soon enough. I am evil after all.

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Darn it...

Perfect picture of me atm. Actually how did you get a picture of me?

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GOTCHA you kept telling me he was a hate not a rabbit, but I made you change your mind! HUZAAH!

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I am quite sure I am not in position of telling you about my catnip my good lady.

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So many important things I can't participate in! I just don't got the time ;_;

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Don't worry about it. I'll sort it all out when I get home, trust me, I am the dark one after all.

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Just pointing out that I ha in mind the giant is on vacation. Just thought it appropriate to mention him.

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Now there ware several teachers and three of them have gathered. The are a few new students (including mine, Jacque which is Jack from Jack and the bean stock) And Plestil have captured Leveret (Who have been turned into a rabbit and is caged.) and we also have a dragon.

Basic things really *Sarcasm*

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