Bringing Down the Reign of the Dragon-Blooded


Senior Member
How can one acheve this and how would the Realm react to such a threat?

To be a bit more exact, 4 Solars intend to get a ship in Nexus, sail it to the Imperial City and end the reign of the Realm.  On the team they got a sadistic Dawn Caste who can't dodge shit, not-as-much sadistic Night Caste who can dodge anything, martial artist Eclipse Caste who is the only one in the circle with social skills, and a sorcerous Twilight Caste who may not even show up for the trip as the player's always missing the day we intend to play.

None of them knows how to sail a ship so they'll have to find a captian who is willing to take them on that trip.  I intend that captain to be yet another Solar who will give them some information and a fair warning, but if they insist he will sail them to the Blessed Isle (or at least close enough for them to swim the rest) if they can pay the price for the trip.

How could they end the Realm's reign and how would the Realm react to such a ridicule threat?
Unless they have a masterful plan which you have neglected to mention, they're dead meat.

Four newly Exalted Solars against the hundreds of Dragon-Blooded of the Scarlet Dynasty and Immaculate Order as well as the thousands of mortal patricians supporting the Houses and the tens of thousands of devout peasant workers who will not allow their souls to be corrupt by the Anathema?

Good luck.
In the heart of their home turf, no less.

Sink the ship and see if the night caste can dodge the fricken ocean.

That's just daffers, that's what that is.  I don't know where to begin on that one, the only thing I can say is that if you allow the players to get more than a mile inland, you're doing a serious diservice to the realm, the DBs and the game as a whole.

Smack them down and smack them down hard.

More directly in regards to your actual question: the realm would react in massive force, especially if they make their presence known close to a metropolitan area.  They'll have a mob of DBs that chase them down and none of them will last long.  They'll get butchered, the incident will get played up for maximum glory/publicity and then the DBs will go back to... er tea and bridge or whatever it is DBs do in their spare time.
I advise mercy: let Chejop Kejak be wandering to the shops for some Old Man Rub and just happen to come across them, killing them instantly.


... 'Cause he's so ugly! BURN!!
Pfft, hardly a burn :P He knows this already. After five thousand years, some things you have to come to grips with.
Have them take an invisible airship and have them halo jump to the manse where the Realm Defense Grid is located...

I mean if they're gonna do something crazy...
somehow get to the old deliberative chamber and hack into the defense grid and then melt the dynasts.
This actually sounds like an interesting campaign.  After all, probabilities dictate that Solars Exalt on the Blessed Isle just as often as they Exalt in the other parts of Creation.  What I would do if I were them is try to find out about these Solars who have gone underground and create a resistance on the Blessed Isle itself.  Another, but very risky, way of doing it is to make alliances with the other Houses.  If they get the aid of one House against another in the contest for the Throne, that would be a great boon to them and they could always get rid of House when their mutual enemies have been defeated.  Of course, the ally House could do the same to them.  I know that this may seem farfetched, but if Memnon is willing to parley with Masks of Winters why not a few Solars?
Read my sig :P

I bought the entire series last weekend after a long time searching. It's been a looooong time since I first watched it.
Sato said:
Sink the ship and see if the night caste can dodge the fricken ocean.
Well, if we go into technical issues, the ocean isn't an attack per se, so the Night Caste could dodge the attack that would sink the ship (even though the ship itself couldn't) but as the ship sinks he's screwed.

But back on topic, how would one end the Realm?  I'm well aware that those Exalts couldn't do it, but I would want to know how they could if they'd survive to see another day.  I want them alive (at least for now) so I will give them many chances to turn away.
Are we talking just killing the Realm and dancing on it's ashes? Sure, it can happen, but as soon as the world collapses from it's one and only protector (sorry all, but you know this is true) and the Fae come a knocking with the DLs...well, you're fucked.
There are disguised Changing Moons all over the place. Once the Realm begins to go down, they'd know, and the Silver Pact would be in there like a shot. Into the Manse, pacify those uppity spirits keeping the thing running, put No Moons at the controls. First thing, repel the Fair Folk invasion that follows them into Creation, 'cos that's a matter of survival, and survival comes first. Second, take out civilisation, 'cos that's personal.

We kill all the Dynasts (eating their Hearts, of course), take in some well-trained Outcastes, beat on those Sidereals right good, kill any Solars who resist (Because there'll be an Essence 10 Celestial at the helm, not some desperate Terrestrial without enough power to reach that far), teach all the other Solars the REAL way of doing things, send the new Silver Pact Solars and DBs to kick the DLs back where they came from, and then it's savagery and honour, forever and ever.

You mean hard on for all things Lunar will not avail you. I promise. :P You've got rose tinted glasses for a conspiracy that doesn't exist :P
Jukashi said:
There are disguised Changing Moons all over the place. Once the Realm begins to go down, they'd know, and the Silver Pact would be in there like a shot. Into the Manse, pacify those uppity spirits keeping the thing running, put No Moons at the controls. First thing, repel the Fair Folk invasion that follows them into Creation, 'cos that's a matter of survival, and survival comes first. Second, take out civilisation, 'cos that's personal.
We kill all the Dynasts (eating their Hearts, of course), take in some well-trained Outcastes, beat on those Sidereals right good, kill any Solars who resist (Because there'll be an Essence 10 Celestial at the helm, not some desperate Terrestrial without enough power to reach that far), teach all the other Solars the REAL way of doing things, send the new Silver Pact Solars and DBs to kick the DLs back where they came from, and then it's savagery and honour, forever and ever.

First, I believe in all seriousness, that Essence 10 doesn't exist amongst the Lunars. Here's why: NO Exalts, (The DLs AREN'T Exalts) have Essence 10 aside Kejak. I'll take that Leviathan may have it, but he doesn't do shit but float.

NO, repeat NO Solar or DB would ever follow the Pact, I support this with the fact that there are no cults as such following the Lunars. Almost all of the people (this includes Solars and DBs regard them as mindless barbarians. Even Swan who is married to one doesn't think terribly high of her).

The Imperial Manse won't accept a Lunar commander. Why? The thing IS alive. I bet they'd rather fight to the death than see someone else take over the fucking thing. Seriously now, shapeshifting to try and decieve them? I wouldn't buy it if they did. The Empress was meant to find that thing from some 'divine' ordinance. To which I have no answer as to why she got in it.

Sure you wanna kill them all? You be starting a new realm with a Lunar Wyld Hunt, whoop d fuckin' do. Seriously, your rose tinted sights on a Luanr overtake of canon is laughable. LAUGHABLE I say!!!   :D

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