Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

"Im fine. Better than you and trust me I won't be getting near any other contractor since I cant heal myself and if I'm hurt I can't heal you guys as well." Asuna said as she place one hand on Hiro's side and the other on his hand."You dislocated your pinky and broke your thumb. Way to go genius. Next time punch a person. They're softer." She said teasingly. She let some energy pour into his body, making her hand warm up and tingle. "Your still going to feel a bit sore and it'll go away in a few minutes." She took her hand away from his side and lifted his hand to her mouth. She kissed it lightly and quickly as red spread across her cheeks. "Hopefully the others will reveal themselves quickly." Asuna dropped Hiro's hand and sighed.
"Oh Asuna my dear, what would I do without you? And unfortunately I ran out of humans to punch so that wall was looking like a pretty damn good option." He smiled at her and gave her a small bow, "I will forever be in your debt mistress, so remember that when you need something." Giving her a playful wink, he than laid his hand on her shoulder giving her a thankful smile. Standing back up he looked around the room. It was silent and dark now, most of the electricity from the lights were absorbed by Hiro when he made that final attack. In the moment of calm Hiro tried to think back to how he managed to control his power so well but all he could remember was the feral feeling of the hunt. Finding his target, eliminating his target, than moving away to lick his wounds and wait.

Shaking his head he rubbed his temples again, noticing while doing this that his hand no longer hurt. His ribs were a different story, they were just sore now though, no more sharp pains.
"Having a healer is going to be my saving grace if I can't get myself under control." The second personality that took over during the fight scared him but a small piece of him wished to experience it again. That kind of power was addicting, the temptation was growing, making his mouth wet. He hungered for another life to end because of him, he wished to kill again.
Asuna saw movement by the back door out of the corner of her eye. Without listening for a reply from Hitomi, she stood up and cranes her neck to get a better view. She groaned, wishing she could fight or least use her ability in offensive rather than just defensive. "Hey, guys, theres someone by the back door. He is huddling behind a table and a few dead civilians. Hiro, there's an electrical wire about a foot away from him. I think I can see some sparks coming from it."
Hitomi didn't really care what happened to the person hiding. What did she care about a simple human life? She was almost tempted to deal with him herself but she put her hands up and shrugged and turned and smiled to Hiro. "He is all yours, do as Asuna said. Then we should be getting out of here and make our way somewhere safe before they pin point our identities." She said as she remembered something and put the medical mask on. "I'd do the same or I or the Syndicate will end you, no questions asked." She said seriously and anxiously looked around again, she had a weird fear of someone stalking her.
"Asuna, I'm going to owe you everything I own by the time we're done."

Laughing to himself he moved towards the back wall, going behind the bar. If anything it would give him something to protect himself with, contractors were hard to fight, you never knew what they could do. Smiling, he started humming to himself, the feral feeling of war was starting to sneak it's way back in.

"Come out, come out where ever you are! Don't you wanna play." His voice was shrill again, his eyes starting to brighten around the edges, the red leaking back in like a bleeding wound. Picking up a bottle from the shelf below the bar he silently popped the cap off. The lights that lit up the edge of the bar were still flickering, Asuna had also mentioned the wire by the door. Grabbing a towel off the ground, be placed the bottle between his legs. "You wanna know the greatest thing about alcohol, other than it can make you stumbling drunk?" Grabbing a towel off the bar, he dropped it below eye-sight under the bar, stuffing it into the neck of the bottle. Looking up the man had exited his hiding place, he was tense, but hadn't made a move. Hiro laughing again, the sound cutting through the air, the pitch almost hurt his own ears. Grabbing a pack of matches, he lit one, letting it burn until it reached his finger tips and even then he let it burn out. He did it once more, letting it burn him, than die. The gentleman yelled something about the question he had asked earlier, Hiro looked up. Lighting a match he lit the towel on fire, at first it just smoldered but soon there was a small flame. "It makes quite the fire show." Throwing the bottle over the counter and just over the mans head, he let out another shrill cackle. The man cussing made it about a step forward before the bottle exploded, sending glass showering from ceiling level. The blast pushed the man to the ground however, he had survived. Multiple cuts accompanied the older scars that lined the mans face. Hiro raised an eyebrow, "You know, I think you look better this way, maybe it's just me, what do you think Hitomi?"

The man was groaning but he didn't seem like he was going to stay down for longer than a couple minutes, Hiro was basking in the light of his own genious plan. He didn't even have to use his own powers, what a great fighter he was truly becoming. Once again, Hiro had tunnel vision this time though it was much worse. Forgetting about the fight entirely he continued to make snide comments about how he was truly a force to be reckon with and other arrogant things of that nature.
Hitomi sighed and shook her head, I guess this wasn't any normal human. "You know Hiro, you don't have to make things so complicated, you could've just shocked him and skipped the makeover. But in the end I digress, let me finish this off." She said in a muffling tone as her voice was softened by the mask. The man slowly got up, staggering towards Hitomi as a a green flashing plasma javelin formed in his hands and he threw it right at Hitomi, striking her in the shoulder. However she didn't scream, her eyes widened and she looked slightly shocked, but not a yelp of pain. She quickly tore out the weapon and tossed it asside where it vanished on impact of the ground. The man fell to his knees and tears filled his eyes. "They- they didn't say it would be this hard! Damn them! They tricked me! Wait, please don't kill me, please no!" The man said lying his head against the ground crying, Hitomi slightly chuckled and lightly put her foot over his head. "Sorry I don't play that way." She said looking up the disco ball and in a moment her entire body illuminated blue and small crack could be heard on the strings of the disco ball and it soon came falling down on the crying man. Hitomi jumped back with ease but the man had no such luck, he attempted rolling away but had his entire left side crushed, bone to muscle, to organ..
No one noticed when he entered, nor when when her slithered where she layed, the attention drawn to smaller matters. Two contractors were dead and now two were left: the body guard and...


Before she could react he wrapped herself around her, like the serpent he was, and wiggled his hand into her hair.

"Don't say anything."

Not waiting a moment he stood up, her exposed body his benevolent shield.

"I have Asuna! If you want her to live, come out before she becomes nothing more than a delicious pink splatter."
"Hitomi, my hostess, if I knew you had a side like this I would have been even more interested in you than I was before. Gorgeous, absolutely beautifully executed..."

Hiro continued to ramble on about how great Hitomi's show was, and soon fell silent. Hiro's head was throbbing all of a sudden and he felt weak. Taking a moment he did a full body evaluation, looking himself over, trying to feel where the disorientation was coming from. When he got to his hands he saw that he held on to the bottle just a little to long and was now dealing with a second, possibly third, degree burn. Looking down his arm he saw that it was covered, his pants were hard with dried blood, and his eye sight began to blur.

But that didn't matter any more, the newest addition to the crowd had Asuna.
"Well how distasteful of you to grab my dear Asuna that way, I suggest to let her go before things get ugly." Hiro knew he was in no condition to fight, his injuries were bad and his healer was now being captive, but there was little else he could do.

"Dont worry Asuna, my dear. Hitomi and I will have this all straightened out in just a few moments." He flashed her a smile and hoped he could at least win her vote of confidence, because he sure as hell wasn't winning his own.

(( I am off to bed for the evening my lovelies, as always it's been a pleasure :3 also, I work during the evening tomorrow and through out the weekend so I'll be available during the day instead of the evening, so I'll try to post as often as I can! Good night! ))
Asuna gasped in surprise. Shocked, she elbowed him, making no difference in his hold. "Damn, why are you doing this? Im part of the good side you freak." She hissed. Asuna noticed that Hiro was injured. Badly and Hitomi was slightly distracted. This might not end well. "Hiro, I can't be saved. Im terrible at defending myself and I cant heal you. You're too far, unless you think you can get me in less than five minutes." 
(I gotta go too guys, im free tomorrow through sunday though so I can post whenever :3 night!)
"My that one's full of himself," Seren chuckled, doing his best to hold himself in," don't you think so?"

The slighted beauty he held struggled as valiantly within, her efforts lost to nothingness.

'If only you knew,' he thought.

"You have one last moment," he yelled, eyeing the duo before him. "If you do not come out now," he cried," I will forfeit this woman's life this instant."

The man before him grew aggressive, his powers waiting to expend. The action drew much from Seren. One day he saw himself killing the man, but for now that day wouldn't come.

"You have till three till I defeat her." He shouted.

"One" The man tensed.

"Two." The girl threatened to move.

"Three". Blood poured from Seren's nose. Suddenly, the body guard appeared from the back, ready to kill the contractors.

"Just as I planned."

As soon as the man burst forward, every bottle within his reach exploded, thin fragments caking his skin to oblivion. Seren threw up blood on his hostess and pushed her away, her job finished. He fell, his night of bloodshed finally getting to him. He saw a movement. The bodyguard was still barely alive.

He turned to the man in front of him and smiled.

"It looks like its your time to shine."
Asuna gagged as she realized that blood was splattered onto her clothes. Before she could really react, Asuna felt herself being pushed away. She fell onto her hands and knees. "What the hell!?" She looked behind her at the man and noticed the bodygaurd encased in a suit of glass. He was slowly dying and the pther contractor was now facing the same fate.
"You say full of myself, I saw daringly confident." Asuna was right, unless he had a master plan of getting her out of his grasp he was going to pass out, soon. Letting his mind race, he heard Seren start the count down, his heart was in his throat. Was he really just going to watch her die? Really be that guy who stood and did nothing, like a helpless child.

Looking down at his hand Hiro sighed, he knew what he had to do but was he going to get his hand back? The blood was drying and he could see the wound, blistering and if he wasn't mistaken pieces of bone were starting to show through. Shaking his head no he raised his left hand, his right hand was officially out of commission. Before Hiro even had to look for a source of electricity another explosion. This time it was glass though, a much finer sound, it was sharp against his ears.

Taking a moment to evaluate it looked like Asuna was free from his grasp but she was covered in blood? Was it her's or his? He exhaled and quickly moved towards Asuna, standing in front of her.
"Asuna, are you okay?" His voice was tense and than he heard Seren,

It looks like it's your time to shine.

Suddenly the pain was gone, he felt the familiar cloak of insanity fall upon his shoulder, his smiled cracked; back in to the feral grin it was once before.
"What a shame, what a shame, a pretty mess we have here." Hiro cooed to himself, looking up his eyes were red bleeding with the insanity that was becoming much for frequent. Slowly taking two steps forward he chuckled but when he brought his head up, his face was in a plastered grin.

"A shame, a shame, it's time to die..." With that Hiro ran at Seren, electricity now sitting in his left palm. As he got closer his heart beat a little bit faster, his eyes grew a little bit wider, until he was right there. For a split second everything was so clear, another life to add to the count, and he brought his hand down toward's Seren's skull...

@Zediah47 , I didn't wanna end your character's life with out permission plus I wanted to see if you had any other twists up your sleeve! Hence why the post is left in '...', if you want me to change anything just let me know. ^^ ))
"Yeah, I'm fi-" Asuna stopped speaking as she noticed Hiro changing into someone else. His eyes were turning red. Was he insane? What was he doing!? Asuna inhaled sharply and reached out to stop Hiro. Asuna was never scared, she had never been frightened. Definitely shocked and furious but not scared but in this moment she was feeling a small spark of fear flutter in her chest has she saw Hiro's ferocity and insanity. Asana could see a glimmer of sanity. Maybe she could reach it and put Hiro back before he did something stupid. "Hiro!! Stop!" She yelled as his hand reached for Seren's skull.
"Oh, my," Seren whispered, the darkened glee he felt nothing short of ungodly, " I save your life and you work to end mine? Your really are a simple fool."

As the man, Hiro if he remembered, ran to attack, Seren used what little reserves he had to end the evil thrown to his part. Hiro was fast, but justice was faster.

Hiro's arm shot forward, a lazy attempt on his part. Acting quickly from years of instinct, Seren jabbed his arm into his elbow quicker than he could perceive.


All bones broke at once, the pain in his arm leaving him breathless. Falling on his momentum, Seren used this struggle to his advantage.

The body guard broke free from his crystal chrysalis, the shards now empty notes. Seren smiled, the song he was about to compose his best.

"Show time."

Grabbing his broken arm, Seren twisted Hiro as the body guard went to attack, his physical powers unstoppable to any around.

" It's about to be payback."
Kohaku slowly got closer to the alleyway and realized something he needed an escape route as well. He drew a P-purple circle then continued back towards the alleyway. "I wonder..." he said to himself eating a piece of chalk as per his payment.
Ritsu looked around and found 3 escape routes. One on the left, one in front of them and one on the right. They were three alley ways. ' I wonder which wagbis the safest...'

@Bills352 @Orion
Kohaku got to the alleyway, and continued inside it. "Oh, where are you going?" he asked them while walking inside the alleyway, careful of where he stepped since he wasn't entirely sure what could happen.
Ritsu turned around and looked at kohaku " oh no where....." she answered as she took out her knives and got into a fighting stance. Luka seemed to disappeared again.

@Bills352 @Orion
Kohaku saw her take out the knives. Slowly taking a few steps backwards he kept his eyes on Ritsu. "Oh, intend to fight is that right?" Kohaku asked her ready to move if she was to go on the offensive.
" well of course i am ....your the one that attacked which means your with government.... " ritsu said to kohaku. She looked at him closely for any sudden movements.
Kohaku took a very long look at Ritsu. "I attacked you? Or perhaps you were just in the way." He placed a hand on his head. "So, I'm with the government.. how frightening." Kohaku finished taking a slow step forward, and then continued to look at the knives.
Ritsu glared at him " attacked us....we were minding our own business..." she gripped her knives tightly
Kohaku stepped back a bit watching how she gripped the knives. "So, I take it an apology wouldn't help at this point?" he asked her carefully observing her actions.
' This is strange...this kid...' she looked at him "Answer this question first..... are you with the government?"
Kohaku stomach began to growl. "Huh...Can you eat it?" he asked her slowly leaning against the alleyway wall. Kohaku looked the girl up and down but kept his eyes on her knives and her feet.

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