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Fantasy Brightside City - OOC


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I'm linking the Interest Check because I think it conveys what I'm thinking. In short, the characters live in Brightside City doing anything you've seen in a superhero comic book. You can be a civilian, hero, vigilante, anti-hero, or villain. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Questions that will probably be asked:

1. How long should posts be?

I'd like this to be a well crafted and developed story, so more than the bare minimum. In other words, just make an effort.

2. Are realistic faceclaims required?

I prefer realistic, but you do you.

3. What powers are allowed?

Anything below supernatural. So sorry, no demons, gods, angels, demigods, or magic.
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I'm linking the Interest Check because I think it conveys what I'm thinking. In short, the characters live in Brightside City doing anything you've seen in a superhero comic book. You can be a civilian, hero, vigilante, anti-hero, or villain. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Questions that will probably be asked:

1. How long should posts be?

I'd like this to be a well crafted and developed story, so more than the bare minimum. In other words, just make an effort.

2. Are realistic faceclaims required?

I prefer realistic, but you do you.

3. What powers are allowed?

Anything below supernatural. So sorry, no demons, gods, angels, demigods, or magic.

A few question:

1. Ho do we know if weve been accepted?

2. When do the players start?

Enjoy my Dark-Hero. He is the type of person that funds himself on the spoils of war (aka, his war on crime.)

He is similar to the Punisher, in the aspect that he believes that in certain circumstances, killing them is a better alternative than just locking them up. Plus, if we're dealing with gang members or Severe Offenders.....Well, in his mind, they're not going to be missed. He is doing the world a favor xD

His 'Alias' is Technomancer.
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Enjoy my Dark-Hero. He is the type of person that funds himself on the spoils of war (aka, his war on crime.)

He is similar to the Punisher, in the aspect that he believes that in certain circumstances, killing them is a better alternative than just locking them up. Plus, if we're dealing with gang members or Severe Offenders.....Well, in his mind, they're not going to be missed. He is doing the world a favor xD

His 'Alias' is Technomancer.

Sounds dope.

I am thinking about making another dark hero, though this one leaning more towards evil. Basically, he did try to be a hero at one point, but after being imprisoned so that city could cover up all the destruction, he just lost sight of what was important. He now lives to fight (after breaking out, of course). He'll fight anyone if it means being entertained.

I look at the Fantasy OOC Forum and I see you posted last so you just KNOW I gotta look xDDD

Gotta say, not surprised you joined this! It seems like it'd be a lot of fun!


I MAY join this! We'll see how school pans out and we'll see if I'll have time!

Hey, give me some credit, I am not THAT bad at choosing roleplays. Sides, I like I story, it has the premise for a great roleplay if executed properly. Don't think I've tried that many super hero roleplay's either way.
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I actually had some questions about the government's approach towards the superhumans, are they wary of them, do they take precautions with their existence or what? :O
They tend to leave them be. They used to try and influence them when it seemed necessary, like setting statutes and stuff, but they realized that supers tend to keep other supers in check. When a super uses their power badly, a super usually takes them out, so they started just letting them work things out and not interfering unless asked to.

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