Broken world


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As always in life, there are secrets. No matter what, there is always something someone isn't telling you, maybe my choice or maybe they just didn't think of it, but there's always something. This is one of those cases. The year is 2853, the world is almost ruined from war, people rose up against their government, fed up with their lies. For the most part, cities are heavily damaged, some almost destroyed, the main cities, where the fighting broke out seemed to have the worst of it, entire sky scrapers now lay in ruin on the ground, any building higher than a few stories was either destroyed or had large chunks missing. Society had decayed to a point where rules were what people made them, in one settlement, murder could be in public and people wouldn't care, in others you'd be shot down in an instant. The world was what people made of it, food was gained for the most part in trading, scrap metal and the like. Some grew vegetables and raised what animals they could, there were few farms most, if possible, tended their own gardens or hunted.

Things were not all normal with the races that survived, when society begun to fall, each "important" person was taken to share knowledge and help preserve society. Experiments were carried out, with the promise of safety and shelter, people that had no choice but to leave the ruined cities, towns and villages for what they were told would be a better life. It'd been many years but the general morals had been passed down from one person to the next and those people of course were lied too. They were taken, infected with viruses to test human immune systems, injected with synthesised dna to create "better" and "stronger" individuals. Facilities built underground housed the horrors of the remaining government were unleashed, they often made attempts to breed new species, crossing them and releasing them to see how they did. Everyone they found to be necessary was concealed in areas beneath the concrete or even on large ships in the ocean, they didn't care what happened to the lessers. Now, there were roaming beasts, what people called monsters, sub humans, mentally unstable souls wondering with murder in their hearts. They were trying to either kickstart civilisation or destroy it and start new, using their creations for food, their skins and other useful resources. in the beginning they released a great deal, then, put out hunting groups to destroy them, starting with small animals such as dear, or at least things that looked like dear. But then, some mutated, things went sour but still, they hunted. They made clothing, food and more experiments with what they had done, using countries as massive labs without remorse.

Amongst one of these facilities, hidden underneath the river thames, trapped in a small pure white room, sat Tetsuya. He was 19 and had been there his entire life, born there to now dead parents, who were released after fullfilling their purpose. He had black hair down to his shoulders, messy and had deep purple eyes, fairly dark. He had brown trousers and no shirt or shoes, sat on his bed. There wasn't much within the room, it was more of a prison cell, a temporay stop before the next "test" He'd been born to be a new breed of human, everything quicker, reflexes, healing and just general speed. He'd also trained himself whenever possible, strengthened himself to tone his body and become deadly with the hope of getting out of there. As he sat, watching the metal door, there came a familiar click as it opened, he had no idea who was on the other side but it was most likely another check up, though the nurse wasn't the worst person, he still didn't like it, he didn't like the white halls there, or the continuing theme of white in the actual room.
Luna had always been one of the 'priviliged' ones, if there were any. Her family had always been important, a race of law makers, healers, and scientists. Her family right now, was invested in the science portion. They created monsters for a living, but that's not what they told Luna. She believed that her dad was helping, curing disease, helping the infected ones. She had been told that the screams were nothing to worry about and that every red stain she saw on the sickly white walls and floors was 'nothing but paint'. Luna believed the lies that she had been force fed since her youth. They had to be true. Dad would never lie to her.

She hadn't ever really been outside, she had just seen it. She felt as if it didn't concern her, and even if it did, dad would fix it. She had been told not to go outside, not even to wander down the dizzying hallways. But today, Luna didn't want to listen. She had been wandering down the sickly halls for hours and was completely lost. At first, it had been a fun game, but now, the hallways were getting darker and the wails were getting louder. For the first time, Luna was really scared. She couldn't see anyone else around, but she heard horifying, unhuman noises.
Tetsuya sat with his head to the door, he could hear someone walking down the hallway, it wasn't the heavy clunk of soldiers boots, nor the clicking of the nurses heals. He'd grown used to the sounds, often guessing the time it was by counting between what was echoing towards his confined room. As he heard someone coming closer he tapped on the door, just trying to get the persons attention. The white halls were mostly empty, even that slight sound would stand out as it bounced between walls and into the girls ears. He sat hoping they'd at least come say hello, he'd never been able to see outside, about all the light he got was from fake sun bulbs in the roof, which dimmed according to the time, a pathetic illusion of the suns cycle. The only fresh air he got was fed through a small vent in the top corner of the room, often he'd stand on his bed and hold his head against it just to feel a breeze on his pale skin, closing his eyes and imagining what the outside would be like. Anything would be better than what he had, puncture marks from needles on his left arm and a few odd scars from old beatings, even a gunshot mark on his chest from where he'd "Acted up"
Luna was scared. The noises had quieted down, but everything still had an eerie quality to it. This was starting to seem less and less like the workplace of good scientists and doctors. Then Luna heard it, a faint tap coming from the door at the end of the hallway. The sound echoed around, distorted by the walls and the poor air down there. She didn't quite know what to think, but perhaps the faint tap offered hope. And besides, someone was better than no one. Luna hurried down the hall to the door at the end. The wall next to it was labeled with a little sign that read 'Tetsuya: Testing'. Luna didn't know what this meant, but perhaps this Tetsuya could help her get out. She wrapped her hand around the grubby bronze doorknob and pulled. It wouldn't open. Luna tugged harder, but nothing happened. Luna looked around, confused, and spotted a little slit in the wall, just perfect for a plate to go through. She peered through the little slit, taken aback by what she saw in the room. A dirty boy of about 19 sat on the floor. His hair was long and tangled and his skin was covered in various scars and wounds. "Hello," Luna tried in shakey whisper, "I'm Luna. I was wondering where I am. And how to get out".
[ No, it's not too late to join in, just keep the order the same, so there's no confusion, lemme do my post and you can go second, if that sounds alright ]
After seeing the tray slot slide open, he backed away from the door, crouched low with one arm in front of his face. He often took up a defensive stance when something strange happened. From down the hall he could hear the sounds of further experimentation, meaning that dinner was still a good hour or two away. He tiled his head, trying to see what the girl looked like, some sort of clue but he couldn't. Though his eyesight far surpassed regular humans and even animals, he couldn't see through doors.. as much as it'd cure the boredom to see what he could hear. "Hello, I'm Tetsuya" Something occurred to him, she seemed naive, not exactly realising what he was capable of. He'd never hurt her but from the sign above his name on the wall, how dangerous he was, was clear. On the opposite side of the door was a small display case, inside it had a picture of him, as well as some information, highlighted in bold. It was hard to read, written in technical jargon, medical information mainly, about his needs and such. The keycard reader to his room was in red, the second highest security, black being the top. There was only one door in black, but that belonged to something not of human origin, a huge room in the basement where what could only be described as a monster lay. it occurred to him that she could be his ticket out.. he asked her. "You need to let me out, I want to see the sky."
( Nice to rp wit cha all~!)

A few doors down, lay Cheshire's room. He overheard Luna and Tetsuya. Cheshire was a boy that looked about the age of 15, and he had dark red hair that fell to his shoulders. He had two wildcat ears and a tail, though his tail was mishappen and torn from the many times he had been yanked. Cheshire had a red card room too, and his room was also white. Though one could see various blood-stained walls from when he attempted many assaults on the people that came in to test. He had two piercings on his left ear, and one had a tag that marked "Cheshire 13" for an unknown reason. "No one gets out..." he rasped coldly, loud enough for the two to hear. Cheshire had a long ragged coat and ripped up shorts, and his tail was a very long 5 feet. His eyes were a deep crimson red, and his coat was a red-and-black stripes. Cheshire's tail pattern matched his coat, and he looked at the door that confined him. "No escape... no escape..." he echoed monotone. He glanced around, to check if they were still there, even if he could not see the two people. He chuckled sadly and fell silent. Usually Cheshire would be more upright, but today he seemed gloomy and pessimistic. "Name's Cheshire. The Bloody Cheshire Cat..." he repeated the title other captives gave him, and he buried his face into his hands.
Luna wasn't quite sure what to make of this, but the boy seemed to be her only way to get out. "The door..." Luna whispered, feeling awfully embarrassed, "It won't open...". She pulled on the handle again, trying to make her point. And then, she heard a soft click from the door. She jiggle the handle and pulled. Much to her surprise it creaked open. "Nevermind" she said, slightly louder as she cautiously entered the room.
Tetsuya stepped back, maintaining the stance he had, she didn't seem to be a threat but down in that hell of a place everything was possible. He was't sure what would happen but the sweet smell of freedom was beckoning. He walked past her and peared out of the hallway, it seemed too good to be true, but unfortunately, it was. They wouldn't be allowed to just leave like that, there were cameras, sensors.. all kinds of measures to keep them from leaving. As the door opened, so did another at the end of the hall, a set of double doors, three soldiers with machine guns running down it. they were dressed in white but had black boots, knee and elbow pads, as well as masks and body armour. Though he didn't want to hurt her, he pushed Luna aside, out of the way of the door.. slamming it shut. "Be quiet." he whispered, looking up to the ceiling, with a quick movement he reached up and punched out the lights, leaving them in darkness. What happened next wasn't too clear, the door to the hallway was opened fast and there came a hail of gunfire, screams, horrible sickening crunching sounds and then.. nothing. Tetsuya had killed them, without remorse or a second glance, his once timid face was locked into seriousness, spattered with the odd droplets of blood, a small pool collecting beneath him, he'd turned one of the guards weapons against the other, then snapped his neck and driven the others head into the wall.. it wasn't a nice sight, as he calmly inspected the red liquid a grimace passed his lips. It took a few seconds but gradually, he snapped out of it, looking back into the room and putting out his hand. "You want out of here too.. I know a way, we'll let everyone free, close your eyes." he didn't want her to see what he'd done, he wasn't ashamed but the innocence of this girl he'd rather keep intact, she seemed too clueless to him as to just what he can and would to if someone refused his freedom. "I need to let my friends out.. where do I go?"
Luna heard the sickening sounds of bones crunching and the gargled screams of the guards. Something warm splashed against her skin. She didn't quite know what was happening, but she could guess well enough. The urge to vomit nearly overtook her, but somehow she repressed it. From Tetsuya she heard the command, "Close your eyes". She squeezed them shut, fearful to disobey someone who was clearly capable of ending her existence. Luna wondered what exactly she had done. Then came the question, "I need to let my friends out, where do I go?". A soft cry escaped Luna's throat. Friends? As if one of them wasn't terrifying enough.

"I don't know," Luna answered, her voice shaking like a leaf in the wind, "I don't know anything." Her bottom lip began to quiver and Luna could feel the tears coming on. "I-I thought this was a hospital...or at least that's what...". Luna's voice trailed off as for the first time it occurred to her that dad may have been lying. Something in her felt broken. Tears began to well up in her eyes and stream down her face. Was everything a lie? Luna thought hard and realized that the signs were all there. She had been to naieve to pick up on them. She remembered something her dad had once told her. "Up," She said, her regaining slight control of her voice, "We need to go up."
Cheshure was intrigued by how easily Tetsuya had escaped. He ran up to the door and slammed his fist into the hard metal plate that blocked his freedom. Before they walked by him, he screamed," Please! Please help me out of here! I've been in this twisted madhouse for forever! I-I'll do whatever you want! Please!" He shrieked, red eyes wild with anticipation. For too long, Cheshire had been confined. For too long, he hasn't seen the light of day. Cheshire Cat wanted out. He gripped the door and hit his head into it, hoping to make enough noise to get their attention. He was quickly yanked back by a large silver chain that attached onto the wall. Snarling, Cheshire went back, and out of pure rage, ripped the chain out of the wall. The chain flew back and hit hus face, causing a bloody gash to form on his cheek where the chain had hit. It seemed to have no effect on him and Cheshire screamed semi-sane," Cheshire wants out! OUT! CHESHIRE WANTS OUT!" Cheshire then ran into the door, creating a loud bang. He was now half-insane and on the verge of breaking. He whispered through the little crack in the door," Cheshire Cat wants out..."
Tetsuya knew all too well how far people would go to keep the facility safe, he'd been lied too.. in fact most of what he was told was pure fabrication. He knelt down, looking at Luna's poor upset face, she didn't deserve what was happening, she was just a girl. Unlike Chesire and him, she'd not been forced to grow up just yet, she'd not killed a man or even thought of it. He put his arm around her, and, much like a father and his child, picked her up, telling her to hold onto Him.

Hearing Chesire's screams of pure desperation, he decided to let him out, grabbing a key card and opening his cell. He wasn't afraid of the poor fellow, he understood how maddening it could be down there, the pure white walls often played tricks on those there for extended periods.. acting as a canvas for hallucinations to manifest. He'd adopted his regular face, one filled with a deep pain, yet somehow full of resolve.. nervous about the world but curious too.. he had no time to curl up in a corner, there were people too protect. He let the door swing open, looking over at the wreck of a being before him, just as hurt as he was. "Let everyone out.. I need to find someone." The person he spoke of wasn't in one of those cells, he needed to look him up, wasting no time and heading off to find the security office. He didn't know what it was, but people often went in there and came out speaking of the cameras, it only made sense.
Luna was a bit calmer, but not too much so, when Cheshire began banging on his door and screaming something about getting out. Luna shivered. Tetsuya at least seemed sane, but Cheshire... She really hoped he would stay where he was. Tetsuya was right in front of her now, looking at her face. Probably deciding how to kill me. She thought desperately. And then, in an unexplainable gesture, Tetsuya picked her up. Even if he was a monster, it was strangely comforting. "Hold on" he said, his voice seeming much kinder than before. Luna did as she was told, she would have held on anyway, though. Luna pressed herself closer to Tetsuya, shivers running down her spine as she did so. He was warm and Luna sought the heat that he radiated. She knew that he and the faint beating of his heart were both real. And she desperately needed something real to cling to.

Tetsuya carried her out of the cell and down the hall where he unlocked Cheshire's door. It swung slilently open and a small gasp escaped her throat. She buried her face in Tetsuya's chest. She didn't want to see this new creature. Luna didn't have to worry too much though, because as soon as the door was opened, Tetsuya was moving on. She let out a little sigh of relief.
Oh, sorry, I'll revise that to chest.

There we go, all fixed. :)

One last thing I failed to mention, Luna is 16 and very short.
Cheshire was astonished. He'd never in a thousand years think someone would ACTUALLY let him out. Cheshire leaped out gracefully, wiping the blood off his face. He stared at Tetsuya with a new emotion. Graditude. He told himself that he wpuld not harm these two people, for they helped him, and to an animal, that was a big deal. Yet Cheshire couldn't help but lick his lips in the sight of Luna, but shoved it in the back of his mind. Stepping silently, for a madman, he wore slightly formal clothing. His coat fluttered softly," Everyone out?" He questioned, not knowing why in the world, but decided to follow anyway. Cheshire stood beside Luna, noticing her cautious feelings. Cheshire looked away and muttered," Che. You're not my taste. You don't have enough on you," he tried his best to reassure Luna that he was a friend, but Cheshire was never the best in words. He looked at Tetsuya and nodded a very grateful thank you. Cheshire straightened his coat and waited for instructions.
Much to her horror, Luna heard Cheshire's footsteps behind her. Tetsuya stopped, turning to face the cat. "Everyone out?" he asked. Luna filled with dread. Cheshire seemed to sense her discomfort. He spoke again, directed at Luna this time, "You're not my taste. You don't have enough on you". Luna shivered, for once glad she was so little. She wondered if he would have eaten her, had she been bigger. She made a mental note to eat as little as she could from then on. Tetsuya was fine; she liked him, well, as much as one could like someone they had a rightful fear of. Cheshire however, was a different story. She would be staying far away from him. Though he was younger than her and she had never seen him kill someone, it seemed clear that he was the most dangerous.
Tetsuya handed over the key card, he'd never taken charge but it was something he took too quickly. "Lock up the hallway, then let people out of their cells. People are broken here Cheshire.. I know you've killed, and you'll have too again if they're not themselves." Despite him and Cheshire having partial insanity in common, they still had control of themselves, some others were not so lucky and just broke down, wanting to destroy everything and everyone they saw. He moved Luna around, letting her sit on his back so that he could run easier, heading down the hall towards the security office. Once again he told her to shut her eyes, kicking down the door and kicking again, this time striking the man at the desk, knocking him out, sending him into the wall in a heap. He then looked towards the computer, it was unlocked much to his luck, after this he begun typing, searching for someone. He typed in the name "Kazuya" it came up with a file, a patient there, code black.. worse than he or Cheshire, far worse. The picture wasn't clear enough to see on the screen, it'd been spattered with small traces of blood. "No.. no he's not here.. Luna, I need to take this with me." He'd told her to close her eyes to shield the violence, but now he needed her help. He needed that file transferred, put on a pda that sat next to it. "Please.. I need to find him, and when we see the sky, I'll keep you safe."
Cheshire licked his lips again, this time more viciously. He saluted," Yessir," he rasped and went over to lock the way out. Cheshire swiftly unlocked others' cells, and he came upon a cell with a crazed girl. She mumbled and laughed to herself, which was a little creepy. He shrugged and unlocked her cell, and in an instant, he girl leaped at Cheshire, clawing at his hair. He snarled angrily, throwing her off and slicing at her throat. Her neck spurted in a frenzy of blood, and she fell to the ground. Dead. Cheshire looked over to Luna and was glad she had her eyes closed. Cheshire continued to do his job, his face emotionless when he had to kill. The last was set free, but Cheshire had to kill three or four prisoners that had already fell down into the abyss of madness. Cheshire laughed to himself. He was already halfway into that abyss. Walking back to Tetsuya, Cheshire couldn't help but to laugh hysterically at the blood on his claws. That crimson color. It was lovely to him. He loved to make it dance. Especially on other people. His ear piercings jingled softly as he stepped back, chuckling and snickering. "Mission accomplished~" he said happily in a tunelike ring. "Cheshire is finished~!"
Tetsuya began to walk down the hall, moving Luna to his back and telling her to close her eyes. She closed them, partially from fear and partially because she had decided to do everything he told her to. He began to run, far faster than any normal human, Luna noted, tightening her grip on him. She heard a door swing open and a few shouts. Guards. She could predict what would happen next. The sounds of death made her cringe, but strangely enough she was beginning to feel less uneasy with the killing. From behind her, she could hear Cheshire, murdering various others, no doubt. The image that filled her head, him covered in the blood of various other patients wasn't pretty, but it suited him just fine. Worst of all was the laughter, he seemed to enjoy the hunt, like murder was his passion. Chills shook her again. He was so unlike Tetsuya.

From Tetsuya, she heard clicks and taps, messing with a computer, she guessed. He let out a noise of frustration. "I need to take this with me," he said. Luna opened her eyes, he wanted a file transferred from the desktop to a PDA. She knew how to do it. She got off his back and started working, trying not to look around her. Blood stained the walls and floors; she was standing in a puddle of it. The smell permeated the room, making her nasceous. "...when we see the sky, I'll keep you safe". Tetsuya finished his sentence and Cheshire appeared in the doorway, announcing that he was finished with his task. Luna finished her job quickly. She picked up the PDA and turned to face Tetsuya. He was drenched in blood, although not quite as bad as Cheshire. She placed the device in his hands, looking up at him sincerely. "Do you promise?" She asked, wrapping her little hands around his big ones as well as she could.
Tetsuya stood against the door, looking out into the hallway for a few moments. He couldn't let his guard down, even when asleep he was always tense. As if out of instinct his stance was defensive, in general and now towards Luna in quite a fathering way. He acted as almost a shield, though not a huge man he was quite tall and had a clearly defined muscular figure, even if he wasn't how he was he'd still look threatening. He knelt down and took the pda from her, thanking her with a gentle smile "I promise, I'll keep you safe". He didn't know what to expect when they escaped but his word was his word, he'd not break a promise, not to someone that had saved him from his hell. From a nearby cabinet he took two of the soldiers uniforms, placing them on a metal table besides him, grabbing two rifles and two sidearms as well, when Cheshire came into the room he kicked the door shut, locking it quickly. He took a small metal ammo box, with a strap that allowed it to be carried on the back of soldiers, setting that down and removing the clips from it. "Cheshire, I need you to change into this." he slid one of the clothing piles over, it wasn't a request, closer to an order. "I don't want to look like them either, but we need to so we can leave." For Luna it wouldn't be a problem, the soldiers knew who she was, and would assume they were helping her, which they were, but not in the way they thought.. they were taking her away. Tetsuya quickly changed, throwing on everything, including the padded vest and such, sliding the pistol into it's holster and loading a rifle. He'd never used a gun in his life, not properly at least, never had one to himself. They needed to look the part, even with their combined strength and skill there were simply too many guards for them to survive without cunning. After he'd dressed, once again he picked up Luna, putting her on his back and passing up a helmet, it was too big of course but protection was protection, a stray bullet could kill her, should it turn to a gunfight in the end.

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